Nawal - One Shots

By nina282

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One shots More

Truth Unveils - Part 1
The Past Unfolds
Destroyed Emotions
Redemption (Part 2 of Breakdown)
Redemption - Version 2
Battling the Storm
Amrish Shocked and Hetal Rocked
Battling the Storm - Version 2
Starting Over Again
Giving Up
The Aftermath
the aftermath - version 2
Fighting for her - Aftermath 2 V2
Switcheroo 2
Giving Up - Version 2
Coming Home
Convincing Natasha
Love Overcomes
A new beginning
Winning a war
Her wedded life
Her wedded life 2
Overcoming the defeat
Wedding Affair
New Beginnings
Leaving to Heal
Overcoming Obstacles
Helpless Part 2
Family's encounter
Love and War
Fighting for her loves
Overcoming the hurdles (part 2)
The Downfall
Standing Up for Her
Giving Hope
love in the air
His Runaway Wife
Runaway Wife part 2
Hide and Seek Bride
Finally together ❤️
Hide and Seek Bride Part 2
Painful truths
The Arranged Marriage
A New Start
His wife
Pageant (Version 1)
Pageant (Version 2)
Broken Truths
Love Wins ❤️
Jealousy: Action and Reaction
Aftermath of Deception
Winning her over
Reunion - part 2
The Chase
The Return
A New Life
Fragile truth
The Apologies
Dhawal's fight for his love
Supporting Natasha
Arrange or Love
Holi Explosions
Aftermath of Holi
Aftermath of Holi part 2
Finally the truth comes out
Broken Relationships
Broken Relationships V2
Broken Relationships V2 part 2
The Fallout
Fallout Part 2
Amba's Downfall
Changing Dynamics
The Outing
The Return V2
The Repentance
The Repentance Part 2
Truth comes out - V2
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Part 2
Rejected then married
Dhawal's Win
Annulment or Reconciliation
Married you again

Some home truths drilled in

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By nina282

Chiku and Sheesh were the only ones happy right now, as their sister was getting married to Chiku's friend, Shashank.   Nobody else was happy with this wedding.  Daama saw that her Chutki was getting quieter and quieter.    She was lost.  She was losing her Chutki.

Dhawal had tried talking to Chiku and Chutki with no luck.  

Finally, the wedding had arrived, and Daama watched Natasha get married and smiled sadly.   The Makwana's were there too, to witness Natasha's wedding.

Chiku smiled as now his Chutki would be far away from the Makwana family. 

Natasha and Shashank got the blessings from Daama.   She hugged Mithu and ignored Chiku and Sheesh, walking away with Shashank.   Natasha turned back and said, "The papers now!"

"Chutki, please.  Don't be like that!" said Chiku

"Don't call me Chutki!  Papers Now!" Natasha held out her hand, and Chiku handed over the property. "From today on, we have no relationship.  I am not your sister, nor are you my brother." Natasha looked around and saw Amrish looking defeated with tears  in his eyes.  

"Amrish Bhai, I believe this belongs to you.  I'm sorry.  I know Chiku did this  because of me.  I never ever wanted this to happen."  Natasha sadly smiled.

"Natasha, I am sorry too.  My greed started this, I never thought it would turn out like this.  That I would be the reason for my brother's tears.   You know, losing the property made me realise what is important.  My family is important.  Love is important.   It's not too late.  Fight for your love."  said Amrish

"No, Amrish Bhai.  It's too late."  Natasha sadly smiled and walked away, with her groom blindly following her.

"Shashank, you can take off your veil now.  The wedding is over." said Sheesh

When Shashank removed his veil, it was Dhawal who got married to Natasha, shocking everyone.   

"What the hell?  How dare you trick us again?"  Chiku yelled, grabbing Dhawal's collar.

Daama then grabbed her stick and smacked Chiku's arms and legs, making Chiku let go of Dhawal.

"He didn't do anything.  This was all my plan, you idiot!"  yelled Daama

"Daama, why?  They are going to hurt Chutki again?"  yelled Chiku.

"And what about the hurt you gave her?" Daama yelled as she hit him again.

"I didn't hurt her.  I'm protecting her!" yelled Chiku.

"She doesn't need protecting!  She needs your support but you couldn't do that.   You are so caught up in your revenge that you can't see what's in front of you.  Your sister just said she has no relationship with you.  That girl that prayed for you!  She looked for you.  Every year, she bought Rakhi's for you that she kept in her cupboard, hoping for the day she could tie on your wrist."  said Daama.  Daama looked around and saw that everyone was too interested in their family drama.

"Amba Bhen, please bring your family, and let's go back to Pandya Niwas.  Chiku and Sheesh, march yourselves back to Pandya Niwas.  Esha and Mithu bring Natasha and Dhawal, "  said Daama, as she turned her wheelchair and wheeled back towards Pandya Niwas.

As she waited for everyone to settle, she glared at Chiku and Sheesh.

"You two, you are her brothers, right?  Then why didn't you notice that Natasha was slowly dying, the closer the wedding got, the quieter Natasha was.  You were killing her, and you were happy that you got your revenge on Amrish.   You idiot!  It is your inlaws.  Natasha's family.  She loves Dhawal, and Dhawal loves her.  But you couldn't see that." stated Daama

"Daama, they hurt Chutki."  said Chiku.

"Yes, they did.  But Natasha forgave them.  And in our family, we forgive.  We don't hold grudges like you.  If we didn't, we wouldn't have forgiven Shweta.  Nor Janardhan.  And Sheesh,  you couldn't see your sister's pain over living in a big house, right?"  said Daama

"No, Daama, that's not true,"  objected Sheesh

"It's true.  Do you even know that even though Natasha and Dhawal were separated, they haven't spent a day apart since their wedding except when I was in the hospital, even then, I believe Dhawal would come by around just to see her, even if he didn't meet her."  shocking Dhawal, as he didn't think anyone knew about him coming around just to see Natasha from a distance.

Chirag raised his eyebrow at Dhawal, and Dhawal motioned him to stop.

"Chiku, I know it's hard to let go, but you needed to see the bigger picture.  Do you think your sister would have been happy with Shashank.  No, because she only loves Dhawal.  She may get mad, be hurt, and she may even leave him, but in the end, she will always return to him."  said 

"He called her characterless,"  Sheesh interjected.

"And he regretted it.  Even I knew he was jealous.  He didn't know the truth.  Natasha and Dhawal are just like your Shiva Chachu and Raavi Chachi.  They would fight, make up, fight again, and make up.   Even your Shiva Chachu called your Raavi Chachi characterless.  They got divorced.  Then Raavi and Shiva realized that they would rather live together fighting rather live apart.  But at that point, their ego's wouldn't admit defeat.  Until the day Raavi forced Shiva to marry her again with a gun.   Shiva could have taken the gun away in minutes, but he was enjoying Raavi's actions.  So they got remarried."

"But -"  Chiku said

"Enough, Chiku!  You need to let go.  We know Natasha is important to  you.  You need to stop feeling guilty.  You were a child.  And it wasn't your fault, "  Daama said, confusing everyone.  

"What happened to Natasha?  Why is Chiku feeling guilty?" asked Dhawal

Natasha grabbed Dhawal's hand, "I was 2 months old, when I was kidnapped by Chiku's birth mother.  I didn't come until I was 7 years old.  When I came home, I didn't know that I was a Pandya.   Then, my grandfather had my DNA tested.  It was positive.  It was hard adjusting to being a Pandya, especially when they would call me Saanchi or Chutki.   I wasn't Saanchi,  but Chutki, I didn't mind.  I refused to answer Saanchi until Muma asked me what I wanted to be called.  Natasha Pandya.  So they changed my name.  Before the Pandya, I didn't even know what a family was.  I loved being part of the family.  So much love, so many different relationships.  It was amazing.  Then we lost it all during the earthquake.   And we lost our parents, and Daama lost all her children.  And Chiku, who was visiting Shweta Ma, was lost to us.  So yes, relationships are important to me.  I won't discard them."   said Natasha

"But Natasha, you refused to forgive Dhawal," said Dolly

"Yes.  Because he was my husband.  As you remember, I was doing something or another during his wedding, because I couldn't let him get married to someone else.  He was my husband!  But then his words broke my heart. I know he broke his too, but I was too angry to forgive him.  Then his accident, I could have lost him, but then Amrish Bhai's blackmail, and so I distanced myself.  Then I was blamed for Dhawal leaving the house, and finally,  Chiku stealing the property.  So when Chiku proposed the marriage between Shashank and I, I agreed as long as he returned the property papers. So here we are, "  said Natasha

"And then, I saw how Natasha was losing herself.  She was becoming a shell of herself.  And you two, as her brothers, didn't notice.  Instead, you two were celebrating.  Mithu noticed.  Esha noticed, but you two wouldn't even hear that anything that opposed your thinking that you have won over the Makwana Family.  The Makwana family is part of the Pandya family. When are  you going to accept that.  They are your family.  Natasha's family."  said Daama

Natasha smiled weakly at Dhawal. 

"Daama, I still don't know how Dhawal was switched with Shashank." asked Natasha

"I asked Dhawal to come over and asked Shashank to leave.  Simple.  Shashank knew that Natasha loves Dhawal.  And she would never be happy with him.   I got him to switch places, Dhawal didn't take off his veil, which worked in my favor.  And now, Natasha and Dhawal are married again."  said Daama

"Daama, you are making a mistake."  said a frustrated Chiku.

"Did you think that your parents' marriage was perfect, Dev and Rishita, Shiva and Raavi's or even Krish and Prerna's.   There were many ups and downs.  Pandya Store was stolen and returned.  Divorce.  Jealousy.  Prospective new partners. Leaving home.  Childlessness.   There were a lot of problems, but there was a lot of love.  I see that love between Dhawal and Natasha.  They are willing to die for each other.  They fought for each other.   Even the Pandya Store, Dhawal gave up his love, to return Pandya Store to her, and Natasha was willing to sacrifice her life to return Makwana property back to Dhawal     Enough Chiku.  Time to let go and concentrate on your marriage.  Otherwise, you will lose your sister and your wife.  And nobody is to be blamed except you." said Daama

Chiku got up and went to his room.   Esha quickly followed him.  Natasha also got up.  "Chutki, stay.  Let's wait for him to calm down."  said Daama

"What if he doesn't, Daama.  I hurt him, Daama.   I told him that we had no relationship.  He's so hurt."  cried Natasha while Dhawal tried to comfort her. 

"He's your brother.  Just like Dhawal was hurt, and when the time came, Dhawal stood with his brothers.  Chiku will do the same.  He's hurt.  His heart was in the right place, but his actions were not.  They hurt the innocent, and Golu is the most innocent of them all.   Let Esha calm him down."  said Daama.  "Sheesh, go call your brother and bhabi.  It's time for your sister's Doli to leave.    Natasha, come over tomorrow and talk to your brother." 

As Natasha got ready for her Doli, she was hoping that Chiku would forgive her and come out, but it looked like he was too hurt to come out.  She was already sitting in the car, when out of nowhere, Chiku came out, and hugged her.   Natasha started to cry harder.   "I'm sorry, Chiku,"  she cried over and over again.  Whereas Chiku was crying and saying the same thing, "I'm sorry Chutki."

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