Giving Up

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Natasha had to live with the Makwana's for six months before the divorce would be granted. So, she had moved back in the Makwana Mansion. Within a day of her moving in, Amba wanted to introduce her to someone. So she had called Natasha to the living room where everyone was. Natasha looked up in shock when Amba introduced Suhani to her as Dhawal's fiance. "Congratulations!" she smiled tightly and walked away.

For a month, Natasha tried to keep the peace, but Amba always tried to manipulate her into getting angry so that she could show Dhawal that he was right into divorcing Natasha. Then, one day, Natasha finally broke and blew up on the whole family. She had come down with her suitcase and a file, and Amba was so happy to see the suitcase, meaning that Natasha was leaving the Makwana Mansion!

"Thank God, Dhawal got some sense and decided to divorce you. You were using cheap tricks into staying with us!" stated Amba

"Enough!" yelled Natasha

"Natasha! How dare you -" yelled Amrish

Natasha held her hand. "I haven't finished speaking! I have had enough. Yes, I love Dhawal, but enough is enough."

Dhawal had a sad smile on his face from Natasha's words.

"This Makwana family. What's so great about it, huh? You are marrying your youngest siblings into a family of criminals, and you didn't even investigate them!" stated Natasha

"How dare you malign our inlaws to be!' yelled, Amrish

"This file is a copy that I received from the lawyers office this afternoon. This afternoon, your inlaws were arrested, including the son in law to be. Luckily, one of the charges attached with your son in law to be is an attempt of murder. And it's not made up lies. It is the copy of the actual report filed in court. And since you guys are experienced in paying bribes, I've gotten my grandfather involved and the media, so it will be all over this case."

"Your grandfather?" asked Dolly

"Yes, my grandfather. MLA Janardhan Dwivedi." Everyone was shocked at the news.

"What? How is that possible?" asked Amrish

"Amrish Bhai - Actually, you are not my brother. You never were. You don't deserve the title Bhai from me. MLA Dwivedi is my mother's father. So Amrish, you went great lengths to get Pandya Store, then to get us divorced, all for your mall, correct? Relationships don't matter. Only money is correct. You didn't even find out my family background, " asked Natasha

Amrish looked shocked at her correction of calling him Amrish.

"Now what if I call someone and have him stop all your ongoing projects, then let's see you build your mall. Actually, now you won't be able to build anything!" stated Natasha, smiling

"You guys couldn't even think to look for the family that lost their lives in trying to save your father! That's low! That family lost eight members of their family. Four children lost their parents, and a mother lost her sons, her daughter in laws. But you guys didn't care. Not even to say sorry for your loss, not to even say thank you. And you think your family is high class! You may be rich, but you have the poorest hearts. Money comes and goes, but if you don't have good hearts, it doesn't matter how rich you are. Bullshit!"

"How do you know about that!" asked Bhavin

"Because it was my family! My parents, aunts and uncles that lost their lives in the bank during the earthquake 15 years ago!" stated Natasha

"Natasha -" said Dhawal

"Don't! I don't need your sympathy. I am done with you! YOU are welcome to marry Suhani, Urmi, or whoever. I am glad I found out your true colors. Yes, I found out that your brother blackmailed you for the divorce. Fine. That is what this family is all about. I always wanted to be a part of this family when we married, but I am so glad that I am not part of this family. Where a brother will blackmail his own brother to get what he wants. Heck, my family would give up their lives for each other. Hell, they gave up their lives for strangers. So yes, I am from a poor family, but I am so grateful that I am not part of the Makwana Family"

Everyone looked down in shame.

"Before I leave, how about you guys listen to a few truths!." stated Natasha

"What do you mean leave? You can't leave yet, " said a panicked Dhawal

"Actually, I am. I don't care if it delays the divorce or if I am at fault for the divorce. I am leaving. I refused to live in this house!"

"Natasha, please," said Hetal

"This so-called family: You guys didn't even hesitate, you wanted Pandya Store, let's marry Dhawal to the family. It didn't matter, that originally I had never wanted to marry. Cause I would never know if I was married for sympathy or they wanted Pandya Store. Guess what Pandya Store won. You've trained your son well. He made me think he loved me. Made it easy for him to convince me that I love him. It didn't matter that the store kept us alive for over 50 years or that my family sacrificed their lives for the store. All it matter was what you wanted. I wanted to get my MBA, I know now that if I had stayed, that was never going to happen. Since the dreams of the women of this family are crushed as soon as they married into this family. So you can take your orthodox thinking, marry your criminals, and start losing everything. "

"Natasha, please don't leave me. I won't survive without you!"

"You survived this far. You have your mother and brothers. You will be fine." stated Natasha

Dhawal shook his head. Everyone was upset, Dhawal was heartbroken, and they couldn't help him since it was all Amba and Amrish's doing.

"I'm sorry, Natasha. I am so sorry. Please don't leave Dhawal. I promise I won't interfere. Please cancel the divorce. Dhawal was going to cancel the divorce when you were in the hospital after your class trip, but Amrish had the condition of you signing your Pandya Store. He refused for your happiness. I am sorry. I was happy he refused cause that meant he was still my son in my control, but I didn't realize that I had already lost him." cried Amba

"He's not a toy that you play with or throw away! He's your son. He's always going to be your son. He's someone's brother, and he will be someone's husband and father. It's wasn't a competition. I had ever wanted to take him away from his family. I just wanted to be a part of this family. But now I realize that the divorce is the best choice, this family is not worthy of me. You guys are welcome to your orthdox thinking." said as she started to leave again.

"No! Please." cried Dhawal

"Dhawal, stop it. You are getting married to Suhani. You are not mine, and you will not be my husband in a few months." said Natasha when Dhawal interrupted her.

"We're not getting married. It was all fake. She wants to marry her boyfriend. Her dad hates him since he is from a middle-class family. We were just pretending to be engaged just . We just wanted our family to stop pressuring us for marriage. She was going to marry him while I was delaying our divorce. We were also trying to get you jealous, but you just said congratulations and walked away. And today, when you finally, you admitted you love me, but you are leaving me." cried Dhawal.

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