Finally together ❤️

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Dhawal had left Makwana Mansion after the showdown at the resort.
Dhawal was so angry that it scared everyone.  Everyone was scared.  Amrish had sent everyone home except Natasha and Chirag home as they had refused to go.   They went looking for him and found a dead body in the middle of the road, with a sheet covering him.   They had thought that the dead body was Dhawal as his phone and his watch were found on the dead body.  The body was unrecognizable since it was a hit and run case.

Natasha was in shock. She couldn't believe that her Dhawal was gone.  She wouldn't believe it.  She started to look around to see if Dhawal was around.  But nothing.   Finally, Amrish shook her and took her home.   

When the news went through the family, everyone felt lost.    Natasha refused to accept that he was gone.   She yelled at them, stating, "I would know it if he was gone.  My heart would stop beating if he was gone.  He is not gone.  He is missing." As she walked out of the Makwana Mansion. 

A few days after Natasha had walked out, Amrish had received a call.  It was the police. They had confirmed that the dead body was not Dhawal's.   Amrish excitedly yelled out for everyone, "Dhawal's alive!  Dhawal's alive.  That wasn't Dhawal's body.  Dhawal's alive!"  

The sense of relief that went through Makwana Mansion was amazing.  Dolly slipped quietly away and quickly called Natasha. "Natasha, Dhawal's is alive.  That was not Dhawal.  It was confirmed."  

"Thank you, Dolly Bhabi.  I knew it.  Don't worry.  I will find him."  said Natasha.

A couple of days later, early morning, Natasha was making her daily trip to the police station to find out anything when she saw him in lock up.

 When she tried to find out from the police why Dhawal was in lock up, all the police officers would say that he was in lock up.    Natasha got angry, "Let me see my husband now!"

"No," said the police officer.

"Fine.  Lock me up with him.  But I am not leaving my husband!" yelled Natasha.

Finally, the police officer agreed.  Natasha was allowed in with Dhawal. 

Natasha was led to Dhawal's cell.  The police officer yelled out, "Your wife is here to see you!"

As she went thru the door, Dhawal, "What are you doing here?"  asked Dhawal.  Natasha ran towards him and hugged him tightly.  Dhawal didn't know what to do at first, then he hugged her back.

"What are you doing here?  You need to leave.   Please leave.  You broke all your relations with me.   You were only around because Amrish blackmailed you.  I've released you from all your responsibilities and duties.  You can go back to living your life."  Dhawal said as he walked away from her. 

Natasha grabbed his arm and pulled him back.  Then, she started to hit him.  

"We thought you were dead!  The police found a  body with your watch and phone!  How could you do this to me.   Do you know how I felt when I thought you were gone.  I refused to believe it!  The family thought I was crazy!  I told them that I would feel it if you were gone.  My heart would stop beating if yours did."  she yelled at him.  Then, she hugged him again, crying slowly and going down to the floor with Dhawal.

"Sshh.  I'm okay.  It wasn't me.  After I left the resort, I met a drunk man on the street.  I gave him my phone and watch.  I was so angry that I gave away the gifts from Amrish.   I got a little drunk last night, and the police were  called.  Once I am sober, they let me go.  It's happened a couple of  times.  The first time, I asked for privacy. I didn't realize that the family thought I was dead.  I just assume that you were giving me space since I was angry, "  stated Dhawal

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