Lost In Ice (Various x Fem. R...

By rainydoesnothing

130K 4.8K 1.8K

Y/n awoke in a bed made of ice that was covered in blankets. Now she's the daughter of a crazed wizard who ki... More

Melted Disaster/Prisoners of Love
Y/n's Profile
Tree Trunks
The Enchiridion
The Jiggler
Ricardio the Heart Guy
Business Time
My Three Favorite People
Memories of Boom Boom Mountain
City of Theives
The Witch's Garden
What Is Life?
Ocean of Fear
When Wedding Bells Thaw
Birthday Chapter
The Duke
Freak City
Stranger in the Ice
What Have You Done
Their Hero
Gut Grinder(s)
Y/n's Profile (Season 2)
It Came From The Nightosphere
The Eyes
Blood Under the Skin
Loyalty to the King
Slow Love
Crystals Have Powers
The Other Tarts
To Cut a Woman's Hair
The Soft Chewed
Her Parents
The Real You
Death in Bloom
Susan Strong
Mama's Cookin'
Mystery Train
Go With Me
The Limit
This Mortal Folly
Mortal Recoil
Adventure #1
Adventure #2
Morituri Te Salutamus
Too Young
Just A Pause
Wizard Battle
Adventures with M/N The Warrior

Memory of a Memory

559 38 8
By rainydoesnothing

"Faster! Faster! She's in danger!" A voice yelled. Jake was running as fast as he could with Finn and a weird man on his back.

"Who is he talking about?" He whispered to Finn

Finn just shrugged. "I have no idea."

Jake let out a small gasp. "What?! Then why am I running so hard?"

"Because..." Finn hummed, not knowing why they were hurrying.

"Because they're in trouble!" The man yelled, leaning in.

"Who is?!" Both boys yelled.

The man paused while coughing. "Marceline and Y/n!"

Finn's eyes widened upon hearing his words. "Faster, Jake!" He commanded.

Jake panted, but he picked up the speed. "Our girls are in trouble!" He was now galloping before jumping into the water to run to the entrance of the cave. "Hey, wizard, how do you know Marceline?" He asked. "Or Y/n."

"I'm Marceline's spirit animal." He hummed.

Jake made a small face, not knowing how to feel. "Oh."

As the three barged into Marceline's home, they gasped at the sight. Marceline was lying on the ground, face down, while Y/n was slouched against the couch. Near her head was Campi in the form of a fox. They whimpered and made small clicking sounds at their sleeping friend.

Near her right hand was her spear. Its normal glow was faint, almost like it was fading. It twitched and let out a few sparks before it just started to glow at a decaying pace.

"Marceline!" Finn gasped. He then walked over to Y/n and tried to shake her shoulder. "What's wrong with them?" He asked. Campi stared at Finn, their eyes filled with sadness.

"Marceline accidentally cast a sleep spell, and now she, along with Y/n, are trapped in eternal slumber." The rag wizard spoke, his tone sad and sincere.

Finn stood and patted Campi's head in reassurance. "Tell us how to break the spell." He ordered quietly.

The wizard stared at Marceline "I'll transport you into Marceline's mind where you will walk through her memories and find the memory core."

"What about Y/n?" Jake asked.

"You must do it one at a time. Without each other, you could get lost and never return." The wizard's pupils widened as he spoke.

"Once you enter Marceline's mind, find the memory of her casting the sleep spell on herself. At your touch, you and the memory will be transported back to reality."

Jake crossed his arms worriedly. "But, like, if you know all this, why not just do it yourself?" He questioned him.

"Entering a person's mind can be dangerous, and I don't have any arms. Just legs." Without warning, the wizard started to stretch his leg towards Finn's head. "Yeah, there we go... oh." He tapped a toe against Finn's head.

Finn rubbed the spot at a small spec of light shined on his head. Then, it disappeared. "What? What'd you do to my forehead?" He asked while grimacing. It was just pure disgusting.

While Finn continued to rub his head, the wizard pulled out a brown sack from his belt. "When you get close to the memory, your forehead will glow. Here, take this." He set the sack in Finn's hands. He opened it and stared at the glittery powder. "It's a sack of magic powder. Sit on the couch and sprinkle the powder on your head."

Finn closed up the sack before plopping a seat on the couch. Jake joined him as Campi moved to the corner. Before they did anything, Finn patted Y/n's head gently. "Don't worry, we'll save ya."

Jake did the same as she continued to be slumped against the cushioned seat. Finn then grabbed the powder before sprinkling some on himself and Jake. "Like this?" He asked, making sure he did it right.

The wizard nodded, a grin growing on his face. "Yep, like that. Feel sleepy?" He asked.

"Mmhm." Both boys nodded.

"Good. Sleep now. But know this! If you fail, Marceline will be trapped in eternal sleep... forever!" As the Wizard spoke, both boys gasped at the thought. "And ever. And ever." The Wizard's voice faded away as their eyes started to feel heavy. Their lids dropped lower and lower till they were shut completely.

Their bodies fell on each other as they went into a deep sleep.

The room was quiet until the Wizard laughed. His evil chuckles echoed around as he revealed his two arms. He grabbed the powder and tied it around his waist.

"I have to give it to them, they are helpful. Very helpful idiots." He laughed while pinching Finn's cheek.

Standing back, he walked into the kitchen and raided the pantry and fridge. "Now, what does Marci have..." He mumbled.

While the man was distracted, Marshall entered through a portal that appeared on the ground. He floated up while stretching his arms, a heavy cooler was strapped around his shoulder.

"Alright, I'm back. Now let's chug down some-" He froze at the sight. His sister was on the ground, face down. Y/n was slumped on the couch, and Campi was shaking in a corner, while Finn and Jake were slumped on the couch.

He dropped the cooler with a gasp before dropping next to his sister. "Marci? Marci?!" He shook her arm. "Marceline, come on!" He shouted, tears pricking his eyes. Then he rushed over to Y/n, his hand placed on her neck to check for a pulse. Then, she let out a snore.

He sighed in relief. She was just sleeping. Then, his vision was blinded by a gold power. He coughed, trying to get the dusty taste out of his mouth. Looking around, he saw... a city?

Marshall stood and looked around. It was empty, nobody was around. But there was nothing wrong with the city. It was all just normal. He walked down a street, it felt familiar. The gas station flashed its sign, it was colorful and filled with food and items.

He passed it and soon found himself in a white void. Nothing was in front, nothing was behind. It was just him. His eyes darted around. Everything was bright, but he wasn't harmed. It felt nice being able to feel this type of light. Then, he ran into something.

His gut was hit by something he couldn't see. He grabbed his stomach before slowly feeling around. There was a small circular feeling in front. His hand grabbed it before it twisted.

Then he pushed in. The light was still around, but now he could see color. The room on the other side was small, but it was decorated so nicely.

Food on the table, streamers hung, balloons blown, it was all refreshing to look at. The colors were shades of blues and greens with some gold thrown in.

The room was welcoming. Closing the door behind him, Marshall started to walk around. Faint whispers were around the room before a girl skipped through.

She was dressed up in overalls with a bandaid on her hand. She smiled widely, a front tooth was missing in the toothy grin. She giggled with a stuffed elephant in her arms.

"Yay! Cake time! Cake time!" She cheered while crawling up a chair. She plopped herself in front of a cake which magically appeared. It had a number three candle on top. She sat there before looking around with a grin.

Marshall's eyes widened. "Y/n?" He whispered.

The young girl looked right at him before tilting her head. "Hi! It's mah birthday!" She giggled innocently while clapping her hands. "Big brother, is that a friend of yours?"

No one replied, but she stared at something like it was there. Marshall continued to hear the whispers, but nobody else was there. Y/n then closed her eyes tightly before blowing out the candles.

The room then went dark. Marshall stood still before the ground below vanished. He fell, but he quickly stopped and started to float. Down below there was a light that shined.

It looked like waves crashing around a small enclosed box. Marshall dropped down before hovering over the cold water.

Under the waves, there was a faint golden glow that lit up the dark blue water. The light got fainter as if it was sinking. Taking a deep breath, Marshall dived in.

He swam down to try and catch whatever was glowing. It got further away from him leaving the water completely dark.

His fingers grazed something before he was shot out on the other side. He coughed out the water that spilled into his mouth on the ground.

It splattered around before he moved his wet hair away from his face. It was another room, this time it was a moody blue all around.

Marshall stood, his legs threatening to buckle under him before he paused to look around. It was a bedroom, one with drawings taped to the walls, clothes messily strung on the ground, and a whole shelf filled with different-sized books. He took in the small details, deep in thought before he heard sniffles.

He turned quickly. Swaddled in blankets was Y/n again, this time she was older. Maybe around 10 or 11. She wiped her tears with the blanket before trying to cover her ears. Her teary eyes glanced up at Marshall while her lips quivered.

"I didn't mean for it to happen... it's all my fault." She sobbed. He got closer and wiped the tears from her face.

"Nothing is your fault. It's okay." He tried to reassure her

Y/n shook her head as a sob escaped her lips. "No! They're fighting because I exist!" She cried into his shoulder as he wrapped her up in a tight hug. "They're arguing about me..."

Marshall stood still, one of his hands rubbing her back in a comforting manner. Now that he was where she was, he could hear the accusing tones that were partially covered by the door.

'Are you kidding me!? You are always cooped up while I slave away in the world. When was the last time you left the house?'

'You know what I'm working for! I need to help others, think of all the people who were like you.'

'Like me!? Maybe it was your fault we couldn't have anymore. It was dangerous then, and it still is now.'

'My fault? MY FAULT-'

The voices stopped abruptly as Y/n slumped forward. He slowly laid her against the bed before brushing a hand against her head. Marshall stepped away from her sleeping form. 'The memory stopped.' He noted. It had to be because she fell asleep. He stepped around the semi-messy room before opening the door.

He was close to slamming it shut when he saw a familiar sight—the ruins.

Memories flashed through his mind, it had been hundreds of years since he last thought of his past living experiences. The city was a mess with fire, wrecked cars, and, of course, nobody left.

He walked around a short distance before a shadow passed him. He turned around as the shadow led him in a circle. Then, he was the one to pounce.

Under him was another Y/n, this time she was closer to when he last saw her. Back when he too was younger. "Get off!" She whispered harshly. "You'll lead them right to us!"

Marshall let her go as she stood away from him. "Y/n," he started nervously, "I need your help."

The girl reeled back at her name. "How do you...?" She paused before shaking her head. "You're not from here." She suddenly spoke, making Marshall nervous. "You're here for her, aren't you?"

He shuffled a little under her gaze. "Her?" He questioned, not understanding.

Y/n grabbed his hand. "Come on, this way." She stated before dragging him to a tarp on the ground in an alleyway. She kicked it aside to reveal a hole. Marshall peaked down.

"So where does-"

He couldn't get his words out before Y/n pushed him in. She covered the hole with the tarp before walking away while dusting off her hands. She whistled a soft tune while strutting down the city street.

Just like before, Marshall fell down another hole. Only this time, he couldn't fly. The air rushed around him, catching both his hair and shirt as he continued down the dark abyss. Faint lights around him appeared as he fell. They increased speed before the lights stopped right at the bottom.

Marshall closed his eyes as the bottom was right in front of him. But he didn't hit the ground. His eyes slowly opened to see that he was right in front of the ground, his head centimeters away. If it weren't for the fact that he was inside Y/n's memories, he would've passed out.

Letting out a shaky sigh of relief, he collided right on the hard ground. He let out a weak groan before slowly picking himself up. The lights, though dim, helped him see what was around.

Along some branches were small orbs. They glowed with little symbols on each one. Marshall stood and walked over to the group. His hand brushed against one as a memory started to play. It was one of Y/n, the new one that emerged after the Lich disaster.

It was a moment she had told him about with her and Gumball. He scoffed thinking about the prince. Nothing against him, but at the moment he was acting like a nuisance.

He let the memory go and it slowly rose in the air. "Huh..." He whispered, staring at it faded away.

Marshall looked around the small room. In a corner, he saw memories but they had gray chains around the memory itself. He walked over and tried to let it play, but there was no sound and nothing played. He rubbed the orb multiple times, even trying different ones, but nothing happened.

He could barely make out the blurry images, but some moments looked familiar to him. He squinted his eyes, the orb close to his face before the orb was taken from his grasp.

He flinched back. In front was, yet again, another Y/n. But her face was nothing but a blank surface with hollowed black eyes. They were turned down into a teary-eyed cry, the mouth forever posed in a frown.

"Y/n...?" He whispered.

The girl slowly flinched back before putting the orb down. Then she went to a corner and sat on the ground. Soft tears streamed down her face as she just sat.

Marshall looked around once again. It was just him and her. He stalked closer before sitting next to her. She made no sound while crying. Her shoulders twitched at different times like she was sobbing.

He slowly lifted a hand and patted her shoulder. She tensed up, but slowly let her body fall. Marshall's hand brushed against her head and face in a comforting manner. Y/n's breathing calmed, the tears were now gone, but her face was still in a frowning expression.

His hand reached around and slowly pulled her in. She shakily leaned into his body before calming down. Marshall didn't know whether she was going to sleep or not, but from her pocket, she reached in and gifted him a memory orb.

The memory of the accident.

Marshall's eyes widened as the memory played. The one where an odd man appeared and dusted both Y/n and his sister in a powder. "Thank you." He whispered.

Y/n burrowed closer into Marshall's touch before his world went dark.

Y/n woke up with a gasp. Marshall too shot up. They both looked at each other before he pulled her into a hug. Her hand gripped his shoulders as he cried, his tears soaked her shirt.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

Y/n furrowed her brows. "What for?" She asked. "What happened?"

Marshall pulled away. "You don't remember?" He asked disheartedly.

Y/n shook her head. "Not much. Just that this weird guy threw some powder on me and I passed out." She rubbed her head with a groan. "Ah..." There was a sharp pain in her head. She felt like she was forgetting something, something important.

He slowly got up. Y/n was still sitting on the ground before he offered a hand to pull her up. She grabbed it and helped herself up.

Campi slowly moved from behind the couch before letting a small squeak sound. They jumped excitedly to see their owner was okay.

Y/n smiled. "Campi." She cooed gently. The little creature turned into a cat before leaping up and cuddling into Y/n's arms. She lost some balance from the sudden impact, but she held the creature in her arms carefully.

Marshall smiled at the sight. Y/n then turned to look around the room. It was now empty. "Where Marceline?" She questioned, looking around worriedly.

On the ground, there was a tiny post-it note stuck to the carpet. Marshall bent over to grab it, the paper crinkling in his hands.

"B.R.B, Marci's ex took her." He read it out loud. The paper was quickly crushed in his fists. "Ash," Marshall growled.

Y/n made a face. "Ugh, I've heard plenty of him." She sneered while rolling her eyes.

Marshall picked her up by the waist. "Hold on, we're gonna save my sis."

Then, they flew out of the house and cave to find Ash's house.

When Y/n was with Marceline, it was just around noon. Now, it was nearing Midnight. Though the girl had been sleeping for hours, she felt exhausted.

The state she was in felt like nothing. There was no concept of time, no sound, and nothing to see.

Below them was a house in the middle of the woods. Marshall landed on the roof before the two got down in case they were spotted. Ash was talking down to Marceline as she crossed her arms angrily at the sight of him.

"I want a turkey sandwich with to-ma-to." He spread out the word while explaining it to her which only made her more mad. "Also pickles." He grinned, thinking that she was going to do it.

Marceline kicked him in the nuts making him fall back in pain. He held his crotch while tears streamed down his face. "Somebody call my mom!" He whined pathetically.

Before anyone else could assault the man, Y/n jumped from the roof with a small battle cry. She landed right on top of him before she started to punch his gut.

He doubled over with a wheeze as she continued to beat him. "Uncle... UNCLE!" He screamed

Y/n pulled herself off before patting her elbow. "No mercy." She hissed quietly before landing a blow with her elbow on his back.

Shorter chapter, I know, but this episode was a little harder to write for.
BTW, guys, I am not doing good rn... mentally. Physically I'm healthy and fine, but some stuff just happened that has made me a sobbing mess.
1) I watched all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies for the first time, loved them, and cried.
2) Today, March 22, 2024, I learned that my favorite teacher is resigning and won't return.
Yes, I am graduating this year, but it's still sad because he has helped me so much. He's been my choir teacher for four years and I'm grateful to have been taught by him.

Thank you for listening to my little rant. Love you lots! Rainy~

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