Nawal - One Shots

By nina282

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One shots More

Truth Unveils - Part 1
The Past Unfolds
Destroyed Emotions
Redemption (Part 2 of Breakdown)
Redemption - Version 2
Battling the Storm
Amrish Shocked and Hetal Rocked
Battling the Storm - Version 2
Starting Over Again
Giving Up
The Aftermath
the aftermath - version 2
Fighting for her - Aftermath 2 V2
Switcheroo 2
Giving Up - Version 2
Coming Home
Convincing Natasha
Love Overcomes
A new beginning
Winning a war
Her wedded life
Her wedded life 2
Overcoming the defeat
Wedding Affair
New Beginnings
Leaving to Heal
Overcoming Obstacles
Helpless Part 2
Family's encounter
Love and War
Fighting for her loves
Overcoming the hurdles (part 2)
The Downfall
Standing Up for Her
Giving Hope
love in the air
His Runaway Wife
Runaway Wife part 2
Hide and Seek Bride
Finally together ❤️
Hide and Seek Bride Part 2
Painful truths
The Arranged Marriage
A New Start
His wife
Pageant (Version 1)
Pageant (Version 2)
Broken Truths
Love Wins ❤️
Jealousy: Action and Reaction
Aftermath of Deception
Winning her over
Reunion - part 2
Some home truths drilled in
The Chase
The Return
A New Life
Fragile truth
The Apologies
Dhawal's fight for his love
Supporting Natasha
Arrange or Love
Holi Explosions
Aftermath of Holi
Aftermath of Holi part 2
Finally the truth comes out
Broken Relationships
Broken Relationships V2
Broken Relationships V2 part 2
The Fallout
Fallout Part 2
Amba's Downfall
Changing Dynamics
The Outing
The Return V2
The Repentance
The Repentance Part 2
Truth comes out - V2
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Part 2
Cause and Effect # 3
Rejected then married
Dhawal's Win
Annulment or Reconciliation
Married you again
Making sure she heals


383 19 2
By nina282

Natasha couldn't believe what just happened in the holi party.  She just found out the truth of Amba and Esha, and on the other hand, Chiku and Amrish Bhai were fighting like thugs in the party.  She was so angry that she was done with everyone.  She grabbed her Daama's stick that she always had with her.   When she grabbed it, Daama looked at her, surprised, but she started to follow her.   With her determined walk, she grabbed the attention of everyone.    But she surprised everyone when she reached the fighting and swung hard at Chiku hitting his legs.  Then swung again and struck Amrish in the legs, shocking everyone again.

"Makwanas' and Pandyas' march yourselves into the house, Now!"  yelled Natasha.  

When Chiku started to protest, she swung again and hit his legs again.  "Now!  Back to Pandya Niwas Now!"  Natasha yelled.

As she walked in Pandya Niwas, she waited for everyone to get settled before she started.

"Enough is enough!  Are you children!  Fighting like common thugs!"  yelled Natasha

"Your brother is a common thug!"  commented Amba

"Enough! Before he is my brother, he is your son in law. Because as of now, I have broken all my relations with the Pandya and Makwana families.   So he's your son in law, because for me, he is now Esha's husband.  And Bade Papa and Dhara Ma's adopted son!" yelled Natasha, shocking everyone

"Chutki, I am your brother!"  injected Chiku

"If you were my brother, you would have realized that I don't want this revenge!  I never did!  Because innocents always suffered.  Shweta Ma, in her revenge against the Pandya family,  I was the one to suffer.  Golu, a child, suffered in your revenge!  He's a child!  And you made him homeless!"  yelled Natasha

"And you, Amrish Bhai, if you are going to cheat and deceive people, you also will get cheated and deceived!" yelled Natasha.

She held her head and realized that her head was bleeding.  She shook her head and continued.

Dhawal was looking at her and realized that she was hurt.  He got up from where he was sitting and walked up to her.   "Natasha, you are hurt,"  

"So? Don't come near me.  I need to finish this!"  said Natasha

"So where was I?  I asked Esha for help in stealing the papers, "  said Natasha, shocking Amba, as her control over Natasha was slipping.

"What!"  yelled everyone

"Yes!  I got Esha to give it to Amba.  And instead of being grateful, Amba blackmailed me!  She threatened me with breaking Esha and Chiku's marriage if I didn't do what she told me.  She was the one who got the contract for me for everyone to sign.  She was the one who made me fight with Amrish Bhai, and even today, she was the one who got the cards made for the Holi party.  Why because she wanted me out of the house!  Congratulations!  I am gone!   And Esha helped her.   She was filling Chiku's ears against me and with Daama, too."  Shocking Amba as she called her Amba instead of Maa    Natasha played a recording on her phone.

"Maa, Natasha is finished.  I had to mix mud in the merchandise, which broke.  Then, her brothers critised her.  And Daama told her to stay away.  Finally, our plan worked."  said Esha

"Don't worry.  She is finished in the Makwana house too.  She has nowhere to go.  I have made it impossible for her.  Made everyone hate her through her actions, but I am pulling the strings."  stated a happy Amba.  

Everyone was shocked to hear the recording.

"See what did you say, Daama,  to stay away from Pandya's.  Only come at Rakhsa Bandhan.   Don't worry.  I won't even come then."  Natasha said, swaying before Dhawal grabbed her. 

"I don't need your help," Natasha whispered, holding her head.

"I am done.  So Mrs. Amba Arvind Makwana, you made my life miserable.  Now it's my turn.  I want compensation.  You see, I found out a few things in the last couple of days.  You see, you should never push someone so far that they hit rock bottom, and they will fight back.  Let's see, you have  been playing games with your whole family.  You made sure that there was always tension between your sons and daughter in laws.  You were the reason that your son, Amrish, went to jail during our engagement and when he almost went to jail during Pranali's clinic opening.  Imagine that!  You, his mother.  Now the fake Chiku was also your doing.  The drugs in the Pranali's clinic were ordered by you.  But what I want compensation for is the lives that were given up in trying to save your husband!  My mother!  My aunts! My uncles!  You think women are weak!  Only the cunning ones like you are!"  yelled Natasha, swaying even more. 

Dhawal had enough.  "Chirag, we need to take Natasha to the hospital!  I will deal with everyone later!  Let's go!" as he grabbed Natasha as she fainted.

Chirag rushed out and got into his car, with Dhawal following him into the backseat!

Everyone started to follow, when Daama yelled, "Stop!  Sit down!  Now it's my turn!"  

"Esha, I want to know everything and why?"  she ordered.

Esha looked at her mother, and Amba shook her head.  Dolly decided to discretely record everything.

"Don't look at your mother!  Otherwise, you will join her in jail.  Because I will file a report stating she was the one that hurt Natasha to the point she is in the hospital."  stated Daama

"When I got married to Yash, I noticed that there was a differential treatment for Natasha.  I couldn't understand it.  I hated it.  Everyone preferred her.  Even during the Pageant, they picked her."  said Esha

"You cheated!  Natasha won fair and square.   You emotional  blackmailed her into giving you the crown.   Then you had the guts to say that you won!  The judges were right to take away the crown and give it to her!"  yelled Dolly

Esha looked ashamed, but she continued on.  "She had it easy.  The Bhabi's all loved her.  She was part of their group.  Everyone here favored her.  Then Yash took the property papers, and she convinced me to give it to Maa. But it wasn't for what was right.  It was so she could look good for Dhawal, her husband!"  

"You really are your mother's daughter.  She was trying to help everyone!   She didn't have to look good for Dhawal.  She knew that he loved her.  He was proving it to her since his accident.  She even wanted to go back to him, but the words he said hurt her self-respect.  But she loves him, but your mother and you were jealous of the love otherwise, you would have been happy for your brother.  Your brother that you adored, fell in love, and you were jealous that you weren't the center of his attention."  stated Pranali.

"Continue!"  demanded Daama

"So after the wedding, Maa told me that she was blackmailing Natasha into misbehaving with the family.  I was happy.   I was happy with my family, but she was having a hard time.  Finally, she was not the center of everyone's groups.  She would finally have a hard time!  I would say a few words against Natasha's favor.  I mixed mud in the supplies.  And then Sheesh and Yash critised her.  And it felt good."  said Esha

"You idiot!"  yelled Daama.  Shocking Esha and Amba.   Chiku didn't say a word.

"You think she hasn't had it hard!  She's had a hard life!  My Chutki was 2 months old when she was kidnapped by Chiku's birth mother.  She came back to the family after 7 years.   She was 7 years old when she was returned, only to be critically sick.  That Shweta didn't take care of her, and Chutki lost her kidneys.  She was dying.  Then her Dhara Ma was found to be a match.  And she got her kidney.  That girl didn't have the love of her parents until she was 7 years old.  Then, a few months of happiness, and we lost everyone.  My children were at the bank, and the earthquake hit.   They lost their lives.  And even then, they were helping people to safety.  And my granddaughter is like them.  So she helped me raise her brothers, and she took care of the shop.  Chutki was always working.  She was running the shop since she was a child, she went to school, took care of the house, and made sure that her brothers were going to school.  She never relaxed.  She didn't have an easy life!"  yelled Daama  "Now, you, Mrs. Amba Arvind Makwana, tell me why? Otherwise, I will file the police report against you in the case of the mental cruelty of your daughter in law.  Just know that public opinion will tank your reputation."

Amba looked towards Amrish and realized that he wasn't going to help.

"I couldn't control Natasha.  Natasha would have joined the family, and I couldn't have that.  The control needed to be in my hands, not my daughter in laws."  said Amba, not wanting to say anything else.

Daama looked at Chiku.  "Chiku, why are you so bent in destroying your sister!"  ask!ed Daama

"I'm not!  She's my sister!  Why would I do that!" asked Chiku

"Do you think that fighting like common thugs with her/your brother in law, was helping your sister.   What about her relationship with her husband?  I listened to you and your wife and made my Chutki feel that she is alone in this world.   That girl who's been fighting for everyone since she's been born.   Did you see her before Dhawal took her to the hospital? She's given up on family.  Whether it's her inlaws or her maternal family, she given up on us!  So tell me why!" she yelled.

"I don't know!  I got carried away in my quest for revenge, and I didn't see what I was doing to Chutki.  I love Chutki.  I will apologise to her!"  cried Chiku

"Amrish, you started this war, and when you lost everything, you blamed everyone but didn't even look towards your own actions.   Not everything is money and power.  You may not  believe, but God is always watching, and he has ways to make you realize that you are only human."  said Daama

Daama then turned to Sheesh, "And you, why do you always taunt her.  She's your sister!  You always call her Maharani, but have you ever thought how much you hurt her.  She's your sister, but your jealousy has driven her away." 

Sheesh looked down and muttered, "Sorry, Daama."

"What, sorry.  We hurt her so much.  I just hope she will forgive us, " 

"Kaki, please don't say that!  Natasha will forgive us!  Cause we won't stop fighting for her until she does, "  said Pranali

"Beta,  she will forgive you as you are her sisters.  You fought together and won.  But this last fight, she was alone, all because of your mother in law.  She may be a mother of a rich man, but her thinking is so illiterate.   She was destroying her own family, all because she wanted control.  Her daughter in law is the daughter of the family who sacrificed their lives in trying to save her husband.  Instead of being grateful, she is filled with hate and jealousy."  said Daama.

Daama looked at Dolly and said, "Beta, can you find out how Chutki is doing?  I don't want to bother Dhawal, but if you can find out from your Chirag, I would be grateful.  I want to be there, but Chutki is so angry that if she sees us there, she might get worse."

Dolly nodded.  She had been recording the whole confrontation, so she paused the recording and called Chirag, putting it on speaker.

"Chiru baby, I have you on speaker.  How is Natasha doing?"  Dolly asked

"Not the greatest, Dolly.  She had a head wound.  It's been treated.  And there is inflamation around her kidney.   Dhawal is with her.   He's holding on to her, trying to calm himself down.   Natasha ate something that cause an inflamation around her kidneys, they are just waiting for the medicine to kick in, so the inflamation will go down, and then she can be released.  Doctors are saying that once the first dose is given, we can bring her home, and she can finish the treatment at home.  Is everyone at Pandya Niwas still?"  Chirag asked.

"Yes,"  answered Amrish

"Good, Dhawal wants everyone there, as we will be there shortly.  He's made some decisions." said Chirag before hanging up.

Daama was worried that she has lost her granddaughter, but it was her fault.   "Mithu, go make tea for everyone."  

"Daama, I will make it,"  interrupted Esha

"No!  I don't want to drink tea by someone who is trying to break our family instead of bringing it together.  Mithu, go make it, "  said Daama, as Esha sat  back down, embarrassed.

"Kaki, I will make tea.  Mithu, if you tell me where everything is, I will make tea for everyone."  said Hetal, as she stood up, along with Pranali and Dolly.

Mithu looked at Daama, who nodded and said, "Ok, Di. Follow me."  said Mithu.

Hetal smiled when Mithu called her Di.   "Mithu, Kaki probably hasn't eaten since this morning.  I can quickly make everyone some food, if you tell me where things are."  said Hetal

"Di, don't worry about food, I will grab it.   Here are the supplies for the tea.  I won't be too long."   Mithu took off  thru the back door and went to grab food.  15 minutes later, Mithu came back with food for everyone.  

Everyone had tea and snacks and were waiting for Chirag and Dhawal to show up with Natasha.   Shortly later, the trio showed up, with Natasha in Dhawal's arms.   Natasha was quiet. She just held on to Dhawal.   Dhawal held on to Natasha, even though everyone told him to put her down in the bedroom.

"Enough!  I have made a decision.   Natasha and I are moving out.  We trusted the wrong people.  My sister, who I loved dearly, was actively trying to break my marriage with my mother.   My mother, who I thought loved me, thought of me as her puppet.  She doesn't love me."  stated Dhawal

"No, you have it wrong, Dhawal.  I love you dearly.  I did it for you!"  cried Amba

"Stop lying!  You did it for yourself.  You have no love for none of your children!  That is why you tried destroying my life.  You caused problems in all our marriages.   All because you need to control every aspect of our lives.  But no longer, well, not with me."  said Dhawal

"Dhawal, I am with you in this.  Why don't you move to the farm house with Natasha.  You need to take care of her.  She needs you the most now.  There will be no interference from Maa, I guarantee you that!  In fact, we will make sure that the next time we see Natasha, she will have her perfect family that she has dreamed of."  said Amrish.

Dhawal looked up at Amrish, shocked.  Finally, he nodded.   He got up with Natasha and nodded to everyone.  Chirage and Dolly got up, too, as Chirag was going to take him home. 

When everyone was settled in the car, Dhawal said, "Chirag, can you drop us off today.  We need to go to Makwana's house to grab our stuff, but we are leaving today for the farmhouse." 

"No problem.  I can do that.  I will drop off your car tomorrow."  said Chirag

They quickly got home, and Dhawal laid Natasha on their bed, and then quickly started packing.  Quickly, he got the packing down, and he called Dolly to stay with Natasha while he put the luggage in the car with Chirag.   And then he went to pick up Natasha, and Dolly decided to come with them.   As they got settled in the car, Amrish and Bhavin came home.   As they got out of the car, Amba noticed Dhawal and Chirag leaving. She started to sputter, "Where are they going?  Dhawal needs to stay at home!" 

"Enough, Maa!  You have done enough damage.  What you have done, Dhawal and Natasha may not recover from.   Heck, you couldn't let Dhawal be happy, could you?  And now he is so far away that you can't even see him."  yelled Amrish

"But -" Amba tried to explain

"No more, Maa.  No more interferences.  No more control.  It's done.  You are the elder of this house, but you have made many mistakes.  You sent me to jail and put the blame on Natasha.  Even the drugs were Bhavin and you doing, and even then, you were still blaming Natasha.  No more.  You and Esha have destroyed Dhawal.  And I won't let you do it anymore.  I am still trying to make it up to him regarding the divorce.  You saw how happy he was when he got married to Natasha again.  You couldn't let him be happy for even a day!  What mother does that!  You are not a mother!" yelled Amrish.  

Amba started crying, trying to soften them up against her.  "Maa, stop your tears.  I know they are fake, " Bhavin said, surprising everyone.

As they walked inside, Amrish said, "Hetal, tomorrow morning, make sure everyone knows that there will be severe consequences if anyone helps Maa in her tricks.  Maa will be sent to an old age home or a retirement community.  The person who helps her will be fired and blacklisted everywhere."   

Everyone nodded, whereas Amba was shocked.   Amrish looked at her in anger and left for his room.  Slowly, everyone left, leaving Amba alone.

Meanwhile, at the Pandya house, Esha was feeling alone and guilty.  Nobody was speaking to her.   She lost her family, all because she was jealous and listened to her mother.

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