π‘Ίπ’˜π’π’“π’… 𝑨𝒓𝒕 π‘Άπ’π’π’Šπ’οΏ½...

By Guardian_Angel-21

112K 3K 932

In the year 2022, the VRMMO game "Sword Art Online" trapped 10,000 players in a death game. This is the story... More

Chapter 1: Disappointment
Chapter 2: Hidden Log Out
Chapter 3: God of War
Chapter 4: The Way of the Sword
Chapter 5: Swordswoman
Chapter 6: First Dungeon
Chapter 7: Party of 3
Chapter 8: Beater
Chapter 9: BlackSmith
Chapter 10: Act of Kindness
Chapter 11: Night Terrors
Chapter 12: The Fall and Rise of Guilds
Chapter 13: Black Cats
Chapter 14: No Place Like...
Chapter 15: The Trap Room
Chapter 16: Best Gift
Chapter 17: Christmas Renegade
Chapter 18: War and Lightning
Chapter 19: Murder in the Safe Zone
Chapter 20: Illusionary Avenger
Chapter 21: PinkSmith
Chapter 22: Mission Failed
Chapter 23: Sword Dance of Slayer and Knight
Chapter 24: Giant Goblin
Chapter 25: Duel and Broken Souls
Chapter 26: Love Conquers All
Chapter 27: I Love You [πŸ‹]
Chapter 28: My Heart is Yours
Chapter 29: Edge of Hell's Abyss
Chapter 30: The End of the World
Chapter 31: Another Lifetime
Chapter 32: ALfheim Online
Chapter 33: Goblin Slayer
Chapter 34: Monsters
Chapter 35: Prison Break
Chapter 36: Slay Them All
Chapter 37: Worthy
Chapter 38: A Warrior's Heart
Chapter 39: Memory Lane
Chapter 40: Reunion
Untold Tales of Aincrad - 0
Untold Tales of Aincrad - 1
Untold Tales of Aincrad - 2

Chapter 41: Peace

1K 22 7
By Guardian_Angel-21

(A/N): Hey guys, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy it.

3rd Person POV



- May 17, 2025 - Nishitokyo - SAO Returnee School -

Since [Sword Art Online] thankfully ended at the beginning of November of last year, that allowed the trapped students to return to school.

However, the government had its concerns about sending SAO survivors back to normal public schools. First, the amount of school material SAO survivors had missed for being trapped for two years, which greatly set them back academically. Second, the psychological trauma they have suffered is something very difficult to acclimate back to society. And lastly, the public had concerns that SAO survivors might be violent and a threat.

So to ease the public and their concerns, the government opened a Returnee School. Where they can help students academically, get them back on track to their career goals, and provide psychiatric help in a safe environment.

An electronic chime mimicking the sound of a bell signaled the end of the morning classes. The teacher turned off the widescreen monitor, and the mood in the classroom relaxed, students picked up their bags and walked out into the hall. Old guildmates and party members meeting up, front-line players catching up with each other. All without the stress of virtual death looming over their heads.

Easily moving through the crowd, a set of brown hair made his way towards the courtyard. A fresh new brick path started at the door and wound through lines of sapling trees. The plain concrete building that loomed over the branches was nothing special to look at, but for a school thrown together using an old building left unused after school district consolidation, it was an impressive campus.

After a minute or two of walking through the tunnel of greenery, the brick path led to a small, circular garden. The outer perimeter was decorated with a number of flower beds and plain wooden benches. Sitting on one of them was a female student, looking up at the sky.

Her long brown hair fell straight down the back of her deep blue school blazer. Her skin was a pale white, but a rosy blush had recently returned to her cheeks. Her slender legs were extended forward, held neatly together, and covered in long black socks.

Her brown loafers were tapping in rhythm on the bricks as she stared into the azure sky. The sight was so endearing that he had to stop at the entrance of the garden and watch. When she looked down and noticed him, her face morphed into a smile once she caught a look at his face.

Walking up to her and putting his bag to the side, he sat beside her.

Adkin: Thanks for waiting for me.

Asuna: Of course.

After a second of peace, he smiled. He gently reached over and took her hand in his.

Adkin: How have you been feeling? Getting around okay?

Asuna: I've been doing fine, Ares. My rehab is going smoothly and I finally got the okay to walk around without my crutches. The doctor says I still shouldn't try to run, but I'll be fine.

He smiled, as hearing that she's been doing well lifted a weight from his chest. He normally would remind her to call him by his legal name, especially at school, but hearing her voice say his avatar's name makes his heart swell up.

Adkin: That's good to hear.

She looks at his smile. She engraves every detail of his face into her memory because this moment is hers and only hers. She looks at the scar on his left eye, a result of Sugou's madness.

The night at the parking lot, Sugou had been arrested. During interrogation, he denied everything and tried to pin it on Akihiko Kayaba. But after questioning one of his employees, Sugou confessed to everything. The three hundred SAO players returned safely to the real world, not suffering from any neurological or psychiatric after-effects. Sugou was later imprisoned.

Thankfully, the cut didn't hit his eye but did leave him a cool battle scar. She doesn't mind it though, it was a sign of his affection for her. She scoots over and rests her head on his shoulder. And while he rests his head on hers, she snuggles into the moment, hoping this moment never ends.

Adkin: ...Are you still having nightmares?

She never told him but at this point, he knew her so well she sometimes couldn't tell if he could actually read her mind. Or if she was that obvious.

Asuna: Here and there...

Adkin: ...We'll get through this, together. Are you still up for the plan today?

Asuna: Definitely. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

He rested his head on hers further, comforting her. With the few months spent together in the real world, Asuna had learned that Ares' love language was physical contact, as well as her own. Both having been touch-deprived in their childhood.

Adkin: ...If I had a flower... for every time I thought of you... I could walk in my garden, forever.

And as he finished, he gave a gentle kiss on top of her head. The simple act and his words made her heart spiral into a pool of bliss and warmed her cheeks. She couldn't stop her facial muscles from smiling like a schoolgirl, that which she was. She had gotten used to hearing his poem through their time in Aincrad, but over the few months together in the real world, she cherished the words of wisdom and passion he spoke.

Together, they sat in their own little world, enjoying the peace and tranquility of the moment. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them, lost in each other's presence. Time seemed to stand still as they sat there, hand in hand, hearts beating as one.

-Alne City - ALfheim Online -

The tavern was lively, filled with the sounds of laughter and music. The group sat around a large table, drinks in hand, celebrating their latest dungeon quest.

Klein: To another successful quest!

The red bandana-wearing man said as he stood on a chair and raised his mug. The party inside the tavern cheered, clinking their mugs together.

Agil: I still can't honestly believe we pulled that off. This Voluntary Flight mechanic is tricky to get used to.

Silica: And we couldn't have done it without Leafa's help.

The short catsith said as the small blue dragon sat on her head between her cat ears. The yellow-haired sylph smiled bashfully at the compliment.

Leafa: Oh stop, you guys would have been fine, even if I didn't step in.

Kirito: Just take the credit Sis, you deserve it. You really got a handle on this game, but you better watch your back, cuz I'll catch up to you in no time.

Lisbeth: That is if you learn how to land properly first. I think that face imprint you left on that mountain is never going away.

The group laughed at the misfortune of the black swordsman who sulked as his girlfriend rubbed his shoulder.

Agil: Speaking of going away, where are the love birds at?

Lisbeth: Oh those two. They left after we got out of the cave, and said they'll be there on time.

Klein: Damn, are those two always like this?

Silica: Yep, even at school.

Lisbeth: I swear, those two spend more time together than Kiriboy and Sachi.

She pointed teasingly with a snarky expression at the couple beside Leafa.

Kirito: Wow, never took you to be the jealous type, Liz. It's not a good look on you by the way.

The boy responded with a smirk, only to panic and duck, dodging a full mug thrown at him. Silica held back Lisbeth's arm that held her battle mace, ready to throw.

Silica: H-He didn't mean it, Liz. It ain't worth it.

The tension in the air dissipated as Lisbeth took a deep breath, relaxing her stance. She sat back down, grumbling under her breath.

Lisbeth: Whatever.

Silica: Let's just enjoy the rest of the night, okay?

Klein: Agreed! To more quests, more victories, and more nights like this!

The group raised their mugs once more, cheering and laughing as the night continued on in the lively tavern. The music played, and the atmosphere was filled with warmth and camaraderie, a stark contrast to the dangers they faced in the virtual world. For now, they were just friends, enjoying each other's company and celebrating their bond.

- End Music -
- {Elsewhere} -

The night sky in Alfheim Online was aglow with the soft light of the moon, casting a magical ambiance over the world. Two figures in the sky fly over mountains and forests at high speeds, their wings slicing through the air as they race each other. The wind whistled in their ears, and the world below them seemed to blur into a mosaic of colors.

Looking behind her blue locks of hair, he slowly gains speed as he closes in on her. She smirks and flies faster, like a bolt of lightning. He follows the Undine, using his dark Spriggan wings to not lose her.

Finally, they pass the last mountain and reach the large lake in the Undine territory. She nosedives toward the water and he follows without hesitation. She stops before reaching the water but continues to fly at the same speed above its surface.

He reaches her, now side-by-side. He gently reaches over and grabs her hand under his. He slowly brought her fingers to the water and dipped them into the cool water, creating ripples that danced in the moon's reflection. She smiles with a childlike wonder and glimmer in her eyes.

Reaching the near end of the lake, the swordsman takes the lead and ascends up into the sky, soaring towards the clouds. She follows closely behind. She watches as he enters the clouds and she does so as well.

She emerges on the other side, the full moon at full display. Her eyes scan the fluffy white masses for any sign of him. His helmet popped in and out of view, teasing her as they played a game of hide-and-seek among the clouds.

Asuna: Two can play at that game.

She dives into the clouds as if it were water. His helmet popped out of a random cloud, and so did hers. She turns around, only to catch a fleeting sight of his figure. She jumps out and dives into that cloud, only for him to emerge from a different cloud and pop back in once more.

Asuna fully emerges from the clouds, hoping to catch him. She unknowingly hovers backwards slightly. After a second or two, she doesn't see him. Her body stops as she feels herself bump into someone behind her. Hands gently wrap themself around her hips, causing her to relax. What she wasn't ready or expecting was for music to begin playing.

She turned her body around and watched as he tossed to the side a small bottle that was playing the song, suspended in midair. Without a word, their hands went into position. His right hand met her left hand and they gently held the other. Her right hand held onto his left shoulder while his left hand touched her lower back. Asuna, her heart racing with excitement, and they began to move gracefully in the air.

They twirled and spun, lost in the moment, the world around them fading away. It was just the two of them, dancing among the stars, their laughter mingling with the music. They spun and spun across the endless ocean of clouds, lit by pale moonlight. Their slow, graceful actions gradually went smoothly, and gently with each step of the dance. The sound of the wind faded away.

She could feel all of his emotions and sentiments through his fingertips. It was another one of those rare but magical moments where their hearts made direct contact.

Asuna and Ares moved with a grace that seemed to defy the laws of physics, their movements fluid and effortless as they danced through the air. They twirled and spun, weaving intricate patterns against the backdrop of the starlit sky. Ares led with a confident touch, guiding Asuna with a gentle hand on her waist. She followed his lead, matching his every step with a precision that spoke of their unspoken connection.

As they danced, the moonlight caught the intricate details of their fairy wings, casting shimmering reflections that danced around them like fireflies. The soft glow of the moon illuminated their faces, highlighting the joy and exhilaration they felt at that moment.

They moved together as one, their bodies perfectly in sync, each step was a testament to their skill and grace. As the song reached its climax, Ares lifted Asuna into the air, twirling her around before gently setting her back down to his level.

- End Music -

The dance came to an end, but the magic of that moment lingered in the air around them. Asuna and Ares stood together, their hearts beating as one. She reached her hands up to his helmet, slowly lifting it. Once it was fully off, she didn't wait another second and pressed her lips against his, a gentle and tender kiss that spoke of the deep bond between them. Ares was momentarily surprised but quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.

The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them suspended in the night sky. They broke the kiss, both breathless and flushed with emotion. Ares looked into Asuna's eyes, his own filled with love and adoration. Without a word, they rest their heads together and close their eyes.

Ares: ...You ready?

Asuna: ...Let's do it.

Lifting their heads and giving some space, the boy puts his helmet back on and they hold hands as they fly toward the World Tree. In time, the World Tree grew large enough to cover their view of the sky. At the top of the trunk, where the first massive limbs branched out, there was a gathering of countless tiny lights: Yggdrasil City. Just as they got close enough to discern between the lights beyond open windows and the lights hanging from street lamps, a great pealing of many bells sounded. It was Alfheim's signal for midnight. The sound emitted from the great hollow space within the trunk of the tree, wherein an elevator between Alne and Yggdrasil City had been installed. From there, the sound traveled across the entire world.

Up ahead already waiting for them was their group of friends.

Lisbeth: About damn time, love birds.

Agil: Glad you could make it.

Asuna: Did we miss it?

Silica: Not yet.

Kirito: Wait! I think I see it!

The group turned toward the gigantic full moon that was glowing with a cold blue light. The black shadow stealing over the moon grew and grew. But the shape itself was not a circle. It was like a triangular wedge, digging farther and farther into the sphere. Something was echoing heavily—gong, gong. It shook the entire atmosphere as if emanating from a great distance.

The shadow was now blocking out the moon entirely. But the moon's light, wrapping around, did still dimly illuminate the contours of the triangular shadow. Larger it grew. Larger, and closer. The floating object suddenly lit up on its own. Bright beams of yellow light sprayed in all directions.

Ares: ...Aincrad.

The floating structure slowed its approach and stopped when it was nearly close enough to touch the highest branches of the World Tree.

The group of SAO survivors and Leafa looked in awe at the majestic floating castle. Having only made it up 3/4 of the way up, it was decided to finish what they had started.

Klein: Well what are we waiting for!? Let's get a move on!

Kirito: Race you to the top!

The group raced off through the night, heading for the castle in the sky. Looking behind him, he saw multiple fairy races making their way up, friends old and new. Sasha, Diabel, Sakuya, Alicia Rue, Recon, and even Eugene.

Asuna: Ready for our next adventure?

He turned and looked at her, her face illuminated by the soft glow of the moon and castle lights. She met his gaze with a mixture of excitement and determination, her eyes sparkling with anticipation for the adventure ahead. She was his partner, his equal in every sense, and he knew that together, they could conquer anything.

Ares: ...Always.

With those words, Asuna and Ares flew off towards Aincrad, their hearts full of excitement and determination. The night sky embraced them, a vast canvas of stars and moonlight, as they soared towards their next destination, ready to write the next chapter of their story together.




(A/N): We finally made it! The End of the Fairy Dance Arc! Thank you so much for all your support, I truly appreciate it. When I first concluded the Aincrad arc over a year ago, I had this vision of what my version of this arc would be and it came out better than expected and that's thanks to you guys who comment on my community page.

Support my Kofi :)


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