Artful Deceit & Love

By thatdesinari

35.4K 2.1K 182

Three strong individuals Three powerful royals Three wishful desires But these very desires webs them togeth... More

Theme + Characters
2.First meeting
3.The Ring
4.Meeting the stranger
5.Meeting him
8.Meeting him again!
9.A friendly date!
12.Power Couple
13.Just one date!
14.Something unique
15.Silence before the storm!
16.Futile Attempts
17. Beginning of deceit
18. Logic versus Emotions!
19. A distracting ploy!
20. In love!
21. Friends!
22. White Rose
23. Impression!
24. Belongs to you!
26. Wishful thinking
27. Conceited
28. I hate you!
29. The Proposal
30. Acceptance
31. Exclusively mine!
32. Bad dream
34. Lies we tell
35. Defiance
36. Some answers
37. The Truth
38. A way with words
39. Home
40. Reception Party
41. Platonic
42. A mere chess piece
43. Not a puppet
44. My person

33. Closed door

394 49 3
By thatdesinari

A long chapter...someone is close to unraveling some secrets!

Happy reading!

Mridula's POV

I averted my eyes away from his furious ones and bent down to stare at the broken glass pieces on top of the photo. I hastily tried to pick the broken pieces and I was so engrossed with the task that I didn't realize when he was standing right in front of me.

I felt a harsh tug on my hand as he fisted his hand over mine. I stared up in slight pain as he brought me to my feet.

"Who let you in here?" He seethed as I felt his grip tightened. The glass shred pierced deep as I tried to twist my hand away.

"I..." He led us out of the room even before I could give an explanation. He called out for Kesar, who turned petrified after seeing him there.

He jerked my hand away from his and stared down with a dangerous look.

"Kesar, didn't you tell her that that room is off limits?" His gaze didn't leave mine as he asked calmly but we both knew that the case was the complete opposite.

"It is not her fault...She did tell me but I just ignored her words." I looked once in her direction, silently reassuring her and then back at Uday.

He took a step closer and I tipped my head further back to lock my eyes with him. He does seem a little scary at this moment!

"You are living under my roof...that means that you follow my rules and I want no one... not even you in there...Am I understood?" His words held an ultimatum that I so wished to cross.

"Well, technically...this property belongs to your father, not you." I couldn't help back the retort that left my mouth. From my peripheral vision, I could see Kesar's eyes widened in shock. I guess no one has spoken to their Yuvraj like that.

"Even he isn't allowed in there..." He snapped back. Something like sorrow reflected in those dark eyes of his before they went back to his usual hard ones.

"And I expect the same from you...Got it?"

My mind diverted to the pinching pain on my palm briefly. I then glanced at the room once. I accidentally broke one of his photo frames. Accident but I still feel guilty!

Uday looked at me like he was waiting for me to fight him but I just nodded.

Before I got to say my apology, he brushed past me to that forbidden room and slammed the door shut whose rattling noise echoed the quiet courtyard.

Kesar gave me a grateful look before she walked back in, leaving me alone. I turned to look in the room's direction. Should I apologize?

I sighed as I dragged myself in and up the stairs but rather than going to my room, I locked myself in one of the guest rooms of the palace, which were at the other end of this floor.

The room was of dark tones of green and had simple furniture all around which was a contrast to the rich and luxurious pieces all over the place.

I settled at the sofa that was placed against a huge rectangular window. I stared down at the glass piece stuck on my left palm. I winced slightly as I pulled it out. A few drops of blood oozed down but my mind was fixed elsewhere. The guilty feeling vanished from my mind.

His rules...He really thinks that I will ever listen to him. This situation is turning out to be more disastrous. I have to find a way out of here and when I reach home, I will just get this marriage annulled. And it will be like it never happened!

I got up and turned to face the window and I hadn't noticed it before but it opened to the view of that same courtyard. The room was still shut meaning that he was still in there.

I was about to turn around when I noticed Gaurav stepping out of the other door. He closed it shut and then turned around to step near the fountain.

That was the same door that I had seen one of the helpers coming out of...I wonder what is in there. He typed something on his phone and soon Uday walked out with a serious look on his face.

Gaurav said something to him and Uday's face turned a little enraged before he composed himself. He replied back to Gaurav, who nodded in agreement and muttered a few words before taking his leave.

Uday glanced around once and then looked up at the room's direction. I acted on instinct and hid away from his view, making sure not to get caught by him.

I sank down on the sofa as I noticed books on farming and agriculture lying on the coffee table. I might as well read those then get bored here!

I flipped through the cover page and started reading...Drought resistant crops...This better be interesting...!


So, agriculture and farming are definitely not for me!

I thought as I stretched myself as I sat on the plush bed...Bed?

Last time I checked I was on the sofa. I glanced around groggily in the only light coming from the lampshade at one corner. This is not the guest room!

I reached for the switch beside the bed and turned it on. Why am I in his room?

I used my left hand for support and removed the duvet to leap out of the bed.

Wrong move!

A low hiss left my mouth as I turned to look at my palm. I should get something for this. But to my utter surprise, the small cut has already been taken care of. A white bandage covered the cut perfectly.

I think I have to thank Kesar for this but first how am I even in his room?

The door knob twisted and it slowly opened as if the person wanted to be as quiet as possible. Kesar stood by the door and relief took over her face when she saw that I was awake.

"Yuvraj is calling you for dinner..."

She left after I told her I would be there in a few minutes.


As I stepped in the dining area, I was surprised to see Uday in the middle of a conversation with a man.

No one told me that we were expecting a guest!

The man was the first to notice me as I was directly at the line of his vision. He stood up as he noticed me and then I felt Uday's eyes on me.

I ignored him and took note of the man. He was probably around Uday's age with dark brown hair and sharp eyes and a well groomed mustache. He was wearing a semi traditional attire with a dark washed blue kurta paired with jeans.

I shifted my gaze back to Uday, whose eyes were trained at me. Was there something on my face?

I walked closer to the dining table and stopped near the chair next to Uday's.

"You can sit down, Raghav." The man looked at Uday and nodded as he sat back down.

Raghav...Shanta Masi's son!

I was about to pull back the chair when a thought crossed my mind.

I shifted my weight to turn a little in his direction. I bent down close to his ear. Even while he was seated, he still took up a lot of space.

"Am I allowed to sit here or do I have to ask for your permission, my lord?"

He turned his head in my direction. His face was close enough for me to notice the pigment in his eyes.

"Don't fuss in front of him, Mridula...I will deal with you later!" He whispered with his gaze fixed on my lips. My lips parted but I was stunned when he tilted his face and soon his lips pressed softly against my cheek.

I leaped back to my feet as if his touch burned me and immediately settled down but not before secretly throwing him a murderous glance. He merely smirked in reply.

"Congratulations on your wedding!" Raghav wished as I glanced at his direction. I smiled at him briefly.

Uday interrupted him from asking further questions by talking about farming and some irrigation. I am glad because I would have had to come up with some fake stories about us.

The entire dinner went by with me staying quiet because as soon as Raghav asked me a question my so-called husband answered him for me. And I hated the fact that he wasn't even letting me answer for myself!

"Mridula..." Raghav called out pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked at him in question. I could see a faint agitated expression on Uday's face from my peripheral vision.

I turned my attention back to Raghav and saw him push forward a small round tiffin in my direction.

"Maa has sent kheer for you!" The sentence was barely finished before I reached for the tiffin.

I quickly removed the lid and the sweet warm aroma wafted in my nostrils and my heart leaped in a happy dance with a huge grin on my face. I love basically...everything that has sugar in it!

I turned my attention back to them to see Raghav looking at me with an amused smile and Uday's gaze was fixed at me but he seemed distant.

"Thank you!" This was a genuine smile that I had mustered for the first time since I had been here. Shanta Masi was making me miss my mom.

"I should get going..." He said as he looked at Uday who gave him a curt nod.

"At least have this kheer with us and then go." He turned his attention to me at my request.

"No...Maa has sent this just for you! She will be furious if I even have a spoon of it..." He tipped his head in Uday's direction.

"She knows Uday doesn't like anything sweet but she wanted to prepare something for you."

Uday not liking desserts simply means more for me!

"I'll thank her with a tight hug when I meet her next"

Raghav nodded as he stood up to leave.

"It was nice meeting you, Mridula!"

"Same here!" I said with a bright smile plastered on my face. He glanced at Uday once and then left from there.

I picked up the dessert spoon and was about to dig in when I felt his eyes on me. He was leaning back against the support of the chair with his focus solely on me.

I swear if he wants me to share this with's not going to happen!

"What next?" I asked as I heaped a spoonful of kheer and ate it hastily. My mom would have probably shouted at me for speaking while eating but she isn't here.

The kheer was just perfect. Shanta Masi has magic in her hands for turning a simple dish into a scrumptious one. I had to hold myself back from moaning in front of Mr. Don't like desserts Guy!

He raised his brow in question.

"When are we telling our family about..."

He straightened against the backrest of the seat. "Not now!"

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. First he forces me to marry him in a hurry and now he doesn't even want to tell his father about this?

"I need a definite answer, Uday!" I said a little firm this time.

He looked at and just shrugged his shoulders.

"I want to meet my family soon...maybe now! And for that we have to tell them..."

"Family?" He asked with a slight nod of his head.

"You are looking at your family, Mridula!" He continued as he waved his hand in a gesture.

"Now, I am your everything...Not your family, not your friends...No one else!"

I clenched the spoon in a dead grip and stared at him in fury. His eyes held a strange glint in them before he got up to leave.

"At least let me talk to them!" The words sounded like I was requesting him and I hate myself for sounding like this.



I flung the blanket away from my body in restlessness. I stared outside to find pure darkness and an eerie silence.

I just can't get myself to sleep. Maybe it was because of the prolonged nap that I had during the day. All of this is happening because I am feeling trapped here and I feel like I am doing nothing to get out of here.

My mind drifted to that closed door. What is in there?

I have to check it out. I know I shouldn't after getting caught by him. But that's not going to stop me.

I shifted and turned to the side to stare at the quiet night outside.

I sighed and then dragged myself out of the bed. I need fresh air or to listen to music. But since I didn't have my phone, I had to go with the former choice.

I rushed past the dark hallways to the staircase that led to the terrace, praying not to find haunted spirits along the way!

As I stepped in the open space, I relished the sense of freedom I felt for the first time in almost days.

This staircase opened to the view of the backside of the palace. I turned to look at the side to find him leaning against a pillar under the archway.

What was he doing here at this time of the night?

His back was towards me so he had noticed me yet!

I could only see his side profile as he shifted on his feet and soon placed a cigarette between his lips. I internally huffed at this bad habit of his.

I should leave before he sees me. I took a few steps back softly and was about to turn and leave but stopped in my tracks as his eyes landed on me. He seemed surprised as he stopped mid action of lighting his cigarette.

I threaded in confidence as I stopped next to him and placed a hand on the other pillar of the archway. If I would have run away from here now, he would have thought that I am affected by him!

I saw him place the cigarette and lighter back in his pants pocket. I sighed deeply, grateful that I don't have to breathe in that vile smoke.

"Do you plan on keeping me locked in here for the rest of life..." He raised one of his brows in question as he turned his head sideways to look at me.

"I at least want to go back to work...I'll die of boredom and suffocation!"

I turned to face him. "Is that what you are thinking of doing?"

"What were you thinking, locking yourself up in that room, Mridula?" He asked me calmly but if I knew something about him from the past few days is that he is even more dangerous when he is calm.

"That's not the answer I want!" I crossed my arms and stared up at him, trying to seem unaffected.

"Do you really think that putting distance between us will stop me from finding you?"

He inched closer and leaned his hand above my head. The muscles underneath his sleeve flexed as he stared down at me.

"When will you understand that you can't escape me?" His eyes shone with a dark gleam. I tried to hide the shiver that ran through me. His words always hold so much possessiveness in them.

I narrowed my eyes in disbelief. "Are you challenging me?"

"I am just stating a fact!" He shrugged his shoulders. Little does he know that once I find something against him, I am going to leave him and never see his face again.

"And also don't ever go back to that room's not a guest is Raghav's room and I don't want you near another man's room!"

He has become way too commanding now.

"What will you do if I don't listen to you?" I asked him challengingly. I backed down before as it was my mistake but not every time.

He stepped back as he smirked dangerously. "I'll burn that room to ashes!"


The next day, I was a woman on a mission!

I need to get out of here. I mean I sleep in my room and where do I wake up...? In his room!

Why doesn't this man understand I don't want to be anywhere near him...

This man thinks that he can get away with anything but he messed up with the wrong girl!

I marched in the kitchen to find Kesar and others busy with their afternoon chores. I asked her about Uday and my so-called husband is not going to be here until evening.

A plan came to my mind!

"Where is the cellar of this palace?" Kesar and the other three women working there, stopped and looked at me in shock. Do they know that I don't drink?

"You want to drink this hour?"

"No, I...Yes!" I lied confidently with a small smile.

"Actually, I wanted to celebrate!" She seemed to be waiting to know more.

"I wanted to celebrate my wedding to your Yuvraj with the people who work here."

Kesar smiled at me and so did the others. They were not aware of the reality of this relationship.

"How thoughtful of you!" One of the helpers commented.

"But why alcohol?" Kesar questioned and the others looked at me for my answer. Of course, Uday wouldn't have assigned her to work just like that. And yes, it was an unusual way of celebrating but it was for my plan.

"I like to drink when I am happy!"

So not true...But anything to distract everyone in here!

"Can you call everyone for this celebration...even the guards!" She looked a little skeptical.

"Please...I'll ask Uday if you want..."

I acted to look around for something before continuing, "But I don't have my phone on me!"

"Here!" Kesar pulled out her phone from the small bag that was tied around her waist.

She crossed the kitchen counter and unlocked her phone. I could only see half of the password. She handed me her phone. I stared at the screen before I accidentally locked it...accidentally should be highlighted here...!

She unlocked it again and I saw the password completely this time. She dialed Uday's number and I could hear his deep voice through the phone.

"Is she alright?" He asked immediately after answering the call. The women around me smiled and I could feel my cheeks warm up.

I took the phone from her and stepped away, making it seem like I wanted to talk to him in private.

"I wanted to ask something...can I have a small party with the workers here?" I dived straight in with the question. Causal and not suspicious!

"What party?" I could hear faint voices behind him.

"I want to talk to someone...I am really bored here!"

"Yet when I am there, you don't speak a word to me" His brash attitude never ends.

"You know the reason for this very well, Uday!"

There was silence from the other end. "Yes or no?"

"Fine...You can have your party!"

I turned back to face others who waited for a confirmation. I smiled at them brightly.

"Thank you!" I cut the phone quickly and signalled them a go with a thumbs up.


It took me three hours to get the party going and also getting everyone drunk. I glanced around the almost wasted people in the living room. Uday would go feral if he sees this!

I quietly walked to Kesar. She was the hardest person to get drunk as she was not willing to drink at work but I can be persuasive.

I softly took her phone from her and dashed to the kitchen area and then out of the courtyard.

I stopped in front of the closed door and that I was eager to open. I noticed how it wasn't locked. I pushed the door open and peeked in. The room was dark and I couldn't figure out what was inside.

I walked in carefully while searching for a switch, which I shortly found, right next to the door. The room was completely empty, except a stairway that led to a basement.

I took one step down and then another. My focus had turned sharp and vigilant as I didn't know the danger that might lurk in there.

Once I climbed down the very last step, I noticed that the basement seemed a lot like a dungeon. There were two rooms there. The first one was open ajar while the other was locked. I pushed the first door open and then walked in once I was sure that no one was in there.

This room was dimly lit and again empty other than a chair in there. I glanced around the room. My eyes widened as my eyes stopped at the wall next to the door. It had a glass window and I could see the other room. The set up of this room reminded me of an interrogation room.

But that was not what stunned was the man in the next room!

He was the same man who had told me about Vaibhav's involvement against Dhanraj Uncle.

He was leaning back against the wall, facing the glass window. He was blankly staring ahead as if he knew he was being watched.

I hastily unlocked the phone and clicked some pictures of him.

But why is he locked here?

I looked around to make sure that there weren't any hidden cameras in this room. But to my surprise, there were none.

I stepped out of there and stood in front of the locked door. I need to find the key!

The keys were hanging on the wall and I rushed to get it. This seems a little too easy !

The lock clicked open and the man called out to know who was outside. I breathed in deeply once, preparing myself for what I was about to do.

"This is your only chance to run...I am opening this door, just get out of here!" I shouted through the closed door, changing my voice a little to not be identified by him if he gets caught.

I unlocked the door but didn't open it. I could hear the shuffling of footsteps and before he could open the door, I climbed up the steps in a hurry and then ran out of the room and into the palace. I didn't go to the living room but rushed to the room upstairs.

I locked the door behind me and prayed that the man would do as I expected.

I unlocked the phone. My fingers hovered over the keypad. I wanted to dial my mom's number but I refrained myself. I dialed another person's number. He picked it up on the second ring.

"I am sending you a man's photo...I want you to find everything about him!"

"Ma'am...where have you been...I tried calling you..." Naresh replied in worry.

"I will tell you everything later...just do one thing, I want details about this man...!" I tried to calm the thumping of my heart. The adrenaline rush coming down.

"Okay, Ma'am...I'll get the men to work..." his voice trailed off as he wanted to ask something else.

"Are you alright, Ma'am?"

"I am fine!" I answered truthfully, at least I am not being physically tortured here. I was just being forced to stay here without my will. It's not that bad!

"And don't try to call on this number...I'll call you on my own..."

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