Nawal - One Shots

By nina282

64.5K 2.4K 369

One shots More

Truth Unveils - Part 1
The Past Unfolds
Destroyed Emotions
Redemption (Part 2 of Breakdown)
Redemption - Version 2
Battling the Storm
Amrish Shocked and Hetal Rocked
Battling the Storm - Version 2
Starting Over Again
Giving Up
The Aftermath
the aftermath - version 2
Fighting for her - Aftermath 2 V2
Switcheroo 2
Giving Up - Version 2
Coming Home
Convincing Natasha
Love Overcomes
A new beginning
Winning a war
Her wedded life
Her wedded life 2
Overcoming the defeat
Wedding Affair
New Beginnings
Leaving to Heal
Overcoming Obstacles
Helpless Part 2
Family's encounter
Love and War
Fighting for her loves
Overcoming the hurdles (part 2)
The Downfall
Standing Up for Her
Giving Hope
love in the air
His Runaway Wife
Runaway Wife part 2
Hide and Seek Bride
Finally together ❤️
Hide and Seek Bride Part 2
Painful truths
The Arranged Marriage
A New Start
His wife
Pageant (Version 1)
Pageant (Version 2)
Love Wins ❤️
Jealousy: Action and Reaction
Aftermath of Deception
Winning her over
Reunion - part 2
Some home truths drilled in
The Chase
The Return
A New Life
Fragile truth
The Apologies
Dhawal's fight for his love
Supporting Natasha
Arrange or Love
Holi Explosions
Aftermath of Holi
Aftermath of Holi part 2
Finally the truth comes out
Broken Relationships
Broken Relationships V2
Broken Relationships V2 part 2
The Fallout
Fallout Part 2
Amba's Downfall
Changing Dynamics
The Outing
The Return V2
The Repentance
The Repentance Part 2
Truth comes out - V2
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Part 2
Cause and Effect # 3
Rejected then married
Dhawal's Win
Annulment or Reconciliation
Married you again
Making sure she heals
Breaking Free V1
Not Giving Up
The move
Bringing her home
Fighting for Her
Hot and Cold
Love at first Sight
Makwana vs Makwana
Family Reunited
Standing by her
The marriage arrangement

Broken Truths

314 10 0
By nina282

Natasha finally admitted to Dhawal that she loved him.   She admitted it in front of the Makwana family along with Mithu and Daama.    Dhawal had gotten hurt while chasing a lead in finding out who else was involved with Shalini Dave, who was hellbent in tarnishing Amrish's image.   Chiku had just left town with Esha.  Chiku had given property papers to Natasha.  So Natasha, Mithu, and Daama had come over to Dhawal's place to return the papers to Amrish.   When they arrived, they saw that Dhawal was injured, which shocked Natasha, who got angry at Dhawal.

And in her anger, the truth came out. 

"Damn it!  Why can't you be careful!  You are not invincible!   What if something happened to you?"  yelled Natasha while everyone was looking between the two.

"Why do you care?  So what if something happened?"  yelled Dhawal

"Of course I care.  I love you damn it!  You're my Dhawal!"  Natasha fell to knees crying.  Mithu started to go towards her when Daama held Mithu's arm and stopped him.

Dhawal held her in his arms.  "Finally!  I love you, my Maddy!   Finally, my wait is over."  Hugging her again.

"I will never accept her as my daughter in law!"  yelled Amba

"Maa, when did you accept me as your daughter in law?  You have never accepted me.   Amrish  Bhai, you had said that I asked for a heavy price for Dhawal's return.   But Amrish Bhai, 15 years ago, my family paid a heavy price, yet we never once said anything.  You got Dhawal married to me, deceiving me and my family.  And yes, when I found out, I still didn't say a word about what had happened 15 years ago because the past stays in the past.  Its history.  We should concentrate on our present and our future.  You stole and destroyed Pandya Store, fine.  Guess what, in return, Chiku stole Makwana Group.  But I was the one to ask for the heavy price.   Amrish Bhai, do you even know who sacrificed their lives to try to save your father's."  asked Natasha

Amrish was quiet.  

"15 years ago,  I lost my family.  We lost our parents.  We were just children.  Chiku was only eight, and during the earthquake, we had lost him too.   I was only 7, Sheesh was 6, and Mithu was 5.   Our parents were our world.  I finally found my family.  Our world was destroyed in minutes.  Daama lost her children, her support, her strength.  Her world."  Dhawal tightened his arms around Natasha.

Amba paled at the implications.  The Pandya's were the ones who lost their lives in trying to save her husband.

"Both families have lost on both sides, one more than the others, but that doesn't mean that every time we see each other, that Maa and you, Amrish Bhai, keep on taunting me.  I've always kept my mouth shut.  Daama always taught me to respect my elders, but don't accept what's wrong.  And I kept my mouth shut a lot.  Maa has called me deceiver, but then what did the Makwana family do with me?  Did I call you and your family deceivers.   Yes, I did call my husband that.  My husband, who is my everything, I should be able to tell him anything.   He should know how hurt and angry I am.  Because at the end of the day it is, we will work together to solve the problem, however big or small.   So I call him a deceiver.  Because he didn't tell me the truth about our marriage. If he had told me the truth about why he was marrying, it would have been different.    I went through the marriage with a clear heart.   But then he did not.  Those vows we took, I meant them.  I still mean them.  Even though we weren't together.  I meant them."  Natasha took the papers out of her bag.  Patted Dhawal to get him to let her out of his arms.  She walked up to Amrish Bhai , and she handed the papers in his hands.

"You know, Amrish Bhai, you gave back a demolished Pandya Store in return for my divorce.  If I was anything like you, I would ask for my family.   The funny thing is when I got married to Dhawal, the one thing I was most happy about was family.  I was getting my full family back after losing them 15 years ago.  Daama, Mithu, let's go, " said Natasha

"No!  Not yet, Daama, please"  begged Dhawal.

Daama nodded.   She was proud that Natasha spoke up for herself.  She knew that Dhawal loved her Chukti.  Now, with all the information that came out just moments ago, she wasn't sure what Dhawal's next step would be. 

"I am not losing my wife due to Maa's and yours stubborness.   I'm marrying Natasha.  I've finally got her love back, and I'm not losing her at any cost." said Dhawal.

"Dhawal, don't worry.  You will not lose Natasha.  I don't want to lose my family either.  Natasha is part of it."  said Amrish, shocking Natasha and Dhawal.

Natasha looked at Dhawal with a questioning look.

"Natasha," said Amrish

Natasha looked back at Amrish with a questioning look.

"You were right.  We never treated you like part of the family.  We haven't treated any one of you as part of the family.  Bhavin and I have treated our wives horribly, like they are our property.  That we didn't need to love them but expected their love in return.   Chirag and Dhawal are different from us.  They love  both Dolly and you.  You may have thought that Dhawal didn't love you, but we saw it.  Especially when the snake had come into Dolly and Chirag's room.   Dhawal panicked when he thought that the snake had bit you.   Even when you had said it was lipstick, he needed you in his arms to be reassured that you weren't hurt.   Chirag was the same. He needed Dolly in his arms to reassure himself that she was ok."   Amrish looked around the room and continued on.

"Both Bhavin and I have hurt our wives, but Dhawal and Chirag would rather hurt themselves that hurt Natasha and Dolly.  The issue with Pandya Store was all my fault, and yes, I know Chiku did the same thing.   I thought I was above the law, but I didn't realize that I was above God, and he's always watching.  He will bring justice sooner or later.  We were concerned about the injustice done to us, that we ignored the injustice that we have done with the Pandya family.   When Esha got married to Chiku, we took as an insult, and only did the bare minimum towards her while we were getting Dhawal married to Suhani, I knew he didn't want to marry her but I still pushed it.  I even manipulated him towards Suhani, but still, he did all the functions with Natasha.  They put the Haldi on each other, and the Dhawal put mendhi on Natasha's hand.  We should have known then, but we were stubborn.   Then, at the wedding day, things went sour.  Even after all that, I still tried to manipulate Dhawal into marrying Suhani, saying that he could apologize to Natasha after the wedding.  Dhawal couldn't go through it.  He loved Natasha.  His accident, everything afterward, was all leading to Natasha.  Her forgiveness, her love, and her coming back.  He wanted his wife back."  said Amrish, surprising the Pandya's and Dhawal

Natasha looked at Dhawal and smiled.  Finally, Dhawal felt a little relieved since he declared that he wasn't going to lose Natasha, that things were going to work out that he wasn't going lose his family nor was he going to lose Natasha.

"Daama, where are Chiku, Esha, and Sheesh?"  asked Dhawal.

"Dhawal, Chiku, and Esha left town this morning.   Chiku got a job in about an hour away, and Esha decided to go with him.   Sheesh has gone to help. He will be back." said Daama

"Esha left and didn't even talk to me?"  said Amba

Natasha motioned Dhawal towards Amba and, with her eyes, told him to speak to Amba, which was noticed by the rest of the Makwana's.

"Maa, don't worry.  She's only an hour away.  We will go to her and talk to her.  She may think that we are mad at her.  I promise.  I will go over tomorrow to check things out."  

The Makwana's smiled at them.  Natasha got Dhawal to calm Amba without saying a word.  

Amrish walked up to Daama and crouched down to her level.  "Kaki, I am sorry.  I've done so much to hurt you, Natasha, Dhawal, and the rest of the Pandya family.   Even when we lost the house, my arrogance wouldn't let me believe that I had done anything wrong.  Please, I didn't know about your children who lost their lives trying to save Papa.   I have always made decisions and never had anyone oppose me.  Natasha was the only one to oppose me until Dhawal took a step, and then Chirag spoke up.  Slowly, I was losing my family.  In the end, the result was that I hurt my family."

"Amrish, it looks like God had planned for us to be a family a long time ago.  My children met their children's father in law 15 years ago.  Then Natasha and Dhawal got married and divorced.  Esha and Chiku also got married.  It's God's will.  Natasha and Dhawal love each other.  No matter how hard we tried, we couldn't keep them apart.  That was also God's will."  said Daama

"Kaki, I want to ask if it is okay.  I want to get Natasha and Dhawal married again.  This time properly, without any deceit.   I want Natasha to come into our home with all the love that she deserves." asked Amrish looking hopeful

"Chutki, Will you marry Dhawal?"  Daama asked.

Natasha tilted her head to the side and looked at Dhawal smiling and raised her eyebrows.  "I don't know, Daama. He's handsome.  He's from a good family. Will he be able to handle my moods?   I have a temper.  I'm stubborn. I love to eat."  

"I can handle your moods.  I know you have a temper, so do I.  But I will know how to soothe your temper.  Yes, you are stubborn.  Very stubborn.  It's not a problem.   Any issues that come up, we will work together to solve them.   I love to eat too." said Dhawal smiling as he knew Natasha was finally going to be his.

 "Kaki, it looks like there will be another wedding for our family.  Kaki, we will come over to Pandya Niwas with Dhawal's rishta.   We won't move back to Makwana Mansion until Natasha comes home with us.    I want her to move into our home together as a family."  said Amrish

"Okay.  Tell me when and I will make sure the family is there.  Including Chiku and Esha.  Natasha is the only daughter in the Pandya family.  And this time the whole family will be together."  said Daama

"Of course, Kaki.   We will do everything together that way, Esha doesn't have to split her time between her brother or her sister in law.  I don't want her to get stuck between both families.   We can have all the functions together."  said Amrish making everyone smile.

"Ok.  I will go over to Chiku's tomorrow.  And I will talk to him."  said Daama

"Suman Bhen, may I come with you?"  asked Amba.

"Sure.  Dhawal,  you and Natasha, come with us, " asked Daama

"Daama, we will take Maa and you tomorrow." said Dhawal, with Natasha agreeing with him.

"Ok, we will take your leave now.  Jai Somnath."  Daama, Mithu, and Natasha left.

Amrish hugged Amba.  "Maa, we got it back!  We have our home back.  Our family is back together.  Tomorrow, you will visit Esha.  Then we can continue our plans." 

Amba looked worried.  "Amrish, Natasha?"

"Maa, yes Natasha.  She loves Dhawal, and Dhawal loves her.   She fights for her loved ones.  We need to change Maa.  This family was falling apart.  Natasha is our glue.  We need her."  said Amrish, with everyone agreeing with him.

Dhawal walked up to Amba.  "Maa, I know you don't like Natasha.  But I love her.  I love her just the way she is.  I don't want her to change for me.  Neither does she want me to change.  We make mistakes.  And we learned from them.   Maa, you know there are times that I get her mad on purpose just to see how she is going to react.  She's my other half."

"You couldn't find any other simple girl to love.  I know her family tried to save your father, but -" said Amba

"Maa, it doesn't work like that.  I didn't fall in love because her family saved Papa.  We just found that out now.  I fell in love with her.  It was always her, even before I knew I loved her.  Remember that day, when we met Daama in the parking lot.  Daama said that if Shiva Chachu knew how I held her hand and dragged her, I wouldn't be alive.   You see, I never done that to anyone.  Only Natasha.  It's always been Natasha.  My heart always knew that she was mine.  Even after our divorce, I would grab her hand and take her away.   She once said that I had no right.  But I had every right.  She was mine.  My wife.  My life.  My love.  And if you can't accept it. That's fine.  I will move out.  I won't break ties.  I will just live separately." said Dhawal

"No!"  yelled everyone.

"Dhawal, do you think Natasha would ever be happy away from the family.  That was the reason she stayed when you left earlier.  She knew that if she stayed, that you would be always around, and slowly, she would be able to get you to come home.  I believe she would have gotten you to come home if those fake drugs hadn't made it into Pranali's clinic.  Then Chiku wouldn't have been able to trick Bhavin." said Hetal Bhabi.

"At least some good has come out of it. The family is together.  And stronger than  before.  Maybe we needed to lose something to gain something better."  said Pranali.

"Ok.  Let's get ready for bed.  I need to get up early.  I am going to see my Eshu."

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