
By Bby-Domo

75.4K 2.7K 431

Before reading this book please read the first book called Unknown 💛 More

I = 1
II = 2
III = 3
IV = 4
V = 5
VI = 6
VII = 7
VIII = 8
IX = 9
X = 10
XI = 11
XII = 12
XIII = 13
XV = 15
XVI = 16
XVII = 17
XVIII = 18
XIX = 19
XX = 20
XXI = 21
XXII = 22
XXIII = 23
XXIV = 24
XXV = 25
XXVI = 26
XXVII = 27
XXIX = 29
XXX = 30
XXX1 = 31
XXXII = 32
XXXIV = 34
XXXV = 35
XXXVI = 36
XXXIX = 39
XL = 40
XLI = 41
XLII = 42
XLIII = 43
XLIV = 44
XLV = 45
XLVI = 46
XLVII = 47
XLIX = 49
L = 50
LI = 51
LII = 52
LIII = 53
The END!!!!
Book 3

XIV = 14

1.3K 57 9
By Bby-Domo

Ari's POV

"Here Pa, drink this" I said as I handed Dave a homemade Strawberry Refresher, and then I sat down on the couch next to where he was standing. It's been 2 weeks since the incident with King and Tae, and I'm honestly shocked. King was soooo good to Tae and for Tae to do king the way he did is wrong.

"Thank You" Dave said and kissed the back of my hand as I smiled at him.

"No problem" I said as the doorbell went off, I looked at Dave confused because nobody is supposed to be coming this late.

"Pa you have company or someone coming over" I said as I looked at him. He looked so drained and hurt, I hate seeing my baby like this.

"Nah, if it isn't my brother walking through them doors, then ion care" He said as the doorbell went off again. I sat my glass of cranberry juice down on the table and got up to go get the door, but Dave grabbed me causing me to stop.

"Is you stupid going to the door dressed like that. Sit down I got it" Dave said while pushing past me, causing me to stumble a little. I smoothed out my night gown before sitting down on the couch. I heard some commotion from the door causing me to look back a few times, and then I heard the door slam shut. I continued to sip on my cranberry juice, until I heard footsteps approach the living room where I was sitting. I turned my head to see a group of people. I looked at Dave and he had an expression on his face that I couldn't really make out.

"Yall go downstairs I'll be down there in a few" Dave said to the group of people who looked surprised to see me.

"Dave you didn't say you had guest here tonight"

"Bitch my wife isn't no damn guest. Katorah (Young M.A.) get your groupie the fuck" Dave said as he mugged the girl.

"OOh my bad" the unknown girl said while laughing as they made their way downstairs to the studio, he had built in his home. He made his way over to me and sat beside putting his head on my shoulder.

"I completely forgot about this studio session mamas." Dave whispered to me before clearing his throat.

"It's okay. I'll just go upstairs and go to bed" I said as while looking down, I really wanted to spend some alone time with Dave.

"No, sit here or come downstairs with me" Dave said while kissing on my neck.

"Dave look how I'm dressed. I don't want to change. I'm comfortable right now." I said looking at my outfit that I was wearing.

"You are looking edible. Ass sitting right, Titties look amazing and shit. Pregnancy doing you even more justice" Dave said as he put his hand on top of my stomach.

"Well, I'm about to head downstairs. It won't take me long I promise." Dave said as he grabbed my face pulling me into a kiss. He pulled away but gave me another peck before standing up making his way down to the basement.

"I love you" I said to him as he shut the door to the basement. I sighed while propping my feet up on the couch. I pulled my fluffy cover on top of me, as I turned on a show to watch, I decided on Love & HipHop.


"YOOOOOOOOO THAT SHIT WAS DOPE AS FUCK. MAN I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO DROP THE ALBUM EVERYONE IS GOING TO LOVE IT" I heard someone yell waking me up out of my sleep, I didn't even realize I fall asleep. I looked up at the clock seeing it was 2:22am

"You woke her up. Dave is going to kill you. He literally said don't make any noise until you get outside. Because everyone is sleep." I heard another voice say.

"Man get the fuck out of my house, and out from my yard" Dave whispered yelled at the group of people as he shut the door. About 10 minutes later I heard the front door open and close and then Dave came into my view.

"My beautiful baby" Dave said as he cut the lights off and walk towards the couch I was laying on, he laid down beside me and I snuggled into him as I kept my eyes closed.

"Mamas, I know you sleep so I don't know if you can hear me or not but I love you, I truly do. When I first met you I was scared of love, I'm actually scared of being a dad, that's kind of funny because now I have 1 son and 4 girls and 1 in the oven.... I never really thought about being a husband either, because I didn't have my father my life, and not having a mama role model fucked me up. But I had my brother King. I'd do anything for King wrong or right , that's my main man. I know the feeling of what King is feeling, Kamara fucked me over and up and I didn't ever think I was going to over come it...,, I don't know, I'm just kind of rambling so I'm just going to shit up, I know tomorrow I'm going to wake up with a migraine .....but I love you and my lil basketball team upstairs, and I love my family that we've created.... And I'm going to fuck your best friend up, because why he hurt my brother??? King don't ask for shit, but love. I'm put my foot so far up Tae's ass when he released from jail. And I'm not bailing him out, I'm gonna let him sit in there and think about his actions.... You look so beautiful Ari, you got your lil nightgown, sometimes I be thinking I don't deserve you, actually I know I don't deserve you. It's soo many dudes out here and you choose me. 1 lucky man I am... And I hope we having a boy, I'm tired of all these girls around me, my son & I need another man around here for good." Dave said as he placed his hand on my stomach and slowly rubbed it, same I tried not to smile.

"And I know your funky mama isn't sleep so make sure you gone her hell when you grow your legs and arms. You know it's a while gang waiting on you little man. I'm excited to see you on the sonogram, I hope you look like me because ima mmm a ugly as fuck an"

"DAVEEE" I said laughing as I smacked him upside his head.

"You took it too far" I said fake pouting poking my lip out.

"I'm just joking mamas. You know I love me some youuuu. We have 6 kids together and we have about 20 more to Blake. So I hope you're ready to ride " Dave said while smirking at me, needle laying back on the couch and I got on top of him cuddling into him.

"Good night baby mama" Dave said as he smacked my ass.

"Imma beat you the fuck up" I said while laughing a little.

"On a serious note you need to talk to your best friend. Because if I do I'm swear on the rest of my unborn children's life, he going to be a dead man" Dave said as he rubbed my ass.

"Mhmmm" I said as I closed my eyes trying to sleep.

"Baby mama what if the baby come out"

"Dave!! I will tape your mouth shut, go to sleep" I said as I looked up at him and he rolled his eyes at me.

Next Morning (Still Ari's POV)

"Ughhh it stinks in here" I said as I felt like I was about to gag. I got behind Dave and put my face in

"It ain't that bad mamas" Dave said as he walked beside me looking down at me. He must be smoking crack, I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes.

"I forgot you been here before, so you used to it" I said as we made our way into the visitation area. It was pretty empty but a few families waiting. We were both here to see King and Tae, their court date is tomorrow.

"Mamas sit over there, with your back on the wall" Dave pointed to where he wanted me to sit and it looked alright, clean, no roaches or rats.

"Where you sitting" I asked because I didn't want to be too far from him just incase something pops off, I can run to him.

"Awww my baby scared.... But I'm sitting a few feet away, I'll still be next to y'all, we just sit together that's all mamas. Your good, relax" Dave said as he kissed my lips and then my forehead, he made his way to his seat. The only thing that was dividing us was a small wall and a chair. I looked around at the few people who were in here visiting their loved one and I wanted to cry.

"Why you crying" I heard and I looked over at Dave who shadow a concerned look on his face.

"Nothing, just emotions. But I'm fine I promise" I said while I wiped my face. Dave blew my kisses and it made me smile. 1 thing about Dave is he knows how to make me smile and feel good no matter what.

"Sir I'm going to need you to take that bandanna off, that's not allowed in Rikers" an officer said to Dave and dave just looked at him before smirking.

"Leave him alone. And East take that shit off" Captain said as he walked out with King in front of him.

"Y'all better be lucky I got my hair freshly done" Dave said before taking his bandanna causing me to laugh a little. Dave stood up smiling like a little kid.

"My main maaaan" Dave said with the biggest small on his face as he went to hug his brother and King smile was sooo bright.

"Wassup lil one" King said as they both sat down, and they began talking to each other, you would have thought King been locked up for 8 years or something and it's only been 2 weeks.

"Hey sisss" King said and I waved at him. I then heard scraping the floor causing Dave, King, and I to turn around. It was Tae walking in our direction, I heard Dave & King sigh. Tae was finally seated infront of me and he just left his head down. I saw tears fall.

"Here" I said softly as I grabbed some tissue pushing it infront of him, I watched him pick the tissue up as he wiped his face. I looked over and saw King & Dave looking which made Tae look up and eking rolled his eyes at him.

"I'm ready to get out of here" Tae said softly and I felt so bad. Bad for the both of them.

"We will get you out of here best" I said and then David laughed extra loud.

"This fool" Dave said while laughing again, causing me to sigh as I turned towards Tae.

"I'm pretty sure they hate me. I know.... I know what I did was wrong but I didn't have a choice Ari, I swear. I would have never just went out and hurt King the way I did. He is good to me in every"

"Save it.... When we get out of here we will talk, okay. Now eat some of this food, because visitation is almost over and we need to get y'all out of here " I said as I opened the pizza box, it was cheese pizza and I put extra cheese on it SOOO GOOOD.

(A/N: I don't know if they do this now buuut when my uncle was locked up when I was younger <FEDS> they had an actual concession stand where you could get hot food and stuff)

"Tae eat please" I said as I picked up my second slice of pizza, this shit is amazing, I thought to myself.

"I'm coo"

"Man eat the fucking pizza and stop playing" King yelled whispered at Tae and the look in Kings eyes were something dangerous.

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