Starting Over Again

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Natasha was getting married again to Deep, a young businessman that Suman had found in response to her challenge to Amba Makwani. Natasha wasn't happy but she didn't want to upset her Daama more that she already was. Nobody was happy with this relationship but Daama.

Whereas, Amba was trying to get Dhawal married off, until he stated that he's not getting married. He divorced Natasha as a deal for Pandya Store, but that doesn't mean that he will get married again. If they force it on him, he will leave the house forever.

So now Amrish started fell guilty that he destroyed his brother's life, then one day he found out how the Pandya's passed away 15 years ago, and he was destroyed. He was taking a good look at himself, and he wasn't liking what he saw. He thought he could do no wrong as he was looking after the betterment of the family. He told Amba what he found out and she was devastated. She purposely destroyed her son's life, with out any worries. And now her son was in front of her eyes yet so far away that she couldn't even touch him.

Finally, they went to the Pandya Niwas, to apologize and salvage the relationship. When they got there, they saw that there was a wedding function happening at the house, when they walked in, they saw that Natasha was getting mendhi put on her hands. When Suman saw them, she asked the other guests to go to the neighbours house, as lunch was set up there. As the guests were going to the neighbours house, Natasha asked the mendhi lady also to take a break. She looked at the Makwana's and saw that they looked remorseful. Dhawal looked tired. "Dhawal, are you ok?" slipped out of Natasha before she could stop herself.

Suman looked at Natasha in surprise. Amba and Amrish smiled, they knew that Natasha still loved Dhawal while Dhawal was happy that Natasha still cared about him, even after hurt he gave her.

"What are you guys doing here. Our relationship is over. Please it is my daughter's wedding. We don't want any scenes. Please leave." stated Suman

Dhawal looked so hurt and broken when he heard that it is Natasha's wedding, Natasha looked down in guilt. She loved Dhawal, but she wasn't going to go against Daama. Dhawal walked up to Natasha where she was sitting, went down on his knees. He grabbed her hands carefully, not to disturb her mendhi, and said "Congratualations Natasha. I'm sorry I'm late. This is my punishment, to trust my family that I've lost my love. You never believed that I could love you. But I do, more than my life. I divorced you for your happiness, cause I knew that my family would never let you live peace. They would always do something that would cause a fight in the family where you would get blamed. You were blamed for Golu's kidnapping even though you were the one that saved him. You see I had to send you away from me otherwise you wouldn't have received Pandya Store back. Be happy and I will be happy knowing you are happy." and he gave her a kiss on the forehead, got up and left Pandya Niwas leaving everyone shocked.

"Is it true? The only reason Dhawal gave Natasha a divorce is so he could return Pandya Store back?" asked Chiku

"Yes. That was the condition I had asked for. I'm sorry. I've destroyed their life, with my selffishness. I didn't anyone opposing me, as only my rule was considered in my house, but I was wrong. I've lost much. My family is broken. I broke it. My Dhawal is broken, this is all my fault." stated Amrish

"I am so sorry. Please forgive me. We make a big mistake. Let us fix it. " said Amba

"I am sorry. Chutki is getting married in two days. Its too late" stated Suman

"But they love each other. They are miserable with out each other." stated Hetal.

"I'm sorry. Its too late." said Suman.

Natasha stood up and said "Enough! I'lm tired of this! We not dolls, that when you want to play with us, you play. When you want to throw us away, you throw us out. We are your children, we have feelings. What is done is done. We can't change it. I'm sorry. Maybe we weren't meant to be. You should be happy. The trouble of your life is out of it! Please go and check on Dhawal." and she left the room. And the Makwanas left disappointed.

The day of the wedding and Natasha's groom did not show. Suman was blaming Amrish and Dhawal as the Makwanas had shown up to the wedding, as Dhawal wanted to see his Natasha one more time before she became someone elses.

"Enough! Maybe its Gods Will. God brought them together. He put a test towards them. And now maybe its Gods Will that they should be together." said Amrish

"What's the guarantee that what happened before won't happen again?" asked Suman

"I will marry Chiku" stated Esha

"What?" stated Chiku

"Look, everyone, I love Natasha. I won't hurt her again. And Esha, marriage is not a game where the players change whenever they feel like." stated Dhawal.

"I will ask Natasha" stated Suman as she left the room while everyone was staring at each other.

Meanwhile, in Natasha's room..

"Daama, what's wrong? You look worried."

"Natasha, your groom left. But there is someone who is willing to marry you.? 'He's a good guy. He was here for the wedding? Are you Ok?"

"Fine. I don't care. Lets get this over with." stated Natasha

"Don't you want to know who it is?" asked Suman

"Don't care. There will be time for that later. I can hear its time for the wedding. I promise I will be a good wife to him" stated Natasha, as she has given up.

"Fine, just wait till your brothers come." Suman stated as she left the room.

She walked into the room where everyone was, "She's agreed, but she doesn't know its Dhawal"

"What? What do you mean she's agreed but doesn't know its me?" stated Dhawal

"She doesn't care. She's broken. She's agreed and promised to be a good wife" stated Suman

"Ok Kaki. Dhawal will be ready shortly. What about Chiku and Esha?" asked Amrish

"I can't say anything right now. Let's get Natasha and Dhawal married, then we can talk about Esha and Chiku" stated Suman, as she was confused at the happenings.

An hour later, Dhawal and Natasha were married again. Dhawal didn't take off his garland face covering. As they came home, Natasha did all the functions that she was required, and this time there were no issues. When she finally looked up, she saw the Makwanas, she looked towards her groom in shock "You! You married me! Why?" cried Natasha.

"Your groom left. I couldn't let you get hurt again. I promised that I would do anything in my power to make sure that you are happy?" stated Dhawal

"And Daama and Chiku approved this." stated Amrish, as Natasha looked at everyone. She nodded, and got quiet.

"Natasha, I am so happy you are back!" Dolly exclaimed as she gave her a hug.

"So are we!" stated Hetal, Esha and Pranali, as they her a group hug.

Natasha was a little confused, it felt like she came into a different household.

"Natasha, have a seat." said Esha while Hetal and Pranali quickly went upstairs to Dhawal's room, so they could quickly decorate it.

After a while, Natasha was shown Dhawal's room. She quickly changed into her night suit, and grabbed a blanket and went to sleep on the sofa.

When Dhawal arrived in his room, he saw that she was sleeping. He changed and then picked Natasha, and laid her on the bed, while he went to sleep on the sofa.

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