
By MC21_12

44.8K 1.4K 86

Athena Genova D'Angelo lives on her own. Working as waitress during the day. But when she is not doing that... More

D'Angelo Family
Extended family


589 23 1
By MC21_12

Athen'a Pov:

Silas carries me into the kitchen as the others follow behind us looking worried. Based on the way I'm feeling I'm going to guess that I have low blood sugar. As we near the kitchen I can smell food cooking.

Marcus and Elijah are in there when we enter. Elijah is leaning against the kitchen island with some gummies in his hand as Marcus is at the stove cooking. Silas sits me on the island then moves to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Here love, eat some of these. You'll feel better." Elijah says coming to stand next to me as he hands me the open packet of gummy worms. "Thanks." I mumble back shoving a few into my mouth.

After eating a few more gummy worms I chugged half a bottle of water. "How do you feel now?" Finn asked as he came to stand beside me. Kaden and Gabriel were sitting at the main table also looking at me.

"I'm all good now, thanks." I give a polite smile which seems to relax everyone. "Well great! Because lunch is just about ready. Kaden, Gabe can you grab some plates and silverware. Finn some glasses please." Marcus says as he buts some seasoning in the pot.

"What did you make?" I ask curious since I can't see. " Well bambina, this is my ever so popular pasta carbonara. Not just any regular carbonara I might add for this one has secret ingredient so no one can resist loving it."

He tells as he starts to plate up the pasta. "Well then I look forward to trying it." I give a little giggle at how enthusiastic he is about carbonara. Hopping down from the counter I go and sit myself at the table next to Elijah and Finn. Silas is at the head of the table and across from me Gabe, Kaden and Marcus sit.

"Papa? Where is Mama?" Finn asks if only now just noticing she is not here. Oh shit this pasta really is amazing. Fuck it's like an orgasm but like...not omg a food orgasm, Yeah we'll go with that. Damn.

"Your Mama ran out to grab a few extra things for your sorella." Everyone turns to look at me but I'm too busy shoving food in my mouth. My head shoots up. "What?" I say with my mouth full.

Finn snickers and the rest crack smith or laugh silently at me. "I was just saying that your Mama went out to grab a few things she had ordered for you. And then I think she is meeting up with friends for a 'girls dinner' as she put it, so she wont be back until late."

We are eating quietly for a few moments before a texts comes through on Silas' phone. He clears his throat getting our attention again. "My babies, it is my honour to tell you school is back in session on Monday!" Gabriel looks less than impressed, Kaden lets out a groan looking up at the ceiling and Finn, well Finn has a massive smile on his face as he fist bumps the air.

The older two look amused and I just sit there absorbing everything. "But that does mean Athena, you'll have to go up the school on Friday for a placement exam. It's nothing to worry about my love just do you're best and everything else will be okay." I have a nod to him and go back to eating.

On the inside I'm actually quite excited to attend school on Monday. So happy in fact I'm already planning out when I'm going to wear. Okay, call me a basic bitch but I do love me some cute clothes.

Dinner came and went, Kaden, Finn, Gabe and I ended back up in the game room yet again. We took turns playing games and having fun. "Take that you asshole!" Finn yells loudly at us as he comes in first on Mario cart.

I let out a giggle as I look at Kaden who is now giving him a dirty look. "You only won because the fucking shell took me out. Therefore it was not a proper win." He sits back looking smug as Finn start to smack talk him again trying to justify his win.

Looking at the time I see its 11pm. Huh time really did fly today. Gabriel left a little while ago in favour of reading a book before bed. I yawn covering my mouth with the back of my hand as the door opens.

"What are you two arguing about now?" Elijah says raising an eyebrow at the two. They both start talking at the same time. "What ever are we going to do with all these boys bambina?" Elijah lets out a long sigh before gesturing to us.

"It's time wined down for the night. Papa and I have a lot of work still yet to complete. So it's time to be quiet so we can focus. Come on you lot out you all go." He holds the door open as Finn turns off the TV.

Kaden cleans up the space a little and I got to stand next to Elijah as he turns off the lights for the game room. "Did you have a good day little one?" I nod my head yawning again his looks at me with so much affection as we walk down a hallway.

"This is your room here, I think Gabriel and Marcus made it up for you earlier. Your clothes are in the closet and I think they put the new stuff you bought today in there too." When he opens the door to a room it looks amazing.

The bed is massive, There is a walk in closet and beautiful bathroom attached to the room also. "You have Gabriel to the left of your room. In front is my room in case you need anything you can come to me anytime no matter what. Good night sorella." Elijah closed the door after Finn and Kaden said goodnight to me also.

After taking a shower I head into the walk in closet in search of some pyjamas as I enter the closet my eyes widen at the sheer amount of clothing in here. There is no way We got all of this today.

I knew Luna said she got some extra things but wow this is crazy. Anyway after finding a nice pair of sleep clothes I turn off the light and hop into bed. Today was a really long day but honestly one of the best days I've probably ever had.

I can't help but fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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