Overcoming the hurdles (part 2)

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It had been a couple of days since Abhira and Armaan had taken over the case, and Dhawal had woken up in the hospital.   She spent a lot of time with Dhawal and only interacting with Chirag and her sisters while ignoring Amrish, Amba, and Bhavin.    

She was getting ready to meet up with Abhira and Armaan before they had to meet up with Sundeep and his lawyer.    She had mentioned to Chirag that she had to leave when Amba asked her, "Why are you leaving?"

"Because I have responsibilities.  I am not Dhawal's wife anymore, thanks to you and your son.  So I shouldn't even be here, but I still love him.  I still worry about him, and I want him to be better.  But that doesn't mean I shrink from my responsibilities.  Once I am done, I will be back, "  stated Natasha.

"Does this have anything to do with the legal notice that Sundeep sent?"  asked Amrish

Natasha looked up in surprised, "What?  How?" 

"I was suspicious, so I asked around.  Sundeep's lawyer talks.   I had sent a man after Sundeep after the other day.  Even though you weren't Dhawal's wife, you were a part of his life, and someone attacked you under our noses, so I had sent someone to keep an eye on him.   And when Sundeep's lawyer had met him in jail, he wasn't able to get him released right away, so Sundeep was very angry at him.   And his lawyer got mad and left.  My man followed him, where the lawyer got drunk and said a few incriminating things which were recorded by my man.   If you need it, I can get it sent to you." said Amrish, surprising Natasha.

She nodded.  "Chirag, you go with Natasha.  Make sure she is safe from that Sundeep.   Dhawal would want to be there himself, but he can't, so you go."  Amrish had ordered, surprising everyone in the room.

Natasha looked towards Chirag, and he nodded.   They quickly left, whereas Chiku was meeting them shortly.

They quickly met up with Abhira and Armaan to discuss the case.   Armaan asked Natasha about the day of the wedding.     She started explaining first assault, where she ended up beating him with her waist chain.  She told Armaan that he had mentioned that she should be grateful that he was paying attention to her since she was a rejected woman.   He offered money, house, and jewleries if she would  be his mistress.   She had rejected him.  He got angry, so she had beat him with her waist chain.   When he left her room, he was limping.   He later drugged her, and when she became semi-concious, she broke glass on his head.  He quickly grabbed his phone and left.

"Armaan, we need a warrant on for his phone right away.   Right now, he thinks he has the upper hand.   We need a warrant before we meet up with him.  Once he realizes that Natasha has legal counsel, he can delete any incriminating evidence off his phone."

Armaan got up, made a few phone calls, and was able to get the warrant.  

"Natasha, what about the day that Dhawal beat him? If we can prove that he did not give the loan in good faith, that should be able to break the contract without any repercussions, correct?  We should be getting the recording from Amrish Bhai's man, too?"  asked Chirag

"Recording?"  asked Abhira

"Yes, Amrish Bhai had sent one of his men to watch over Sundeep.   Supposedly, he didn't get bail, and he pissed off his lawyer.  The lawyer went to a bar and got drunk and spilled his gut.  The man recorded his ramblings."

"That is good news.  I may not be able to use it, but I can listen to it and then proceed." said Abhira

"Why can't you use it?"  asked Chiku

"It might be considered entrapment and I wouldn't be able to use it in court, but in regards to the contract, we may be able to settle out of court, if we can prove his guilt that he didn't give the loan in good faith.   And then we can start on the other case."  stated Abhira

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