Red Vengeance Vampire Knight...

By SkyAngel_

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Peace? What a joke... If there were such a thing like peace then there wouldn't be all these damn wars. Sure... More

Red Vengeance (Vampire Knight Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
!~Tag Challenge~!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Epilogue
Author's Note
Hello again!

Chapter 3

763 38 13
By SkyAngel_

Hi!:) I have decided to update every Wednesday so I can make room for my other story Hero's Journey. Maybe I'll add in another update day in the future, but for now it will be Wednesday.

Also, above is a picture of what I imagine what Hitomi looks like, except her hair is shorter. And yes I realize it is Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan XD But it was the closest picture I could find that resembles her.
Thanks that's all!



Glass crunches beneath our boots. Not a speck of blood or struggle.

For now.

So, far it just looks like an ordinary break and entry, but of course that isn't the case. Somewhere in this mansion, just nights ago, a vampire or vampires invaded this house and sucked all the blood out of the vampire hunters that lived within. In this case there were no survivors, there usually aren't.

Kaien treads beside me, his hair down and his glasses tucked away in his trench coat. He's quiet, uncharacteristically so. At least I know he can ditch his over the top personality in times of need. It is a small relief.

"This way." Kaien suddenly says, causing me to tense in readiness for a battle.

Immediately I relax. "How can you tell?" I raise a brow, following the boisterous hunter nonetheless.

"Instincts." Is his terse answer.

It's answer enough.

I trail behind Kaien as he leads the way forward. Suddenly the blond stops in his tracks. If my reflexes weren't so sharp I would of crashed into him.

"What is it?" I ask, annoyance lacing my voice.

"It happened in here." Kaien says quietly, his eyes looking like dull pennies.

I look at the hunter skeptically. Having reliable instincts is one thing, but knowing without a doubt where something happened is another.

Without another word Kaien turns the doorknob and steps inside. Having no choice but to follow the idiot I go in after him. Only to see that he's right.

Puddles of blood stain the grey carpet. The bodies are gone, taken away for the proper respects. But still the blood remains, having yet to dry or fully dissolve into the carpet. There's too much of it for that.

Worse still we are not alone. Three level Es kneel on the ground, desperately trying to lap up the blood. Upon hearing us, all three vampires pause and look up at us, cold eyes shining with hunger. Blood drips from their faces but still their hunger is not sated. A level E's hunger never ends. I would know.

"Grab your weapon, but do it slowly. We don't need them leaping at us once they see we're a threat."

Red anger flashes through me. I know how to do my job and I do it damn well. I don't need this childish bastard telling me how to do it.

However, I do not defy his order. No matter how much I wish to, the advice is solid. Something I would of done anyway without him saying anything.

My hand slowly reaches for one of my guns at the holster around my waist. In one fluid motion the gun is in my hand, ready for use.
Kaien in turn has a long deadly looking sword dangling from his hand. I hadn't even seen him unsheath it.

The three level Es grin at us invitingly. However, the left one's eyes dart to our weapons. The grin dissipates and a snarl rips from its throat.

This one recognizes a vampire hunter weapon, the leech must of bested or ran away from a hunter before. He will be dead soon enough.

At the defensive sound the other two turn to the snarling E and then take its example, lips curling and fangs glinting with slick red blood.

"Now." Kaien states calmly.

Swiftly, I lift up my gun and pull the trigger. The bullet finds its mark, right through the temple. I go to shoot the other only to find its head rolling around on the carpet. Kaien had beheaded it, that only left the snarling one in which Kaien deals with promptly.

This experienced E is harder to kill, but Kaien manages it without a scratch or bite to show for it.

The E's body drops to the ground, joining its brethren. Kaien's sword sits deeply within its stomach.

Kaien pulls out the sword and wipes the blood off of it on the carpet before slipping it back into its sheath.

"What the hell were level Es doing here?" I curse under my breath.

Kaien still hears this, though. "Often when investigating crime scenes level Es can be found not far from it. They're like vultures, sucking up the leftovers." Kaien says morbidly. "Have you not been on a case before?" At this he turns from where he was staring intently at the level Es' bodies to face me.

My eyes narrow. "No, I haven't."

"And why is that?"

I almost liked him better when he was being a naive fool.

My defenses go up and anger is once again my companion. "I'm the Hunter Association's bitch. I do only the dirty work."

I don't explain any further. I don't tell him that I joined the association late and I definitely don't explain the reasons why I did. I stated earlier that I hate nosy humans, but it is really just nosy people in general.

At my words Kaien's brown eyes widen, maybe that startled him enough to shut him up. Instead he clucks like a mother hen. "Hitomi! Language!"

My eyes scorch but I take a deep breath, letting it out from my nose. It helps expel the anger some.

I wave my hand flippantly. "It does not matter. Let's just move on with the investigation."

Kaien frowns but agrees. I make sure to keep my distance from him as we search around the room for any evidence on who or which vampire family conducted the murder. Of course I already know who did it, but I keep my mouth sewn shut on the matter as instructed by Makishima.

"They are smart." Kaien admits after around an hour or two of searching through the house thoroughly.

"Of course they are." I respond. "A case involving a vampire is only sloppily done when it involves a level E or," I pause, "they want to be found."

"You're clever Hitomi!" Kaien beams. "And I thought you said you've never done a case before."

"I haven't." I leave it at that, moving on to another subject. "Since these vampire or vampires did not leave behind not a scrap of evidence we should look at this from a different perspective."

"I agree." Kaien says. "Perhaps we should mark down the different vampires or vampire families that have been known to get their hands dirty with things like this in the past. We can create a suspect list out of that." He suggests.

I bob my head in agreement. It is as good a plan as any.

"But I don't remember every single vampire and their lineage!" Kaien frowns.

I sigh, rubbing my eyes in frustration. "I-I have an aunt. She owns a book of vampire lineages. She makes sure to update it as well." I say, dreading the words as they come from my mouth. I'd rather not involve my family in this nasty business.

The blonde's brown eyes widen and his hands fly to his cheeks. "That's so uber rare!"

Uber? What the hell does that even mean?

"Uh, yes. I suppose so."

"It really is! Only the first class vampires and only some of the nobles have them!"

I shrug, unimpressed. At least it will be helpful.

Kaien looks at me in shock. "Don't you think that's amazing?!"

I once again shrug. "It's just another bloodsucker's item."

"Hitomi! That is such a derogatory term!"

I raise a brow. "They are demon spawn, I can call them what I want."

Kaien shakes his head rapidly. "No, they aren't. Not all of them are bad."

I can't believe my ears. "Yes, they are! All they want is our blood and human blood. We're their prey, Kaien. Nothing can change that."

Kaien opens his mouth to speak, but I stop him with a piercing glare. "If you continue this argument I swear you'll end up dead by the end of it."

Kaien Cross, top vampire hunter for centuries, is a vampire peace supporter. I hate him more than ever.

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