We are all in this together

By Lalya12367

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What happens when you put two damage families together a family therapy session come along with Miguel and Mi... More

Chapter 1 : Where are we
Chapter 2 : Abre los ojos y introducciรณn la familia Madrigal
Chapter 3 : The trobuled ceremony
Chapter 4 : Shes waiting on her miracle
Chapter 5 : Secrets spilled and pressure cracks
Chapter 6 : Your future awaits
Chapter 7 : The Misunderstood man
Break 1 : Time will tell.
Chapter 8 : The jinxed dinner
Chapter 9 : Our fate
Chapter 10: A new perspective
Chapter 11: Cut the roses
Chapter 12 : Revealing the truth
Break 2 : Scars heal all wounds
Chapter 13 : The deadly past
Chapter 14 : A new future
Chapter 15: Start Anew
chapter 16: Loved ones
chapter 17: Family dinner
Chapter 18 : Game night
Chapter 19 : A lovers tango
Chapter 20 : stunning surprises
Chapter 21 : Cooking classes
Chapter 22: The changing tree
Chapter 23: Swimming
Chapter 24: Party time
Chapter 25 : A lovely night
Chapter 26: The last day
Chapter 27: New adventures
Chapter 29 : A sole begining
Chapter 30: What we have
Chapter 31: Old admiration
Chapter 32: Family over fun
Chapter 33 : The melody of a heart
Chapter 34: Family arguments
Chapter 35 : Cursed
Chapter 36 : My way or no way
Chapter 37 : on the run
Break 3 : tricks you play
Chapter 39 : Save your life
Chapter 40 : getting in
Chapter 41 : like a trophy
Chapter 42 : murdering suspicions
Break 4 : Dance of pain
Chapter 43 : The missing piece
Chapter 44: haunting revenge
Chapter 45 : Run for your loved one
Chapter 46: finally at peace
Break 5 : Lucky
Chapter 50: (Deleted scene) - Another way in

Chapter 38: Sad souls

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By Lalya12367

Chapter 39: Sad souls

The next scene shows Pepita's shadow reflecting off of the bridge and then she comes into full view with the rest of the family following behind while she investigates; She sniffed the shoe polish off as she turned the lid over and Imelda ran over to check if she found anything.

Mamá Imelda: " Have you found him Pepita have you found our boy?"

She then sniffed and blew the dust away to reveal glowing footprints that had his tracks written all over him.

"That's awesome they can do that?" Abel coaxed

"Yes and the tricks tend to grow with the more power they have". Imelda said

"Dante can't do that yet? "Benny coaxed

"He's getting there almost not yet". Miguel smiled

"So can Mira do that with Lily?" Isabela asked

Lily flapped her wings and chittered in response and with a flap she revealed everyone's memories and feelings and their tracks.

"Woah that's awesome Mira". Antonio commented

Mirabel smiled and nodded as she watched with happiness.

"I've had Lily since I was born, I guess she just grew on me". Mirabel chuckled

"I'll say". Dolores smiled

"Your Alerbrije goes with you everywhere in life and is your campion for life, it doesn't matter where they come from all that matters is they are your companion till the end". Layla stated

"Also to do with your powers love, your Lily has more of a connection with you as time goes on". She adds

"She always has been my best friend". Mirabel laughs as Lily flitters against her cheek

"Still nothing like the bond of your companion". Miguel replies

Papá julio: " It's a Rivera boot '.

Tio Oscar: "Size seven".

Tio Felipe: "And a half".

Tia Victoria:" Pronated".

"Wow you guys know your shoes". Julieta shrugged

"Perks of being a shoemaker". Rosita said

"What tracking down my foot size really?" Miguel snorted

"That is one of the benefits yes". Julio replies

"My feet aren't not that pronated". Miguel sighed

"Whatever you say Mijo". Imelda smirked

Mama Imelda: "Miguel".

Pepita then sniffed the ground as it showed Miguel's tracks knowing the family now had to follow said tracks, Meanwhile Héctor and Miguel were on their way to find the gituar That Héctor mentioned and Miguel was talking to Héctor.

Héctor: "So why the hell would you want to become a musician ".

Miguel : " My Great- Great grandfather was a musician ".

Héctor: "Who spent his time performing like a monkey for complete strangers, Ay no thank You dios Mio no". He shook

Miguel : "What do you know?" He whispered as he looked up at De La Cruz's tower

"A lot more than you think Chamaco ". Héctor states

"Si, I'm sorry for underestimating you". Miguel nods

"Estas bien Mijo ". Héctor smiled

Miguel : "So how far is this gituar anyway?"

Héctor turned to Miguel and walked back.

Héctor: "We're almost there".

He then drops down and falls apart and then quickly put himself back quickly without any problems as he puts his hat back and then walks away across a bridge.

"Papá ". Coco sighed

"That dangerous you need to be more careful with your bones". Victoria reminded

"Si Mija I promise". Héctor smiled

Miguel was amazed at how quick he was able to put himself back together with no hassle and such ease.

Héctor: " keep up Chamaco come on".

Héctor smiled and straightened his hat as Miguel quickly followed down the side stairs with Dante and as they walked in Héctor whistled as a picked up some alcohol on the way in to call to his friends as they walked in.

Meanwhile as they walked Dante came past a rabbit frog looking alerbrije as it croaked and came across from dante and jumped In the water as it croaked.

Woman : "Héctor ".

Héctor: "Hey Tio , yonda".

As Miguel followed he looked around in sadness and curiosity.

Miguel: "These pepole are all your family?"

Héctor : " Ethier way we're all the ones with no ofrendas, no photos no family to go home to; nearly forgotten you know so we all just call each other cousin or Tio or ... or whatever".

"That's so so sad". Socorro pouted

"It is Mija but that's life and there's nothing we can do about it once it happens". Héctor explains

"You've had to live here all these years". Abel said

"That's why you keep the photos on and the memories ". Manny said

"Exactly ". Héctor smiled

Imelda felt really guilty and sad that she'd let this happen to her husband and wondered how he could ever be so forgiving towards her.

She looked as though she was broken hearted to see her husband in such a state and tried not to cry but it was impossible ..

"Mi Amor it's not your fault". Héctor whispered

"But it is because of me you had to live like this I will never forgive myself, you almost reached the final death because of me". Imelda replies

He hugged her close to his chest and sighed knowing there is no way to change her mind.

"I'm here and that's all that matters and I'll never leave again". He reassures

"I know I just don't loose you". Imelda cried

"I know mi vida and that's not happening not for a long time yet". Héctor mumbles

She cuddled into him as they watched not wanting to let each other go.

The two then walked to a group of ladies playing cards on a makeshift table when one yelled Héctor's name .

Tia Chelo: " Héctor ".

Héctor: "Tia Chelo !!"

He then put down some glasses and poured some alcohol in them to distribute to the ladies as he picked up the two shots for him and one other person.

Woman:" Muchas Gracias ".

Héctor : " Hey, Hey save some for me". He waved around the shot glasses to catch the alcohol.

"They seem very nice". Rosa said

"They are Mija ". Héctor smiled

"Well at least your not entirely alone". Miguel finishes

"Good point Mijo ". Héctor nodded

"Okay before we move on I have some guests is that okay?" Layla asked

"Si of course ". Enrique called

Just then Tia Chelo appeared with some friends of hers.

"I mean no harm". Layla put her hands up

"Oh we know dear we knew you were coming to get us". Chelo replied

"Tia Chelo, Emily,Ruben What are you all doing here?" Héctor asked

"We just thought you could use some company is all only for a little bit ". Emily smiled

They all looked and saw the Riveras and the Madrigals.

"And these must be the rest of your family ". Chelo smiled

"That they are". Héctor nodded

They all waved and introduced themselves and they all smiled and when they came around to Miguel they stopped in their tracks.

"Miguel?" Emily called

"Si, that's me Hola Tias, Tio ". He waved

"Oh my word you have grown". Ruben stated

"I'll say just like Héctor ". Chelo replies

"Thank you for remembering us Mijo it means a lot and now thanks to you we've got no yellow bones on sight". she added

"What you mean?" Héctor asked

"Well thanks to your Nino here Héctor there are a few of us being forgotten did he not tell you He set up a donation thing in the land of the living where all of us can retrieve our memories via long lost family members amazing right?" Ruben explains

" That way each of us has researched on our memories and our family ". Chelo adds

"Si". Héctor was speechless

"Thank you so much Mijo, Muchas Gracias for everything ". Emily smiled

"De nada family helps out family right?" Miguel said

"Si". Ruben smiles

They then looked towards Ernesto and scolded him and hit him hard before they left and even threatened him.

" if you ever hurt this poor family again we will hunt you down and we will kill for the second time". Ruben threatens

"And trust me when I say it will hurt badly". Emily whispered as she smiled

Then they all turned back to the families and said their goodbyes and wished luck before they transported back.

"Make sure that hechata takes it easy ". Miguel called

"We will". They replied

When they left Héctor looked speechless as he looked up and down and realising what his grandson had just done.

"What was that about Mijo?" Héctor asked

"Now before you get mad I spent a lot of time researching and remembered exactly what you said and I realised no one should be forgotten, I knew after just watching one final death I couldn't bear to lose another one; so I spent months of research trying to figure out how to help and I spent most of my nights just going through books and books of family history and memories, and what not I even got Rosa to help me on some of it even though she had no idea what this was for". Miguel explains

" And on top of that I also had to take care of the lawsuit with Papá which took forever to finish I had how to retrieve the police files from records of Santa Cecilia so it was a lot". Miguel adds

" Miguel was so persistent in helping us and we didn't listen the first time so we decided he would take the lead on this one and he would make sure that it would all end up just fine so that you can cross over". Elena joined

Héctor smiled and swore he was gonna cry as he went over and hugged him tight.

"Why would be mad Mijo you saved me and the rest and I will forever be grateful for that there was no way I was gonna be mad at you in the first place I just wanted to know what happened ". Héctor cried

"Good because I was kind of scared". Miguel sighed

"Ay". Héctor shook his head

Mirabel smiled and chuckled and hugged Miguel.

"What?" He coaxed

"You are the sweetest man I know and you know I love you ". She whispered

"Si, but not as much as I love you". Miguel smiled

Héctor:" Is Chicharron around?"

Tia Chelo: " In the bungalow, I don't know if he is the mood for visitors ". She waved to the bungalow

A woman shook her head at Héctor saying he wasn't in the mood.

But Héctor Continued to walk with Miguel and Dante to the bungalow as he opened the door and curtain to his place.

Héctor: " Oh who doesn't like a visit from cousin Héctor ". He kicked open the door

"Who's Chicharron?" Abel asked

"You'll find out". Layla sighed

" I'm guessing he is the only one who hates your visits". Elena coaxed

"We had a complicated friendship but sought of Mija yes". Héctor answers

When Miguel, Héctor and Dante entered the bungalow it was dark and cramped with boxes piled high with random things and as Miguel entered he almost knocked over one of the boxes but luckily he caught it before it fell.

Héctor walked up with the two glasses in hand one for him and when for Chicharron as Miguel and Dante cautiously following behind.

Héctor: "Buenos noches Chicharron ".

Héctor stepped up to a hammock filled with cans and inside lays a short old man trying to hide his face in the cans.

Chicharron: "I don't want to see your stupid face Héctor ".

Héctor: "Come chich on its Dia de muertos, I brought you a little offering". He shook the glass

Chicharron : " Get out of here ". He hid in the cans

"Wow he really doesn't want you around ". Carmen said

"Like I said Mija we had a complicated friendship ". Héctor smiled

Héctor sighed even though they had a complicated friendship he still missed his friend deeply.

Imelda hugged his side and reassures things will be okay and he hugs back.

"Estas bien Mi Amor ". Imelda whispered

Héctor: " I would chich but me and my friend Miguel here we really need to borrow your gituar". He pointed to Miguel

Chicharron : "My gituar?! My My prised beloved guitar". He grabbed his gituar and kept it close to his chest

Héctor: "Yes , I promise we will bring it right back ". He shrugged

Chicharron: " Like the time you promised to bring back my van, my mini fridge, my good napkins,my lasso".

Héctor: " Not Like those times".

He then grabbed Héctor by the shirt by the collar shaking him.

Chicharron: "What about my femur, where's my femur you-" He stopped

"What did you with his femur?" Rosa asked

"Yeah come to think about you never told me what happened with the femur?" Miguel joined

" Let's just say all these were plans to cross the bridge that failed horribly ". Héctor says

"You think?" Berto replies

Suddenly Chicharron felt a sharp glow take over his bones and he fell back into the hammock.

Both families gasped at the sight, Héctor faced away from the screen as he couldn't bear to watch his friends final death again as Imelda cuddles him tightly and he takes glad to have her by his side.

"Héctor you okay sweetheart?" Layla asked

"I will be fine". He reassured

"Okay just checking". Layla sighed

Héctor: "Woah you okay Amigo?"

Chicharron: " I'm fading Héctor I can feel it".

He breathed a breath and sighed knowing that he didn't much longer.

Chicharron : "You play me something ".

Héctor: "You know I don't play anymore chich the guitars for the kid". He pointed to Miguel

Chicharron : "you want it you've got to earn it".

Héctor reluctantly took the gituar from the hammock and Began tuning it.

Héctor: Only for you Amigo, any requests?"

Chicharron let out a small chuckle and sighed contented .

Chicharron: "You know my favourite Héctor ". He chuckled

Héctor smiled gently then took a breath and started playing as chicharron rested, Miguel was in shook and surprise that he could even play at all so he sat down on a crate as he watched with Dante in pure amazement.

Héctor (singing):

"Well everyone knows Juanita

Her eyes each a different colour

Her teeth stick out and her chin goes in".

Both families gasped and sighed as they watched Héctor sing to his friend, Coco was happy and closed her eyes and listened to the song as she missed her Papá singing; Imelda hummed and sighed as she closed her eyes and listens to her husbands voice take over her.

Héctor smiles just glad he did this one last request before his friend faced the final death.

Miguel looked exactly like he did on screen as he watched only this time Mirabel was nuzzled into his side sighing and happy.

Singing ( Continued):

"And her knuckles

They drag on the floor".

Imelda's eyes fly open as she looks at Héctor and has a stern expression on her face, he shrugs as the rest of the adults are glad he didn't say the actual words and censored it.

"I know the actual words". Miguel pointed out

"What how?!" Héctor yelled

Miguel nodded and laughed.

"I'll tell you later". Miguel nodded

"Miguel Emilio Rivera you better not say the words". Luisa scolded

"Don't worry I'm not gonna say them out loud". Miguel reassures

"I always wanted to know how he knew that song and now I know". Coco sighed

Mirabel leaned in and whispered to him as he smiled at the shock look on Héctor's face.

"You know the real words?" She asked

"Si, and let's just say it has something to do with cleavage". Miguel replied

Mirabel gasped and gently smacked him in the arm.

"You trickster". Mirabel gasped

Miguel smiled cheekily and laughed.

Héctor opens his eyes not realising how involved he got in the music when he saw Miguel and decided to Censor some of the words as Miguel was still sitting there still amazed.

Chicharron: " Those aren't the words ".

Héctor: "There are children present". He gestured with his head to Miguel

Singing (Continued):

"Her hair is like a briar

She stands in a bow legged stance

And if I weren't so ugly

She'd possibly give me a chance".

Both families clapped as Héctor finished the song as they didn't know how well he could sing.

"I still can't believe you taught him that song". Imelda sighed

"Correction mi vida I didn't teach him I sung the song big difference ". Héctor corrected

"That's even worse". Imelda called

"I'm not gonna say the words". Miguel said

"You'd better not". Enrique replies

Chicharron then took of his hat and closed his eyes ready for the final death to take him as Héctor turned away saddened to watch his friend leave this world.

Chicharron: " Brings back memories ".

He laid there in peace as Héctor, Miguel and Dante watched with Dante letting out a little whimper as they watch him slowly fade.

Chicharron: "Gracias ".

"I can't watch". Mirabel calls as she hits in the blanket hugging Miguel and Socorro who also can't watch.

"Oh Papá ". Coco cried

"It's okay I'm here". Héctor reassures

The family members who can watch watch on with grief and sadness at what was happening. Imelda hugged her husband tight afraid if she was to let go he would disappear like Chicharron .

"That's so sad". Juileta sighed

"I'm gonna cry". Pepa had to cloud over her head as Felix held her tight

Bruno held his sister tight and whispered reassures in her ear.

Rosa had tears roll down on her cheek as Abel held her tight and manny and Benny were cuddled into Carmen as they couldn't bear to watch the sight ethier.

Héctor then lifted up to the sky and then drank it leaving his friends shot glass on the table still in honour of him as he walked away towards Miguel.

Miguel: " "Where did he go?"

Héctor: "He has been forgotten ".

Miguel: " But I've met him I can remember him when I go back".

Héctor: " No it doesn't work like that Chamaco, our memories they have been passed down by those knew us in life in the stories they tell about us but there's no one left in life to pass down chich's stories". Héctor looked sad

Miguel looked saddened at that as he looked across at the lone shot glass on the table as Héctor shook him out of it by putting a hand on his shoulder.

Héctor : " but I hate happens to everyone eventually, come on De la Cruzito we got a contest to win".

Miguel looked at the shot glass the table one last time before he left and followed Dante and Hector out...

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