Summoning the Countries

By Ant357627

33.4K 766 967

In a world made up of fantasy and myth, new nations emerge from another world. Magical kingdoms reign across... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 48

265 8 34
By Ant357627

Keith gaze and scans the area for any signs of additional threats. "The Codsworth soldiers won't hesitate to retaliate, especially after witnessing their Commander fall."

Mary handed Anthony one of the hybrid rifles, gesturing towards the ongoing battle. "Take this M1 Baguio. It's a prototype weapon developed by the Soronox Union. Packs quite a punch and should help even the odds."

Anthony looked at the rifle, noting its unique design and sturdy build. "Thanks, but no thanks." He gestures his M27, "THIS, packs a punch, a Sustained rate of 36 rounds a min and it features a gas-operated short-stroke piston action with a rotating bolt and a free-floating barrel."

"Wow..." Both Keith and Mary muttered in a amazement at the assault rifle.

"But anyway. Let's make sure those Codsies(Codsworth soldiers) regret their decision to attack us." Anthony spoke just as a they spot a line of Codsworth soldiers 600yd from their position.

"RELEASE THE TROLLS!!!" A Codsworth Commander shouted.

"Trolls?" Anthony spoke confused on the matter, while Keith and Mary mutters a worried 'Oh no...' as the line cleared for a heavy amount of trolls charging towards their lines.

Keith was about to call for a fallback order, but Anthony was quick to call something else.




Keith, Mary and other Soronox Union forces watched as Orcs and Cyclops in USMC MARPAT, ROKMC Combat Uniforms and Japanese MARPAT charging in with their fellow marines who fixed their bayonets on their rifles.

They also saw FEKs and kitsunes charging in too. The FEKs had their swords and shields out as well.

As the chaos of battle escalated and the ground quaked under the weight of charging trolls, the combined forces of the Soronox Union, UNE, and their allies rallied together with unwavering determination.

Keith's keen eyes scanned the battlefield, assessing the situation as Anthony's orders rang out with the fervor of battle-ready Marines. Mary, her expression focused yet resolute, readied her weapon, prepared to stand alongside her comrades-in-arms.

With a determined nod, Keith relayed orders to his fellow soldiers, coordinating their efforts with precision. "Hold the line! Support our allies! We will not falter!"

Meanwhile, Anthony's decisive leadership spurred the Marines into action, their bayonets gleaming in the sunlight as they charged forward, their voices united in a thunderous cry of "OORAH!"

The Orcs and Cyclops, battle-hardened and fierce, surged ahead with their Marine counterparts, their loyalty unwavering as they faced the oncoming onslaught of trolls.

Beside them, the FEKs and kitsunes, armed with swords and shields, moved with agile grace, their determination evident in every step as they met the enemy head-on.

In the midst of the chaos and carnage, a sense of camaraderie and unity prevailed among the diverse forces, bound together by a common goal: to defeat the oppressors and pave the way for a brighter future.

With courage in their hearts and steel in their hands, they charged into the fray, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that together, they were unstoppable.

"Prepare for close combat engagement!" Keith shouted, rallying his troops to brace for the impending clash with the trolls.

Mary, her eyes sharp and focused, nodded in agreement. "We need to support our allies and keep those trolls at bay!"

The Soronox Union soldiers swiftly formed defensive lines, their weapons ready and their resolve firm. They provided covering fire, targeting the trolls to weaken their advance while simultaneously protecting their comrades charging into the fray.

Anthony, leading the charge alongside the Orcs, Cyclops, and other marines, wielded his M27 with precision, picking off Codsworth soldiers and trolls alike with expert marksmanship.

As the battle raged on, the combined might of the UNE, Soronox Union, and allied forces proved formidable. The trolls, though formidable adversaries, were gradually pushed back under the relentless onslaught of bayonets, gunfire, and melee combat.

Amidst the chaos and carnage, a sense of unity and determination permeated the air. Marines, demi-humans, and soldiers from different nations fought side by side, their differences set aside in pursuit of a common goal: freedom from oppression.

The battle raged on, but with each passing moment, victory seemed within reach. Together, they fought with unwavering resolve, determined to overcome any obstacle in their path and secure a brighter future for all.

The clash of steel and the thunder of gunfire echoed through the battlefield as the combined forces of the UNE, Soronox Union, and their allies waged war against the tyranny of the Codsworth soldiers and their monstrous troll allies.

Keith's voice rang out above the din of battle, urging his troops to stand firm and hold their ground against the relentless onslaught. "Steady! Maintain formation! We will not yield to these beasts!"

Mary, her determination unwavering, led her squad with precision and skill, coordinating their efforts to provide crucial support to their comrades-in-arms. "Keep firing! We cannot let up now!"

The Soronox Union soldiers, their resolve bolstered by their unity and camaraderie, fought with unwavering courage, pushing back against the tide of enemies with unwavering determination.

Meanwhile, Anthony, ever the stalwart leader, continued to lead the charge, his presence inspiring those around him to fight with renewed vigor. "Press forward! We must break their lines and drive them back!"

As the battle raged on, the combined might of the allied forces began to turn the tide in their favor. With each passing moment, the Codsworth soldiers and their monstrous allies were pushed back, their ranks faltering under the relentless assault of bayonets, bullets, and sheer determination.

In the end, victory belonged to those who dared to stand against oppression, united in their quest for freedom and justice. And as the dust settled on the battlefield, the heroes of the UNE, Soronox Union, and their allies stood triumphant, their spirits unbroken and their resolve unyielding in the face of adversity.

As they were about to head out ahead, some marines provided aid or gave some of their rations to the starving Demi-human and human slaves.

Keith and Mary also noticed Anthony giving chocolate to kids with a smile. And chocolate was very rare and expensive in the Soronox Union and troops don't carry them.

And here, the marines from the UNE are giving them away like it didn't matter.

Anthony even laughed and explained to the kids that pointed out his left eye, which was once dark brown, is now pale white with a scar across it, but he can still see from it.

Even the FEKs and Kitsune were a bit amazed at the amount of chocolate or other sweets the marines were giving to kids.

It was a stark contrast to the harsh realities of their own world, where such luxuries were rare and cherished.

In that fleeting moment, amidst the chaos of war, the bonds of humanity were strengthened, bridging the divide between different races and cultures. And as they prepared to continue their journey, the memory of that simple act of kindness would serve as a beacon of hope, reminding them of the goodness that still existed in the world.

Meanwhile at the main castle/fortress of Codsworth. Soldiers with muskets gathering at the gate, the place also served as a fortress for Demi-human and human slaves.

"Did you hear the news from around?" Spoke a Codsworth soldier to another.

"Yes, I heard. Those barbarians(the Marines), cats(Feline Empire Knights), foxs(Kitsune Empire), and Soronox Union killed our comrades. It is a shame that they didn't killed the demi-humans slaves."

"I hope God will save us." Said the soldier. But, they hear something in the distance. "Hm? Do you hear that?"

"Yeah? What is that?"

Blowing the gate open, was a Japanese Type 90 MBT. The JGSDF gave them this.


"RUN AWA-" It was too late, the Type 90's Rheinmetall 120 mm smoothbore gun fired and killed the guards in front of it as UNE, Soronox Union, and allied forces moved in.

"Rattle them boys and girls! Let's shown these Pro-Theocracy assholes about the freedom!!" Col. Marshall called out to the marines and allied forces.

The UNE and Soronox Union's tank battalions storm the castle/fortress. The Codsworth soldiers used the steampunk like tanks to combat the MBTs and SU tanks. However, before the Codsworth tanks can fire a shot, the MBTs penetrates their armour destroying the tanks with ease.

"DON'T LET THEM PAST!! THESE DEMONS MUST DIE FOR OUR GOD!!!" Cried out a Codsworth soldier, "DIE ABOMINATIONS!!" Soldiers used muskets and cannons to stop the advance, but the MBTs didn't take any damage and fire back. Inside the throne room, the Codsworth Leader and a soldier are discussing about the situation they're were in.

"We've been breach, sir! It's the barbarians!" The soldier spoke in a fearful tone.

The Codsworth Leader was both confused and furious at this, "HOW! WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MADNESS!? FUCK IT! TELL THE MEN TO HOLD THE LINE AT ALL COST!!"

"Y-Yes sir!" The Codsworth soldier left the room as the Codsworth Leader sits down on a chair alone.

There were Men in the dark hooded cloaks were next to the Leader. But...

One decided to try and figure out what one of the US Marines(Anthony) was thinking to gain information And I simply couldn't.


He memorized the tune that was on repeat in his head, "Dansa med oss, Klappa era händer, Gör som vi gör, Ta några steg åt vänster, Lyssna och lär, Missa inte chansen, Nu är vi här me, Caramelldansen."

It got stuck in guy's head and now he went crazy.

Another one died from a brain hemorrhage due to reading a Japanese marine's head with a LOT of trauma who is NOT dealing with it in a healthy way.

Another one vomits hard enough to expel several of his organs and died due to reading a female Korean marine's mind with a LOT of weird fetishes.

"THEY HAVE COUNTERMEASURES TO OUR TELEPATHY!" Yelled the last living dark hooded cloak man as he tried to read another US marine's head. Only for the marine to remember that time when their drunk dad smashed their mom's head in with a hammer and then got killed by the cops. Proceeds to recall every second of the aftermath in perfect detail. Then jumps foward to the period of drug abuse they had used to run away from the trauma that still haunts them.

The dark hooded cloak man is now rocking back and forth while singing a lullaby and rubbing their arms to soothe themselves.

They tried to mind read the marines. The marines mindfuck them HARD.

The Codsworth Leader sighed at man, "What shall we do-" He was cut off as a huge explosion from outside the room was heard. "WHAT WAS THAT!?"

Meanwhile outside the throne room, UNE, Soronox Union, and allied forces were inside the fortress going from room-to-room clearing out soldiers.

One soldier saw Anthony and charged at him, "DIE DARK DEMON!!"

Anthony. Was pissed off, "Racist son of a bitch!!" He yelled out at the soldier as he grabbed the soldier's musket and kick him in the nuts. The Codsworth soldier falls on the ground in pain, as Anthony punches him in the face, grabs the musket and shoot the soldier in the face. "Jackass..."

He looks ahead to see a 4'8" female Japanese marine named Mina Takahashi....well....

"死ね!!! 死ね!!! お前ら全員が私の怒りによって罰せられるだろう!!!! [DIE!!! DIE!!! ALL OF YOU WILL BE PUNISHED BY MY WRATH!!!!]" She yelled and laughed in a demonic tone of voice, "彼らは容赦しないでしょう! 死だけだ!!! [THEY WILL BE NO MERCY!!! ONLY DEATH!!!]"

All forces have to admit. That legal loli scares them....... alot.

Anthony has killed 46 soldiers so far and she...... killed 249 soldiers. He could hear her laughing menacingly from a distance.

"私!! 高橋みな! 高橋一族の!!!! すべてに死をもたらすだろう!!!!!! 私の怒りを感じてください!! [I!! TAKAHASHI MINA!!! OF THE TAKAHASHI CLAN!!!! WILL BRING DEATH TO ALL!!!!!! FEEL MY WRATH!!]" She screamed as she continued to slice and cut down Codsworth soldiers.

"You doing okay, Mina?" Anthony asked her as she turns and gives him a crazed smile.

Mina's eyes gleamed with a ferocious intensity as she turned to face Anthony, her expression twisted into a manic grin. "I'm more than okay, Anthony-san," she replied, her voice laced with a chilling fervor. "I've never felt more alive!"

Her demeanor sent shivers down Anthony's spine, but he couldn't deny the effectiveness of her combat prowess. Despite her petite stature, Mina moved with deadly precision, cutting down Codsworth soldiers with effortless ease.

Anthony nodded, a mixture of admiration and concern evident in his gaze. "Just be careful, Mina. We need you in one piece to take down the rest of these bastards," he cautioned, keeping a watchful eye on her surroundings as they pressed forward through the fortress.

As they advanced deeper into the stronghold, the sounds of battle echoed around them, mingling with Mina's unhinged laughter and the screams of their enemies. The Codsworth soldiers fought desperately to defend their fortress, but against the relentless onslaught of the UNE, Soronox Union, and allied forces, their resistance was swiftly crumbling.

Amidst the chaos and carnage, Anthony and Mina fought side by side, their camaraderie forged in the heat of battle. Together, they carved a path of destruction through the enemy ranks, determined to bring an end to the tyranny of the Codsworth regime.

But even as victory seemed within reach, Anthony couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that the true horrors of war were yet to come. With Mina by his side, he braced himself for whatever challenges lay ahead, ready to confront them head-on with unwavering resolve.

He then came across room with a metal door. He shoots the hinges and kicks the metal door down. Inside the room was a dark skin woman with black hair and red eyes alone in chains in her arms and legs.

She looked at Anthony in surprise and a bit of fear, "Who are you!?"

"Towson......Anthony Towson, Captain of the United States Marine Corps and part of the Unified Nations of Earth or UNE for short." Anthony answered.

"Never heard of this UNE or United States Marine Corps before?" She said as she studied him for a few minutes, "Hmm. I don't know, you look like a kind of young man. Despite your appearance, you look 18 years of age. So, I guess you're here to rescue me?"

"Well first of all, I'm 31. Second, Yes or no? We're here to stop Codsworth from causing more chaos to other nearby countries. We're also here to capture/kill the leader." Anthony spoke truthly.

"I see..... can you free me?" She asked.


"Listen, WE'RE after the same person. I want revenge for the man who's responsible for killing my husband and children that I loved. So, release me. Captain Towson of the United States Marine Corps." She clarified as shoot his M27 at the chains and free the woman.

She began to stand up with her eyes were glowing reddish purple, an aura mixed around her sensing that this woman was much MUCH powerful in magic and strength. She looks up at Anthony with a menacing glare, "Shall we?"

Anthony blinks at bit, "Yeah sure."

Anthony and the woman comes out of the cell. They look around the hall and found multiple dead Codsworth soldier bodies.



"...dammit, Mina..." Anthony mutters.

"Who's this Mina?! A demon?!" The woman shouted.

Anthony saw Mina sitting on the ground tried, "That human with the sharp teeth. Is Mina."

"SHE'S A HUMAN?!?!" The woman not believing the marine.

Anthony just nods slowly, "Yep." He answered with a pop of the 'p'.

"THEY'RE THEY ARE! KILL THEM ALL!!" Yelled a company size amount of Codsworth soldiers.

Without hesitation, the woman speed bliz so fast and killed 14 Codsworth Soldiers with one hits.

"Holy shit."

The woman grabs a Codsworth soldier and slam him in the walls. One Codsworth soldiers tried to kill her with a bayonet, but she grab the knife part, breaks it, and she stabbed the Codsworth soldier in the eye. He couldn't say a word when the woman break his neck. "Pathetic. Did you really think you could kill that easily me?"

"How were you locked up in the first place?" Anthony muttered in shock as 20 Codsworth soldiers came. However, they soon stopped and widen their eyes in shock and terror.

"How could she escaped!?"

The woman smiles at the men evilly, "My new friend and ally let me out~" She then speedily ran and begins to slice many Codsworth soldiers with her magic that turn into swords.

The Codsworth soldiers couldn't stand a chance at what Anthony freed.

Codsworth soldiers were absolution terrified after seeing the woman killing all their comrades. Codsworth soldiers ran for their lives, but the woman caught them and killed them with one slice. "My name is Visayas Basilica! And you all will face my wrath!!!"

Anthony facepalms at this, "Jesus. Not another crazy woman like Mina."

As chaos erupted around them, Anthony couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation at the newfound ally he had unleashed. Visayas Basilica's power and ferocity were unmatched, and her thirst for vengeance was palpable in every strike she delivered.

"Visayas, we need to focus on our objective," Anthony called out over the din of battle, his voice tinged with urgency. "Our priority is to capture or eliminate the Codsworth Leader. We can't afford to get sidetracked."

Visayas paused momentarily, her eyes gleaming with an intense determination. "You're right, Captain Towson," she acknowledged, her tone resolute. "But rest assured, once this is over, I will have my vengeance."

With a nod of understanding, Anthony and Visayas pressed forward, their path fraught with danger as they navigated through the fortress. Codsworth soldiers, realizing the futility of their resistance, scrambled to escape the wrath of the formidable duo, but Visayas' relentless pursuit left no room for mercy.

As they neared the heart of the fortress, Anthony couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. Visayas's thirst for vengeance was a double-edged sword, and he knew that their alliance, though necessary, could prove to be just as dangerous as the enemy they faced.

But with the Codsworth Leader within their grasp, there was no turning back. Anthony steeled himself for the final confrontation, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them as they ventured deeper into the heart of darkness.

As they approached the throne room, Anthony could feel the weight of their mission bearing down upon them. The Codsworth leader was the linchpin holding the regime together, and their defeat would mark a significant blow to the enemy forces.

With Visayas by his side, Anthony kicked open the doors to the throne room, his M27 at the ready. Inside, the Codsworth leader stood defiant, flanked by his remaining loyal soldiers. He was obese, has a golden tooth including jewelry and blackish silver hair.

"It ends here, Codsy bitch," Anthony declared, his voice ringing out with conviction. "Surrender now, and you may get to live to see another day."

The Codsworth leader sneered, his gaze cold and calculating. "You dare to challenge me, mortal? I am the chosen one, the herald of our divine master! You and your ilk will perish before the might of Codsworth!"

Visayas stepped forward, her eyes narrowed in determination. "Your reign of terror ends now," she proclaimed, her voice cutting through the tension like a blade. "Prepare to face judgment for your crimes."

The Codsworth leader got scared seeing her, "V-V-Visayas B-Basilica! What a surprised you b-be here!"

Anthony looked at Visayas, she was furious and glares with a sense of killer instinct. "You..." She clenched her fist and her eyes glows, "You betrayed me, Ezreal! How could you betrayed my nation's and my people! Codsworth was better before you came!"

That Codsworth leader named Ezreal has his eyes wide, "Wait! Wait! It's not what it looks like! I-I-I try bring peace and glory to Codsworth! Did you know how this nation was corrupt! The poor gets rich and the demi-humans gets rights. I wanted to make this nation better."

"Really? What about the demi-humans AND humans who live in the jungles and the city that was killed by your troops. Oh? Don't forget about bad condition that many children both human and demi-human mind you, were treated as fuckin' slaves!!" Anthony cuts in with what he saw and heard.

Visayas looks at him with wide eyes with a shock expression, "What?!" She looks back at Ezreal. "Is this true?!"

"W-Well, you see. They were pests and demons. They deserved to be exterminated for what they are."

Both Anthony and Visayas was disgusted and pissed at this man, " killed any demi-humans and human or captured them as SLAVES!?" Visayas spoke out, "Not only that, but I lost my entire family!! You killed those that I love because of you! YOU sided with that bastard dragon and Dark Mistress' followers witches to poison me and make me powerless!"

Ezreal got up now furious, "Listen here you ungrateful bitch-" Before he could rant, his head explodes as his headless body falls of the ground and making a thud sound.

The remaining loyal soldiers were shock and disbelief at what's going on. Till they saw Soronox Union Lieutenant Aleya Norkorlia holding a anti-material rifle.

She looks at Anthony who is standing with wide eyes and Visayas who is on the ground covering her ears in pain from the loud *BANG* from the rifle. "Привет. [Hello there.]"

As the dust settled in the aftermath of Ezreal's demise, the tension in the throne room remained palpable. Aleya Norkorlia's unexpected arrival had caught Anthony and Visayas off guard, her presence adding another layer of complexity to an already volatile situation.

Anthony regained his composure, his gaze meeting Aleya's with a mixture of surprise and wariness. "Hello," he responded cautiously, his tone guarded. "I take it you're here to assist us?"

Aleya nodded, her expression unreadable beneath her stoic demeanor. "Да. The Soronox Union has a vested interest in seeing Codsworth's regime toppled," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of resolve. "But our alliance is tenuous at best. Do not mistake our cooperation for trust."

Visayas, still recovering from the shock of the anti-material rifle's discharge, rose to her feet, her eyes flashing with determination. "We may not trust each other," she conceded, her tone firm, "but we share a common enemy. Together, we can ensure that justice is served and that Codsworth's reign of terror comes to an end."

The remaining loyal soldiers then laid down their weapons and surrendered as a couple of FEKs moved in. Visayas walked up to the throne and sat on it, "It feels a bit good to be back on this seat."

An Australian marine Field Radio Operator approaches Anthony hand him the receiver, "It's Col. Marshall, sir."

Anthony nodded and takes it, "This is Cpt. Towson, over."

"Captain, all the Codsworth Troops has surrendered. We, the knights, the Kitsunes and SU have taken many prisoners. But the good news is that many of their troops in the whole country gave up. Over." Col. Marshall spoke on the radio.

"That's good here. Over." Anthony then turns to Visayas, "So, what now, ma'am?"

Visayas thinks for a bit then answers, "I'll tell my people that you saved that I'm alive and well. Hmm? Well, I have heard of reports a week before I was poisoned which was seven years ago that a black liquid that smells weird has been seen in the Novac Forest, Nipton Jungle, and Iligan Plains."

Marines(mostly the Americans), stopped what they were doing as one US marine sped walked to Visayas. "Did you say.... black liquid?"

Visayas was a little puzzled, "Yes? Did I say something wrong-"

"FRANCIS, OVER!!!!" Anthony shouted in the radio with a crazed grin.


Anthony cuts him off, "Oil in Novac Forest, Nipton Jungle, and Iligan Plains, sir! I REPEAT!! THEY GOT OIL IN THE FUCKING AREA, OVER!!!"


As the realization of the oil discovery sunk in, a surge of excitement rippled through the ranks of the UNE forces. The potential implications of such a find were immense, promising newfound resources and opportunities for the region.

Visayas exchanged a knowing glance with Anthony, her expression reflecting a sense of determination. "It seems our work here is far from over," she remarked, her voice echoing with resolve. "We must ensure that this valuable resource does not fall into the wrong hands."

Anthony nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with plans and strategies. "Agreed," he affirmed, his tone resolute. "We'll need to secure the oil fields and establish a presence to prevent any further conflict."

With their mission expanded to include the protection of the oil reserves, Anthony, Visayas, and their allies prepared to embark on a new chapter in their journey. The road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but with unity and determination, they were ready to face whatever obstacles came their way.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the battlefield, a sense of optimism filled the air. Together, they would pave the way for a brighter future, one fueled by the promise of newfound resources and the bonds of camaraderie forged in the crucible of conflict.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot," Col. Marshall's voice broke "One of the Ukrainian MiG pilots crashed, ejected, and landed Southwest from the Air Base due to a bird flying the intakes."

Anthony grabs the radio, "Who's the pilot?"

"Pilot's name is Aatami Korpi. Scans show he landed near some village with mainly tall muscular women, over."

Anthony looks at radio with his eyebrows raised, "Sir. Those are Amazonians."

"Oh no..."

One male FEK said the one thought every other man in the was thinking.

"He's fucked either way."

The grim realization of Aatami Korpi's predicament settled over the group like a dark cloud. Stranded amidst a village of formidable Amazonian women, his fate seemed uncertain at best.

Anthony exchanged a glance with Visayas, his expression a mix of concern and resignation. "We'll need to mount a rescue mission," he declared, his tone firm. "We can't leave one of our own behind, especially not in a situation like this."

The Australian marine nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting a sense of determination. "Agreed," he affirmed, his voice resolute. "We must act swiftly to ensure his safety."

With a plan forming in their minds, Anthony and the FEKs began coordinating with Col. Marshall to organize a rescue operation. Time was of the essence, and they knew they couldn't afford to delay.

As they prepared to embark on this new mission, a sense of urgency hung in the air. The fate of Aatami Korpi rested in their hands, and they were determined to bring him back safely, no matter the cost.

A week later, Aatami wakes up in a hut, "What? Where the hell am I?"

"So you're finally awake, husband~" Said a feminine voice as Aatami looks the woman who spoke.


"Later~" She said with a smirk.

"No paska. [Well shit.]" Aatami said.

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