Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid:...

By BlackvoirYanderevoir

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Kyle is a fusion breed of dragon factors and also the prince of both factors. His parents sent him to the hum... More

chapter one: the prince's arrival (do dragons have princes?)
Chapter two: third dragon, kanna! (we're getting more spoiled here!)
Chapter three: his friends and a new life! (which won't end well!)
chapter Four: getting kanna school supplies! (not that she needs them!)
Chapter 5: Kyles hanging out time (he needs more time with friends!)
Chapter 6: Visits(and not visits!)
Special Chapter: Halloween(time to show our dragon parts!)
Chapter 7: Sweet girlfriends and bitter rivals
Chapter 8: Dragon Tests(Two different Tests)
Chapter 9: How the Four met(Some backstory time)
Chapter 10: Christmas Festival(Us Dragons aren't getting Cold)
Chapter 11: New End, New Years(What about new Beginnings?)
Chapter 12: Impactful Meetings(When we all met)
Chapter 13: Battle for the End(First Parts Finale)
Chapter 14: New Dragons Sludge and Ilulu(Both are now Introduced)
Chapter 15: Redeeming Ilulu(Featuring Kobayashi as Him)
Chapter 16: Active Activists(Just some talking)
Chapter 17: Allies in high Places(Introducing Cy the Cyclizar)
Bio's 2
Chapter 18: Unimpactful Meeting(How Rivalries Begin)
Chapter 20: Always Know Thy Friends(One of them is Dragon)
Chapter 21: Ancient Rage and Future Burst(Dragons from other Eras)
Chapter 22: Expactful Meetings(It's just Elma)
Chapter 23: Kanna in New York(Could be Kalos?)
Chapter 24: Unrelaxation(Meeting his Father)
Chapter 25: Constantly Changing Life(Who to Pick?)
Chapter 26: Dragon Hospitality(An Old Friend Visits)

Chapter 19: When Romance goes Wrong(Happy Late Valentine's)

126 3 0
By BlackvoirYanderevoir

A/N: A bit of a Late Valentine's Chapter, which is based around the OVA Episode and when Tohru's Plan to Subdue Kobayashi goes VERY wrong! Also, this Chapter is Before Sludge and Ilulu.

It was one day before Valentine's Day. Tohru was in the Kitchen, making some Chocolate for Kobayashi, however, she was also making something else that'll finally make her fall for the Dragon Maid.

Tohru then brought out a small red, heart shaped bottle, as she was chuckling to herself.

Tohru: Finally, and now for the main ingredient! A Love Potion!

Tohru said all that stuff to herself, as she the chuckled and laughed evilly, not knowing that both Kobayashi and Kyle were looking at her as she was doing all of that.

Kobayashi: Does she know that we were watching all of that?

Kyle: It's best not to tell or ask.

Kobayashi agreed to him.

Kobayashi: Speaking of Valentine's...

Kyle: Maybe soon...ish.

Kobayashi just ended up silent as they just read what they were reading.

*Insert Intro*

The Next Day was Valentine's Day, as Tohru's Plan came up to action, however, it would had to wait. Kobayashi was drinking some Coffee just before she headed off to work as Kyle was reading a good Comic, making him laugh. Kanna was also with him. Just then, on the TV, announced Valentine's day, getting her attention.

Kyle: And I think this is the reason why Romance of Valentine's is always so dunce!

Kanna: About that, what is Valentine's day?

They looked at the young Dragon, remembering she was from a different world, and still Young.

Kobayashi: It's a Holiday to show Love and Romance towards one another. You don't have to do it, as long as your with friends.

Kanna sort of got it, as Tohru then gave a smug, as she was planning something different. She then brought out the Chocolate she made last night. It was in a heart Shape and decided to to give it to Kobayashi.

Tohru: Here you are, Miss Kobayashi! I made some Chocolate last night and I thought you would like some before you go off to work!

Kyle and Kobayashi looked at it, as Kyle gave a small sniff, as he knew it wasn't as it seemed. Kobayashi looked at him sniffing it and then looked at her Dragon Maid.

Kobayashi: Tohru, I know your love for me is... weird, but I have to trust you if it's tainted or not. You do know about trust? Break it and the friendship between one another will be over!

Tohru looked at the Chocolate, knowing Kyle was on to something, as she then chuckled nervously.

Tohru: Oh ho, what was I thinking? This wasn't the Chocolate I made for you. Heh... heh... eh.

Tohru then looked at it as she then placed it in a cupboard.

Tohru: Next time! Without those two! Just me and Kobayashi!

They overheard her again. Kyle got up as he was going to leave.

Kyle: Well, I'm off!

Kanna: Where are you going?

Kyle: Noi went back to Kalos to get some Chocolate for Valentine's. I mean I'm not too sure what your view on other worldly Chocolate is, but I think it'll just be the same.

Kobayashi: Don't tell me about it. We tried a lot of weird stuff from other worlds!

Kyle gave a laugh, as Tohru then wanted to join him. Kobayashi and Kanna both headed to Work and School.

Kyle and Tohru were walking around the street, trying to find Noi and the Chocolate's she brought back with her. Kyle was looking at Tohru, who was daydreaming a little, which could feel a bit bad towards him.

Kyle: You been looking up around the place for a while. Something on your mind?

Tohru: Oh, it's nothing... which was a lie, I'm kind of thinking how you knew about the Love Potion?

Kyle: Like any Fairy Type, they have a very Strong Sweet scent! Ask a Spritzee!

Tohru then laughed a little, as He then asked something else.

Kyle: I mean why would you go through all that trouble to get Kobayashi's attention?

Tohru: Well, it's not like I would want to give her a Love Potion. I would always think I'll be the Dragon in the Castle and Kobayashi being a Knight, as I then call out that their is no Princess in the Castle, as she then call's out that I'm her Princess!

Kyle then was very confused on that being her Imagination.

Kyle: You are a weird, little Dragon maid, you know that?

Tohru: No I'm not. I looked into that Comic you were reading and Thought...

Kyle then reacted to her.

Kyle: You read tha... Don't read anything like that! You'll get the wrong idea! I only read it for a good Laugh! It's just random junk!

Tohru: Sorry. I'll think twice now!

Kyle: Well, nah... It's just...

Noi: Hey ya!

Just then, they were greeted by the Noivern in disguise.


Kyle: Noi! Glad you heard my request! Did you bring the stuff?

Noi then chuckled, as she brought out a bag full of Chocolate Bars.

Noi: Never left Kalos without them!

She then brought out some Orange Bags that were filled with smaller Bags, each one having a Chocolate Bar inside of them.

Kyle: Nice!

Tohru was confused on what she was looking at.

Noi: Can we stop at Fafnir first?

Kyle knew she would be like that, as both were wanting to give a Valentine's to the ones they loved.

Kyle: Let's just get this day over with.

They all went to a few of their friends houses or places that they were at. First being Lucoa and Shouta, as he was leaving his house after discovering Lucoa's 'Valentine's gift', Went over to the Saikawa's House to give a Chocolate Bar to Georgie and Riko, as both were at school. Noi did save two for Fafnir and Takiya, since it'll be a long day for them both. Kyle was also saving two for Kobayashi and Kanna. Tohru got one, as she was confused on one thing, as a single Chocolate bar was left, confusing her.

Tohru: I know you gave a Chocolate Bar for everyone, why a spare one?

Kyle: Well, it's not a Valentine's, without giving one to all of our friends, that includes enemies!

Tohru then realised what he ment.

Tohru: Y-You don't mean!

Kyle and Noi both gave a nod, as they all headed to a closest Bakery, where they ran into a known Harmony Faction Dragon.

Elma just noticed them heading towards her, as she looked at them.

Elma: Oh Hey everyone, didn't think you would be coming to see me?

Tohru: Why didn't I just say I'm shopping?

Kyle: Well, for the treat of Valentine's day, I would like to give you a gift!

He then went into the bag and brought out a Chocolate Bar and gave it to her.

Elma took the Chocolate bar, as she didn't think he was giving her that much kindness.

Elma: I-I don't know what to say?

Noi: Don't. It's just something from Kalos, it's nothing to special!

As she said that, Elma opened the chocolate bar and took a bit of a taste. Once she ate it, she then exploded in it's flavour.

Elma: Oh my... Where did this Magic come from?!

Noi: I did say Kalos... as in the Region?

Elma then saw they had the others they were saving.

Elma: Are you going to eat thoses? Can I have them?

Kyle and Noi then backed away a little, as Elma then got a bit more greedy.

Kyle: Run?

Noi: RUN!

Both then ran away as the Harmony Faction Dragon chased them all for Chocolate.

(Just for Reference... and laughs)

Tohru stayed behind as she then came up with another excuse and a chore.

Tohru: I'll maybe do some Shopping... and Maybe make a special Dinner for Kobayashi to gain her trust again?

Meanwhile, Takiya was returning from work and was bringing Fafnir a Valentine's Gift. Just then, just before he headed inside, he heard footsteps and panting of Noi, as she brought up two Chocolate Bars for him and possibly Fafnir.

Takiya: And just to think this Valentine's wouldn't of gotten more interesting.

Noi: T-Tell me about it. You weren't being chased by a Glutton Harmony Faction! But this Chocolate is one half of Fafnir's Valentines.

Takiya then gave a small chuckle. He went inside first as he saw Fafnir, his now roommate was playing some Videogames. He knew that Takiya was back, without looking away from the screen.

Fafnir: Welcome back.

Takiya: I guess your not the... Valentine's kind of person?

Fafnir then gave a glare, just then, a blur of Black and some Purple flew passed Takiya, as Noi then wrapped her arms around Fafnir.

Noi: Hey Fafnir! Happy Valentine's! I brought you some Chocolate!

Fafnir wasn't believing she only came over just to give him some Chocolate.

Fafnir: Are you sure you didn't just come here just to give me Kalosian Chocolate?

Noi then quickly remembered, as she gave a bar to Takiya.

Noi: Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me!

Takiya: And since she gave you your Valentine's, here's mine to you.

He then gave his Valentine's gift, which was a Valentine's Blade. Noi didn't get it why it was special.

Meanwhile with Kobayashi, she returned Home, being greeted by Kanna. Kanna came home early and was looking for some Chocolate, until she found the one made by Tohru under the sink!

Kyle returned home, feeling out of breath from running from Elma. He did have the two Chocolate for Kanna and Kobayashi.

Kyle: Maybe next year, I'll just give everyone cards in the shape of hearts. Hoping they won't confuse them as Butts!

Once he got inside, he was then greeted by a very weird presentation, as Kobayashi and Kanna were both looking a bit dizzy.

Kanna: K-Kyle, w-when did you?

Kyle: Just right now? What's going on?

Kobayashi: No idea. All I did was take a bite out of this weird chocolate Kanna found.

Kyle looked at Kanna, who was now fully asleep, confused on the Chocolate she found.

Kyle: Kanna found? What was...

They then realised why it looked familiar.

Kyle and Kobayashi: Tohru!

Kyle then helped Kobayashi up and take her to her room.

Kyle: J-Just rest up! Tohru will be back and you can punish her later! I'll watch over Kanna.

Kobayashi: Okay...

Once he closed the door, he then looked at Kanna.

Kyle: Oh geez. Why didn't I just distract Tohru on a date rather than being Chased by Elma?

Once it was night, Kyle was sitting on the couch with Kanna sleeping on his lap, stroaking her hair. He was just thinking what Tohru was thinking and how Kanna found the Chocolate. He was looking at it.

Kyle: Tohru...

After he said that, Tohru came back, with some bags of Shopping.

Tohru: I'm back... Miss Kobayashi? Where is she?

Kyle: Just put her down for a rest. Kanna found your Chocolate, which then ended up with her and Kobayashi eating it.

Once he said that, Tohru knew she got her.

Tohru: Wait, so if Kanna found... and Kobayashi ate it... won't that mean?... KOBAYASHI!!!

Tohru then rushed into Koabayashi's room and quickly closed it.

(Just... because. Also, best part is 2:13. If not, I'm not argueing if you want to watch from beginning)

Kyle just heard some Silence, until he heard Kobayashi yelling from the otherside.


Kyle got confused, until he saw the Wine and Licore Bottles next to the Love Potion Bottle. He then realised what went wrong.

Kyle: Ah, so they're not in lust, they're drunk!

Tohru(Other Room): NNNOOOOOO!!!

Kyle then shook his head and smiled.

Kyle: Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

*Insert Outro*

After what happened and after Valentine's Day, Elma was coming up with her own Valentine's, by Making some Chocolate to give to the others. The idea came to her after the Valentine's Chocolate's she was given.

Elma: Ok, so I know nothing about where Noi got that sweet Chocolate from before, but maybe I can make some that are similar, I think?

Once she started making the Chocolate, she did finish them, but was then curious on how they tasted.

Elma: Maybe a little bite won't hurt?

She then took some and took a taste, in which her reaction was the same.

Elma: Oh my, this is more than similar!

She then took some more tastes from the others, until she ate them all. Once she realised, she then got embarrassed.

Elma: Oops... Well, back to cooking, I guess.

A/N: And just like that, the Late Valentine's is done. Some parts from the Episode I kind of took out, but there were reasons. And I kind of had to include some funny parts for this Chapter.

Did want to include another end scene, but I thought Elma's greed getting to her would of been funny.

Next up is the Chapter that was suppose to be this one, but that'll be another Chapter.

Also, I hope you had a wonderful and Weird Valentine's... And have your own Female Anime Character Valentine's.

Up Next: Always know Thy Friend(One is a Dragon)

Word Count: 2232

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