The Ghost of Aincrad.(SAO x M...

By JJHM2004

40.4K 1.3K 369

Being hated in a cruel world, whether for true or false events, it does not matter to the young man who swor... More

World of Swords.
The First Floor.
What's Been Lost...
The Ghost of Aincrad.
Murder within the walls.
Illusionary Avenger.
The Fire of the Heart.
The Flaming Dance of White and Black.
The Blue-Eyed Demon
Crimson Killing Intent.
Girl of Hope
When All Else is Lost
Edge of Hell's Abyss.
End Of The World
The Land of Fairies.
Journey to the World Tree.
The Summit
Servant of a King.
The Healing.
General of the Blazing Flame
The Grand Quest.
The Raid.
The Marked Warrior.
The World Seed.
Tales of Old Times
Problems in Another World.
World of Guns.
Guns and Swords.
Ghost of the Past.
Bloody Memories.
Bullet of Bullets.
Death Gun.
Death Chaser
What It Means To Be Strong.
Bullet of a Phantom.
Phantom Bullet.
One Little Step.
The Queen of the Lake.
The King of the Giants.
Mysterious Challenger.
A Son's Path.
Zekken and the Sleeping Knights.
A Son's Gift.
Battle For The Boss.
The Monument of the Swordsmen
Zekken's Truth.
Mother's Rosario.

Deep Sea

583 21 8
By JJHM2004

(Forgot to mention. The Spartan Chronicles will be updated every 2 or 3 days, won't be daily like this one)

ALO, Turtle Island. July 25, 2025

Silica, Rika, Asuna, Leafa, and Ryuu were playing in the water of the beach.

 Atreus was building a sand castle. Meanwhile, Eris was simply sitting near the sea with her gear on.

Meanwhile, Kirito and Klein were sitting on chairs on the sand under an umbrella. They then looked to the side and saw Kratos standing next to them with his new gear on.

Klein: Come on, Kratos. Can't you relax for one moment?

Kratos: Monsters can still appear in this area.

Klein: I know you don't mean that, after all, you're letting Atreus relax, too. He's building a sand castle.

Kratos: It helps him build focus and patience.

Mimir: Come on, Brother. Put me on the sand. It'll be nice to feel it, even if just with my head.

Kratos hummed before grabbing Mimir and placed him on the sand.

Mimir: Thanks. It does feel nice. Are you sure you don't want to just lay down?

Kratos: I am sure.

Klein: Come on, Kratos! This is how you should enjoy the ocean! Blue skies.

Kirito: White sand.

Klein: The sound of waves.

Kirito: The dazzling sun.

Klein: And...

They looked towards the ocean where the girls are, but right at that moment, Agil landed in front of them.

Agil: Hey, I'm here.

He then saw Kirito's and Klein's shocked faces.

Agil: What's wrong with you two?

Klein: Hey, Kirito, Kratos, you guys are sure whales are in this quest? Yui are pretty excited. If it turns out to be a clione or jellyfish, she's gonna be really upset!

Kirito: I'd kind of like to see a giant clione... Agil, did you hear any info?

Agil: Nope. It's a quest on the world map's very edge. Hardly anyone even knows of it. But it seems to be true that a huge aquatic monster lies at its end.

Klein: That sounds pretty promising! Okay, let's do this! Everyone, it's about time to get going!

Asuna: Okay, on our way!

The girls made their way to the beach before switching to their gear, as they left Klein completely shocked.

Klein: Everyone... You'll be wearing that equipment during the entire quest?

Ryuu: We're going to a dungeon. We'll be fighting.

Liz: You change, too.

As Klein fell to his knees defeated, Kirito spoke and everyone gathered.

Kirito: So, everyone, I'll be your party leader for today's quest. If we see a giant whale during the quest today, follow my instructions.

Everyone: Okay!

Kirito: I'll repay you someday... Probably. Let's do our best, everyone!

*Time skip*

The party was now flying over the ocean as Kirito opened the map.

Kirito: The coordinates should be around here.

Klein: You don't think that's it?

He said while pointing at a glow in the ocean.

Asuna: Okay, I'll cast Water Breathing.

Asuna chanted the spell on the party before they dived into the ocean.

After swimming for a few minutes, they saw a temple and a person standing on a platform.

Atreus: It's a quest NPC.

Klein: Underwater, the only people who'd need your help are mermaids! I'm coming to help you, mermaid girl!

He said before rushing to the NPC.

When he reached the platform he got in one knee.

Klein: May I help you with something, young lady-

He looked at the NPC and saw it was an old man.

Yui: It isn't a young lady. It's an old man.

Eris: Guess you have more luck with old men than with mermaids.

While Klein was still shocked, Kirito walked to the man.

Kirito: What's wrong, sir?

He said before accepting the quest Deep Sea Invaders.

Nerakk: Fairies of the surface world, are you here to help this old man?

Meanwhile, Asuna saw Leafa looking Nerakk with confusion.

Asuna: What's wrong, Leafa?

Leafa: Nothing... I was just thinking I'd seen that man's name before.

Nerakk: You see, thieves living in this temple stole a present I was going to give to an old friend... I'd like you to regain it for me.

Kirito: Leave it to us.

Nerakk: Oh, thank you. The present is a pearl about this size.

He said while forming a circle with his hands.

Liz: Huge!

Silica: Don't walk off and try to sell it!

Liz: I w-won't... Not this time, anyway.

Nerakk: Thank you, fairies. If you can get the pearl back, I'll reward you well!

The old man finished as Kirito looked at the group.

Kirito: Looks like our quest is to recover a missing object. But there should monsters inside the temple. Those of you at the front, remember that your weapons are slower underwater. Those at the rear, remember that you can't use lightning magic.

Everyone: Okay!

After some time, Kratos and Kirito were at the very front as Klein walked to them.

Klein: Hey, guys... Leafa isn't good at fighting underwater, right? Shouldn't you help her out a little?

Kirito: Yeah, but... it's one thing if it's just the two of us, but when we're all in a party, I don't really know how to act around her.

Kratos: Is she a different person when in a party?

Kirito: No...

Kratos: Then why should you act different whether it is with a party or her alone?

Kirito: I guess you're right... You know I sometimes feel like I'm being scolded by an older brother when we have this kinds of conversations-

He said before he and Klein fell in a drain trap.

Once the two of them barely swam out of the trap, Kirito looked at Kratos.

Kirito: You could've warn us.

Kratos: You could have been more perspective.

He said before helping the two get up.

Eris: To think they were some of the best players in the frontlines.

Liz: Tell me about it.

Silica: It's okay. After all, Kratos wouldn't ever fall for a trap like that.

Liz lightly punched Silica as she floated in the water.

Mimir: Careful, lads. Something's coming!

Right after he said that, something quickly came out of the trap

Klein: Is that it? The whale?

Kratos: No!

He said before quickly drawing his axe.

The enemy revealed itself as it floated in front of them.

Kratos charged at it as it charged back and Kratos struck it's head, but it did no damage.

Kratos: We cannot damage the head. I will draw it's attention, and you attack it from the sides!

The monster charged at Kratos as he used his Dauntless Shield to block it and kept it in place as the rest of them began to attack it from the sides.

As Leafa was about to deliver a direct hit, the monster started spinning on the water as it created a whirlpool that knocked her towards the trap.

Kratos: Tch!

Kratos jumped towards the ceiling before boosting himself towards the monster and struck it's upper part with his axe, killing the monster and saving Leafa on the process.

They continued on their journey as they found the pearl after some time.

They took it and walked back to the entrance.

Klein: I don't want to see shrimp or crabs for a long time...

Agil: No squid or octopid, either.

Eris: We never did see the whale either.

Silica: But Yui seemed to have a great time.

She said as Yui and Atreus were talking about the adventure with laughter.

Meanwhile, Kirito handed the pearl to the old man.

Kirito: We've brought your present back.

Nerakk: This is definitely it.

Meanwhile, Ryuu looked at Kratos and saw he stared at Nerrakk narrowed eyes.

Ryuu: Are you okay?

Kratos: Something is wrong.

Asuna: What do you mean?

Kratos: I would've expected the thieves to hide the pearl instead of having it exposed like that.

Silica: Yeah, that's strange...

Liz: Not only that, but we never saw the thieves who supposedly stole the pearl.

Leafa: Now that you mention it...

Mimir: So, that's what it is!

Kratos: Yes.

As Kirito was about to hand the pearl to Nerakk, Kratos walked to him before pushing the old man a bit with his axe.

Kirito: Kratos, what are you doing?

Kratos: We were deceived.

Kirito: What?

Asuna: Wait, Kratos is right!

She took the pearl before placing it on the light and they saw what seemed like a creature inside of it.

Asuna: This isn't a pearl... It's an egg!

Kirito: A-An egg?! Are we the Deep Sea Invaders?

Nerakk: Now hand it over.

Kratos stopped him with his axe.

Kratos: No.

Nerakk: If you will not give it over, then I have no choice!

His body started to change as it turned giant and morphed into a giant octopus.

His name changed as the letters rearrange to "Kraken" and eight HP bars appeared next to it.

Leafa: A Kraken... The sea monster from Norse Mythology?

Kraken: I thank you fairies. A barrier kept me out of that temple, but you retrieved the Princess's Egg from it... Now hand it over!

Eris: Princess's egg?

Asuna: We refuse! We're taking the egg back to the temple.

Kraken: Foolish insects... Then I'll send you to the abyss!

They attempted to attack the Kraken, but their attacks barely had any effect. The Kraken swung one of it's tentacles as it left the party badly damaged.

Mimir: Darn it, that Kraken's stats are too high!

Yui: They're much higher than a New Aincrad Floor Boss!

The Kraken revealed a sharp mouth on it's lower body as Kratos stood up and readied a skill with it.

But suddenly, a trident fell in between them.

Kraken: This trident...

They then see a giant man descend and laned behind the party as it had eight HP bars. Leviathan the Sea Lord.

Leviathan: It's been a long time, my old friend. I see you're up to your old tricks.

Kraken: And how long will you be satisfied as a servant of the Aesir? You're an embarrassment to the name "King of the Sea."

Leviathan: I am satisfied with being a king. And this is my domain. Knowing that, do you still wish to fight, King of the Depths?

Kraken: For now, I shall withdraw. But I shall not give up, my friend! One day, I shall claim the Prince's Egg, and make the accursed gods pay!

He said before leaving towards the depths.

Leviathan then looked at the party.

Leviathan: That egg belongs to the one that will someday rule all the sea and air. I must find it a new home, so I shall take it back.

The egg disappeared from Asuna's hands before a message that indicated them that they completed the quest appeared.

Klein: Then that's the end? I'm not sure what just happened.

Liz: I couldn't follow what the old guy and the octopus were discussing at all.

Leviathan: For now, that's fine. Come, I shall return you to your own country, fairies.

Silica: R-Return us? How?

A creature appeared from behind Leviathan as they looked surprised.

After some time, a whale emerged to the surface as the party was on it's back.

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