How To Hook A Star

By CharryLatte

21.7K 904 744

[Lloyd Garmadon x Reader] She was adored, he was ignored, Her life bloomed like a rose, his, thorned and torn... More

Some Stuff (Important)


640 29 22
By CharryLatte


[Name], Dareth, and Nya observed from a distance as a procession of Kabuki entered the grand palace. "Alright, let's go, you two," Nya rose, but [Name] and Dareth swiftly pulled her back into the mobile base.

Inside, D/N greeted them, his tail wagging happily. Nya questioned their motives, her gaze shifting between Dareth and [Name]. [Name] sighed, anticipating the next move.

Dareth proudly revealed an impressive makeup palette. "Have I ever told you two that I am the Master of disguise?" he said, flipping his Elvis-inspired hairdo.

"Is that makeup?" Nya inquired as [Name] looked away. Dareth corrected her, presenting it as a disguise kit. Both girls sighed in resignation, not exactly thrilled about the idea.

Dareth enthusiastically declared, "Get ready to go undercover!" and began working on their disguises simultaneously. Nya resisted under the layers of powder, while [Name] accepted her fate.

D/N seemed to enjoy the process, wagging his tail and sticking out his tongue. Dareth turned to the canine with a smug smirk.

"Presenting the Kabuki Sisters!"

Nya and [Name] were revealed with their makeup done, adorned in elegant silk kimonos. Nya questioned, "How did you change our clothes?"

"A Ninja never reveals his secrets, Nya," Dareth boasted. [Name] nudged Nya, urging her to move. "C'mon, before they close the doors on us," [Name] led her out, leaving Dareth and D/N behind.

Before leaving, [Name] turned to Dareth with a stern warning, "If anything happens to my dog, you better wish they catch you first instead of me."

Dareth gulped as he and D/N watched the girls leave to infiltrate the building. The brown Ninja turned to the dog, "You have one scary owner, huh?" D/N barked proudly at his hooman.

Outside the mobile base, [Name] surveyed her kimono, feeling a bit awkward. Nya, on the other hand, fussed about the makeup. [Name] smirked, "Well, at least we're disguised enough to not be recognized."

Nya shot her a look, "Easy for you to say. You're an Idol, you're used to being dressed up," she fussed with the fabric of the kimono. [Name] chuckled, and caught her hand, "Stop that, you'll snatch the fabric,"

Nya rolled her eyes, "Let's just find the guys and get out of this mess." The two girls proceeded cautiously toward the palace.


Nya and I entered the Banquet Hall, where Chen sat on his throne like an Emperor, Clouse by his side. He served the Elemental Masters meals that looked questionable, nothing like what he served at his Noodle House.

Spotting the boys and Garmadon, I drew my fan and unfurled it, hiding the bottom portion of my face. "Found them," I whispered to Nya, who unfurled her own fan and followed suit. Thanks to Dareth's disguises, we blended right in with the rest of the performing Kabuki.

Nya sat behind Jay while I positioned myself behind Lloyd and Garmadon. Then, Chen began to speak.

"It has come to my attention that there have been rumors about me stealing everyone's powers," the Noodle House Mogul said, a smirk playing on his lips. "I just want everyone to know..."

"I am,"

Chen shamelessly admitted, eliciting gasps from the Elemental Masters. "And it's all for this staff!" The Kabuki took this as their cue and began posing.

"No, no, not you guys. I meant my real staff!" Chen clarified as the doors opened to reveal the Staff of Elements being brought in by another Kabuki.

Handed the staff, Chen showcased it, "This is the Staff of Elements!" He sounded like a kid showing off his Pokemon card collection. "It holds the power of all your fallen foes, and it will continue to do so until only one of you remains."

"This is the winner's prize and the title of the strongest fighter in the History of Ninjago!"

Whispers started among the Elemental Masters, "You're lying, what about the spell?!" confronted Lloyd.

I fought the urge to pull him back into his seat, "Spell? What spell?" Clouse feigned ignorance. Lloyd got up, "Don't believe him, it's just another trick!"

He glared at Clouse, "Neuro read his mind and saw it," Clouse shot a glare at the Master of Mind. Neuro began to stutter, "I-I don't recall, but I am interested in the staff," he saved himself.

My eyes narrowed, "And why should we believe what you say?" Griffin pointed at Lloyd accusingly. "How do we know that you're not just trying to steal the staff for yourself?"

Clouse and Chen exchanged satisfied glances, "So much for the alliance," Garmadon grumbled. Lloyd couldn't believe his eyes at the betrayal, "They really believe him over us?"

I began to fan Lloyd, hoping to get his attention. Nya copied my movements but with Jay. "We need proof- ah, we need to ah-, we need to find that," Jay, visibly annoyed, snapped his neck towards Nya, "Would you stop-!" Nya revealed herself.

"Jay, it's me," she whispered, catching them by surprise. "Nya!" Garmadon, Lloyd, Jay, and Kai exclaimed.

"Don't forget about me," I made my presence known. Lloyd and Garmadon whipped their heads back to me.

Lloyd's eyes widened, "[Name]?" His gaze dropped, and for some reason, his face turned red. He turned away, "What's wrong with you?" I asked in confusion.

Garmadon chuckled, placing his hand on Lloyd's head, "He's just flustered. That kimono suits you, [Name]," he praised.

"Thank you, Master Garmadon, but could you guys keep it down? Nya and I struggled tooth and nail to get in here," I remarked.

I turned my gaze to Kai and Jay, it was good seeing them again. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm [Name]," I introduced myself briskly.

Nya placed a loving hand on Jay's shoulder, "I heard what happened; that was big of both of you and Cole," she smiled at him proudly.

Jay, trying to sound manly, held her hand tenderly, "Love is like war, Nya. Everybody gets hurt."

Kai inquired, "If it's just you two?" Nya shook her head, "No, Dareth and D/N are on the island," and from her bracelet came a bark and Dareth's voice.

"What up, Ninja?"

Lloyd turned to me, looking at me as if I were crazy, "You brought D/N?" Sending him a glare, I retorted, "Nya came banging at my door in the middle of the night, what was I supposed to do?"

Kai suggested, "If you guys are undercover, you two can get to Clouse's spellbook. All we know is it's on page 149; it might be in his quarters."

Nya nodded, "We'll look into it, and it sounds like you guys have your work cut out for you too," she remarked.

I glanced at Skylor, recognizing her as an amazing ally, but currently, she was just a pawn for Chen's malevolent intent. Besides, Kai would come to love her, and he wouldn't take my words well if I revealed her true intentions.

They deserve each other, and I won't interfere with their love story.

"How so?" asked Jay curiously. "Think about it, how do you think they found out about your alliance? Someone is a spy," I hinted.

This gave them food for thought, and Clouse whipped his head back at us. Nya discreetly walked away, and I was about to do the same when Lloyd caught my wrist.

"What?" For some reason, I found myself looking directly into his ruby eyes.

"Be careful, please."

My breath hitched, and I couldn't process what he said properly. I only nodded, "Y-yeah..." Stepping back, I regrouped with Nya.

Chen clasped his hands together, "Enough with the strained atmosphere. I believe it is time for some entertainment!" he grinned.

"You in the G/C kimono,"

Chen pointed at me, making me stop. Gesturing to the center of the room, he said, "Come dance for us." He smirked.

'Shit,' Nya shot me a troubled look, but I couldn't afford to blow our cover. I remained silent and obediently bowed to Chen.

Feeling everyone's eyes on me, I walked over to the center of the room, taking the fan that was in Nya's hand into my possession.

Now positioned at the center of attention, I was ready to play my part. If Chen wanted a show, I'd give him one.


The Ninja, Garmadon, and Nya observed in tense silence as [Name] gracefully made her way to the front and center.

Lloyd balled his fists until his knuckles turned white, ready to act if things took a dangerous turn.

Sensing his tension, Garmadon placed a reassuring hand on his son's fist. "Relax, Lloyd. Have faith in her," he murmured.

Meanwhile, [Name] inhaled deeply and exhaled, summoning her inner strength. With a practiced elegance, she unfurled both fans as the other Kabuki performers began to play their instruments, setting the stage for her performance.

[Name] moved with a fluidity that captivated the room, her every movement synchronized with the rhythm of the music. The fans became extensions of her graceful arms, creating mesmerizing patterns in the air.

The expressions on her face conveyed a narrative that transcended language, drawing the audience deeper into the performance.

The other Kabuki performers skillfully played their instruments, enhancing the atmosphere with a mix of traditional melodies that resonated through the hall.

The intricate choreography unfolded like a silent conversation, telling a story of beauty, strength, and resilience.

Lloyd found himself spellbound, forgetting the tension in the room as he watched [Name]'s artistry.

Garmadon, too, appreciated the beauty of the dance, recognizing the dedication and skill required to execute such precise movements.

As [Name] twirled, her kimono billowed gracefully, creating a mesmerizing display of colors that added to the enchantment of the performance. The ambient lighting cast a soft glow on her figure, emphasizing the elegance of each motion.

Chen, still seated on his throne, couldn't help but acknowledge the unexpected entertainment.

A pleased smirk played on Chen's lips as he observed the Elemental Masters and Clouse, momentarily diverted by [Name]'s captivating dance.

Namely, Lloyd's eyes were fixed on her, his intense gaze following each of her graceful movements.

Meanwhile, Nya discreetly continued her search, blending in with the distracted audience. She exited out of the banquet hall, scanning the surroundings for any sign of Clouse's spellbook.

With a graceful spin and a sweeping motion of her fans, she brought the performance to a captivating close. The room fell into a hushed silence.

Chen, momentarily silenced by the enchanting display, broke into applause, initiating a cascade of acknowledgment from the Elemental Masters and the Kabuki performers.

The tension that had gripped the room seemed to ease, if only momentarily, as [Name] took a modest bow.

With a subtle nod from Chen, the musicians ceased playing, and the ambiance returned to a more formal setting. [Name] maintained her composure, concealing any sign of the internal turmoil caused by the unexpected spotlight.

"Bravo performance!" praised Chen, nudging Clouse playfully. "Isn't that right, Clousey-Clouse?" His laughter echoed through the hall, reminiscent of a mischievous child.

Clouse, typically reserved in his praise, couldn't deny the quality of the performance. "It was indeed of the highest caliber," he conceded.

Master Chen rubbed his chin, his gaze fixed on Lloyd. "Green Ninja, I apologize if I have made your stay a very cold one," he mocked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Motioning toward [Name], he continued, "Allow me to gift you this Kabuki as an apology. You may do whatever you like with her," His grin was wickedly satisfying to him.

Both Lloyd and [Name] were taken aback. She couldn't recall agreeing to this, nor did Chen ever mention anything about her dancing.

Lloyd's eyes blazed with anger as he looked at Chen. The man had no shame, humiliating [Name] in front of everyone.

He stood up abruptly, seizing [Name] by the wrist, and began to 'drag' her away from the banquet hall. The sound of wolf-whistles filled the air, but the Ninja remained silent.

Once they were out of sight and the doors closed behind them, [Name] forcefully pulled her hand away from Lloyd's grasp.

"What the hell?" she demanded, her tone laced with frustration and disbelief. Placing a hand over her lips, "Shhh..." he shushed her, looking around.

From the looks of it, the coast was clear. "Come with me," he said, leading the way back to his room. Once they got there, Lloyd locked the door.

He began rummaging through his bags. "What are you doing?" [Name] asked, standing in the center of the room. Lloyd took out a shirt and his green hoodie, "Bathroom is over there," He handed the clothes to her.

She took them and shuffled into the bathroom, which was pretty luxurious. Shedding off the kimono, [Name] was left in her tracksuit pants and shirt.

She stepped inside the shower, letting the steam relax the muscles in her body. Outside the shower, Lloyd sat on the foot of his bed, his expression soft and contemplative.

With a gentle sigh, he glanced down at his palm, where traces of white powder and a hint of red lipstick from [Name] adorned his skin. Cradling his hand delicately, he brought it to his lips.

The rouge staining his own.


After my shower, I wiped the Kabuki makeup from my face, noting that Nya must have already secured the spell from Clouse's book.

Once dressed, I exchanged my shirt for the one Lloyd had given me, pulling on the oversized hoodie to ward off the unexpected chill of Chen's Island.

"I'm done," I declared, stepping out of the bathroom, hair still damp. Lloyd rose from his bed. "We're heading to Kai's room."

In Kai's room, the others were deep in discussion when we arrived. All eyes turned to us as we entered.

Griffin pointed at me, suspicion evident. "Why is she here?" he demanded, echoing the doubts of the other Elemental Masters.

"She's with us," Garmadon stated firmly. Neuro and Shade joined us, the latter clearly displeased.

"I'm not joining any alliance," Shade declared, arms crossed defiantly. "I'm after the staff."

"This isn't about alliances; it's about finding a spy," Lloyd interjected, his tone leaving no room for argument. "No one leaves until we uncover the truth."

Garmadon positioned himself by the door, a silent sentinel. Suspicion hung heavy in the air as the Elemental Masters exchanged wary glances.

Lloyd's gaze fell on Shade. "Why are you looking at me, Greenie? I'm not your spy," Shade retorted, denying any involvement.

"Perhaps I can assist," Neuro offered, tapping into his powers to probe their minds. His revelation startled him. "I can't pinpoint who, but someone here is not who they claim to be..."

Skylor scoffed. "And why should we trust you?" she challenged, her skepticism clear. "Maybe I should use your powers against you," she suggested with a smirk.

I caught Skylor's eye, sensing her discomfort under my scrutiny. She quickly went on the defensive, trading barbs with Neuro.

Kai intervened before the tension could escalate further. "Enough! This is exactly what Chen wants. There must be a more civilized way to handle this," he reasoned.

"There is. Anyone who worked for Chen has the Anacondrai tattoo," Garmadon suggested. Neuro revealed his back first, devoid of any mark.

"Can I leave now?" Neuro asked impatiently. Lloyd shook his head. "Not until we've checked everyone."

One by one, the Elemental Masters displayed their unmarked backs—Griffin, Kai, and Jay. After them, was my turn. With a resigned sigh, I turned, allowing them to inspect mine.

"Clear," Lloyd announced with a hint of relief.

All eyes turned to Skylor and Shade. "I'm sorry," Kai apologized in advance. Skylor's expression darkened. "Do you really think it's me? I was the one who gave you that fortune cookie!" she protested.

Just as Skylor was about to reveal her back, a voice interrupted, "Wait, where's Shade?" Lloyd's gaze swept the room until Shade materialized in a corner behind Griffin. "There!"

"I'm not your spy! That staff is mine!" Shade's declaration echoed through the room. Lloyd, fueled by anger, conjured a ball of energy. "Lloyd, no!" I intervened, but it was too late—the energy ball knocked over a portrait of Kai, which landed on Jay.

"Help!" Jay shrieked, "Get Kai off of me!" His cry added confusion to the chaos. Meanwhile, Shade reappeared before Garmadon, who made a futile attempt to apprehend him.

"You cast a long shadow, old man," Shade taunted before darting out of the room. Neuro, now off the bed, concluded, "It was him. He must've been the spy!"

Lloyd and Griffin rushed to help Jay, who was groaning in pain beneath the fallen portrait. As the commotion settled, the Elemental Masters began to leave the room one by one.

Kai intercepted Skylor. "Skylor, I'm sorry," he apologized earnestly. But she wasn't swayed. "If you still suspect me," she challenged, "watch me walk out."

With resolve, Skylor turned her back, revealing the absence of the tattoo—she had used Camille's power. Jay, bewildered, muttered, "What happened to our alliance?"

"What alliance?" sighed Lloyd.

From the balcony, the urgent echoes of voices reached me. "Nya!" I gasped, my heart quickening its pace. "What's happening?" All eyes turned towards me.

Swiftly throwing open the balcony door, I gazed downward, witnessing a scene of turmoil. Chen's lackeys scuttled about, and Clouse's harsh commands to find Nya reverberated through the midnight sky.

"It seems Nya got caught and attempted to escape," I deduced, a sinking feeling in my chest. The others joined me, their expressions marked with concern. "We have to help her!" Jay implored, his voice tinged with fear.

I hesitated before firmly shaking my head. "No," I asserted, eliciting puzzled looks. "What do you mean, no?" Kai questioned, his brow furrowing in confusion.

"I'll go," I declared, meeting their eyes. "It's safer if you all stay here." My decision solidified, but Lloyd was about to object when Garmadon intervened.

"You take care of yourselves," he advised. With a nod, I leaped from balcony to balcony until reaching the rooftop.

Surveying the surroundings, I spotted Nya with Clouse in pursuit. Traversing the rooftops, I followed their path.

"Get away from her!" The radiant display momentarily disoriented him, providing a critical window of opportunity.

"[Name]?" Shock washed over her. Grabbing her hand, I urged, "Hurry!" and together, we silently fled toward the concealment of the nearby forest.


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