
By benson8796

805 11 2

The light blinds us. It is only in the dark that we see clearly, and there is a great dark hidden among these... More

character brief
中学, (middle school)
日本 (usj)
私と戦ってください(fight me!)
体育祭(sports festival)
スパーキー対フリーク(sparky vs the freak)
買い物 (shopping)
野生の野生のプッシーキャット (wild wild pussycats)
キャンプ( camp)
彼らに恩返しをしてください (give them back)
ナンバーワンの秋(FALL OF THE NO.1)
アルティメットムーブ(ultimate moves)
ヒーローライセンス(hero licence pt1)
ライセンス(licence pt 2)
ビッグスリー(big three)
ワークスタディ(work study)
内なる悪魔(inner demon)
その女の子(the girl)
学園祭(school festival)
祭り(festival pt2)
Class a vs class B


10 0 0
By benson8796

satori stretched her hands above her head, looking at izuku who stood beside her. 

"3, 2, 1 " a pause. "go!" satori yells and both run forward. satori throws herself towards the wall, no quirks, izuku took the lead, satori hums and pushes further, as the top gets closer she speed up, passing izuku she pulls onto the top and rolls onto her back. 

izuku climbed beside her and the pair bumped fists with a small smile. 

"The movements of the work study group are especially sharp." Jiro observed from the ground. watching as the others follow izuku and satori. 

"They figured something out while outside!" Bakugo muttered before yelling, "Hey, what'd you figure out?! Tell me!"

"Sorry, I can't!" Kirishima replied while climbing the rock.


at lunch the small group sat up on the roof, kirishima and satori were quiet, satori hung over the railing, her cigggertte loosely hanging from her lips, kirishima slowly chewed on his food. 

"what's up with you two, what's going on!" Kaminari groans, "your so boring!" 

bakugo glances at satori as kirishima comes up with the excuse of being tired, satori rubbed her eyes and butted out the cigggertte. "you'll be glad to know, my body has fully modified" she turns to the group with a smile. 

"happened last night" she sits beside bakugo, leaning her head on his shoulder. 

"that's what all that banging and yelling was about" he mutters, satori smiles and nods, hooking her arm with his. 

"my mind is a little scattered at the moment, nothin to be worried about" she hums, closing her eyes. 

"maybe you should talk to rock lock, get him to lower your hours abit?" sero suggests, satori shakes her head, "ill be fine, ill get over it" 

kirishima sighs and rests his hand on satori's knee, giving it a small squeeze. the others didn't notice, but satori smiles and rests her hand on his. 


'Two Days Later - Late at Night'

satori glanced from her small punching bag, looking at her phone that buzzed on the bed side table. she steadies the swinging bag before reaching for her phone, her eyes scanned the message and her body froze. 

her blood ran cold.

putting on a shirt she warps downstairs, meeting kirishima and the two girls, 

"did you all get the same message?" kirishima asks, Midoriya running through the common room to join the others who held there phones in there hands.

"yeah" satori hummed, the girls to her left nodding as well. 

"well, its happening" Midoriya spoke.

"were going to get that girl, no matter what happens" satori grumbles, Midoriya nods. 


"The weather today will be sunny. It will be a nice day to enjoy the sunshine, but in the evening-" Kaminari shut the TV off as Sero walked to the couches where he and Ojiro were sitting, in their uniforms.

"Tokoyami's in Kyushu, so it's expected, but the other work study students are absent, too, huh?" Sero questioned.

"the five of them have been acting weird lately, haven't they?" Ojiro asked.

"Especially this morning." Kaminari agreed. 

"Yeah. Midoriya looked at his fish with a really serious expression." Ojiro stated. "satori was up early, i caught her leaving at like 5, saying she had to go speak to aizawa" 

"You think they're after something big?" Kaminari wondered.

"Even if they were, they'll be with pros." Ojiro told them.

"That's true. I guess we don't have to worry about them..." Sero agreed.


"Huh?! The Eri girl is in their stronghold?" Rock Lock yelled. all the hero's having gathered for a meeting at the night eye agency.

"By stronghold, you mean..." Fat Gum spoke up. "The residence of the head of the Hassaikai..."

Ryukyu nodded.

"What, so our investigations were for nothing?" Rocklock spat.

"No, we were able to get new information, as well." Nighteye assured

"How were you able to confirm this?" Fat Gum asked. Nighteye held up a Glitter doll set, the room gave him a concerning look, what was this man doing with such a childish toy.

"A member of the Hassaikai went to a nearby department the other day and brought playthings aimed at young girls"

Fat Gum titled his head.

"What the hell...?" Rock Lock questioned.

"Maybe he just likes things like that! There are all types in this world, Nighteye!" Fatgum argued before asking, "Anyway, why did you buy one, too?"

after nighteye explained everything of what happened satori turned to kirishima, "still doesn't justify, why he brought one though" kirishima smiles and looks away, trying not to laugh.

getting into the hero costumes, now knowing what was facing you in the next few hours was a feeling satori never wanted to relive. 

she glanced at her phone, counting multiple missed calls from bakugo, after all they were childhood friends, so the both cared about each other, just not very publicly. 

satori was awake and out of the dorms before the others were awake, she went to visit aizawa. the pair ate breakfast and drank coffee, until it was time to go and she met with rocklock. she couldnt face her friends, the worry for Eri over clouding her thoughts, after this she would explain to them.

satori stares at the goggles she was going to throw away a few weeks ago, after speaking with aizawa, he had told her that she should wear them, as she was going to be within front ranking lines due to the power of her quirk and her mentor. 


"Once they've read the warrant, charge in! I'm counting on everyone to move swiftly." one of the detective's speaks, satori leans on Kirishima's shoulder for a second, he looks at her and forces a smile.

"you'll be okay" satori whispers, "breath"

 kirishima nudges her back. "be careful satori"

"you too" she hums. rocklock whistles and satori lifts her head, looking over he calls her over. "good luck guys!" she calls to her friends, running off to join rocklock. he had been talking with a few other hero's.

"In the first place, these yakuza guys are living secretly in the shadows. If they see all these heroes and police, they might just curl up on themselves"

everyone's body stiffens when the detective reaches out for the bell, as suddenly a huge villain punches down the gates and sets a few officers flying. izuku and satori are quick to react, he jumps up and catches one while raven throws out slabs to catch the other two.

"What do you want? Bringing all these people so early in the morning..." the giant roared out.

"Hey, wait! Hang on a second! Did they notice us already?" Rock Lock asked as he and Mr. Brave shielded the policemen. satori rushed over and lands beside him.

"Forget about that, let's just all hold them back together!" Mr. Brave told Rock Lock as he pulled some of his hair, making it into a blade. "lets go!"

"I feel a little awake now. Jeez..." the giant groaned raising his arm it grows bigger.

"Get back!" Ryukyu ordered, in this type of mission, the pro's had control over the floor, there in charge this time. 

"What do you people want?!" the giant demanded as he threw a harsh punch towards the police a few being blown back by the force, ryuku stepped Infront, a huge cloud of dust enveloping her as she transformed. she stood as a dragon holding back the giant's fist,

"Anyway, we shouldn't split up our forces here. Ryukyu Agency will take care of him." she grunts, holding back the fist. "The rest of you go now, while you have the chance!"

hero's and cops ran inside, satori stuck close to rocklock.

"Okay! Everyone, get in! Quickly, quickly!" Fat Gum orders as everyone ran into the house front yard.

"It's heroes and the police! We have a warrant to search your premises on suspicion of the manufacture and sale of illegal drugs!" the officer announced as three men stood in front of them.

"A search warrant?" one questioned.

"Who cares?!" another exclaimed, flicking his wrist and using leaves from the bush next to him as ammo. the spines hardens and shot forward, smashing into police shields.

Kesagiri Man and a few policemen held the three down while the others continued ahead.

"Stop resisting!" Kesagiri scolded

"they sure lead with a brawler. Are none of them scared?" Rock Lock grunted.

"Use the shortest route to get to the target!" Fat Gum called out, running closer to the door.

"Midoriya, let's go!" Lemillion called out, looking at Midoriya.

"Right!" Deku nodded, running after his upperclassman. 


satori had been told to stick with eri's rescue group, encase they needed the extra backup. the police lead the way, smashing through the groups of thugs trying to stop the hero's.

"Clear a path! If you fight without thinking about the consequences, you'll regret it!" Kesagiri Man instructed, pushing men back.

"They sent everyone out just to buy time?! That's so stupid..." satori grumbles.

"Leave them to us and go ahead!" Mr. Brave yelled out to the heroes in front of him. rocklock nudged satori who looked a little out of it, leading her to the house. "kid, listen, if you dont think you can fight, i suggest you turn back now, no one will think little of you!"

satori shook her head and slammed her hands onto her cheeks. "no! i can do this, i have to do this!"

"It's an emergency! Excuse us for not taking off our shoes!" Fat Gum announced as some other heroes and policemen entered the house. satori rested her hand on the walls, feeling through the shadows, trying to find the girl. 

"I wonder if someone leaked information to them. I feel like they're all gathered in one place for a reason" suneater questions

"If someone had, I think they'd be avoiding us more smartly." a detective up front responds. "They should all be used to working together with one will already"

"They devote their all to their bond with the their boss and brothers." aizawa starts. "They might feel ashamed now, but that makes them put more importance on their old bonds. This commotion... And Chisaki and the top brass haven't shown themselves yet. They're probably underground getting ready to hide or flee right now"

"That's not loyalty! Forcing their henchmen to take responsibility and running away themselves isn't manly!"

As they ran, Nighteye thought back to Eri's caretakers Foresight before abruptly stopping in front of a shelf holding a flower pot. "It's here." he announced, "There's a device here to open a hidden passage." taking the pot from the shelf and tapping the floor boards

"By holding down these wooden floorboards in a specific order..."

the door slowly opens and people tense. "guards up, we dont know what we will be facing in there!" Centipeder hums.

just as the door nearly opens all the way a hand came around, grabbing the edge as a group of three shoot out. in seconds Centipeder had grabbed two, commanding bubble girl to grab the third. the pair quickly managing to restrain the villains, "go on ahead, ill join you again soon!"

everyone takes off, running down the dimly lit stair well. running down the stairs to be met with a dead end.

"It's a dead end...! You sure you're not mistaken?" the detective looks at night eye.

"explain your self!" rocklock snaps.

"ill go take a look" mirio steps forward, taking off his helmet.

"Lemillion, wait! Your clothes might--" kirishima panics as mirio comes up to the wall.

"It's alright. Mirio's costume is made of a special fibre made from his own hair." amajiki assures. "It's made so it becomes permeable when he activates his Quirk."

mirio sticks his head through the wall, a few seconds later he comes back out and turns to the group. "its just blocked off, its a pretty thick wall!"

"With Chisaki's ability to break down and restore things, even this is possible?" rocklock questions " a cheap trick" fatgum clenches his fist.

"It's like he's telling us he'll be in trouble if we go this way." Deku observed, looking towards the wall.

"Yeah." Red Riot agrees. activating his quirk on his fist, "Good luck to him if he thinks that'll stop us!"

Deku and Red Riot aimed for the wall, as there attacks hit hard against the wall, satori adjusted her suit and stretched her fingers. looking up at the hole in the wall both red and deku had created.

"You guys aren't too bad..." Rock Lock admitted.

"They beat me to the punch." Fat Gum smirked.

"Let's keep going." Lemillion told them, starting his way through the wall. the sudden wave of the ground made a few stumble. the walls beginning to move, morphing and moulding into twisting states.

"The path is rolling...!" Red groaned tried staying on his feet.

"It's changing!" Deku exclaimed.

The officer leaned back onto the wall, observing around

"It's not Chisaki! It's different... The only one it could be is the director, Irinaka! Irinaka's quirk, Mimic, let's him go into objects and control them freely from within! He's gone into the concrete that makes up the underground, and it's turned into a living maze!"

"But it's too big of a scale! He shouldn't be able to enter and control objects bigger than a fridge!" Lock argued.

"If he gets a big enough boost, it's not impossible, huh? I was bein' careful about what he'd turn into, but I didn't think he'd turn into the underground. This has got to be hard on him physically." Fat Gum spoke.

"Eraser, you can't get rid of it?"

"Not if I can't see the main body" Eraser Head answered.

"i cant even find his main body, he is everywhere!" satori groaned. 

"If the path keeps getting changed and remade...then they can prepare as many escape routes as they want" Tamaki starts to panic but Mirio grabs his shoulder.

"Tamaki. That's not going to happen. You're the Suneater! Besides, this is just a stop gap! No matter how much they try to warp the path, as long as we know the direction of our goal, I can get there!"

Tamaki looked to Lemillion like he had hung the stars in the sky in that second, satori and red watched them interact with a small smile on there faces, watching as Mirio starts to run ahead.


"Time is of the essence! Those guys know this, too. That's why they're stalling for time. I'm going on ahead!"

Mirio gets to the end of the hall and permeates through the walls. suddenly the floor opens up underneath the heroes and they all fall. satori throws her hands out, a platform forms under her and the ones around her, slowing there heavy falls. 

"now where are we?" deku asks. 

"We're getting further and further away from our goal! It looks like they've got us good!" lock grumbles, satori hums and walks up from behind him.

"Hey, hey, hey. Some government authorities have fallen from the sky. Strange things happen, huh?" all eyes dart over to three villains that stood Infront of them.

"It looks like they're really ready for a fight. It's about time we showed them the strength of pro-"

Tamaki puts his hand out Infront of Fat Gum. "Save the strength of pros for the goal. For the ones stalling for time...I'll be enough by myself."

"What are you saying? Let's work together!" kirishima spoke up. reaching out for amajiki who was already ready to fight.

"Yeah, work together." Setsuno the villain with the sword and the piss coloured hair teases. he swings his sword in his hand. "ill kill all of you"

satori clenched her fists and stepped forward.

"You figured it out, huh? Oh, well." Setsuno charges at the group. "It just makes it easier to go wild!"

"We won't let you. Throw away your sword." aizawa stops Setsuno from using his Quirk.

Hojo aims a gun at Aizawa.

"He erased his Quirk? An inferior version of Eri's Quirk. I've heard that a hero like that exists. But is doesn't matter. What we should be doing is blocking them. That's all. "his finger lands on the trigger and just as he goes to press it his body is smashes to the side.

satori steps back, black ooze trailing from her hand as Hojo gets back up. "you're a quick one huh?" he spits, turning all his attention to the girl who lowers her hands, "yeah, i am" she mutters.

amajiki steps forward, raising his hand, he wraps the big guy in a tentacle. 

"Toya Setsuno. Quirk, Larceny. Yu Hojo: Crystallize. Sora Mitsu Tabe: Food. I read all about these guys in the briefing." amajiki calls. "I can take these three on. We eat tons of Takoyaki at the Fat Agency, so Octopus has become one of my specialties. And you know, I gotta say I'm pretty down on guns since I was shot in the street." he yells as he crushes the weapons and captures the other two as well. 

"Hold on, Suneater! "kirishima yells. 

"It's not smart for all of us to fight them. They want as many heroes stalled here as possible. Let's just give them one. We should save all your Quirks, especially Eraser Head's, for later! You'll need to be operating at percent to get through those moving hallways!" he looks at fatgum. 

"I know this is something I can do on my own."

Fat Gum stared at Suneater before  giving a small grin as he starts running to exit the room, calling, "Let's go!"

"Fat!" Red Riot watching him run.

"To that door!" Fat Gum shouted. satori pushes her hands against Kirishima's back and he starts running, lookin at satori who adjusts her suit slightly, he looks at her and rests a hand on her's. 

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