We are all in this together

By Lalya12367

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What happens when you put two damage families together a family therapy session come along with Miguel and Mi... More

Chapter 1 : Where are we
Chapter 2 : Abre los ojos y introducción la familia Madrigal
Chapter 3 : The trobuled ceremony
Chapter 4 : Shes waiting on her miracle
Chapter 5 : Secrets spilled and pressure cracks
Chapter 6 : Your future awaits
Chapter 7 : The Misunderstood man
Break 1 : Time will tell.
Chapter 8 : The jinxed dinner
Chapter 9 : Our fate
Chapter 10: A new perspective
Chapter 11: Cut the roses
Chapter 12 : Revealing the truth
Break 2 : Scars heal all wounds
Chapter 13 : The deadly past
Chapter 14 : A new future
Chapter 15: Start Anew
chapter 16: Loved ones
chapter 17: Family dinner
Chapter 18 : Game night
Chapter 19 : A lovers tango
Chapter 20 : stunning surprises
Chapter 21 : Cooking classes
Chapter 22: The changing tree
Chapter 23: Swimming
Chapter 24: Party time
Chapter 25 : A lovely night
Chapter 26: The last day
Chapter 27: New adventures
Chapter 29 : A sole begining
Chapter 30: What we have
Chapter 31: Old admiration
Chapter 32: Family over fun
Chapter 33 : The melody of a heart
Chapter 35 : Cursed
Chapter 36 : My way or no way
Chapter 37 : on the run
Chapter 38: Sad souls
Break 3 : tricks you play
Chapter 39 : Save your life
Chapter 40 : getting in
Chapter 41 : like a trophy
Chapter 42 : murdering suspicions
Break 4 : Dance of pain
Chapter 43 : The missing piece

Chapter 34: Family arguments

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By Lalya12367

The next part shows Miguel trying to pull Dante off the ofrenda so he couldn't reach the food but as he pulled him away it shook the table with the photos.

Miguel : "No No Dante stop".

The table shook with so much force that it toppled the photo Of Mamá Imelda and baby Coco off the ofrenda , Miguel tried to catch it as it shook in his hands but he couldn't as it toppled out of his hands and landed on the floor with a sickening crack shattering the glass frame.

Both families could barely register what just happened as Miguel, Rosa and Socorro covered their eyes.

"BAD DANTE!!" Carmen screamed

"And this is why no dogs are allowed in the ofrenda room". Elena sighed

Imelda couldn't believe what just happened as she sat there in her seat shook, Coco was annoyed and disappointed and scolded the alerbrije for what he did.

"Miguel Emilio Rivera you know no Pets allowed in the ofrenda room". Gloria yelled

"Si, you know better". Luisa and Enrique said

"You could have at least hid him where there is no food". Manny pointed out

"Fair point but I had to think quick or you might have found him". Miguel stated

"But still lesson learned Mijo ". Coco sighed

"Si". He replied

Miguel covered his mouth with his hands as he looked at the photo he then noticed the crease in the photo had been folded back he then gently folded it out as he picked it up Careful of the glass his eyes widened at the same gituar in the photo as the one Ernesto has.

Miguel : "Woah".

Mamá Coco started then moving and pointing to the photo surprised and excited even though there is no head attached to said photo.

Mamá Coco: "Papá Papá ".

He then turned to Mamá Coco.

Miguel : "Mamá Coco is your Papá Ernesto De la Cruz?"

Mamá Coco : "Papá Papá !!"

"I'm sorry Mijo I know we're trying but do you really think I'd marry that scum carbron of a man". Imelda smirked

"At the time yes I mean there was nobody attached to the photo so you've given me leeway here". Miguel stated

"Fair point, But you know I would never even give him a compliment and I married the man I love just know that". Imelda smirked

"I know". Miguel smiled

"Hey I'm just glad I found out the truth I just thank god I am NOT related to a murderer". He sighed

"Amen I think I speak for everyone when I say you and me both Miguel ". Rosa sighed

The rest of the family nodded in agreement and Héctor smiled at the love he was shown.

Miguel smiled at the fact he might be related To Ernesto and went to his attic to compare the photo with the album cover as he took it down from the shelf and smiled as it was in fact the same one that De La Cruz had.

Miguel then came from the attic standing on the roof with a proud smile on his face holding up the photo.

Miguel : "Mamá, Papá it's him I know who my great great grandfather is".

Luisa and Enrique looked up at the roof with concern worried that he would fall off gazes were followed by Elena and the rest of his family.

Luisa : " Miguel get down from there!"

Miguel: "Mamá Coco 's father was Ernesto De La Cruz".

Enrique: "What are you talking about?"

Miguel : " I'm gonna be a musician ".

Miguel then throws the shoemaker apron on the roof and off showing he didn't want to be a shoemaker.

" Why do I have a feeling this isn't gonna end well". Mirabel winced

"You're not wrong there Mariposa ". Bruno added

"I'd agree with you there Mira ". Abel finished

The screen then showed all of Miguel's things being dumped onto the ground including his homemade gituar and his family furious with him.

Abuelita Elena: " What is all this you keep secrets from your own family?!"

Berto : " It's all that theme he spends in the plaza

Gloria: " Filled his head with crazy fantasies ".

Miguel : " It's not a fantasy that man was Ernesto De La Cruz the greatest musician of all time".

Enrique: " We've never known anything about this man but whoever he was he still abandoned his family this is no future for my son ".

Miguel: "But Papá you said my family would guide me well De La Cruz is my family I am supposed to play music".

Abuelita Elena : "Never That mans music was a curse I will not allow it".

Miguel: "But If you would just let me-"

Luisa : Miguel".

Enrique: " You will listen to your family no more music".

Miguel : "Just listen to me play".

Miguel then picked up His gituar slowly but his family was not having it.

Enrique : "End Of argument".

Miguel was persistent and showing his family that music wasn't a bad thing so he picked up his guitar and slowly started playing notes from the movie that he had practice earlier he only got a few in before Elena snatched the guitar from his hands.

Abuelita Elena : "You want up like that man forgotten left off your family's ofrenda".

Miguel: "I don't care if I am on some stupid ofrenda ".

His family was shook at what he just said and Elena was furious so angry in fact that she ended up having her rage just take over her and destroy the gituar into pieces Enrique on the other hand tried to stop her but it was too late the damage was already done.

Enrique: "Mamá!!"

As it was left broken on the floor Elena signed the cross over a chest as a protection from music and also towards her grandson, Meanwhile Miguel was in tears knowing all his hard work had been destroyed completely.

Abuelita Elena: " There no gituar no music ".

Miguel infuriated with his grandmother's decision to smash his guitar still in tears and brokenhearted at all his hard work being destroyed, Elena on the other hand tried to fix it by stroking his check and cooing at him.

Abuelita Elena: "Oh come you'll feel better after you eat with your family ".

Miguel angrily brushed his grandmother's hand away and started running for The front gate With the photo that he took from his father's hand.

Miguel: "I don't want to be in this family ".

Both families were left shook at what just happened and they just sat in silence for a while before Coco finally stood up and gestured for Miguel to follow her to the quiet room without saying a word and he reluctantly agreed, Imelda was proud of her daughter for raking the initiative clearly she didn't want to handle it herself.

When the two finally made it to the quiet room Coco sat down and so did Miguel as they both breathed before speaking.

"Miguel... Why would you say such things Mijo I understand you were angry but that is no right to take it out on everyone else". Coco breathed

"I know I know and I regretted saying the words as they came out and I promise you I'll never say That again I promise you I will never take that for granted again ". Miguel promised

"Miguelito thank you for understanding now and they should have supported you and if I wasn't struggling I would've supported you". Coco smiled

"You've already done enough and honestly I'm glad I took that trip to the land of the dead because I now know never to forget and pass on memories and I am glad I get to share our stories and I promise it'll never happen again, I will never say such thins Again I regret it the moment it came out". Miguel cried

"Oh Miguelito I know you never meant to such a thing I promise you I am not mad I am a little hurt but I know you never you meant it and I know you were angry and hurt and I understand that you wanted them to hear you out ". Coco added

"How did I get so lucky to have an abuela like you?" He asked

"I don't know it's a gift Mijo ". She smiled

Coco hugged her great grandson tight and smiled as they pulled apart.

"But if you ever say or do something like that Again I promise the chancla won't be pretty ". Coco stated

"I promise". He chuckled

As they left the quiet room together all smiles and the families looked surprised but happy however Elena knew she was in for a lecture from her mother and goodness knows it won't be pretty.

"Everything okay?" Casita asked

"Si everything is alright ". Coco smiled

Coco then turned towards her daughter and gestured for her to follow her to the quiet room as Miguel exited.

Elena knew she was in trouble even though she was grown her Mamá still had a hold on her and she knew she was in trouble.

Meanwhile Miguel gave his grandmother smiles of encouragement and she returned them as he went back to his seat.

"How did it go?" Rosa asked

"Pretty good actually ". Miguel smiled

Then he turned to his Papá Héctor and Mamá Imelda and they were confused.

"I know I was angry but that does not give me the right to take it out on family and I know now not to say something I'll regret later on". Miguel apologises

"Mijo-" Imelda stopped

"Let me finish I'm really glad I got cursed because now I know family is everything and I promise from now on I won't take it for granted ". Miguel added

"I'm so proud of you and how far you've come". Héctor smiled

"Well I learn from the best". He added

He then hugged them both and smiled they returned the hug and smiled so proud of all he has achieved. Imelda prepped his face with kisses and thanks and love and he gladly took them in.

"Thank you for making me see Mijo even though it hurt, I am very glad you didn't listen to me otherwise I don't know what I would've done". Imelda said

"Wait are you apologising to me?" He coaxed

Si, Maybe". She smiled

"You're apologising ". Miguel smiled

"Okay I admit it Mijo I just don't want to loose you, I almost did I just – " she stopped

"Te quireo Mucho Mamá Imelda and I promise you'll never loose me again that's for sure and I don't plan on leaving ethier ". Miguel chuckled as he hugged her

" I'm glad to hear that Mijo but if you do something like that again you know what will happen". Imelda stated firm

" I promise not ever again ". He laughed

Meanwhile Elena was getting lectured by her mother as she expected and she bowed her in disappointment with herself

"Elena Why did you do that I know you thought you were protecting him but did have to go and destroy his hard work". She exclaimed

"I know Mamá I am so so sorry I just got frustrated with it and I know that's no excuse but I am so so sorry". Elena cried

"It's not me you should be apologising to, but Mija you know better family is here to support not to put down". Coco sighed

" I know ". Elena replied

" Bien Now how about we go back out there and apologise and do some right". Coco offered

"Si ". Elena smiled

When they made it out of the quiet room they smiled as Miguel was getting apologised to by everyone including his parents, until Elena came in with her Mamá behind her smiling.

"Oh Gracias a dios I Can't take this anymore it's too much". Miguel thanked

"Actually Mijo there is one more apology I'd like to give, I am sorry for destroying your dream and your gituar I know you worked so hard and I should've thought about it and for that I am so so so very sorry can you forgive me?" Elena asked

"Abuelita I understand what you did even though it still hurt and I know you were just protecting me and doing what you thought was right and I can forgive you but you need to let me do this on my own and find my own path and not force me Okay?" Miguel coaxed

"Oh Miguelito thank you and I promise I will try but as long as you promise not to say anything like that again that broke my heart". Elena stated

"Si I promise ". Miguel smiled

"And I'm sorry to you to Abuelo I should have known better even though I didn't know it was you that's no excuse I'm so so so sorry ". Elena looked towards Héctor

"Estas bien Mija I know you meant well and I forgive you Te quireo Mucho". Héctor replies

"Ah this is making me sick". Ernesto sneered

"We'll get used to it you have to suffer you absolute Hijo de puto". Mirabel chuckled

"Mira". Isabela scolds

"What he has as much if not more for all they got put through ". Mirabel pointed

"Didn't know you had that fire Mariposa ". Bruno laughed

"Oh it's in here you just have to wait to find it". Mirabel replies

"Well it's fiery nonetheless ". Héctor started

"Well before we continue I have a surprise for Miguel now I know this is bending my Angel rules just a little bit but I couldn't resist". Layla said

"What do you mean?" Miguel asked

"Well..." she stopped as Miguel's old gituar was brought back and not smashed into pieces

Miguel too, the gituar with his hands and looked at it not a crack a shattered piece in sight it look just like how he left it.

"I felt really bad so I fixed it up what do you think?" She asked

"It's increíble Muchas Muchas Gracias " Miguel thanked

"Your welcome love I thought you needed it and you can play on the breaks how does that sound?" Layla asked

"That would be great". Miguel smiled

Héctor took a closer look at the homemade gituar and smiled as he chuckled.

"Wow you put a lot of detail into this". Héctor smiled

"It took me 2 years just to build it I used scraps from the recycling and I fixed it together with nails and old wooden boards turns out really handy when you're a shoemakers son". Miguel explains

"It looks amazing Mijo ". Augustin starts

"Gracias ". He smiled

"You need to play on the break promise?" Socorro asked

"I promise". He sighed

"Bueno now that's sorted out let's get back to it shall we?"

Both families nodded in response and the movie played Again.

Miguel then turned and ran out the gate in tears photo in hand with his father reaching out a hand trying to stop him.

Enrique: "Miguel stop".

But the boy just kept running unknowingly following the petals all the way to the plaza, Meanwhile Dante was digging through trash but he stopped digging when he saw Miguel and decided to follow him as he was headed for the plaza.

When he finally made it to the plaza he saw a lady holding a sign up sheet and he ran over to her as she checking the boxes of who was next.

Miguel : "I want to play in the plaza like De La Cruz can I still sign up?"

Woman : "You got an instrument ?"

Miguel: "No but if I could just borrow a gituar-"

Woman: " Musicians gotta bring their own instruments you find a gituar kid I'll put you on the list". The woman then turned as a group had finished up their performance

Miguel then began looking around and running around to see if anyone had a spare gituar.

He came across a man playing his gituar.

Miguel: "Can I borrow a spare gituar?"

Man :"No". He scoffed

He then went over to a lady and a man supposed partners sitting in the sidewalk and asked them.

Miguel: "Do you guys have a spare gituar?"

Lady : "Sorry muchacho ". She looked at him apologetically

Then he went over to some Mariachi and saw them practicing so he decided to ask them but they Ignored him completely.

Miguel : " You Guys have a spare gituar?"

Mariachi : "Get out of here kid".

"Well That was rude ". Julio huffed

"I agree Papá completely ". Victoria replies

"They should know better then that". Isabela joined

"Si". Manny and Benny huffed

Miguel chuckled at his family standing up for him grateful for the support he was given.

Miguel sighed knowing he was going nowhere he then turned to the statue of Ernesto De La Cruz as he hoped it would give him something.

Miguel : "Great great grandfather what am I supposed to do?"

The statue of course didn't respond but then fireworks lit up from behind the statue as Miguel step closer to read the plaque.

'Seize your moment '. It clearly stated as Miguel read it and then he got an idea as he looked at the photo in his pocket noticing the same guitar as he got a brilliant idea As it was forming in his head.

Miguel then looked up with a smile on his face and the statue was still silent but Miguel knew what he had to do.

"Miguel Emilio Rivera I know what you're thinking don't you dare". Héctor scolds

"Sorry". He shook his head and shrugged

"Ay Miguel ". Imelda sighed

Luisa and Enrique had the same look on their faces and were very concerned.

"Oh no Well your doomed". Abel stated

"You think". Miguel shrugging his shoulders

Rosa smacked her brothers arm and Tsked.

The next scene shows him sneaking through the cemetery so no one would find him, Meanwhile ofrendas were being fixed and some pepole were praying hoping that their families were there with them in sprits, Dante had somehow found him and barked in excitement to see him And Miguel trying to get him to be quiet chucked a chicken drumstick off of one of the graves for him to eat and chase after and keep him distracted.

Miguel: "Ssh Dante Callate".

When Dante was finally gone he snuck around to the side window and tried pushing it open but it was locked.

"Miguel Really you stole off a grave twice". Rosa said

"Okay to be fair I had to keep Dante distracted plus it was only one chicken drumstick". Miguel sighed

"Still it gonna stick on you forever Primo ". Abel sighed

"I know I'm gonna regret it later aren't I ?" Miguel asked

"Big time Chamaco ". Héctor whispered

He knew he had time it just right so that he could enter so when the fire works went off he managed to break open the window and break the lock completely, He then jumped into the museum and sighed and accidentally stepped on the locket and winced at the sound as he stepped forward and climbed onto the casket and then the lid slightly.

Miguel : " Ah ".

"I can't watch". Socorro shut her eyes

"Si this isn't gonna end well". Luisa winced

"Mijo come on you can't be serious ". Enrique sighed

"Yep Sorry ". He shook his head

"I know I should be mad at you Miguel but timing the breaking in with the fireworks pretty smart if I do say so myself". Coco chuckled

"Socorro Amelia Rivera we do not encourage ". Imelda scolds

"Lo siento Mamá But think how do you think I got in every night to tune that guitar". Coco sighed

"Mija what do you mean?" Héctor asked very interested

"Well when you left and never came back I knew something was up and when that Carbron started singing remember me I knew something was up and I knew you would Never give away our special song so that's why I snuck out in the plaza where I met Julio and we danced and danced; Of course Mamá didn't like the idea I knew she knew I was doing it but that was the only way I could remember you and I knew it hurt Mamá so I didn't speak of it by secretly I missed I missed you we both did". Coco explains

"Oh Mija Carina I am so so sorry ". Héctor sighed

"It's not your fault Papá ". Coco smiled

"Coco sweetheart I'm sorry I made you try and forget about your Papá I know that was wrong I just felt so hurt but I know that's no excuse and I am sorry to you both ". She looks toward both Coco and Héctor

"Estas bien Mi Amor". Héctor smiled

"Si Estas bien Mamá I know you meant the best". Coco sighed

Imelda went and sighed and hugged her husband and daughter tightly and they hugged back.

"Wait What does this have to do with Abuelo and his gituar Mamá?" Elena asked

"Oh right, anyway when Ernesto died they kept the gituar on display and I knew it was Papá's guitar and I knew if I just left it there it would feel wrong, So I kind of broke into the museum and took the guitar down and played it just like Papá taught me; and I felt like Papá was there with me like a piece of Him was still here and I never want to forget it so I played every night and I made sure to tune it just right". Coco finished

"Wow Mija you did just to keep me alive?" Héctor asked

"Si, I couldn't just forget you just like that it hurt too much". Coco nodded

"Ay Mija how do I deserve you". Héctor cried

"No being your daughter is more than enough for me Besides like father like daughter ". Coco smiled

"That's true". Imelda chuckled

"That's why it was locked because of you". Miguel gasped

"Si, Mijo and when I could no longer do it your Papá did it for me". Coco sighed

"Really Papá ?" Socorro asked

Enrique Just nodded and smiled and Elena was surprised that her mother did such a thing .

"Wow just goes to show no one messes with the Riveras because they can do some pretty amazing things ". Casita smiled

"Si". They nodded and chuckled

"But just because I did it doesn't mean I expect it comprende Niños ". Coco asked

"Si we won't Besides it's back where it belongs ". Manny and Benny claimed

"Good". Coco nodded

When Miguel finally got a look at the gituar his eyes got wide as he carefully wiped some dust of the gituar, unknowingly a marigold petal was glowing as Miguel continued to look at the gituar with a shocked expression on his face.

"How did you get that gituar not be rude?" Pedro asked

"Oh I saved every peso to get that guitar because it was special to me well special to Héctor I manage to save up enough money to buy that guitar; I had it specially made it was a wedding present from me shortly after we got married I gave it to him, growing up he didn't have a guitar of his own so he had to borrow one from the Mariachi and so I worked double shifts and I paid extra to have it done because I know how much it meant to him". Imelda smiled

"You paid for that!!" Abel yelled

"Si, I did Mijo". Imelda smirked

"And I was more than grateful I didn't expect anything back then we didn't have much so it wasn't much of a surprise if we can afford anything for each other but the moment your Mamá Imelda gave it to me I have kept it close I never want to lose it because I felt like if I played it would be a part of her if that makes any sense". Héctor added

"Aww that's beautiful you two have really been through a lot". Layla sighed

"I wouldn't trade it in for the world". Héctor whispered as he kisses his wife cheek gently

"Oh shush ". Imelda blushed

Miguel then looked towards the picture of Ernesto pleadingly But the portrait didn't say anything at all. As Miguel gently took the gituar of the stand as he hoped off the casket and stepped back.

Miguel : "Señor De La Cruz please don't be mad, I'm Miguel you're great great grandson I need to borrow this; The rest of our family thinks music is a curse none of them understand but I know you would have to follow my heart to Seize my moment."

He stepped back further and smiled as he gently held the gituar in his hands."

Miguel : "So if it's alright I'm gonna play in the plaza just like you did".

He then strummed a cord and petals flowed around him...

Miguel knew this was not going to go down well as he sighed and slumped into his chair but Mirabel had a supportive hand on him just in case he needed it and smiled, Héctor sighed at what just happened and Imelda did the same.

"Ay Mijo ". Enrique said

"So that's how you got cursed I was wondering what happened ". Rosa smiled gently

"Who knew my gituar would leave you In this mess". Héctor sighed

"It is just me or do any of you feel like it's a sign". Isabela called

"What do you mean Isa". Miguel asked

"Well think About it hermano that gituar has been hanging up there for years but not in it's true place and the only way to communicate with you was on Dia de Los Muertos, like you were the right the person to bring it home bring Héctor home it somehow knew you were the only person to do so and there is a reason that it chose you". She exclaimed

"She has a point we needed someone to break the 'curse' so that you could bring Papá Héctor home". Rosa added

"So it was me along I was the one to help fix this?" Miguel coaxed

"Si you didn't live the life that was written you're writing your own story Miguel and that's something special, plus Dante was there when you needed him and so in truth he was your alerbrije all along ". Layla replied

"That explains a lot". Miguel breathed

"And you did keep your promise you did bring me home after all and I'll be Never thank you enough for that ". Héctor smiled

"Of course always". Miguel smiled

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