The Repentance Part 2

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Siddart was shocked that a man had interrupted his wedding and took his bride away from him, along with the little girl, Naveli, who Bittu had become very attached to in such a short time.  He needed to find out who Dhawal Makwana was.  Siddart was looking into Dhawal when he found out that Natasha was indeed his wife.  And the little girl, Naveli, that she had gotten attached to was indeed her daughter.

He had found out that other things, that he thought he could use to get her to come back to him, so about four months after she was taken away, he decided to go to Somnath, and bring Bittu back with him to Mumbai.

Siddart arrived at the Makwana house, and everyone was home that day.   Siddart walked into Makwana house when he saw that the door was open, and the kids, along with Bittu, were playing on the main floor.  Bittu was chasing Naveli, another boy and girl around.  She was smiling and laughing.

"Bittu!"  called out Siddart

Everyone stopped what they were doing, while Dhawal stood up, tightening his fists in anger.

"Dart!" smiled Natasha as she rushed towards him and grabbed his arms.  "Friends," she pointed to the other children.  Then she dragged him along towards Pranali.  "Sister.  Pranali Bhabi."    She smiled at him whereas Dhawal was furious.  He was calming himself as he didn't want to scare Natasha.

"Bittu, I want to take you home."  said Siddart

Natasha smiled, then got sad, looking at Dhawal and Naveli.  Siddart realizing that he was losing his Bittu showed her a video of Daama's funeral that he had gotten.   Natasha froze as she saw her Daama and fainted in Siddart's arms.  Dhawal was now extremely furious, and he quickly made his way to Siddart and grabbed Natasha out of his arms.

"Pranali Bhabi, can you check her!"  As he laid Natasha on the sofa.  Dhawal turned back towards Siddart and pushed him.  "How dare you come into my home, and try to hurt Natasha.  If you ruined any progress that we have made in the last four months, I promise you, I will bury you so far that your sister will have a hard time finding you!" Scaring Siddart as his sister was his world.

As Pranali finished checking Natasha out, Natasha was coming out of her faint.  "Pranali Bhabi, you?  What are you doing?"  Natasha stood up and stepped away from her.

Dhawal and Siddart looked up in surprise as Natasha wasn't talking like a child.  Natasha tilted her head and took another step back, "What's going on?"  She asked out loud.

"Bittu, ou are ok.  Let's go back to Mumbai. "  Siddart went to grab her arm when she stepped back, "Who's Bittu, and who are you?"

She looked around, and she was scared as everyone was looking at her.  She kept on stepping back until Dhawal grabbed her arm and said, "Careful, you are about to fall over the step."

She pulled her arm out of his grasp and, looking towards Siddart, said again, "Hello, who are you?"

"I am Siddart.  I am your friend.  We lived in Mumbai until your husband found you.  You had lost your mental stability.   We were supposed to get married."  shocking Natasha

"So you were going to marry a woman that didn't know right from wrong as she didn't have the capabilities to be mentally sound.  Is there something wrong with you?  Why would you marry a woman who is legally not capable of making a decision.   You took advantage of me!  Stay away from me!"  as she ran up the stairs to Dhawal's room.

"Before you leave, I want to see what you had shown, Natasha.  Like I said, if you ruined any progress we had made, I will make your life a living hell."  yelled Dhawal, grabbing the phone out of Siddart's hand as Bhavin and Chirag grabbed Siddart.  He quickly sent to video himself and deleted it.   He also saw a few folders named Bittu, which he also forwarded to himself before deleting the folders.  He quickly went through the phone to make sure everything was deleted.  He handed back the phone.  "Leave Somnath, and never come back!  Nor contact my wife!"  as Bhavin and Chirag threw out Siddart.

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