We are all in this together

By Lalya12367

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What happens when you put two damage families together a family therapy session come along with Miguel and Mi... More

Chapter 1 : Where are we
Chapter 2 : Abre los ojos y introducción la familia Madrigal
Chapter 3 : The trobuled ceremony
Chapter 4 : Shes waiting on her miracle
Chapter 5 : Secrets spilled and pressure cracks
Chapter 6 : Your future awaits
Chapter 7 : The Misunderstood man
Break 1 : Time will tell.
Chapter 8 : The jinxed dinner
Chapter 9 : Our fate
Chapter 10: A new perspective
Chapter 11: Cut the roses
Chapter 12 : Revealing the truth
Break 2 : Scars heal all wounds
Chapter 13 : The deadly past
Chapter 14 : A new future
Chapter 15: Start Anew
chapter 16: Loved ones
chapter 17: Family dinner
Chapter 18 : Game night
Chapter 19 : A lovers tango
Chapter 20 : stunning surprises
Chapter 21 : Cooking classes
Chapter 22: The changing tree
Chapter 23: Swimming
Chapter 24: Party time
Chapter 25 : A lovely night
Chapter 26: The last day
Chapter 27: New adventures
Chapter 29 : A sole begining
Chapter 30: What we have
Chapter 31: Old admiration
Chapter 32: Family over fun
Chapter 34: Family arguments
Chapter 35 : Cursed
Chapter 36 : My way or no way
Chapter 37 : on the run
Chapter 38: Sad souls
Break 3 : tricks you play
Chapter 39 : Save your life
Chapter 40 : getting in
Chapter 41 : like a trophy
Chapter 42 : murdering suspicions
Break 4 : Dance of pain
Chapter 43 : The missing piece
Chapter 44: haunting revenge
Chapter 45 : Run for your loved one
Chapter 46: finally at peace
Break 5 : Lucky
Chapter 50: (Deleted scene) - Another way in

Chapter 33 : The melody of a heart

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By Lalya12367

The next scene shows some leather being unpacked from the truck ,then it being switched to Dante laying down and then with his ears being switched on at the slight noise of gituar tuning and so with that he went up knocking over a pile of bricks and landed on a flat wooden board.  He shook his body to get rid of any dirt his tongue still hanging out; And then heading for the old shoemakers sign as he lifted his head, Miguel was  strumming when he heard the sign open up and so he quickly hid his gituar realising That it was Dante he let out a sigh of relief.

Miguel: "Oh it's you Dante, come on get in here boy hurry up ".

So with that Dante clumsily tumbled in and met Miguel  and looked down to see what he was working on.

Miguel: "Your gonna get me in trouble boy someone could hear me".

Miguel grabbed a wrench and started tuning the guitar by hand He then grabbed a marker and drew two eyes on The headstock of his homemade version of De la Cruz(s) gituar.

"Chamaco you made that!?" Héctor was shook

"Si do you like it". He asked

"Like it I love it looks exactly like mine". Héctor smiled

"Primo you made that by hand?" Abel asked

"Si why so surprised ". Miguel replied

" I just –" He stopped

"I take back everything I said". Rosa said

"Mijo where did you get the materials?" Coco asked

"I found them in the recycling since we don't use them I thought I could make do with what I have". Miguel smiled

Imelda smiled and chuckled.

"What?" Miguel coaxed

"You may not be a shoemaker Mijo but you sure know how to think like one". Imelda smirked

"I guess that's true". He smiled

"Just one question Mijo?" Enrique asked

"Si". He answers

"How long did it take you to build ?" Enrique asked

"Over a year". He smiled

His family was shook that he managed to build that by hand in over a year Héctor 's eyes had popped out of his head (literally) and Imelda smiled Enrique chuckled proud of his son , Luisa sighed and coco smiled.

Miguel: "I wish someone to hear me other then you".

Dante licked his face in excitement and happiness and Miguel playfully shoved him off, he then strums his gituar in tune proudly he smiles.

Miguel: "Perfecto".

Héctor smiles and Imelda chuckled and smiles at her grandson, Enrique and Luisa looking proud that Miguel had done something for himself and Socorro hugging her brother and Miguel chuckled and smiles down at her.

Dante then wanted to come join in to so he laid his head on Miguel 's  lap and Miguel pat the dog and smiled.

The next scene shows Miguel pulling back a curtain to reveal a shine made just for Ernesto full of candles, figurines, albums and posters.

Miguel then crawled over to some candles and lit up some since they had gone out,  He then put the candle down and looked up at the album on the top shelf to see Ernesto holding his gituar with a smug smile on his face Miguel copied the exact pose and smile with his own gituar.

"Oh god please make it stop". Miguel turned red with embarrassment

Socorro putting a comforting hand on his arm and gently smiled, Ernesto smirked at this and laughs at how much he idolised him.

"Shut it or I will hit you hard and trust me it won't be pretty ". Mirabel seethes

"Oh and how are you meant to do that?" He smirked

Isabela knew he asked the wrong woman as she knew her sister was not joking especially when it comes to hurting someone she loves, Luisa winced at what was to come next and Imelda was proud of Mirabel she knew what was right.

"What is happening?" Julio asked

"He messed with the wrong woman that's what's happening ". Camilo smiled

Mirabel 's eyes started glowing with fury and she smiled Evilly at Ernesto  she then struck him with a magic whip causing him to wince at the pain as it left a big red mark on skull she did it two more times to settle him in his place.

"Had enough?" She asked

He nodded shaking his head.

"Good I do not want to hear another word out of you are we clear?" Mirabel coaxed

"Si Señorita ". He mumbled

"Good that'll teach you next time you enjoy watching the pain of others". Mirabel laughed

Imelda , Rosa , Julieta  and Victoria were shook Héctor went up and hugged the woman and smiled, she smiled in thanks.

"Gracias Mija ". He thanked

"No problem he knew better he chose wrong". Mirabel chuckled

"That he did and now I am kind of terrified ". Héctor whispered

"Don't worry I wouldn't do that to you or anyone else in this family". Mirabel reassures

"That's good to know". Rosita smiled

"It's not your fault Mijo you didn't know nethier did I ". Héctor sighed

"Still it feels disgusting ". Miguel shivers

"I know but we are for a reason ". Layla smiled

Miguel then switched on an one tv and put an old VCR in Labelled De La Cruz  as he put it in the Register and then switched it on.

"Hang On Mijo How did you know how to switch on?" Luisa asked

"Pretty simple Mamá it had no cords so I just used my initiative". Miguel smiled

"That checks out ". Carmen said

The tv screen then it showed Ernesto with is gituar and standing proud and very determined.

Ernesto: "I  have to sing I have to play the music its not just in me it is me".

Miguel looked inspired and continued to watch and strum making music for the movie with a smile on his face leaning his head on his homemade gituar.

Ernesto: "When life gets me down I play my gituar ".

It then showed Ernesto with a woman under a tree and then he kissed her.

Ernesto: " The rest of the world may follow the rules but I must follow my heart".

It then showed Miguel pulling A disgusted face at the two kissing.

Mirabel giggles at how flustered he looks and tries to hide her smile, Meanwhile the rest of the family  chuckled at the face he pulled.

Miguel sat in his chair flushed and shrunk down into the seat.

"You know that's not what I think now". He admits whispering to Mirabel

"I know I just think it's cute when you get all flustered especially in front of me". Mirabel giggles as she kissed his cheeks

Dolores smiled and chuckled gently at the two.

It then shows Miguel copying off of the screen the same exact chords as he watches closely and sticks out his tongue in concentration.

He manages to copy them perfectly as he continues strumming to the movie.

"Hold up you learned to play like that from just watching?" Rosa asked

"Si, it was the only way I knew how to play". Miguel answers

"That's amazing ". Antonio piped

"Gracias Tonito ". Miguel thanked

Meanwhile Héctor had his jaw nearly on the floor, Imelda smiled and snickers at her husband's reaction Enrique and Luisa were just as shook as they didn't know he could play like that; Socorro smiled and so did Manny And Benny finally satisfied that they get to see their big cousin play.

"Mijo you have got to be kidding me you learned to play just from watching and listening by ear". Héctor asked still clearly shook

"Si how else?" Miguel replies

"Wow Ese exellente Mijo, I think you were better than me when I was at your age". Héctor smiles

"You really think so?" He asked

"Si, I mean Wow ". He breathed

"Gracias". Miguel thanked

"Is it really that hard?" Franco asked

"For beginners yes but once you get used to it just flows naturally". Miguel  answers

"Not mention Miguelito you have been playing since you were 3, you could play and sing even before you could walk". Coco smiled

"That's true I still remember my first time playing I wanted to give up but you said practice is key so I kept going". Miguel replied

"And now look how that turned out". Oscar smiled

"I still remember the song you wrote for me by hand". Coco said

"Oh you mean sunset song?" Miguel asked

"That's the one, it was the first one you ever wrote fully by yourself and not copying of that Carbron." Coco remembered

"You need to play that for us one day". Socorro asked

"How about this I can play it when we on the break deal?" Miguel suggests

"Deal". Socorro smiled

"Mijo 10 years you've got to be kidding me". Gloria had her mouth agape

"Nope not a joke". He smiled

"That's amazing very impressive ". Layla sighed

"Thank you Señorita Layla ". He laughed

It then showed Ernesto singing outside a woman's house on the balcony as she sighed at the sight of him.

Ernesto singing:

"A feeling so close you could reach and touch it

I never knew I could want something so much but it's true".

Ernesto: " Never underestimate the power of  music ".

Miguel continues to be involved in the music with his eyes closed just listening to The sound surrounding him.

The scene then flips to Ernesto outside a church talking with a Nun pleading with him.

Ernesto: " He will listen to music".

Ernesto singing:

" Only a song only a song has the power to change a heart".

Nun: "But my father he will never give his permission ".

In the background the movie continued playing as Miguel continued the serenading the music for the movie.

Enersto: "I am done asking permission when you see your moment you mustn't let it pass you by you must seize it".

At this point Miguel was truly captivated by the music as a closed his eyes and played his heart out just listening for singing and light in his passion.

Both families watched on with pride as Miguel played out his passion.

"Wow". Bruno sighed

"I know he's really good". Julio said

"I'll say". Rosita joined in

Miguel smiled at his family's comments as they continued to watch grateful for them all, Mamá Coco looked on with pride amazement and happiness as she watched her grandson play.

"Look". Isabela points to Mirabel who's blushing hard as she watches the screen not even focusing on Ernesto

"She's Really in love isn't she". Julieta sighed

"No doubt about it Mamá ". Luisa said

"I didn't know you were that good". Mirabel compliments

"Gracias Mira ". Miguel blushed lightly

She then closed her eyes and just listened to the music as if it set her free from all her troubles and pain she has been through she even ended up humming the tune to herself and smiling as she did so, Miguel chuckled and grabbed his gituar and played the same tune mirroring his on screen self but this time with much more ease.

Both families watched as the two hummed and played their hearts out smiling at each other.

Then when the music finally stopped she looked up at him and she smiled he did the same.

"Always play from the heart Mi amor no one can take that away from you". She whispered as she rested a hand on Miguel 's arm

"Si Mira ". He nodded

As they went back to their seats chuckling and smiling the families both looked happy as both Miguel and Mirabel had grown more than just a friendship and  a romance they had grown solace , love and support and they couldn't be happier.

When Miguel opens his eyes to watch the interview very intrigued as he stopped playing.

Interviewer: " Señor De la Cruz what did it take you to Seize your moment?"

Ernesto : " I had to have faith in my dream no one was going to hand it to me it was up to me to reach for that dream grab it tight –"

Miguel finished the line with Ernesto since he knew it off by heart.

Miguel & Enersto : "And make it come true".

Héctor chuckled and spat at Ernesto for what he just said

"No one was going to hand to you really I am sorry but you murdered me to get what you wanted how was that handing it to you, I died because you all you wanted was to go after the fame you didn't care about me anymore I should have listened to Imelda when she you said you changed ". Héctor angered

"Well I am sorry I had to get what I wanted and this was the only I thought of doing it". Ernesto sneered

"Besides that shrew wife and innocent, pertinent daughter of yours just made it easy, You wanted to go home and I thought of keeping you there even I have to force  it out of you myself you were naïve and stupid don't you think Imelda was right about one thing  I was using you. Pretty smart for a woman who was just like us broken-hearted and she was just as much blind as you were and don't forget about your daughter well she turned just like you naïve and stupid  thinking that you were actually coming home of course I lied to Imelda if I didn't she would come searching for you". He finished

Héctor just saw red and slapped Ernesto in the face and then without a second thought took off his shoe and hit him so hard part of his skull cracked.


Imelda had never seen this much love and anger come from her Héctor before she couldn't believe that was still him, Coco looked just as shook as she held her mothers arm and Julio rested beside her; Her usually sweet, funny, talented and kind Papá had turned protective and angry so much so that it kind of scared her she knew her father wasn't much to get angry but when it came to his family he would protect them no matter what.

Miguel and others were just flat out shook they never seen him get so angry or so protective before it was kind of like the usual Héctor had disappeared for a second and in came this demon that didn't back down.

"Héctor... sweetheart are you finished?" Layla cautiously asked

"Si". Héctor breathed

"Good because you have kind of terrified everyone else in the room". She added

"Lo Siento everyone don't know what came over me". Héctor apologises

"That was... something ". Rosa said

"Agreed I don't even know what that was". Rosita added

"Well no one messes with my family and thinks that they get away with it". He looked straight towards his ex- best friend

When Héctor sat back down next to his wife and daughter he smiled, Imelda was shook And it still was very foreign at what just happened, Coco smiled at her father and he did the same and Héctor hugged his daughter just to prove the anger has diminished.

When he turned to Imelda he placed a kiss on her cheek she turned red.

"He can put me down and put me in pain as much as he wants but if he calls you that name again he will meet hell as he faces the final death ". Héctor smiles and whispers

Imelda smiles and chuckled as she cuddles close to her Héctor.

"Te amo Mi Amor ". Imelda whispered

"Te Amo Tambien". Héctor  smiles

The Tv then goes static As Miguel then picks up the poster from earlier and turns to Dante.

Miguel : "No more hiding  Dante I got seize my moment".

Dante bark in agreement.

Miguel : "I am gonna play in Mariachi Plaza if it kills me".

"Ay Sonbrino you do realise what you just said right?" Victoria asked

"Si". He sighed

"Wrong words hermano such wrong words". Socorro shook her head

"It's like you want to tempt fate". Abel stated

"Okay, okay I get it wrong choice of words". Miguel rolled his eyes

The next scene shows Miguel up on the roof trying to climb quietly come down with Dante as his family are everywhere, as he slowly hops down and jumps on some boxes to get down and Dante follows rolling onto the ground.

Elena opens the front gate while some kids are running around with thier faces painted and some sparklers

Abuelita Elena: "Dia de Los Muertos has begun".

Luisa : "No, no, no we have to make a clear path the path the petals guide our ancestors home ". She then demonstrates to the twins.

Enrique: "Mamá where she would put this table?"

Abuelita Elena : " In the courtyard Mijos".

Enrique: " You want it down by the kitchen ".

Abuelita Elena: "Si, next to the other one".

Meanwhile Miguel was trying to back out and avoid the situation further by holding his gituar tight and backing into the ofrenda room with Dante following since his Abuelita was distracted with the sweeping, Mamá Coco still seeing everything but then again staring off into space, then hearing his parents and Abuelita come into the room he quickly hid Dante underneath the table along with his guitar.

Miguel : "Get under get under".

"Okay I just have to say this". Julieta breathed

"What Mamá ?" Isabela asked

"What is it with our children and climbing on roofs and hiding things from us?" Julieta asked

"I don't know". Carmen shook her head

"Again we hide things from you because we don't want to hurt you ". Miguel and Mirabel said at the same time

"What do you mean?" Rosita asked

"We hide how we truly feel because we don't want to disappoint you". Miguel exclaimed

"That 's right and we love you but sometimes you can be little..."Mirabel stopped

"Pushy?" Socorro answers

"Nosy?" Abel asked

"Overboard and overbearing?" Rosa finished

Miguel held Mira's hand and smiled knowing that they finally got it.

"Yes exactly ". They chorused

"I mean after I saved the miracle you guys kept watching me like a hawk". Mirabel said

"Or when after I came back from running away you guys kept hugging  me or telling me to leave a note". Miguel continues

"That's because we love you and we don't want to loose you". They said

"We know". The two breathed

"We know you do but we want you to..." Mirabel started

" loosen the reins a bit just a smidge". Miguel finished

"We're not saying don't be there for us, we're just saying ease up a little bit let us be who we are and follow our dreams". Miguel smiles

"Exactly don't expect us to be who we're not because nothing is gonna change no matter how much you try". Mirabel adds

"You are right and we are sorry ". Imelda smiled

"We will try to loosen up a bit". Pepa agreed

"But this does mean we will ever stop loving you two". Héctor replies

"We know we don't need you to". Mirabel and Miguel smiled

"Awww communication and personal growth it is key I am so proud of you guys." Layla chimed in

Miguel leans over and whispers in his Love's ear.

"They finally get it, Feels good to get if off my chest". Miguel whispers

"Me too Miguel and to think we'd finally get them  to understand ". Mirabel sighed

"That's why you and I make such a great team ". Miguel laughs

"Si, indeed we do  Mi Príncipe". Mirabel smiled

"But there's one thing that's not gonna stop no matter how hard we try". Miguel chuckled

"Them spying on us". They both chorused laughing

Then it showed Elena walking into the ofrenda room and putting her broom aside and going straight towards Miguel with his parents trailing along behind .

Abuelita Elena : "Miguel".

Miguel : " Mamá Papá I –"

Enrique: "Miguel your Abuelita had the most wonderful idea we've all decided it is time you joined us in the workshop ".

His father flipped a shoemakers apron just his size.

"Ay no what we just say?" Miguel coaxed

"Exactly sometimes old habits die hard". Mirabel joined

"Hold on why was Miguel shining shoes  instead of making them with  you surely he's old enough". Imelda asked

"That's the thing he never really was passionate about it so we thought if we eased him into it maybe he'd like it". Luisa said

"Well that didn't work did it?" Miguel asked

"Obviously not". Gloria states

Miguel :"What?"

Enrique: "No more shining shoes you'll be making them every day after school".

Elena then went up and gave his grandson a massive hug and smiled at him , Meanwhile Dante was sniffing the food underneath the table trying to want to eat it.

Abuelita Elena : " Our Miguelititito carrying on the family tradition and on Dia de Los Muertos your assentors would be so proud you'll craft Guaraches just like your Tia Victoria ". She pointed to the photo with the exact shoe underneath

Enrique: " And wingtips like your Papá Julio ". He then pointed to the photo with said shoe underneath

Miguel then loosens his grandmother's grip on him and moves away as he faces his father.

Miguel :"What if I'm no good at making shoes?"

Enrique: "Ay Miguel you have your family here to guide you, You are a Rivera and a Rivera is –"  He stopped so he could finish the the family mantra

Miguel: "A shoemaker through and through".

Miguel mirrored his onscreen self by saying the exact same thing.

"We're very sorry Mijo we should have seen more and listened to you instead we pushed it back". Enrique apologises

"Estas bien". Miguel smiled

"No mijo it's not fine and I am sorry I pushed you in a way Miguel it's my fault ". Imelda sighed

"No it's not you helped build this family and I took that for granted and I pushed you away and for that I am sorry I just wanted to make the family proud of me". Miguel replied

"Mijo you don't need to change, We ... I love just the way you are you made me see something that I've tried to ignore for years and I almost lost it". Imelda looked toward Héctor and put a hand through his

Miguel went over and hugged his Mamá Imelda and she hugged back.

"I promise I will never push you again Mijo as we all". Imelda smiled

His family all nodded in agreement.

"And I promise to Never again take what I have for granted ". Miguel agreed

Imelda felt tears run down her cheeks as he said that and he smiled and hugged much tighter along with the rest of the family.

"I'm gonna cry it's so sweet ". Casita smiled

"Already there". Layla replied

Miguel went back to his seat and got hugged by his sister tightly.

"What?" He asked

"I love you hermano ". She piped

"I love you so much Chiquita ". Miguel hugged back

Mirabel had her head laying on Miguel's shoulder as she looked up and smiled and he chuckled he looked into her eyes.

"There's the man I fell in love with ". Mirabel giggles

Enrique: "That's my boy Berto break out the good stuff I want to make a toast". He ruffled Miguel's hair and left the room

Luisa followed with the basket of marigolds in her hands as she smiled and lifted his chin up and left the room and Miguel fake smiled at his mother trying to be proud; Last but not least Elena followed with kisses as she then grabbed the broom and left the room and Miguel sighed deeply.

Then as Miguel watched them leave he turned around to see Dante had moved out from underneath the table and Was aiming for the food.

Miguel shrunk in his seat and and Dante hid behind his legs as they both knew what was about to happen...

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