Tares City

By Shania_Samm

6.7K 3K 917

After being attacked one night during her shift, paramedic Naomi Reid finds herself thrown into the world of... More

1. Solar Eclipse
2. Failure To Execute
3. TCPD's Finest
4. Fates Intertwining
5. Call For Backup
6. Trouble Rising
7. No Sympathy For The Devil
8. Fine, I'll Do It Myself
9. Anonymous Tips
10. Investigations and New Relations
11. Field Trips
12. Blindsides
13. Repercussions
14. Knowing Is Half The Battle
15. What's Past Is Prologue
16. Chaos Under The Moon
17. Thursday
18. When The Levee Breaks
19. Changes In Relationships
20. Someone From My Past
21. The Calm Before Another Storm
22. Situation Under Control
23. Moving On
24. Conversations Had And Heard
25. Life's Patterns
26. Can't Seem To Get A Break
27. So, What Now
28. (un)Human Behaviors
29. Hospital Trips
30. Places
31. The Detective & The Paramedics
32. The Things That Define Us
33. Sean And Kai
34. The Night Continues
35. Jackson
36. The Night That Keeps On Giving
37. We Need To Discuss This
38. Crazy, How Things Work Out
39. The Tip Of The Iceberg
40. Back To Work
41. Back Against The Wall
42. Ever Be Easy
43. This Is Now
44. Foul Play or Fair Play
45. Just Another Day At Work
46. New Developments
47. Heating up
48. Boiling Point
49. Correlation
50. Moon River
51. Start Of Something?
52. Aftermath
53. Another Bad Day
54. Arrow
55. Distrust & Suspicions
56. Another Problem Brewing
57. Pulled Back In
58. Puzzle Pieces
59. Hunters And Lycans Of Tares City
60. Lycans And Hunters Of Tares City
61. Gone Is The Illusion Of Control
62. Dilemmas
63. Plans & Assignments
64. History And Its Domino Effect
65. Darla
66. Good Riddance!
67. Just Live...(Until I Die)
68. Trouble Has Its Way Of Finding Us
69. Fracture & Hope
70. Trouble Rears Its Head Again
71. Conniving Measures: Josh Kennedy
72. Conniving Measures: Quinn Brooks
73. Dead-end Problems
74. Imminent Threats
75. Peace Is Temporary
76. Partners In Crime
77. This City
78. The Road To Trouble
79. The Part We Play
80. Location, Location
81. Getting Closer
83. The Hunt Is On Pt. 2
84. Hostile Takeover
85. Xylia
86. Bad Moon
87. The Kennedys
88. Crossfire, Involvement & Rescue
89. Contact With The Dead
90. Coming To Terms
91. Kennedy City
92. A Plan Formed
93. Beautiful Friendships
94. Power Moves
95. The Gang's All Here
96. A Hell Of A Ride

82. The Hunt Is on Pt. 1

14 8 0
By Shania_Samm


Dean finds himself heading back to the organization, per Arrow's request. She'd called him, her tone excited as she said she wanted to give him an update.

Pulling up to the organization, he fires off a text to her, letting her know he arrived. Waiting outside, Dean sits on one of the sidewalk benches.

"Dean, hey," Arrow greets him happily as she takes a seat next to him.

"Hey, so tell me. What's the great update?"

"We found a location on Vincent. We're heading there, tonight. I've organized the flight and everything already!" She says with breathless excitement.

"That's great. Where is it? What's the plan?" Dean asks.

"It's Xylia. A warehouse-like compound over there, middle of nowhere. It's where all this started." She fills him in." The plan is to go there, infiltrate, and find Rockwell. Nicholas is up there now, devising a plan to get through the guards and such. "

"Are you taking a team?"

"No. No one else knows. I can't involve any other hunters in this. Can't trust anyone either. It's just the two of us doing this," Arrow responds.

Dean nods in understanding. "Let me come with you two, then." He says to her.

"What? Dean..."

"I can help Arrow. I want to! This is for you. I want to help. It's just the two of you. You guys can use a hand." Dean says to her.

"Dean... this is bigger than you think. I can't let you come. It's my fight, I don't expect you to "

"Your fight is mine Arrow, I want to help you!" Dean declares, Arrow looking at him, stunned.

"I can't let you come, Dean. If something happens to you-"

"What if something happens to you?" Dean intersects heated. "Do you think I'll be an obstacle? I won't Arrow. I have the training. I can help you."

"Dean, this could go so wrong at any moment."

"I can take that risk for you."

"I don't want you to take any risks, Dean." Arrows says to him standing from her seat. If you were to get hurt or killed on this, knowing you were only there for me, I would never forgive myself. I can't do that."


"Look, I'll try to contact you if I can, but don't expect it. I might not be able to." She rushes out, placing a hand on his chest as he stands too.

Dean places his hand over hers, holding it to him. "Let me come with you, Arrow. Let me be there for you. Don't push me out."

"I'll see you when I'm cured, Dean." She says, pressing a kiss to his cheek before pulling away and heading inside.

Dean stands there for a moment, staring at Arrow's retreating figure and then at the building before he heads to his car. Dejected.



With an address and duffle bags filled with weapons and poisons, Nicholas and Arrow head to T.City Airfield.

The Berlin private jet; the last time Arrow flew using it was with her father. Now, she would use it to get her and Nicholas to Xylia with their plethora of weapons without issue.

Arrow sat in the passenger seat as Nicholas drives them to their destination. Hope and excitement filled her as Nicholas drove them to their destination. The cure and Ezra so close within her reach. She was almost there, and she knew that all her problems would be solved. With two weeks to spare. She couldn't wait to get her hands on the cure.

From time to time, she found her mind going back to her conversation with Dean. She had to keep reminding herself that she made the right decision-no matter how hurt Dean looked. She would never forgive herself I he got caught in the crossfire. Arrow told herself it would be better this way, even if she failed.

Arrow checks her watch as Nicholas drives them to their designated hunger-a couple of minutes until ten p.m.

"This is it, one step closer to getting our lives back." She says as Nicholas parks the car - turning off the engine.

The jet was a distance away from the hangar where they parked; the aircraft was situated and ready for their journey.

"Well, let's get a move on. I'll bring the bags. You go on ahead." Nicholas says to her. She nods, exiting the car and heading to the jet, walking across the tarmac.

"Dole?" she calls out as she reaches the stairs to the jet. "Dole, we're here! A bit earlier than we d-" Arrow's sentence breaks off into a gasp as she reflexively pulls her handgun from her belt-aiming it at the person holding a gun at Dole's head.

"How?" Arrow asks.

"You think I didn't have eyes on you? That I left you be? Be for real Berlin. I had eyes on you every single way I could-surveillance on all your assets in the city. Imagine my shock when I get the tip that you pilot is organizing clearance to fly. I have to admit, though, you have a loyal one on your hands here. Gave me nothing. So tell me, where are you jetting off to Arrow?" Quinn Brooks says in return.

"Let him go. He's not involved in this."

"Where is he taking you? Cooperation is the key here, you know," Quinn replies.

"It's a personal trip."

"That so? Why don't I believe you?"

"No clue, let my pilot go, Quinn. You want to talk fine! But release him." Arrow states.

"I don't want to chat. I want answers. You can't fly without a pilot..." she says, shoving the gun closer to Dole's head. "It's obvious this has to do with Rockwell. Everything you've been up to has to do with him. You killed my informant. That tells me she found out something. Tell me what you know and I'll let you fly out of here. Be on my way."

"It doesn't concern you. You don't get to demand answers from me."

"IT CONCERMS ME! ROCKWELL IS MINE! MINE TO FIND, MINE TO BRING IN!" Quinn yells, making Dole flinch. "You know, I've been racking my brain, trying to find out where and how. And then I stumbled upon her...leaving your home. I was beyond surprised. Never saw you as the type."

"What type?" Arrow asks.

"The type to have A Lycan in your back pocket. Giving you information!"

"What." Arrow says stunned.

"My people are already working on her. One way or the other, I will have answers, either you or her. But I won't let you leave Tares before I get them." Quinn tells her. "You know more than you let on, Arrow. You always have. Tell me, where did you find her? Reynolds' cousin."

"She found me," Arrow states, trying to line up a clear shit as she spoke. Hoping Quinn would get distracted enough to move out from behind her pilot.

"Why?" Quinn demands.

"Let the pilot go and I'll answer. He's innocent, Quinn. He's no part of this. He shouldn't be fearing for his life right now!"

The sound of a gunshot startles Arrow, but she keeps her gun trained on Quinn. Hearing the sound of grunting and protests, Arrow steps to the side, angling herself so that she can see everything going on around her.

With her gun still trained on Quinn, she sees Nicholas being shoved toward them, two men holding guns at his head.

"Ah, yes. Nicholas Bale." Quinn starts. "Maybe you'd be more inclined to tell me where you two are going," Quinn says to him.

"It's a vacation. I need to get away from Tares and the crazy people who live here." Nicholas replies snarkily.

"You really do surprise me, Arrow. I thought you were coupling up with Straken, but here you are, flying with this one. But I suppose this means I was right. You were using Straken, nothing more."

To the side, one of the two men shoves Nicholas to his knees roughly, making him groan. They laugh with each other, pushing their guns at his back. Nicholas keeps his body hunched over. His head hung low and his hands were on his chest. His breathing was visibly heavier as if he were panting. Arrow knew why, and a fresh sense of panic ran through her.

Quinn shoves Arrow's pilot aside, Dole scrambles into the aircraft, Arrow sees his head appear by one of the windows.

Quinn walks down toward them, heading to Nicholas. "Everything leads back to you, Arrow. Every stone I turn over leads me back to you. You're a nuisance in the way of my work."

"I'm doing my own things," Arrow says in rebuttal.

Quinn pauses, bringing her hand to her left ear, Arrow only now realizing she had a comm in.

"Huh! Stand by." She exclaims. "Tell me, Bale, do you know what your sister is up to right now? As we speak."

"What?" Nicholas asks lowly.

"Avery Bale. She visited you earlier, didn't she? I'm sure you recall. She's been busy since she left Arrow's building. On her second break in right about now...." Quinn trails off with a small chuckle. "See, if it were regular homes, TCPD would have been involved. But seeing as... these properties belong to our bosses... well..."

"It's an interesting development, really. It's an opportunity too. "Quinn asks.

"Opportunity?" Arrow asks, Quinn turning to her.

"He gives me answers, and I call and let my colleagues know to go easy on his baby sister and her merry band of criminals." Quinn shrugs.

"As if you have that say. She's hitting your bosses' properties, you said. I doubt you can interfere with that!"

"It's been my team tailing her since the first breaking in. My boss will want all of them dead. I haven't relayed the message yet...you see where I'm going with this. It's in my hands. And you," She says, turning back to Nicholas. "You should seize the opportunity before it's out of my control."

Nicholas doesn't respond. His head hung low again.

"No? You're choosing Arrow over your sister?" Quinn says in surprise. Arrow watches her open her mouth to say something else but pauses - distracted. Her eyes widen in shock, her head darting to Arrow.

"As if you have that kind of say!" Arrow scuffs, "She's hitting your bosses' properties, you said. I doubt you can interfere with that!"

"Can't I? Are you willing to bet on that? I'm Kennedy's son's right hand, his best hunter, his confidant. I have high favor with them. I have a say in that place. Do you really want to find out how much sway I can have with this situation?" Quinn says confidently.

Arrow doesn't answer, focusing on calming herself down. She could feel the touches of the senses beginning to sharpen and she couldn't afford a slip-up. Not when she was this close.

"ENOUGH OF THIS!" Nicholas growls, Arrow's eyes widening. With his yellow eyes and extended claws, Nicholas pushes up off the ground, going for quin first. He reaches her in the blink of an eye, sending her flying back with a forceful push. Quinn let out a mix between a gasp and a yelp as she flew, her gun falling from her hand. Her men aim their gun at Nicholas, who rushes to them now. One fires a shot at him and Arrow fires one in return, killing the man.

Nicholas grabs the other, slashing the man's throat with his claws, blood spurting out everywhere. He turns around, eyes glancing around. "Where'd she go?!' he exclaims angrily.

Arrow's head swivels around as well, only now noticing Quinn's absence. "Are you kidding me Berlin?! How could you let her leave?!" He yells at her.

"I was busy lining a shot up at the man who was about to put a bullet in your skull, Nicholas!" She argues. "Leave her! She's out of our way now we can go! "Dole!" She calls, her pilot shuffling out to the doorway.

"Start up the jet. I want to leave in five."

"Yes, ma'am," Dole says with a nod, heading to the cockpit.

"We need to find her and finish her! She's a problem!"

"She's a problem that can wait! We have a timeline for her Nicholas. Two weeks and even less than that to make sure that we procure it!" Arrow hisses.

"I have to reach Avery. Warn her." Nicholas states. "She probably needs backup. They're hitting the Kennedy locations I gave. They could use a hand if Quinn is going to go after them because of this."

"What, no. Nicholas, we have to go. Now. We have to reach Vincent ASAP. We can't waste another minute!" Arrow says to him. "Call her, warn her. But we need to be out of Tares now!"

"Are you serious right now, Berlin?" Nicholas asks watching her with an expression that she could only describe as a mic of disbelief and disgust. "Rockwell isn't a guarantee. Who's to say he's even there at the location? We can spare a couple of hours to make sure my sister is safe and has backup."

"ITS NOT JUST ABOUT FINDING ROCKWELL!" Arrow admits desperately. "His life is in danger. My uncle is after him. Nicholas, if he dies..."

"I'm sure Vincent can defend himself from your uncle. Mysterious beast of the night or not, I'm sure he's not dumb enough to be anywhere without protection, Berlin. We can spare the time."

"Ugh! No!" Arrow cries out. "We can't risk it. We're so close! Nicholas, I'm sure a call would suffice. A warning is all she needs."

"Are you serious Berlin? Helping her and her friend is not going to change this. Vincent could be dead for all we know, or this cure could be a bust! Avery and her friends-"

"THE LYCANS?! I'M SURE THEY'D BE FINE, THEY HAVE NO PROBLEMS DEALING WITH HUNTERS! WE SHOULD KNOW!" Arrow screams at him, a sharp inhale leaving her when she realizes what she divulged.

"What?" Nicholas

"Nothing, nothing." Arrow stutters, shaking her head.

"Why do you think she's with Lycans?" Nicholas asks lowly, watching Arrow with a harsh expression.


"No. No, you're going to explain yourself. I'm sure as hell not going anywhere with you until you do. I told you before, Berlin. I want to know everything. Seems you're keeping shit from me," Nicholas growls. "Why do you think she's with Lycans."

"I figured it out... when she told you her friend was in trouble for having a relationship like hers," Arrow says uncertainly.

"That's quite a leap. What else is there?"

"I... I,"

"Spit it out Berlin!" Nicholas growls.

"Nicholas, please..."

"The truth! Or I walk away now! Regardless."

Arrow sighs heavily, eyes downcast. "Okay. When...," She starts, stopping mid-sentence. "Avery's friend came to collect their other friend from my home, Calvin. The...the person who drove her to him...was...it was one of the Lycans who took us." She admits.

"What are you saying?"

"Avery's friend is dating one of the Lycans who took and held us. I suspect that they knew, too. He saw me when he was at my house, and so... I think they knew what they were doing when they came to me. That's why they didn't ask for help or accept it when I offered. I don't think they know about you, but it stands to reason they connected the dots like I have." She confesses.

Nicholas stumbles away from her in disbelief, huffing. "When?"



"When they came to us for help to find her."

"And when were you going to tell me?" Nicholas asks lowly. "When were you going to tell me all this? Huh?!"

"I wasn't sure...."

"But you're sure now, aren't you!" He shouts. "You drop all this in the heat of trying to keep me here! If I had continued on the jet with you, would you have ever told me? Don't you think I deserved to know?" Nicholas shouts.

"I...Nicholas you have to understand..." Arrow starts. "It's just a guess. I don't know for sure. And I don't know your sister or -"

"Just stop. Berlin!" Nicholas hisses, cutting her off.

"What? Would you not have helped your sister? Leave her friend in the hands of Kennedy? She's human. What would you have done?!"

"You have some nerve!" Nicholas exclaims.

"Nicholas, understand that -"

"I understand just fine, Berlin. The only reason you let it slip was because you were trying to keep me here! To get me to board that jet with you right away instead of going to my sister. You were never going to tell me otherwise." Nicholas says to her.

"I would have!" Arrow exclaims.

"Yeah? When?" Nicholas challenges Arrow, meeting his question with silence.

Nicholas scuffs at her, taking a step back. "You're on your own, Berlin."

"W-What?" Arrow stutters out in shock to Nicholas, who begins walking away from her.

"NICHOLAS!" She yells at him. "Nicholas!" She calls, running to grab his hand. Nicholas turned to her with a growl.

"You can't just drop everything! Look, I'm sorry I kept what I learned from you, but you can't turn back now. We can't turn back no! Nicholas, don't let your anger blind you, please. We need the cure, you and me. We need to find Rockwell! Don't be stupid! Two weeks is not much time! I sure as hell do not want to turn and I know you don't either!" She pleads.

Instead of a response, Nicholas pulls his hand away from her, walking away and leaving her there.

Arrow stands still, staring at his retreating figure. With a sigh, she turned, heading to the jet, her feet stepping on something as she turned. Looking down, she sees the little white earbud near her boot, the blue light on it blinking. Quinn's comm, still working and transmitting live audio.


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