Galactic Overlord (rewrite)

By SithTrooperO9

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A rewrite of my self-insert Star Wars story, Galactic Overlord. More chapters, story arcs, character interact... More

The beginning
School life and imperial academy
Academic transfer
The campaign in Mimban
End of the Mimban war
Samovar campaign
Victory in Samovar
Spice deal
Fields of Akkadia
A visit to Larsa
Traitor hunt
Smuggler's trail
End of an illegal empire
Old friends
The dead that walk
The far outsiders
Star-quest to unknown Kadath
Sith training
Battles against the Vong
Captain's troubles and a sith's return
The civil war on Naboo
Plans within plans
Plans within plans part 2
Uprisings on Onderon and Kamino
Jedi hunt on Felucia
The Umbara Campaign
Battles of the war
The Akkad Spring
Cobra business
Zaarin's failed coup
Final battles of Umbara
Cobra business part 2
Cobra business part 3
Cobra business part 4
Hapes Consortium war
Battle of Hapes
Cobra business part 5
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn part 2
The pirate war
The pirate war part 2
Coruscant social events
Cobra business part 6
Task Force First Descent: harbingers of death
Cobra business part 7
Cobra's campaign and expansion
The Ssi Ruu campaign
The captain and the girl
The captain and the girl part 2
March of the ten thousand
Birth of an empire
Extra-galactic campaigns
Anaxes debate
Troubles in Lothal
Years 4-2 BBY
Year 1 BBY
Galactic Civil War begins
Mid-Rim offensive
Cobra attack on Mustafar
Crimson Dawn's auction
Crimson war
A new world
Fehtan's rebellion
State of the galaxy
Cobra's holdings
A sith returns
A world below
Weapons and armor
Forging an alliance
Forging an alliance part 2
War between Akkad and Lanka
Holy war
Semiramis' Regency
Warlord era

War of the gods

98 3 0
By SithTrooperO9

''Come. I'll introduce you to the others, Salazar.'' Dyeus-Pater said and his hand motioned for me to follow him. ''You already met Perkunōs. Time to meet the others.''

''Others? You have children besides him?'' I asked.

''Yes. Here's one now. Salazar, meet my son, Koryos-Fehtan. He's the god of war in this universe. Son, meet our ally, Salazar Covraii.'' Dyeus-Pater introduced me to his other son named Koryos-Fehtan. He was a strong man clad in pure armor from head to tie and he had a menacing horned helmet.

''So this is the stranger that you talked about, father.'' Koryos-Fehtan said as he saw me. ''Welcome to our home, Salazar Covraii, the out-worlder.''

''Yes. Out-worlder.'' Dyeus-Pater repeated but his tone had a certain harshness to it. It was like a father reprimanding his son. ''How's the day of battle, my son?''

''We won, father, but many of our soldiers lost their lives. The sudden arrival of the mother chaos forced our early retreat.''

''I see. I guess not even Pragna's plan can foresee that.'' Dyeus-Pater said before shaking that thought off of his mind. ''Let's go, Salazar. There are others more to meet.'' Dyeus said and I followed him. ''Brother, what happened to you?'' Dyeus asked as he saw his brother return with grievous wounds.

''They fought tougher than before, brother.'' he answered. ''Mother chaos is giving them her boons. They're getting stronger everyday.

''I see. Go get rest, brother. You did enough for one day.''

''I'll manage.'' he said and got ready to walk before noticing me. ''Is this him?''

''Yes. Salazar, meet my brother, Mori-Deiwōs. He's the god of the oceans and water in general.'' Dyeus introduced me to him. ''Go get some rest brother. Tomorrow, we'll need you at peak fighting condition.'' Dyeus said and left. ''This way, Salazar.''

''So that's your brother. Any more brothers? Maybe a sister?'' I asked in curiosity.

''There's one more brother. Mertyu, the god of death and the netherrealm. And of course, my sister-wife Cwēn.'' Dyeus answered. The answer of his sister also being his wife was pretty surprising and I did not feel the need to ask any more questions.

''Father, you arrived.'' said a tall woman in white clothing and full body armor. ''And I see you brought a guest with you.''

''Yes. Pragna, meet Salazar Covraii, our guest. Salazar, meet my daughter Pragna. She's the goddess of war and wisdom, our main battle planner.''

''I thought the other one, Koryos-Fehtan was supposed to be the god of war.'' I said and Dyeus laughed slightly.

''Yes. While Fehtan is god of the savagery and brutal aspects of war, Pragna on the other hand is the goddess of the beautiful things in war. The thinking and the plans that come with it. You know what I mean.''

''Do she's your strategist.'' I concluded. ''Let's see.'' I said as I looked at the battle plans Pragna had made.

''Curious to learn, are you, Salazar Covraii?'' Pragna asked as I looked over at her plans. ''Well, maybe I can teach you a thing or two.''

''Perhaps.'' I simply responded. ''What's the composition of your army anyways?''

''Several thousand fighting men and women from every race.'' Pragna answered. ''My half-brother, Smithaz, god of crafting and the dwarves, makes weapons for them in our fight.''

''Half-brother?'' I asked.

''Well, a story for another time.'' Pragna simply said. ''So, have any more questions or any suggestions you'd like to say? I'm all ears and honestly, after all this fighting, I could use a talking partner.''

''The strength of these outlanders seem to be their numbers and the giants have their size advantage. There aren't a lot of narrow paths which we can use. Quite bad as their numbers would count for nothing if we could exploit such paths. Do you have artillery?''


''You know... uhh... machines that can throw big spears or boulders?'' I explained in the best and most simplistic way as I could.

''I think Smithaz can make something like that. Artillery huh?'' Pragna mused. ''Well, continue on, Salazar. I'm listening.''

''We will need big shields that can act as a wall.'' I suggested. ''Strong men to carry them too. Then, we'll need long spears. I have a battle plan: a wall and line of shields with spearmen pointing their spears at the enemy. As the outlanders come, they'll be cut down easily. Behind the line would be a row of archers to rain fire and the artillery to bring in heavy fire. We'll also need cavalry and chariotry divisions;  soldiers mounted on horses and horse drawn vehicles. They'll come in from the sides and swoop in to take out the outlander horde.''

Pragna whistled in amazement. ''A very good plan if I do say so myself, Salazar Covraii.'' she praised me. ''You have experience planning war before, haven't you?''

''No. I'm just a student of the art of war.'' I answered. Of course, I could have easily told them of the campaigns and wars I fought and won in my universe but I felt that keeping some secrets would be good for me.

''Well, you must be a very student in the art of war then.'' Pragna remarked. ''Come, Salazar Covraii. Let us go and meet Smithaz. We'll need his crafts for the battle.'' Pragna said and she led the way to the god of crafting's shop.

''Who is it?'' asked a rather hairy and slightly looking man wearing a blacksmith's outfit. Smithaz, god of crafting, I took it. ''Pragna. More orders? I already finished the arrows and the spears. Anything else to forge?'' he asked and then took notice of me. ''Who's he? A protogeé of yours? Trying to one up Fehtan now are we?''

''No, Smithaz. He's our ally, Salazar Covraii.'' Pragna corrected Smithaz.

''So he's the guest that our lord father mentioned now, is he?'' Smithaz then came forward to inspect me. ''For someone so talked about by our lord father, I expected that... he'd be taller.''

''Well, aren't you one to talk.'' I simply said as this smith-god barely reached my chest.

''Oh ho ho. You got a fighting tongue, I see.''

''Smithaz, he's an ally, remember?'' Pragna reminded him.

''Dah! Ally or whatever.'' Smithaz complained a bit then went back inside his shop. ''So, any new weapons you wanna order?'' he asked.

''Artillery and chariots.'' Pragna answered. Smithaz had never heard of such terms before and needed a bit of help. Pragna and I discussed the designs of these weapons and ideas clicked into Smithaz's head.

''I think I can build just the things you want. However, it may take quite a bit of time. There's always the dwarves though! They can help.'' Smithaz said and called in the dwarves, the race he had authority over, and they worked to create the artillery cannons and chariots.

''So, that's done. Guess we'll have to wait till the next battle, Salazar Covraii.'' Pragna said to me.

''Don't you conduct raids?'' I asked. ''To disrupt their supply lines or kill some of their troops? Nothing like that?''

''Actually, we do. This night's raid is being led by Fehtan. Tch. Doubt he'll be as successful as my raids though. I killed two thousand of those disgusting outlanders and five Bellök.'' Pragna boasted a bit. For a goddess of wisdom, she sure was proud of herself.

''Where is your father, Pragna? I wish to speak with him.'' I told her.

''He's right over there, in his tent. Come, I'll show you the way.'' Pragna led me to tent of Dyeus and I followed her. After that, she left and I entered the tent.

''Ah! Salazar, come in. Come in.'' Dyeus said and I entered his tent. As I walked in, a woman was also there;  she had an angry expression and walked out as I entered. ''She'll get over it, eventually.''

''Did I arrive at a bad time?'' I asked and Dyeus shook his head sideways.

''No. It's nothing. Just a little argument here and there, you know. Married couples and the like. That is, if you happened to already be married.''

''I'd rather not answer that.'' I told Dyeus. ''The strategy is going well. Your daughter Pragna and I, we have been discussing and your other son, Smithaz, is making the new weapons for the battle.''

''Ah. That's good to hear.''

''Tell me. Why is there a war between you and those giants?'' I asked Dyeus, seeking answers for my question. ''Who is this 'mother chaos' that your brother referred to? How do you intend that I get home?''

''Well, if I were to answer your questions, you would have to answer a couple of my own questions. Fair deal, wouldn't you say?''

''I suppose it is.''

''Well, first question. I killed the husband of mother chaos.'' Dyeus answered. ''He planned to kill all the gods. Me, my brothers, my wife and our children. Of course I... couldn't let this slide;  not after everything we did. So, I took matters into my own hand and killed her husband, Old Father Eternity. His wife, mother chaos, became angry and took the form of a dragon. She gave birth to those horrid outlanders and the generation before me and my brethren became the Bellök you now see and fight.''

''You did what you did to protect what you have.''

''Yes. As for getting you home, well, I might have an answer.'' Dyeus said. ''You see, Salazar, I believe I discovered the source of the multiverse itself, the origin of all reality. This well of ultimate power, I call it the 'Heart of the Universe'. If we can get our hands on this, then, you can go home. The power over reality, time, space, everything! It's in our grasp, Salazar. Your one ride home.''

''Power over time?'' I wondered. If I had such power, perhaps I could return to the moment just after the Morning-Star fell. This whole seven hundred year thing could be fixed!

''Of course, I haven't quite known where it is but I'll get to it. I swear.'' Dyeus swore to get this 'Heart of the Universe' no matter the cost and he meant that. ''So, I gave you my answers. It's time you answer my questions. Who are you, Salazar Covraii? Really.'' Dyeus asked. ''There is more to you than just some stranger from another universe. Who are you Salazar Covraii?''

''There is a power known as the force. It exists in everything, flows through it, surrounds it, it is in all and it is everywhere. There were those blessed with the ability to utilize the force;  the light and the dark. The users of light are called jedi and the dark are called the sith. The strongest of the sith rule the rest and has the title of dark lord of the sith.''

''Are you the dark lord of the sith then, Salazar Covraii?'' Dyeus asked. ''After what you can do, I wouldn't be surprised.''

''I am.'' I answered. ''I come from a world called Akkadia, a harsh world of deserts and mountains in it's northern half and marshes and farmlands in the south. I was born into a proud war-like society that was the terror of all the galaxy in it's glorious past. The king of Akkadia held great power and authority and the armies of Akkad subjugated a million worlds. They collected tribute from all ends of the galaxy and all who challenged Akkadia's might met a most terrible end. But, all good things must come to an end. Infighting and over-extension weakened Akkadia;  it's vassals and client states rebelled and the Old Republic and their jedi knights came to attack Akkadia. For a thousand years, there was no king in Akkad but it changed when I became king.''

''That's very impressive if I do say so myself, Salazar. Dark lord of the sith and king of Akkadia. In your home universe, you must have been powerful.'' Dyeus said with some semblance of respect. ''Now, I am certain that we can win this war.''

''I help you win this war, you get me home.'' I reminded Dyeus and he nodded. We made our alliance officially with a handshake and I left to take rest. As I walked, I returned to the craftshop to see the progress of the weapons. ''How goes the work?''

''Salazar.'' Smithaz said my name then returned to work. ''It goes well, it goes well. Dwarves. Sturdy backs, strong arms and willingness to work. Best assistants I could ask for. So, where you off to? You didn't simply come here just to watch me make something now did you?''

''I was off to get some rest.''

''Ah. I should've guess.'' Smithaz said and then, he caught a glimpse of my weapons. ''Wait. Let me see that. Those weapons of yours.'' He said and I allowed him to check my lightsaber and pistol. ''These are your weapons? Very strange yet, one can feel the immense power in them. Amazing. So small and yet so powerful. How does one use them, I wonder?''

''The pistol you use by pressing on that.'' I said and Smithaz shot the pistol, impressed at the function. ''As for my sword, press the... uhh... bulge that you see.'' I told him and Smithaz was amazed at the blade.

''Amazing.'' Smithaz marvelled at the lightsaber and he could feel the heat. ''It's like a sword of pure fire! Like fire from my forges which is much hotter than any ordinary fire. Amazing weapons but there can be improvements, I think. You wouldn't happen to be able to channel your power, whatever it may be, to this sword now could you?''

''Actually, I can. I can channel lightning to my sword and I can create powerful crescents made of pure energy. However, there was some difficulty every now and then. If you can upgrade it, I'd be more than happy to let you work your magic.''

''Oh ho ho. Is that doubt in your voice I hear? Well, I ain't the god of crafts for nothing, Salazar Covraii. Just you watch. Your weapons will be better than ever.'' Smithaz boldly said and he began to make improvements onto my pistol and lightsaber. Within a few minutes, he was done. ''There. New and improved. Don't try any tests here, Salazar Covraii. Tomorrow, try it against the enemy.''

''Thank you, Smithaz.''

''Yes yes yes. Well, I am the god of crafts aft-'' Smithaz suddenly stopped talking before looking at me. ''What did you say?''

''I said thank you.''

''No one has ever said a word of gratitude to me before. You're the first person to do so, Salazar Covraii.''

''Well, doesn't the one to do something for a person deserve a thank you in the least? You did something for me and I returned the gratitude.'' I simply replied. ''So, thank you Smithaz.'' I repeated and walked away.

'No ones ever said thank you to me before. It feels... so nice to be appreciated for once.' Smithaz thought before going back to work. Tomorrow was a going to be a long day afterall.

''Oh, Salazar.'' Pragna suddenly saw me walking about. ''I'm afraid we have quite a problem on our hands.''

''Problem? What kind?'' I asked

''We're short on manpower. There's not enough fighting men or horses to meet the requirements.''

''In that case, send me back to the world of men.'' I told her. ''I can convince several hundreds of men to fight and possibly even get the needed number of horses.''

''Very well then, Salazar Covraii. Hold my hand.'' Pragna told me and I took hold of her hand. Then, we flew back to the world for purposes of recruiting more soldiers.

This was the first time I saw the world in full view. It was a very large planet, bigger than any gas giant and bigger than even stars! There was an average sized star orbiting it and also a moon. Quite the opposite from planets orbiting a star and forming a star system. It was a very strange sight to behold in it's entirety.

I returned to the world and I entered the community upon which I exercised kingship and had dominion over. I recruited most of the able bodied and capable to fight men from that place. Then, we went to several more large towns and proto-cities and recruited more from there. An easy thing as my reputation grew within a relatively short span of time. We also went and recruited from elves and dwarves to increase fighting number. The number of recruits we had numbered in the low thousands.

An insignificant number compared to the hundreds of millions I commanded on just one of my campaigns but you had to make due with what you have.

                   -the day of battle-

''How do we plan on dealing with the giants?'' I asked Pragna. ''I highly doubt that our javelins and catapults can deal any significant damage.'' I raised my concern as I was worried about the lives of the men that I recruited.

''Regarding the Bellök, Salazar Covraii, we'll deal with them. Father, you, me, Fehtan and Perkwunōs. Why do you ask?''

''Nothing.'' I replied. ''Are preparations set?''

''Set and ready.''

''Then let's win ourselves a battle.'' I said and we went to oversee the preparations for the battle.

We chose an open plain for our battlefield. The line of catapults and javelin-shooting machines was set in a good order. The javelin-shooting weapons could shoot hundreds of javelins at the enemy to lessen their number. Then, in front of them was three rows of archers, elves and men, the finest among them equipped with a new type of bow-- the composite bow. Then, there were four lines of shield bearers and spearmen. In front of them were another two rows of archers and in front, a line of shield bearers and spearmen, a row of six.

The spears of the troops were longer than the average spear;  a shield bearer stood in the front and a spearmen behind him. They formed a wall of shields, a wall of iron and spears, and they stood strong. As the savage outlanders would come rushing into battle, they would be cut down and the soldier behind the wall of shields, armed with axes and swords, would hack them to their deaths. Behind the walls were chariots and cavalry, waiting for their chance at battle.

The day was still and silent as the westwind blew over us in the quiet of the plains. Nervous sweats trickled down the foreheads of the troops as a cloud of dust began to come. The outlanders, those savage hybrids, mindless beasts, mere cannon fodder, had arrived. There were tens of thousands of them, perhaps over fifty and perhaps reaching seventy thousand. The sheer sight of their number would be enough to make the soldiers retreat but they took courage in the fact that I and their gods were here to help them.

''Soldiers!'' I called to them. ''Take courage and hold fast. I know that the enemy is numerous;  the mere sight of them is terrifying. In all of you, I see the same fear that would take hold of me. I see in each of you death that would take us, overwhelm us, but it is not this day. We fight for our lands and our homes. We fight for our families back home. On this day, we make our stand;  on this day, we stare at death and say 'NO!' Here, we make our stand. Here, we stand and we fight and we will win!'' I said in a loud, encouraging voice and the soldiers were motivated.

The drums of war and the trumpets were sounded. The conches were blown and the banners of war raised, waving in the wind as the outlanders rushed forward. The boulders of the catapults and javelins were shot en masse, released in a heavy missile barrage. The archers released their arrows and they whistled in the air as they struck the outlanders. Hundreds of them fell two hundred feet before reaching the wall of shields. The solduers held their ground, firmly and with great resolve, wills of iron and strength like bronze. The spears pierced and killed many outlanders;  those that tried to get up were shot upon by arrows or hacked to pieces. The row of archers got behind and a line of infantry came forward. Hundreds fell as the battle lasted longer and it was nearly time.

I used the force to jump a great height and length and was in the center of the battlefield. I unleashed force lightning in a great burst and turned hundreds of enemy soldiers into ash and dust. I vaporized them completely and killed many outlanders. I fired my upgraded pistol and the power of the shots was even greater. I condensed a shot and released it as a laser, slaying numerous outlanders. I ignited my lightsaber and began to cut down any outlander that came to attack me. I cut apart dozens and slew hundreds of these outlanders. I channeled power onto my lightsaber and lightning and fire enveloped it. I jumped up and struck it on the ground, slaying many more of my enemies. I used the force to lift the already fired arrows and fire it again onto the enemy.

Perkwunōs and Koryos-Fehtan, sons of Dyeus, the warrior gods, came down with their weapons and attacked the outlanders. Pragna, their goddess of war and strategy, led the charge of the cavalry and chariotry out after another heavy missile barrage. The outlanders were dying in greater numbers and we led the charge. However, as we charged, several giants came out to assist the outlanders.

''Ha! Now this is more like it.'' Perkwunōs shouted. His mighty war-hammer came to life with lightning and he jumped up to kill the giants. He flew up and struck down one of them easily.

''Always making a mess of things. More drunken brawler than warrior.'' Koryos-Fehtan muttered under his breath and using his power, created swords from iron. He threw them at the giants and fire came to his hands.

The giants threw boulders and piles of stone towards me. I stopped them mid air using the force and I turned into a mist to fly. I reached one of the giants and my lightsaber glowed brightly. I fired it in a powerful crescent slash and decapitated one of the Bellök giants. Another one of them roared angrily and came to attack but I phased through it's punch. I force pulled it's fist and made the giant punch himself. I created swords of ice and threw them at the giant, wounding it severely. A storm gathered above us and lightning came down from the sky. Dyeus-Pater struck the giants down with great power and then, the clouds gathered.

The storm brought rain and Mori-Deiwōs, brother to Dyeus and god of the waters, called forth a wave to attack the gianta. I flew up higher and I found a target for me to slay once more. I moved and flew about swiftly, moving as fast as lightning, and I cut the arm of a giant into multiple smaller pieces. I flew down and wounded the giant on it's ankle joints and it fell down. I came down hard and fast and struck it on it's head, sending a great amount of lightning onto it and I killed that giant right there. My hands glowed with lightning and I released it onto another giant, greatly wounding it. Perkunōs flew and struck a giant right in the head, one-shotting the giant, and he came down near me.

''Not bad for a non-god, Salazar Covraii.'' Perkunōs complimented. ''You might not be too bad afterall.''

''That was nothing.'' I merely replied. They had yet to see the full power of the dark side of the force. With my lightsaber in hand and an army behind me, I led the charge.

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