Nawal - One Shots

By nina282

64.5K 2.4K 369

One shots More

Truth Unveils - Part 1
The Past Unfolds
Destroyed Emotions
Redemption (Part 2 of Breakdown)
Redemption - Version 2
Battling the Storm
Amrish Shocked and Hetal Rocked
Battling the Storm - Version 2
Starting Over Again
Giving Up
The Aftermath
the aftermath - version 2
Fighting for her - Aftermath 2 V2
Switcheroo 2
Giving Up - Version 2
Coming Home
Convincing Natasha
Love Overcomes
A new beginning
Winning a war
Her wedded life
Her wedded life 2
Overcoming the defeat
Wedding Affair
New Beginnings
Leaving to Heal
Overcoming Obstacles
Helpless Part 2
Family's encounter
Love and War
Fighting for her loves
Overcoming the hurdles (part 2)
The Downfall
Standing Up for Her
Giving Hope
love in the air
His Runaway Wife
Runaway Wife part 2
Hide and Seek Bride
Finally together ❤️
Hide and Seek Bride Part 2
Painful truths
The Arranged Marriage
A New Start
His wife
Pageant (Version 1)
Pageant (Version 2)
Broken Truths
Love Wins ❤️
Jealousy: Action and Reaction
Aftermath of Deception
Winning her over
Reunion - part 2
Some home truths drilled in
The Chase
A New Life
Fragile truth
The Apologies
Dhawal's fight for his love
Supporting Natasha
Arrange or Love
Holi Explosions
Aftermath of Holi
Aftermath of Holi part 2
Finally the truth comes out
Broken Relationships
Broken Relationships V2
Broken Relationships V2 part 2
The Fallout
Fallout Part 2
Amba's Downfall
Changing Dynamics
The Outing
The Return V2
The Repentance
The Repentance Part 2
Truth comes out - V2
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Part 2
Cause and Effect # 3
Rejected then married
Dhawal's Win
Annulment or Reconciliation
Married you again
Making sure she heals
Breaking Free V1
Not Giving Up
The move
Bringing her home
Fighting for Her
Hot and Cold
Love at first Sight
Makwana vs Makwana
Family Reunited
Standing by her
The marriage arrangement

The Return

322 12 2
By nina282

Natasha finally convinced Chiku to return the property back to the Makwana Family.  She told the family that she was going to visit Udiaput to see her friend Abhira get married again.  So, on her way to the train station, Natasha decided to drop the papers.  As she was doing this,  the Pandya family was moving back into Pandya Niwas.

She walked into the Makwana household and saw that everyone was sitting down talking.   "Sorry, I knocked."  said Natasha.

"Natasha, come in.  Would you like a cup of tea.  We are having tea now.?"  asked Hetal Bhabi

"Sorry, Bhabi.  I don't have time to have tea.   I will need to leave as soon as I am finished."  Natasha  

Dhawal stood up and moved near her.  

"Mr. Amrish Makwana.  Here you go.  As promised.  Your property is yours again." 

Amrish smiled, "Thank you, Natasha."  Everyone smiled and was so happy.

"Thank you, Beta!" Amba went to bless her, and Natasha moved away, surprising everyone.

"Natasha?" asked Dhawal

"Beta, don't sound right coming out of your mouth.   You and your eldest son were the ones to blame me for this fiasco.  Yet it was your second son who conspired with my brother.  That didn't make sense to me then, but it does now.   If your heart is black, then all you see in others is black hearts.  Never goodness in others."  said Natasha

Everyone looked down.

"Natasha, it'sn't like that anymore.  Maa has changed."  said Dolly

"A leopard doesn't  its spots.  She said the words.  Do you know I stayed away from my family for the past 6 months because of her words.  What did she say, oh yes, "When I lived in her house, as Dhawal's bride, I took the peace out of that house, and now that I moved back home, I was taking the peace out of Esha's life.  Where did you think I was supposed to go after you kicked me out of the house.  Was I supposed to die?"  asked Natasha

"Natasha!  Don't you ever say that!" yelled Dhawal, turning her around to face him.  "Don't you ever talk about Death."

Natasha ignored him and turned back towards the family.  "Now that the property is returned, I will say this.  Everybody blamed me when your property was taken away, but where was this anger when my property was stolen by Mr. Amrish Makwana.   Nobody did anything?  So why the double standards, because it happened to the Makwana's, "  said Natasha

"Natasha, I'm sorry," said Dhawal

"Save it!  What I wanted to know was why I was always blamed for everything even though I tried to help the family.  I was blamed for Dhawal leaving the house. Did I tell him to leave?  No.  I was blamed for Golu's kidnapping when, in reality, it was Esha.  Esha lost the crown. That was my fault.  How was that my fault.  She asked me for the crown and I gave it to her.  They took it away from her and gave it to me, but I was blamed.  Well, enough.  I am done trying to protect some ungrateful members of this family."

Natasha surprised the family with her anger.  Natasha pulled out her phone.  "I listen to this recording, at least once a week.   You see,  last year, I wanted to know more about my parents, aunts, and uncles' deaths.  So I went investigating.   This recording was with the old manager of the bank, where my parents had passed away.   I saved it.  I sent myself a copy so I can listen to it when I want to be close to my parents."  Natasha played the recording shocking the family again.

"What did you say, Mr. Amrish Makwana.  That I took a steep price for Dhawal's return.   Now I will ask you, for the past 15 years, the Pandya's, knowing the Makwana's have taken a steep price from us.  You had only lost your wealth.   Well, I lost my whole family.  Eight members of my family.  Seven of them lost their lives trying to save your father.  And then you destroyed my Pandya Store, my marriage, and my life, so if we are counting score, I win.  You've taken everything away from me, yet I still return your bloody property to you.   You know what you deserved it.  

"So now that you have your property back, I have one request only, stay away from my family."  said Natasha

"Natasha, how can you say that?" Dhawal said, pulling her back to him.  "I love you, damn it!  I love you! I will not let you go!  You are my wife, and I don't care what any piece of paper says. If you want, I will be a Pandya, but I am not losing you.  And you can argue all you want.  You love me as much as I love you.  You are angry with me, and you won't forgive me as easily as I want.  You are going to make me jump hoops for your forgiveness.  Fine!  I will jump hoops, wells, and mountains.  I will do it.  You are my happiness.  You are my love, "  

"I don't love you." replied Natasha

"Fine, then take an oath in my name." asked Dhawal

"No!  I won't!"  yelled Natasha.

"Fine!  Then why did you save my life? In the hospital, the doctors had given up?  Why didn't you?  

"I couldn't let you die." yelled Natasha

"Why couldn't you?  We had no relationship.  We were strangers, right?  That is what you said at the hearing? So answer the damn question.  Why couldn't you let me die? " yelled Dhawal, shaking her

"I love you!  I bloody love you! That is why I couldn't let you die!" Natasha yelled, pushing Dhawal away from her.   She tried rushing out of the room, and Dhawal was able to grab her arm before she was able to leave.   The Makwana's were sitting against the wall watching the two headstrong couple.

"No!  You aren't leaving after that statement.!"  yelled Dhawal.

"Dhawal, please let go!" yelled Natasha

"You admitted you love me.  I love you!  I will never hurt you again!  I rather die than hurt you."  Dhawal took a deep breath.  "Natasha, I know I hurt you.   I am sorry.  I just didn't know anyway out to make you happy.  Pandya Store was your legacy.   How could I let Amrish Bhai take that away from you.   That day at the farm house, I gave you the bracelet, wanting our new start with a solid foundation with trust, but Amrish Bhai played his trick.   And then what happened was along Amrish Bhai's plan.   Then the marriage,  we did all the functions as if we were the couple to be married, but the Sundip was always around you.  I'm sorry.  I get jealous.   You're my wife, not his.  My mind stopped working.  I know it's irrational.  I said the worst thing. I am sorry.  I wish I could go back in time and change those words.  That first time, when you got kidnapped during our wedding, at first I was confused.  But when I saved you from the Fake Chiku.  I was amazed.  I saw you and thought.  "You're mine.  You were my wife.  Then our annulment, and I still saw you as my wife.   Then, the marriage, I did all the functions with you, instead of that Suhani.   Then the truth came out, and I lost you!  My wife hated me.  I hated myself.  How could I treat you that way.   You are my life.  Since the day I met you, I don't know when you became more important than my life.  You are my love, my life.  That day of Dahi Handi, I wanted to win, but I was happy that you won.  But when your clothes got ripped, I got possessive.  And I lectured you.  It was then I realized how stubborn you could be.    But I liked it in you.  You are stubborn, fiesty, arguementive, loving, loyal, and sweet.   And you were my wife.  I've told you before that I liked you the way you were.  I didn't want to change.  I like the arguementive birdie."  Dhawal had explained as he let go of Natasha.

"Fine! I will accept that.  Yes, we love each other.  Yes, we had a rough start to our marriage.  Yes, we had family members interfering. Yes, we got jealous.   Yes, I couldn't let you die, not in the hospital nor during the fire.  I must be the biggest loser there is.  Even after everything that has happened,  I still love you."  cried Natasha, sinking down to her knees.

"Natasha, sshh.  I'm sorry.  I'm the loser.  I didn't recognize the diamond in my life.  And when I did, it was too late.  I had screwed up."   pulling Natasha up. 

Natasha glanced around and saw that the Makwana's were sitting against the wall, watching them.  She covered her eyes and shook her head.  Dhawal realized that he was having an emotional conversation with Natasha, with his family as an audience.  Dhawal grabbed Natasha's hand and pulled her out of the room, and took her outside.    Natasha started giggling, "I can't believe we just had that argument with your family watching."

"Our family"  interjected Dhawal.

"Fine, our family." Repeated Natasha.  "Look, I have to leave.  I need to leave for the train station.  And I am already late, " Natasha said as she turned back to goodbye to the sister in laws.

"What do you mean you are leaving?  Where are you going?" Dhawal said, holding her arm.

"My friend, Abhira, is getting married to her husband again.  In Udaipur.  And I am going to the wedding."  said Natasha.

"I am going with you," said Dhawal

"Dhawal!" yelled Natasha

"I am going with you.  No excuses.  The last wedding you were drugged.  I am going.  Whether it's your husband or not.  But I am going."  

"Fine.  You could be my husband.  This is your last chance.   Next time, there will be no chances.  Next time, I will go away so far awa  that you won't be able to see me in your dreams." Natasha pushed his hand awa  and walked back into Dhawal's house.

Natasha waited for Dhawal to come in.  "Maa, Amrish Bhai.  I am going with Natasha to her friend's wedding.   I am going to marry her before we leave.   We can have another one with all the proper functions,afterwards.  But I am marrying her before we leave.   Natasha, let Daama know.    Let me pack a small bag, and then after the wedding we can leave.   Instead of the train, we can take a car, it will be quicker than the train."  Dhawal said, shocking the Makwana family.

Shortly, Dhawal came out with a ba  and keys in his hands.  "Ready?" 

"Ready."  said Natasha quietly

"Anyone coming?  Meet us at the temple near Sadar Bazar.  I have spoken to Mithu.  He will be bringing Daama." said Dhawal.

A short while later, Natasha and Dhawal were married with all their family around.  Dhawal and Natasha said their goodbye  and left for Udaipur.


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