
By Bby-Domo

57.7K 2.2K 423

Before reading this book please read the first book called Unknown πŸ’› More

I = 1
II = 2
III = 3
IV = 4
V = 5
VI = 6
VII = 7
VIII = 8
IX = 9
XI = 11
XII = 12
XIII = 13
XIV = 14
XV = 15
XVI = 16
XVII = 17
XVIII = 18
XIX = 19
XX = 20
XXI = 21
XXII = 22
XXIII = 23
XXIV = 24
XXV = 25
XXVI = 26
XXVII = 27
XXIX = 29
XXX = 30
XXX1 = 31
XXXII = 32
XXXIV = 34
XXXV = 35
XXXVI = 36
XXXIX = 39
XL = 40
XLI = 41
XLII = 42
XLIII = 43
XLIV = 44
XLV = 45
XLVI = 46
XLVII = 47
XLIX = 49
L = 50
LI = 51
LII = 52
LIII = 53
The END!!!!
Book 3

X = 10

1.5K 49 6
By Bby-Domo




"IM TALKING SQUARE BIZ TO YOU, BABY. SQUARE, SQUARE BIZ.... IM TALKING LOVE, THAT IS. SQUARE, SQUARE BIZ..." we sung in unison to the song Square Biz by Teena Marie played as everyone laughed at us.

"Okay I'm about to do your edges really quick and then you'll be done" I said as I grabbed a new edge brush.

"Okay you are all done, and remember no Hot showers. Your hair will frizz up and puff up and here is your hair care bag and you can keep this edge control brush" I said while handing her the bag. I pulled my phone out and started to take pictures, so I can post later.

"Thank you so much, I love it" my client said as she handed me the cash and walked out of the salon.

"Hey where is Asia she has an appointment with me right now" Jayda asked as she got her tools ready.

"Oh she quit. She didn't want none of her stuff. She said she'd contact you Ari" one of my receptionist said, as i nodded my head.

"Welp another stylist gone" I said more to myself making as mental note to text Asia later. I cleaned my station for the day because I have a photoshoot for my new lip gloss that's dropping at midnight tonight.

"Alright yall I'm out" I said as I walked out the shop. I made my way to my car and I saw a man leaning on sitting ontop of my car.

"You need to get the fuck off my car" I said as I reached behind my back grabbing my gun. The guy lifted his head and I remember him from New York.

"This is a nice car. Dave get you this" he said as he jumped off my car, walking towards me.

"You need to back up and what do you want" I said scared but I couldn't let him see that.

"I want you... But I heard Dave has my nieces and I need them back" he said and I tilted my head.

"What are you talking about"

"Cut the bullshit I need my nieces Kairi and Kobi. So call him"

"What you not going to do is cut me off. And Dave doesn't have your nieces. And don't show your face near my shop again" I said as I walked around him getting into my car and I locked my doors immediately.

"BE THAT WAY BITCH. YOU HEARD WHAT THE FUCK I SAID" he yelled at me through the window as I pulled off. I texted Dave letting him know that Karama's brother is in Houston looking for him.

"Chick-fil-A before the shoot I think so" I said to myself as I pulled into the parking lot of Chick-fil-A.

"You finally hear, I was about to fall asleep" Tae said as I walked into the venue for the photoshoot.

"I had to eat first, here is your food" I said as I handed him the bag of Chick-fil-A. I sat in the chair so Tae can start on my hair.

"I'm so glad you are here. I haven't seen you in forever it feels like" I said as Tae began braiding my hair back.

"I'm glad I'm here. I needed a break from New York" Tae said while starting the next braid in my head.

"How long you going to be here" I asked as I started on my own makeup. I was doing a natural beauty beat on my face. Not too much, just enough.

"Not for long, after in some with you I'm flying out to L.A. because Dream has a show out there" Tae said as he started curling my updo hairstyle.

"Oh okay. Well let me know when you are free" I said as I got out the chair so I could put my outfit on. I walked out to the area that I was taking my pictures at. I had a total of 3 ideas and I'm going to post them all at midnight tonight.

3 hours later....
"ALRIGHT THATS A WRAP" I yelled out and everyone clapped their hands together. I walked off set towards my changing room so I could change. I made my way to the airport flying back to New York for an award ceremony. Dave just got finished with a tv series called Wu-Tang: An American Sage. My flight was 3hrs and 25m. Jayda wasn't going because she had Loyal. I got driven to the private jet and I made my way into the jet and Dave called me.

"Yes sir" I said as I put my belongings down.

"I was just seeing if you made it on the jet" he said and I could hear movement in the background as if he was in the bed.

"Yeah, I just got on the jet. Did you get my text earlier" I said as I put my EarPods in leaning back in my chair, I pulled my blanket ontop of me and snuggled into it.

"Yeah I got the text and it's being handled" Dave said while clearikg his throat.

"Don't get into no shit Lawrence. You can't afford to be locked up and leaving me with 6 kids to raise" I said not paying attention to what I said.

"6... Ari I only have 5" Dave said and before I could respond he was FaceTiming me and I had no choice but to answer.

"Ms.Brewster we are taking off now" the flight attendant said to me as I smiled and watched her walk towards the front to take her seat.

"You got something you want to tell me" Dave asked with his eyebrow raised.

"Noo it was a mistake. I only meant 5" I said to him.

"Yeah okay. When you get here you talking a pregnancy test" Dave said as he laid back down in the bed. I closed my eyes not even responding to him.


"Mamas wake up" I heard through my eyes, I opened 1 eye looking around and then I heard laughter.

"Look down. Get up crazy girl it's a car waiting for you" Dave said as I looked to see him sitting in the bed leaning back against his headboard with his glasses on.

"You need to start wearing your glasses more. You look educated" I said as I gathered my belongings walking off the plane and I got into the black truck that was waiting on me.

"Oh girl please. Just bring yo sexy ass home man" Dave said making us both laugh.

"Do you know what you're wearing" I asked as the driver pulled off into the late night traffic of NY.

"Mmmm no but you need to do my braids, pleaseeeee" Dave said as he blew smoke out from his nose.

"Oh what yo other girlfriends don't want to do it" I said causing Dave to smack his lips.

"Here you go... I'll see you when you get here man" Dave said and before I could respond Dave hung the phone up making me laugh. I posted a picture to my instagram story

We finally pulled up at Dave's house. I got out the car only to see Dave standing in the entrance of his house. I love that Dave only have a 1 level house with a basement.

"Welcome home mamas" Dave said with his arms open as I laughed.

"I was just here and this is not my home. I'm a guest" I said walking past him into the house. He tipped the driver and them toke my bags from him. I heard the door shut and footsteps behind me.

"Yeah okay. Imma guest right up in yo pussy. Stop playing. And the kids are sleep before you ask." He said as he walked towards his room with my bags, I shake my head while walking to his room. I saw that he had changed everything in his room from the last time I was here.

"So what bitch been in here giving you advice for your room" I said as I walked to the side of the bed that was closet to the window. I put my purse on the nightstand and I pulled the sheets back seeing a fresh set of Black silk sheets, I lifted my head to see Dave staring at me with a smirk on his face.

"My mama..... she said it needs to be light in here. So I won't fall into depression" Dave said as he got into the bed, I saw a towel and wash rag on my side. I took my clothes off before grabbing the towel and rag, walking into the bathroom seeing it was changed as well.

"Sooo when did you get renovations done. I was only gone for 3 weeks" I said as I walked farther into the bathroom

"That's all the time I needed. I got a new team on my hands and I had to see what they were going to come up with, and see how fast they could work. You like it" he said as I heard music playing from the tv.

"Yeah it's nice. Don't let me find out another bitch been up in here. Or around my kids Lawerence" I said as I stepped into the shower, the water pressure was amazing, it was strong and felt so good. And of course he had a new Dove body wash, before I could say anything I heard him.

"I just got the today before I picked the kids up from school. And ain't no bitch been around here. I put that in my life" he said as I turned to look at him and he had his hands raised up.

"Alright and I'm going to do your hair in the morning so it can be fresh" I said as I began washing up. I saw Dave sit on the bathroom counter and I just continued washing up like normal.

"What's wrong" I asked as I rinsed the extra soap off my body. I turned the water off and I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body as I stepped out the shower. I dried off walking towards the sink. I saw all new skincare products that I use for my face.

"Give yo boy a hug. I still remember all this about you lol" Dave said with open arms and I gave him a nice squeeze before letting go.

"Well I thank you sir. This is sweet of you" I said as I began doing my skincare routine. I looked over at Dave's face and his eyes were closed so I took some of my skincare products and began putting some on his face.

"Take this off"

"Oh hush. It won't hurt you, plus you're going to be around a lot of different people tomorrow so you need this" I said as I added water to his face watching the soap, foam up.

"The only products that work is your coochie juice on my face. A nigga be glowing and smelling DELICIOUS" he said making me laugh

"Boyyyyy you do too much, be foreal sometime" I said as I wiped my face off with cold water. I used a rag to get the extra soap off. I did the same to Dave's face and I used witch hazel on both of our faces.

"Yes sirrrr" Dave said as he looked in the mirror. I began to walk out but Dave pulled at my towel which caused it to fall off me.

"DAVEEEEEEE POR QUÉ HACES ESO?" I yelled at him trying to cover myself. And he just laughed at me. (Translate: WHY YOU DO THAT?)

"Nada que no haya visto antes" he said while following behind me, I walked towards his closet but he pulled my hand. (Translate: Nothing I haven't seen before.)

"I need clothes to sleep in" I said to him as he continued to walk towards his bed. He looked at the bed and then to me. I rolled my eyes but I still got in the bed.

"Eso es lo que pensé que vamos a hacer piel con piel esta noche" he said as he stepped out of his sweat pants, I noticed he didn't have on any boxers. (Translate: that's what I thought, we are doing skin to skin tonight.)

"Okay" I said trying not to look at his dick.

"You can look. Don't be scared" he said as he got in bed pulling me close to him and he lifted me ontop of him. As he scrolled through the Hulu trying to find something to watch, I couldn't help but to feel his dick rubbing against my clit. I tried to move but I didn't want to let out a moan.

"You know you can let your moan out. It'll make you feel better. You are turning red" he said as he thrusted up into me, and I moaned out at the feeling.

"See I told you." He said while the show Abbot Elementary came on. During the middle of the episode Dave told me to get up and I did. Ge walked out the room and while he was out of the room I grabbed my phone seeing that I had a text from Jayda.

Jaydaaaa: Girllll tell me why the bitch baby "supposedly" fucking just tried to come to me as a woman to woman... like girl I don't want that man. Tf

I laughed at her text because I know foresure Jayda don't want baby no more. Before I could respond I heard the door close, causing me to look up. And I saw Dave with a bowl of fruit and 4 water bottles

"1. I know you didn't just walk out there buttnaked. 2. Why in the hell do you have 4 water bottles" I asked as he walked over to the bed, he gave me 2 water bottles and sat his 2 on the nightstand and got back in bed.

"1. Yes I did. The kids are sleep, trust me the only time they wake up is if it's an emergency, they fine. And 2. 2 for you and 2 for me. Now come eat this fruit with me" he said as he pushed a strawberry & blueberry in my mouth and I began to chew. I just layed on his chest and watched the show while eating fruit.


I didn't even realized I fall asleep until I felt something cold pressed against my pussy. I blinked for a little bit and then I gasped as my breath was taken away.

"Oh fuck" I moaned out at the feeling of Dave's cold tongue flicking against my clit. My legs instantly began to spread open. I felt him wrap his arms around my legs so I couldn't go anywhere and he ate me like I was his last meal..

"Ahhh yesss yesss" I said as I placed my hand in his hair, pulling on it a little. He groaned out in pain, I forgot he was a little tender head.

"FUUUCK I'm gonna cum" I said as I set up on my elbows. He moved the cover from over his head, and even though it was dark in the room the only light was coming from the tv.

"Look at me" he said before sucking on my clit again. I looked at him and my legs started shaking. Making me throw my head back.

"Daveeeeeeeeeee" I said as I felt a tight feeling in my stomach, and then i released a breath I was holding in that I didn't know I had.

"Mhmmmm" Dave mumbled as he kept eating my pussy while i creamed his tongue. I felt another orgasm coming. I grabbed his face holding it and began to thrust into his face. He unwrapped his arms from around my legs, he reached up towards my breast and began playing with my nipples.

"Ohhh yessss yessss" I said as I felt like I was about to explode... a few more thrust and I screamed out loud as I squirted into Dave's mouth. I felt him staring at me and I stared at him as he licked me clean

"Come here" I says lowly bit realy having the energy but I wanted to taste myself and I also wanted to feel his lips. He hovered over top of me and I pulled him down and I sucked on his lip moaning at the taste of me. He stoke his tongue in my mouth letting me suck on it for a few minutes. He pulled away and I opened my mouth. He was confused for a moment until he caught on, and then he let his spit drip into my mouth as I swallowed it and I smiled at him.

"Mi chica" he said as he layed his head in my neck and I wrapped my arms around him and we both drifted off to sleep. (Translate: My girl)

Dave's POV

"Ouch mama that's too tight" I said trying to pull away from Ari as she was braiding my last braid.

"Well if you would stop moving I would of been done already" she said as she let go of my head, she poured mouse into her hand and onto my head, she rubbed the mouse in as she put a durag ontop of my head and placed the dryer ontop of my head. I smacked her ass as she walked past me towards the bathroom to wash her hands, and to finished her make up.

"You don't even need makeup dang" I whispered to myself. Ariana was a different type of gorgeous. She didn't need lashes, makeup, or even lipgloss. Her natural face is beautiful.

"What was said" Ari yelled as she stood in the door way with just her underwear on. I licked my lips before speaking

"I said let me get a taste dang" I said smiling at her as she giggles before walking away.

"How long do I got to sit under here my ears are burning" I said as I lifted the fryer a little bit feeling a sting in my hand.

"Stop it or your hair fly aways will be flying away and you only got like 5 more minutes" she said as she walked back into the bathroom. I watched her walk away.

"DAMNNN YO ASS FAT" I yelled making myself laugh. She walked back out of the bathroom and she looked beautiful.

"Sooo what do you think" Ari said as she stood infront of me. I heard a ding, so I lifted the dryer off my head and I stood up. And immediately the moment I saw her, my dick got heard and she laughed

"You know we can skip the premiere"

"We not skipping shit. You better control your self" Ari said as she walked towards her said of the bed grabbing her dress so she could put it on.

"Can you zip the back and put my necklaces on for me" she asked and I nodded my head.

"Sit down so I can put your shoes on first and let me finish putting my clothes on real quick" I said as I began to put my shirt on I was about to button it up but Ari stopped me.

"Leave it in buttoned for now and just button it up when we about to leave" Ari said as I looked up at her and smiled.

"How I look" I asked spinning around.

"Te ves tan sexy como joder a papá" she said as she pecked my lips, running her hand up my chest.
(Translate: You look sexy as fuck papa)

"Y te ves preciosa. No puedo esperar a volver a casa. ¡Estamos follando toda la noche!" I said as I smiled down at her. (Translate: And you look beautiful. I can't wait to get back home. We fucking all night!)

"Fine with me" she said as she sat back on to the bed I grabbed her heels sliding them in her feet and I tied them around her leg. Her dress was long so you couldn't see anything underneath.

"Where your necklace at mama" I said as I walked towards my closet to look on her vanity but I didn't see any necklace.

"They are in the bathroom" I heard her yell to me, I walked out and headed towards the bathroom. I walked towards her side of the sink and I grabbed her necklace and as I went to turn a pair of earrings fell into the garbage.

"Oh shit" I said as I sat the necklace down I picked the garbage up, and it wasn't a lot of trash in here just papertowels so I went through it. I saw a bag that was double knotted me being me, i ripped the bag open seeing 2 pregnancy test.

"Bae what's taking you so long" Ari said as I heard her heels click against the floor as she made her way into the bathroom. I grabbed the earrings and I threw the into the small closet that I keep extra bathroom essentials in.

"Oh your earrings fell so I was making sure they didn't fall into the garbage" I said as I sent the garbage can down and I placed her earrings back on her stand. I went to wash my hands and dried them off so I could put her necklace on. I picked her necklace back up and I walked towards her as she turned around so i could be her necklace on.

"You look really beautiful" I said as I kissed her back. I walk around her grabbing my jacket putting it on.

"Which glasses" I asked her looking down at all of my glasses.

"I say either the Cartier or the plain Black frames" she said walking over to me. I over looked her and decided to grab my Cartier glasses. I cleaned them off and I put them in my face.

"Ouuu papaaa" Ari said making me laugh alittle.

"You ready to go" I asked as I made sure I had everything and she nodded her head. We walked out my room, the kids were in the living room with my mom and Ms. Lucia. I was a little skeptical on having her here, so I hired extra security around my house until we got back tonight.

"Ouuuuu looky looky. Y'all think y'all sharp" my mama said causing us to laugh.

"Pareja muy Bonita" Ms.Lucia said as she smiled at us. (Translate: Very beautiful couple)

"Gracias, Sra. Lucía" Ari said as we walked towards the door. The sun was starting to set and we still had to meet up the rest of the crew. King & Tae, Jay & Jayda, and Domini & some girl name Alyssa. Ari doesn't know about Jayda & Tae coming.

"Y'all be good and no fighting, understand. Ma it's some workers that should be coming anytime now, my neighbor across the street is getting a fence put up. Just incase you hear noise" I said before I shut the door to my house, I walked towards the garage and I decided to let Ari pick what I'm driving

"Which car" I said as I looked at her. She looked at all the cars I had, and I knew she was either gonna pick my all black Mercedes or all black Rolls Royce.

"How about the all black Rolls Royce" She said looking back at me.

"Which one though I got 3" I said as I watched her look at them. They all had different interior and different things added to the exterior.

"Ouuu this one, I love thisss" Ari said as she walked towards my Rolls Royce that I just got.

"When you get thissss" she said as I walked around to open her door, I made sure she was in before shutting the door. I walked to the driver side and got in. I started the car and backed out of the garage & driveway.

"I just got it a few weeks ago. My first time driving it actually." I said while looking over at her.

"I love this. I need this in my life" she said feeling over the dashboard making me laugh.

"Do you want it" I said as I got on the highway, and of course it was more traffic than normal.

"You being dead serious" she said in excitement making me laugh even more.

"Yeah, we will see how tonight ends and then we will go from there. Also why didn't you say anything about your lip line dropping tonight" I said as I switched lanes, getting over in the fast lane.

"Because I wanted tonight to be all about you, I'm still dropping and posting the pictures up at midnight" she said and I nodded my head and continued to drive.


We finally made our way to the movies premiere, and it was a lot of faces that I didn't recognize and some I did. Ari doesn't know but I incorporated her makeup line in tonight's event. We both going to be making money tonight.

Ari's POV

"JAYDAAAAAAA" I screamed seeing her backside, she turned around and ran to me. We embraced each other with big hugs.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming" I said as I let her go. I looked down at her and saw her ball gown she had on and she looked beautiful.

"Jay let you walk out the house like this" I whispered to her and we both laughed.

"Dave wanted it to be a surprise. And Tae is supposed to come but I don't think he is coming. But King is here, so that's good" Jayda said and I nodded.

"Hey my sisterrrr. You look beautiful" King said as he hugged me and I smiled up at him.

"Thank you and why didn't Tae come" I asked a little concerned, this night is big.

"I don't know and I really don't care. He been acting weird towards me and I don't have time for bullshit" King said as Jayda and I eyed each other.

"Oh well I'm glad you're here. SHOT OCLOCKKKKKK" I yelled as the men groaned and I just laughed. I poured everyone a shot of patron and we took the shot.

"Damnnnn" Dave said with a mean mug on his face.

"Ouuu Dave you look ugly" Jayda said laughing making everyone laugh.

"Oh you shut your extreme big head, lil body un proportion"

"That's enough you 2. Now let's go take a seat" I said as I grabbed Dave's hand pulling him into the movie theater. Once we got seated we were all handed popcorn and water. Dave had to walk in and sit with the rest of the cast from the movie.

"BEFORE THIS MOVIE START, I JUST WANT TO SAY YALL BETTER NOT FALL ASLEEP" Dave yelled out loud causing everyone to laugh. They were only showing season 1 so it shouldn't be that long.

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