Goodbye. {Shawn Mendes Fanfic}

By mendes_forever

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Not all love stories end with a happy ending More

Another Day
The phone call
I promise...
The Car Ride Home
Cuts and Bruises
Not worth your time
the beach
Born to die
Battle scars
I'm Here
Toys R Us
Bad News
Facetiming Shawn
New School
Living Life
Broken Glass
The note
Who's to blame?
Thinking about her
See You Again


4.3K 169 118
By mendes_forever

I sat in Shawn's closet and listened to everything the guys were saying.

"Santana didn't go to School today." One of the guys randomly say. "She's trying to avoid us, I think someone told her what we were planning to do." I heard Taylor say.

I really only recognized his voice because of his accent. "Who would tell her?" There was a silence amongst the guys. "Shawn?" One of the guys asked. "Why would I tell her? I hate her just as much as you guys do." Shawn says and I bite my lip to stop myself from saying anything. Those words that came out if Shawn's mouth hurt.

"Shawn wouldn't betray us like that." One of the guys say and it got quiet between them again. "We'll see her eventually." Shawn says and they're all quiet. They're probably on their phones or something.

"Guys look at her last tweet." I believe Carter said while laughing. "I wonder if you actually care." Shawn read the tweet out loud while laughing. "I thought she already knew nobody cared about her ugly skinny ass." Shawn commented and the guys laughed. My heart broke into a million pieces.

A few tears few from my eyes and I covered my mouth trying not make a sound while I cried. I feel like he's only hanging out with me to get inside my head and mess with my emotions. I feel like he betrayed me.

This is Bullshit. Why am I sitting here in Shawn's closet trying not to make any noise. Shawn got himself into this he could get himself out of it. I decided to text Shawn.

Santana: Get me the fuck out of you're closet before I fucking walk out right now.

Seconds later Shawn replies.

Shawn: Please just hold on a little longer. I don't want to kick them out

Santana: Fuck you.

Shawn: What time ?

Santana: I'm going to slap you once I get out of your closet and that's a promise.

I leaned up against the wall and waited for Shawn's friends to leave.
Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into an hour and an hour turned into two hours before the guys finally left.

Within those two hours Shawn called me a dumb bitch 7 times, a slut 5 times, a cunt 2 times, an ugly skinny ass 3 times, a whore and/or slut 15 times and a suicidal freak 28 times.

That's only from Shawn and each time those words came out of Shawn's mouth my heart broke into even smaller pieces.

Shawn finally got me out of his closet and I slapped him in the face as hard as I could. "What the fuck?!" He grabs my hands. "Why did you fucking slap me?" He asks letting go of my hands and looking at his red cheek in the mirror. "I told you I was going to slap you two hours ago and you called me 60 names in two hours." I say and start to walk out of his room. Shawn followed behind but I didn't pay him any attention. "You counted?" He asks and I ignored him. "What else was I suppose to do in your closet?" I ask and Shawn shrugs. "I don't know, sleep?"

"Fuck you!" I yell and start to storm my way to the front door. He grabbed my arm and I tried to get out of his grip. "Let go of me!" I yell at him. "Quit yelling Aaliyah is upstairs." Shawn says trying to calm me. "Does it look like I actually give a fuck?!" I yell back.

"I know you're mad but-" I cut Shawn off before he could continue. "You fucking betrayed me." I say and Shawn looks at me with sad eyes. "Why'd you hang out with me for the past two days? Was it to make me feel some type of way so you can fuck with my emotions later on?" I ask wiping the tears that we're falling from my eyes. Shawn grabs my hands in his and looks me in the eyes. "Why would I do that?" Shawn asked.

"Because you already did." I cry and Shawn wipes the tears away. "I really do like you Santana." Shawn whispers leaning in.

His right hand cupped my cheek as he leaned closer and closer. His lips brushed against mine before his lips were fully pressed against mine. The kiss was passionate, it's like he put all his feelings into the one kiss. He used his left hand to pull me closer to him even though it was impossible.

"I really really really really like you." Shawn whispers slightly pulling away. "I like you too." I say trying to catch my breath.

"What the heck?" We heard Aaliyah say and we turn to look at her. "You two were yelling ten seconds ago and now you're kissing. What is wrong with your generation?" She asks and walks back to her room.

Shawn and I lightly laugh. Shawn holds both of my hands in his. "I swear to you Santana our friendship means so much to me. I wouldn't want to ruin it, why would I talk so much shit about you when I knew you were in the closet listening? I thought you would've known that all those words that came out of my mouth were lies, honestly." Shawn says and looks me in the eyes. "I want to be more than just friends, I want you to be my girlfriend." Shawn says looking down at me waiting for my answer with pleading eyes. I was quite, I had no clue what I was going to say. Yeah I trust him as a friend, but do I trust him with my heart?

"Santana we were friends up until 7th grade you know the real me. Right now you're talking to the guy that was always by your side when we were younger, and even though we haven't talked in a few years this last week had me thinking about you. I remembered everything about you and I learned even more about you in these last couple of days and I want to be the one you come to for support." Shawn says looking down into my eyes. His height was astonishing! "Please be my girlfriend." Shawn begs and I agree.

Shawn picks me up and spins me around while I laugh at how happy he is.

"What about the guys?" I ask once he puts me down. "We hide it for as long as we can. We can't talk in person but we can always pass cute little notes in class and in the hallways. We can also text during class or are you too much of a goodie goodie to text me during class." Shawn teases.

"Shut up." I laugh. He kisses my cheek and grabs his keys. "I'll drive you home." He says and I agree. We get into his jeep and he drives me home while we sing along to the songs on the radio.

"You can't sing." Shawn laughs and I laugh along. "I know I can't." I agree and continue to horribly sing along with the song on the radio.

We soon get to my house and Shawn leans over to give me a kiss on the cheek. "By chipmunk." Shawn laughs and I smile. "Bye monkey." I respond and Shawn fills his cheeks with air and pulls on his ears. "Stop you actually look like a monkey." I laugh and give him one last kiss goodbye.

I go inside to find nobody home like always. It was already 9:30 so I decided to get ready for bed by taking a shower and changing into my pajamas.
I turn the lights out and try to fall asleep but all I could think about was that kiss.

I ended up falling asleep with a smile on my face and to be honest it was the first time I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

It's been a while since I smiled but that all changed once Shawn came back into my life.

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