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Sundeep had kidnapped Natasha and had started film his attack on her.  He had taken her off her jewlry when she woke up.  She screamed!   When the door crashed.   Chirag, Dolly, and his Bhabi's crashed into the bedroom.  They saw that Sundeep was trying to subdue Natasha.  When the door crashed, Sundeep panicked and tried to escape.   Chirag was able to knock out Sundeep and asked Dolly to call the police.   Natasha was struggling in trying to stay awake.

 She kept on evading them.  "Don't touch me.   Dhawal, help me!  Someone help, "  she kept on yelling.    The three sisters in laws were in tears at Natasha's condition.   Chirag saw Sundeep's phone and saw the video.   And realized that Natasha has been drugged.   Chirag called Dhawal and asked him to come to the room.    When Dhawal arrived and  found out what had happened, he went to a tied up Sundeep and started to kick him.

Chirag stopped Dhawal, "Dhawal, you need to make sure that Natasha is ok.    Try to get her to drink water,  maybe it will get the drugs out of her system faster.   Pranali Bhabi has checked her, but she thinks we are trying to attack her.  She has been calling you for help. "  

Dhawal came back to Natasha and tried to get her to drink water.    She slowly started to focus on Dhawal.    The police had also arrived at the room and took in the situation.  

They took statements from Natasha, who wasn't making sense, but they understood that she wasn't in her senses.  When Pranali had looked in her eyes, she noticed that her eyes dilated.   She told the police that Natasha was drugged.

The police arrested Sundeep.  Chirag gave them Sundeep's phone and said, "You should look in his gallery.  This was not the first time he had attacked a girl."

Chirag looks towards Dhawal.  "You better leave before Amrish Bhai comes looking for you."  

"Bhai, take care of Natasha."  and he left.

Soon  Dhawal got married, and when everything was done, they left the Mandap, and Isha and Yash got married.    Both couples got blessings from Amrish, Amba, and then both couples went to Suman to get her blessing.    Suman gave her blessing for Yash and Isha but was confused about it and stalled her hand.  When Dhawal pulled back Natasha's veil, shocking everyone.   

Both Amrish and Amba started to yell.  "Where's Suhani?"  asked Amrish

"Where she should be?  With her family, "  said Dhawal

"Why?  Dhawal, why?  Natasha!  You married Natasha again!"  cried Amba

"Yes.  I married Natasha.  She is my wife.  She is always going to be my wife.  I had enough of your manipulations.   Get married to Natasha.  I got married to Natasha.  And when I was happy, you said to divorce Natasha.  I got divorced.  Now get married to Suhani.  I am not a toy!    And it was a great touch, showing false debts, so I had no choice but to divorce Natasha.  But there was nothing in our agreement that said that I couldn't remarry Natasha, which I did."  Dhawal was explaining when Natasha sat down by Daama and put her head in her lap.

"What's wrong with Natasha?"

"Sundeep drugged with wrong intentions.  We saved her in time, "  replied Chirag


"Yes.  He thought that she was a rejected woman, that she shouldn't object to his attention." replied Chirag.  "She wasn't the first that he's done this to.  His phone had multiple recordings."  said an angry Dhawal.

"The police have arrested him."  replied Hetal

Chiku was so angry that he punched the beam by him.  

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