Going Highly Insane

By faithfulless

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(ALL CHAPTERS ARE UNEDITED) Well... Lynette (Ivy) Hawthorne's journey is not over... It's just getting starte... More



315 13 0
By faithfulless

"Here, try this, it'll make you feel better." Alex said.

"What is this shit? Cocaine?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Yeah, it'll be fun. Come on, party pooper."

I shook my head again, "No, Alex, I'm not snorting cocaine. That was my high school days, should of met me then."

"If you've done it before then you wouldn't be afraid of doing it again."

"Because I don't want to do it again you're calling me a chicken? Fuck you, Alex."

I got up and started heading towards the door to go back to my dorm. Alex grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"No, wait. I'm sorry." Alex apologized.

"I'm sure you are." I spat in his face.

"I really am, I need you to believe me, Kitty."

"I don't believe you, I don't trust you, but I guess I'll stay."

"Yay! Thank you Kitty, I won't make you do anything you don't want to do, okay?"

Five hours later:

"There's two of you! Wow!" I screamed at Alex.

I wasn't drunk, like you're thinking. I did a bit of cocaine but one of Alex's friends came over with some other stuff and I did a little bit of each. I know my drugs, but I wasn't paying attention. I mean, if you want to get high you don't care what you get as long as you get a good high.

Alex chuckled, "Whatever, Kitty. You need to go back to your dorm, it's five A.M."

Alex, however, didn't do as much stuff as me, which made me dissapointed. He wanted me high at first but he won't do as much as me? Who the fuck's the chicken now, bitch?

"Five in the morning? Fuck, Alex." I said, gathering my things.

Being high isn't like being drunk at all. You don't stumble unless you've done some fucked up shit. Or you did a lot of shit mixed together. Or a lot of other things. Once I've got my shit together, I headed back to my dorm. I almost blacked out a couple of times since that's some side affects of drugs. There's a lot really. Don't do drugs kids.

I walked into my dorm and giggled. It was dark meaning Valerie and Ingrid were asleep. I changed into a sleep shirt and giggled my way asleep.

And it when like that for the next two weeks. Getting high as shit then coming back to my dorm late at night, early in the morning. Not once has Ingrid or Valerie found me. It's not like they could boss me around anyway.

I walked into my dorm at four in the morning like I usually do and tried to change quietly. My phone went off and I looked down, Alex. It was a text from Alex making sure I got back to my dorm safely. Tonight was different from the other nights. Tonight I really didn't care as much. So I did some fucked up shit. As I changed into my pajamas Valerie woke up.

"Lyn? What are you doing up so early? Did you just get back?" Valerie asked, looking at me.

"Uh, yeah. Go back to sleep Val." I said sitting on my bed.

"No." Valerie got out of bed and sat across from me on mine.

"Why? Just go to bed." I said, getting angry. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Why have you been coming home late, Kit Kat?"

I groaned, "Nothing!"

Valerie gasped and turned on my night light. She looked at my eyes and gasped again.

"You're high!" Valerie yelled, hitting me with a pillow.

"So what?" I asked, just as loud as her.

"Who's been giving it to you? I'm telling Mason!" This time I smacked her with my pillow.

"You're not telling him anything! And, it's not like he would care because I did the same shit in high school! Whores like me don't change."

Valerie got off my bed and laid down in hers. I turned off my night light and before falling asleep I heard her say, "You can try."

Valerie's POV: The next morning

I can't believe Lyn was high last night. I never even knew she did that stuff in high school! Lyn's phone started going off so I walked over to her bed to see who it was. Lyn just got in the shower, so I have an hour to go through her things on her phone. It's wrong, but it's for the best. She needs to stop. Lyn's mom was calling her, so I answered it.

"Hey, Mrs. Hawthorne! Lyn's in the shower right now, can I take a message?" I asked.

"Valerie?" Mrs. Hawthorne asked.

"Yep, it's me!"

"Wow... Ivy hated you senior year and now you're friends?"

"Yeah, so can I take a message or?"

"Right, tell Ivy to call me. She hasn't talked to me since she left for college two years ago and I started to get worried."

"Well she's doing great. Bye, Mrs. Hawthorne."

I hung up and first went to her notes first. When we were friends in middle school and the beginning of high school this was where she put her thoughts. I read through them then went to her messages. I quickly read them, took screenshots, sent them to myself, deleted the screenshots off her phone and the messages that I sent to myself. Complicated, I know. Once I heard the water go off, I put her phone where I found it and went over to my side of the room.

I faked getting on my phone when she walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing galaxy leggings and a purple tank top with black combat boots. Her hair was wet so it was down for the moment. Her phone started going off again and she quickly answered it with a smile.

"Hey babe, you get everything?" She asked.

Her smile disappeared, "Are you serious? You're out of money?"

She hung up and threw her phone at the wall.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

She looked over at me, "No, nothing is alright."

"What's wrong?"

"Alex is out of money and I need my medication for my migranes."

"I get migranes too, you can borrow some of mine."

She smiled evily, "Yeah, but that makes them a drug."

"It's fine, it's probably the same medicine anyways!"

I gave her some of my medicine and off she went. It was a few hours later until I realized what I had done. I gave her drugs. Lynette never had migranes and if she did I would've noticed it or seen her medicine. I sighed angrily and picked up my phone. I searched through my contacts for Mason and called him.

"What Valerie?" Mason answered.

"I have a question." I said.

"You always have questions."

"A serious one. About Lynette."

"What is it? Is she okay?"

"She's fine... Well not really but physically she's fine. Anywho, my question is has she ever had migranes?"

"No... What's going on?"

"Are you completely sure?"

"We spent almost everyday together Valerie, I would've noticed something like that now tell me what's going on!"

"...It's not something you say over the phone. Get over here quickly."

He sighed and hung up. A few minutes later he walked through the door. I looked at the ground as Mason walked over and sat on Lynette's bed which was beside mine.

"What's wrong with Lynette?" Mason asked.

"She's getting high with that Alex guy. I accidentally gave her some of my migrane medicine but that's because she told me Alex was out of money and her money was going to college and she needed the medicine!"

"What's wrong with that?"

"She comes home at 4 in the morning and won't talk nicely to anyone. She hasn't even called her mom since she got here two years ago."

"How do you know she doesn't talk to her mom?"

"She was in the shower and her mom was calling so I answered it. I also went through some of her things on her phone..."

"Fuck, Valerie. She always hated upsetting her mom."

"Mason, we need to help her."

"No, I'm taking no part in this. I said I was done with her and I'm staying with that."

I got quiet and looked at the ground. How the hell and I supposed to help her when Mason, the guy she's in love with, won't take part in! I know he's still in love with her but... He won't admit it. Lynette's closet door opened and I looked over at the person who was there, Mason did too. Adam, Lynette's older brother.

"My baby sister's getting high?" Adam asked, upset.

"Adam..." I said.

"And this fucker won't help her stop? Didn't he get her started?"

"Adam-" Mason started.

"I don't want to hear it Mason."

"No, actually you do. So sit the fuck down and let me explain. Without any interuptions." Mason stood up while saying that.

Adam and I looked at Mason waiting for an explanation.

"I never got her into that stuff, okay? She was already into it. I didn't even know it until one day I went into her room without asking if it was okay, like I always did. When I went in there, she was smoking weed. She said she would stop and she stayed true to that until now. It was never me. Not one time did we get high together." Mason explained.

"Then who introduced it to her? Somebody had to. It was never me, I kept her away from it." Adam said.

"I have no idea, but I know I didn't do it."

I thought for a second before we all went over a plan together with Ingrid. How we got Ingrid to help? I have no idea. Will it effect Lynette? Maybe. We waited up until Lynette came back. Lynette giggled on the phone as she walked in.

"Yes, I made it back to my dorm babes." She bit her lip, not noticing us yet, "Shut up, you're perfect. Oh shit, I have to go baby, I'll call you later." Lynette said on the phone, realizing everyone was awake.

She hung up and waited for one of us to say something. Mason and Lynette were never ones to have a conversation in front of everyone, they liked to have the serious conversations private but this time we won't let them. I elbowed Mason, telling him to say something. Mason sighed.

"Who's your new boyfriend?" Mason asked.

She bit her lip and didn't answer.

"Please hear us out." Adam pleaded, "We know what you're doing. We love you and don't want anything to happen to you."

"I barely started a couple weeks ago! Nothings going to happen to me. Now why the fuck is Ingrid here?" Lynette asked angrily.

"Ingrid's here because she's ready to get over your differences." I spoke up.

"You think I care?"

"Lyne-" I started, but Mason cut me off.

"None of us here want you to get to the point where you can't control it. I know you love the feeling of being high but it messes you up." Mason said softly, standing up and walking towards her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Lynette asked, less anger in her voice.

"This." He replied, kissing her.

His hands moved to her butt and hers moved to his hair.

"Hey! That's my sister!" Adam yelled at them.

Mason chuckled and pulled away. Lynette looked starstruck that Mason had just kissed her.

"Wow." Lynette said, her late reaction.

We all laughed and Mason kissed her again. Lynette pulled jewelry out of her pocket and I gasped. One of the things was my grandmother's necklace! What was she doing with that?

"I'm guessing you guys want your stuff back, this is why you did this, right?" Lynette said, throwing the jewelry on my bed.

"No, I didn't even know this stuff was gone! Why would you take this?" I asked.

"I needed money." She answered with a shrug.

"Lynette you can't take their stuff..." Mason trailed off.

"You're not my boss. This is the adult life, Mason. If I fuck up and get caught I got to jail. Hate being an adult, have to pay bills, go grocery shopping. I wish I took Peter Pan's hand that night dammit." Lynette complained.

"Quit complaining and stop stealing our shit!" Ingrid yelled.

Lynette took a step closer to her, "Excuse me bitch? I will fucking steal all of your shit if I wanted to! What are you going to do about it, call the cops like a pussy ass bitch?"

Mason's arm went around Lynette's waist, but she shook it off.

"Fuck you, Ingrid. And Mason, don't fucking touch me."

Lynette walked out of the dorm, slamming the door shut. I realized she left her phone here and broke down. She just left... But she'll be back, I know it.


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