Bucky Barnes Imagines

Per SKaye44

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Welcome to my Bucky Imagines and One Shots - For those of you who want even more Bucky Barnes in your lives... Més

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I'll be Back - Part 1
I'll Be Back - Part 2
I'll Be Back - Part 3
I'll Be Back - Part 4
I'll Be Back - Part 5
I'll Be Back - Part 6
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Stopping the Sneaking
Culinary Crush
Need a lift?
This Bouquet's for You
Not Mine
Emergency Contact
Another Chance?
Moonlight Winter Walk
Be My Valentine
Mini Golf Challenge
Diners and Diamonds
Gym Time
Cleaning Lady - Part 1
Cleaning Lady - Part 2
Cleaning Lady - Part 3
Cleaning Lady - Part 4
Bucky the Bear
Meet My Family
Get Busio at Physio
Farmers Market Meetup
Charity Auction
Bucky's Proposal - Part 1
Bucky's Proposal - Part 2
What are Friends For?
Too busy for me?
Always a Bridesmaid...
Your Lists
Wind Up Party
Knight Commander
So you're proposing to me? - Part 1
So you're proposing to me - the wedding - Part 2
So you're proposing to me - the Honeymoon - Part 3
Knife You
Christmas Tree
Christmas Baking
It's Christmas Time Mr. Barnes - Part 1
A Merry Christmas Mr. Barnes - Part 2
A Happy New Year Mr. Barnes - Part 3

Photo Shoot Fun

607 9 1
Per SKaye44

Avengers Bucky

Summary: You're a photographer doing a fundraising calendar photo shoot with the men of the Avengers. One that was tasteful and another calendar that was of the steamy variety. You catch the eye of Bucky.

Content Warning: Language, fluff, nervous Bucky but he calms down with your help, steamy poses for the calendar. It's all consensual.

"Bring in the stuff for the next scheduled shoot for tomorrow" you called to your assistant George. 

He smiled and nodded as he went into a back room and searched for the boxes labelled "Props for Avengers".

 You leaned back in your office chair and rubbed your eyes with your fingers as you stretched your back and let out a sigh. You had been working back-to-back-to back photo shoots for a few weeks and this was your last session before taking a few days off for a well-deserved break.

George came into the office and plopped the big box down on an empty table then wiped a bead of sweat off his brow.

"Those the props?" you asked getting up from your chair. 

You inspected the box. 

"Guess so?" he shrugged.

You opened the lid and rifled through it. 

The box was delivered a few days ago to your loft space and you were dying to open it up to see what they had in mind. When you opened it, there was a Santa hat, a cupid's bow, a pot of gold, pumpkin, and a bunch of other random seasonal items that were jammed into it as George peered over your shoulder and chuckled at it. You groaned and scowled at the box of seasonal items. 

"Not another calendar shoot" he grumbled.

You smirked at him. 

"Yup" you popped the 'p' as you put the accessories back into the box and closed the lid.

"God, I don't know if I can do these anymore" 

You placed the box back down and looked over at your work calendar. You eyed up the empty few dates after tomorrow's shoot and let out a sigh. 


George looked at you funny and shook his head. He knew you had been pushing yourself over the last few weeks and were longing for a day off.

You had been contacted by the Avengers PR team with the hopes of making a charity calendar that could be sold and the profits would go to help local charities. They also wanted a steamy photo shoot as well, like the firefighter ones you have done in the past. 

Those calendars would be auctioned off at various charity events, and not available to the public to buy. You had done hundred of calendar photo shoots over the years and they made you cringe with the overall cheesiness of them. 

From firefighter calendars, to pet shelter calendars, to the cringy calendar photo shoots of farmers and their plows, you've seen and done them all. Obviously, the firefighter shoots are the most exciting for you as you get to look at chiseled gods all day, but that's besides the point. You knew who the Avengers were, you didn't live in a cave, but you were curious to see them up close and in person. 

Were they going to be grade A douches? Boring? Scary? Conceited? You were a little anxious to say the least.

"Fine. Do we know when they're coming in? I mean I have the entire day tomorrow blocked for them like I was told, but no one gave me an exact time of when they were starting" you said scowling at the box. 

"No idea, but I'll be here for 7am" George replied. 

He had been organizing your equipment room for you over the past week and he was almost done. A few early morning starts and you could once again see your racking and supplies thanks to George's OCD behaviour. 

"I'll confirm Lyla for makeup" 

You texted your friend a reminder and makeup artist who helped you out from time to time.

"Ok, see you tomorrow bright and early George" 

You tidied up your office and left for the day. 

"Later boss lady!" he waved, and you rolled your eyes at him. 

You made your way home to relax and plot out some poses and set arrangements for the dreaded photoshoot, sending them to George so he could dig out the props and set design from the storage room. As much as you hate doing calendar photo shoots, you still had to be professional about it since it was your name everyone would see associated to the images.

You woke up with a groan then you rubbed your eyes and flopped back under the warmth of your covers for a few minutes longer. 

"These pay the bills, these pay the bills" you chanted to yourself. 

You got up, got yourself ready, ate a few bites from a rough looking take out container you weren't sure when it was from, grabbed a coffee, and headed into your loft to set up for the shoot.

 "Morning George!" 

You saw him bent over a few boxes in your equipment room. He sent you a small wave over his shoulder while you unpacked your bag and set it on your desk. You answered some emails and paid some bills while you waited for your appointment. 

Lyla wandered in and you waved at her while you were on the phone finishing up. 


You helped her set up a few chairs and lights so she could work. 

"This is exciting!" she gushed at you. 

She was a huge fangirl of the Avengers and knew each of them by their names, dates of birth, favourite colours, foods, and anything else they may have said in public as she kept tabs on them religiously. 

"Calm down girl, this is work and you're getting married soon" you reminded her, and she rolled her eyes at you. 

"I know, but I can still LOOK" she shrugged. 

She was engaged to George's older brother as George giggled at his future sister-in-law. 

"Don't make me text Lucas and tell him about you drooling over the Avengers" he teased. 

"Pfft, he knows I'm obsessed anyways, plus, I can't marry ALL the Avengers anyways. I love Lucas too much" she winked at him, and you chuckled.

An hour later, you heard some commotion coming from the elevator as the doors opened and out came a group of men. 


 "Anyone here?" 

You heard a few voices call out. 

"In here" you replied .

You were busy setting up your cameras and lights. 

You turned around and your mouth fell open at what was in front of you. 

"Um are you Y/n?" came a tall blonde man, who's shoulders were wide, narrowing down to his small waist. 

Holy hell he was a looker. 

"Um, yeah, hi" 

You came around the table to assess your models. 

And were they ever models. 

You scanned the group of men who stood there smiling, chatting, and joking with each other as you nodded your head in approval. George walked up behind you and his mouth fell open in shock. 

"Close it" you mumbled, and he instantly snapped it shut.

"I'm Steve, Steve Rogers" the blonde man reached out to shake your hand. 

You took it and his grip was strong and firm. 

"This is Sam, that's Clint, that's Peter over there, and last but not least, Bucky" 

Steve pointed to a tall man who stood off to the side and nodded slightly at his acknowledgement. 

 The man named Bucky looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but in your studio. 

He was handsome as hell as you looked over his body, you know, for the photo shoot. He was tall, had dark chestnut hair that was pulled back, had a broad chest, but his eyes were what drew you to him. They were a deep icy blue that looked like they were scanning everything in his path, assessing the room, and making silent notes to himself about everything. 

Your stomach fluttered at his gaze.

You collected yourself and shook your head slightly. 

"Umm...yeah, right. Hello everyone. I'm Y/n, this is my assistant George and that's Lyla over there in makeup. I'll be taking your photos today" 

Everyone smiled and nodded. 

"Is everyone here then?" you asked looking around. 

You heard a door slam as another god like man walked in. 

"Thor took the stairs" 

Sam scoffed as the largest man you had ever seen walked in and smirked at you. 

"Are there anymore of you?" you looked around and raised your eyebrows in question.

 If anyone else showed up, your heart may give out. 

"Just us guys minus Tony. He said he didn't want to look ridiculous and he'd just donate to the charities rather than dress up and pose" 

Sam smiled brightly at you.

 "He's always ridiculous" Clint rolled his eyes, and everyone snickered. 

No one told you it was a male only calendar shoot but you weren't complaining.

You were pretty sure this was going to beat all other calendar shoots you ever had done. 

Firefighters? Don't need them after this is over. 

You were already planning to make a whole entire personal album with the photos that didn't make the cut when you were tapped on your shoulder by Steve. "Yes?" you asked fighting off a blush. 

"What is the plan?" he quietly asked while the guys chatted and joked with each other. 

"Well, I have some props that were delivered earlier by your team. You didn't notice each of the men carried bags and backpacks with them. 

"We have our suits" 

Steve held up a duffle bag and round looking saucer bag in his hands. 


 You looked at his bag then back at him. He nodded and smiled widely. 

"Oh...suits!" you said blushing again, thinking they were swimsuits, the tiny revealing kind. 

Dear Jesus, you needed a drink. How were you going to do this?

Bucky stood off to the side, making mental notes of everyone in the room. He noted the emergency exits, elevator, windows and what they faced, to the tables, props, and chairs set up. He always liked being prepared whenever he went into a place, he wasn't familiar with. He hated doing these PR things for the Avengers. 

Steve had to bribe him with doing his reports for a week to get him through your door as he looked over at you. He liked how you were casual and friendly. He wanted to know more about you but stopped himself from asking. You were working and he didn't want to come off as a creep, but there was something about you he was drawn to. 

He continued watching you from his corner spot in the room.

George set up a white board and added everyone's names to it, then asked them what months they wanted. No one really said anything at first, then Sam asked for February and November. George filled out their months while everyone followed, shouting out their preferences. 

The only two months left were March and December which went to Bucky who didn't say anything at all. When he was given the months, he just shrugged and nodded.

"Ok, you all have your months. Over there are change rooms, you can go, and I guess change into your costumes? Or work gear? Suits, but they aren't real suits? I'm not sure what to call your Avenging clothes?" you cringed at your awkwardness. 

"Ok everyone, suit up!" Steve called and they followed to the change rooms. 

As they left, you let out a breath and patted your chest. 

George snickered at your response to them and whispered, "Didn't want to do this, eh?" 

You shoved him aside and hooked your equipment up. 

Lyla did her thing and freshened up the guys with her powders and brushes, occasionally giving you a thumbs up, or fanning her face whenever someone left her chair which made you chuckle. She was having a fine time with everything and enjoying every minute.

George helped you with the first set, as Steve stepped out in his full Captain America gear, and honestly, it made you proud and slightly fearful at the same time. He was strong and confident as he wore the stars and stripes while he walked onto the set and stood there waiting for your direction. George nudged you as you zoned out while looking at the backside of Captain America. 

"Right, then" you cleared your throat. 

"Let's begin with the regular calendar photos, then onto the more adult ones after" you said as you posed Steve with his shield, while George added some accessories to the set. 

Steve followed your orders and was a natural. 

"I remember posing for those bonds posters back in the day" he said proudly as everyone groaned at his nostalgia.

Sam and Peter were playing with the props behind you while Thor and Clint were hanging out at the food table you had set up. Bucky stood off to the side with a blank expression on his face but followed your every move. You finished posing Steve the traditional way, then switched over to the adult poses. 

He unzipped his suit right in front of you, and you dropped a lens on your foot. 

"Dammit" you swore 

You picked up the piece of equipment to inspect it, thanking God it wasn't damaged from your clumsy hands. 

You've seen chests before, calm down. Yeah, but never like this as you had to calm your blushed face.

 George had moved a stool next to a brick wall and you posed Steve on it, leaning against it with his chest bare and right arm placed over his head so it looked like he was relaxing in the sun. 

Yeah, today was a good day while you snapped away.

The shoot was going well, everyone was having fun and you were getting some good shots in. The guys were having fun, even helping you with suggestions and poses they thought would look good. 

Sam was a natural and Peter was a little timid, but he came out of his shell when you encouraged him. The guys were going to head back to the tower after they changed into their "regular civilian clothes" as Sam mentioned. 

You were grateful since those guys practically ate you out of the food and snacks you had delivered, silently thanking yourself for ordering triple the normal fare you usually have on set. Steve hung around for a bit, watching what was happening and chatting with Lyla and George.

It was time for Bucky to do his shots. 

"Bucky?" you called, looking for the aloof Avenger. 

He walked up to you while you were looking through your camera at your photos. As you put the camera down to change the lens with another, you jumped at the large presence next to you. 

"Jesus!" you grabbed your chest. 

"I need to put a bell around your neck" you muttered while Bucky looked amused for the first time all day. 

"Don't scare the poor woman" Sam teased before he ate a sandwich then waved bye. 

Bucky shrugged. 

"Where do you want me?" he asked in his low, deep voice, making you blink rapidly a few times. 

"Umm, just there, for now" you pointed to the set. 

He walked over to the spot and stood there, waiting on your next instructions. 

You swallowed hard, and wandered up to him, taking in the lighting and props George had set up.

"May I?" you asked before you touched him. 

He was a little hesitant but nodded.

"Here" you gently placed your hands on Bucky, turning him to the side. 

As soon as you touched him, sparks went off, warming you down to your core which made your hands shake a little. He was warm and firm, so very firm. 

"Sorry" you mumbled.

Bucky smirked at you.

 "No problem doll" he whispered in his deep voice. 

You clamped your thighs together then moved away, walking back to your camera, exhaling a deep breath to calm yourself down. 

"Ok, turn to the left a little, yeah, like that" 

You snapped a few pics. 

"To the right? Yeah, that's good" you called. 

Bucky seemed tense at first, but he eventually relaxed. 

"Wait" he interrupted as he looked down at his large jacket. You held the camera to your side and watched him. He unzipped his large jacket, and took it off, revealing another smaller more fitted jacket that had the left arm taken off, so his metal one showed. 

If you weren't all in a tizzy before, seeing the arm up close did things to you as you looked at it through the lens with your handy zoom feature, trying not to be obvious while you checked it out. 

He looked stoic and very serious as you tried getting him to loosen up a little. 

"Look at the camera Bucky" 

He turned his attention to the lens. 

You could have sworn he was looking into your soul as you stumbled a little, righting yourself. 

"Right then" you cleared your throat and proceeded to maneuver Bucky into various poses, both standing and action, taking a few extra shots for your own personal album.

God, this was humiliating Bucky thought to himself as he watched you snap photos of him, posing around some leprechaun pot of gold shit your assistant set up. He wanted to slink away into the darkness but didn't want to disappoint you. 

He saw Steve smirking at him from behind you, giving a thumbs up every so often as he rolled his eyes at him. Bucky looked at some of your photos on his phone while he was waiting for his turn and thought you were talented. 

He even saw some of the photos from the shoot and liked the kind of style you gave everyone. He even didn't mind when you had your hands on him moving him every so often, changing angles.

 He thought your touch was gentle and warm on his hardened skin, he liked it.

"Ok, now onto the adult shots" you said and winked at him making him blush a little. 

"You going to be ok Buck?" asked Steve.

Bucky looked at him. 

"I'm not sure Steve" he quietly said. 

He wasn't used to being shirtless in front of people, especially exposing his arm and chest. 

"Y/n is a professional. If it makes you uncomfortable, tell her. I'm sure she can pose you in a different way for you" he shrugged. 

Bucky looked over at you and smiled lightly. He dreaded this day on his calendar since he was going to have to leave the tower and be around a bunch of people, possibly shirtless. He was pleasantly surprised at what he saw when he arrived at your loft. You made everyone feel welcome and were kind, being gentle and professional, taking in everyone's suggestions, and making everyone feel comfortable. 

He liked that about you. 

He thought you were checking him out on a few occasions, but let it go. He was told he was what women today call 'hot', but he didn't really pay any attention to it. 

May as well get this over with as he let out a sigh and pulled his jacket and shirt off.

George came up to you and asked you a few questions on the lighting when you turned back around and froze. 

Bucky stood before you, with his shirt off, black pants unbuttoned, and his combat boots were undone. He looked like he just got out of bed and was in the middle of getting changed (or undressed) as you licked your lips and stared at his broad chest then at his deep v by his hips. 

Lyla came up and sprayed his chest with a little bit of oil, and winked at you while she did it, snapping you out of your thoughts. 

When she was done, she walked by and reminded you to close your mouth, so you closed it and nodded at her. 

"Ok then" you cleared your throat.

"Bucky, come with me"

He followed you to the set. George had placed some fake snow all around, set up some fairy lights, and some fake evergreen trees, almost like a winter wonderland. 

You didn't mind the set, took a few pictures, but it was missing something. You hummed and tapped your chin in thought when you turned to the prop box and found it. 

"Ah ha!" you blurted out, grabbing the item in question. 

Bucky looked at you as you walked up to him. 

"Here" you placed the item on his head. It was a Santa hat and he looked hot as fuck, completing the look you were going for. 

He frowned a little bit and immediately took it off. 

"No, no way" he shook his head. 

"Come on!" you whined and pouted.

Steve walked over hearing Bucky's protest. 

"Problem Buck?" he asked. 

"I'm not wearing that Steve" he pointed to the hat that was now on the ground. 

"Well Buck, your month is December. It kind of goes along with it" he shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Bucky glared at him. 

"Nope" he crossed his arms defiantly, making them look somehow bigger. 

"Come on, please Bucky?" you asked. 

He turned his attention to you and shook his head no. 

"For me though? Please?" you pouted. 

Bucky's solemn face cracked slightly at your pout. 

"Just a few photos with the hat on? Then you can take it off, I promise" you asked, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. 

He rolled his eyes. 

"Ugh, fine" he shook his head. 

Steve chuckled and left the set. He told you he had somewhere to be and waved at Bucky. 

"Later Buck" he called, and Bucky nodded at him. 

"Yay!" you cheered, picking up the hat and placing it on his head. 

You took a few more photos of Bucky, after George replaced the winter wonderland set with a traditional living room on Christmas morning design. 

George had "unwrapped" a few boxes and placed them around, making it look like Bucky was a present that you "just unwrapped." 

Holy shit this was looking hot. 

You took a bunch more photos, and your face was now Santa hat red and you were a little breathless as he moved his metal arm up and down his broad chest in a teasing motion. 

Yeah, you needed to leave soon and have a very cold shower.

Bucky was liking what he was doing, especially if it meant he was getting a rise out of you. Hew as glad he waited until everyone else had gone so there wasn't an audience. He felt comfortable around you, George, and Lyla.

 This photoshoot was actually making him feel confident again and he couldn't get enough of it. He moved his hand and arms certain ways, exposing his chest and abs, seeing you swallow hard and look down at the ground made him internally chuckle to himself every time he did this. He liked teasing you and knew he was affecting you, which only made him do it more. 

The weird thing about doing it, made him enjoy it as he posed for you. Every time you placed your hands on him to move and re-position him around, he got shivers and his skin twitched. Something else was also twitching too, but he hid that from you. He prayed the camera wouldn't pick up on the slight bulge forming in his dark pants. It had been ages since any woman, apart from a doctor, touched him, and he liked it, a lot. 

He liked your touch on him and wanted more.

"OK, I think we're done" you shakily said, setting your camera down on the table and exhaling a deep breath. 

As soon as you said that Bucky sprung up and threw on his t-shirt and jacket, pulling it down in record time, while he zipped his jacket up. 

"Thanks a lot Bucky" you said, and he gave you a weird look. 


"For being a good sport about all of this" you waved your arm around. 

He smiled a little. 

"It was ok" he shrugged but was pleasantly surprised he liked it and was secretly happy you enjoyed spending time with him.

"So, uh, when can I see you-THEM? The photos I mean...when can I see the photos?" he quickly recovered. 

"Oh, well. I'll be working on the calendar with your PR team, it should be ready for early fall, then be out by November for the holiday season" you smiled at him. 

"I think your PR team will have lots to work with and those charities are going to benefit a great deal" you smiled at him. 

You both stood there staring at each other. George and Lyla hung out by your office, looking over at you, trying to look busy but they were really spying on you.

"Come to think of it, I think there is a gala dinner in September the PR team mentioned in their initial email to me" you thought to yourself.

Bucky nodded.

 George came by and started packing things up while you saw Lyla grab her case and wave to you, winking and smirking as she cackled over her shoulder. Your face was red, and you were beyond exhausted from trying to keep it together for an entire day. Bucky packed his backpack and stood unusually close to you. 

"Can you send some of the shots to me?" asked Bucky and you looked up at him. 

"Oh, sure I can" 

"Great. Here's my phone, just add your number in" 

"Is this your sneaky way of getting my number?" you teased. 

"Maybe" he shrugged. 

You were just kidding around, but your mouth fell open. 

"I could have also gotten your number from your website too" he shrugged as he put his phone in his pocket.

 "Oh well, right. Because I take photos and this is my business" you stammered nonsense still thinking to yourself that Bucky Barnes asked you for your number. 

"Plus, it'll come in handy when I ask you to be my date to the gala" he winked at you as he turned to leave. 

"Wh-what? What makes you think I'll be around for that?" 

"Because we'll be dating by then" he called over his shoulder as the elevator dinged open and he stepped in. 

"Later Y/n" he winked again as the door closed. 

"Holy shit" you let out a breath. 

George chuckled behind you and patted your back. 

"Didn't want to do the calendar shoot eh?" he teased, and you smacked him on his arm. 

"Shut up" you blushed.

Continua llegint

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