Nawal - One Shots

Oleh nina282

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One shots Lebih Banyak

Truth Unveils - Part 1
The Past Unfolds
Destroyed Emotions
Redemption (Part 2 of Breakdown)
Redemption - Version 2
Battling the Storm
Amrish Shocked and Hetal Rocked
Battling the Storm - Version 2
Starting Over Again
Giving Up
The Aftermath
the aftermath - version 2
Fighting for her - Aftermath 2 V2
Switcheroo 2
Giving Up - Version 2
Coming Home
Convincing Natasha
Love Overcomes
A new beginning
Winning a war
Her wedded life
Her wedded life 2
Overcoming the defeat
Wedding Affair
New Beginnings
Leaving to Heal
Overcoming Obstacles
Helpless Part 2
Family's encounter
Love and War
Fighting for her loves
Overcoming the hurdles (part 2)
The Downfall
Standing Up for Her
Giving Hope
love in the air
His Runaway Wife
Runaway Wife part 2
Hide and Seek Bride
Hide and Seek Bride Part 2
Painful truths
The Arranged Marriage
A New Start
His wife
Pageant (Version 1)
Pageant (Version 2)
Broken Truths
Love Wins ❤️
Jealousy: Action and Reaction
Aftermath of Deception
Winning her over
Reunion - part 2
Some home truths drilled in
The Chase
The Return
A New Life
Fragile truth
The Apologies
Dhawal's fight for his love
Supporting Natasha
Arrange or Love
Holi Explosions
Aftermath of Holi
Aftermath of Holi part 2
Finally the truth comes out
Broken Relationships
Broken Relationships V2
Broken Relationships V2 part 2
The Fallout
Fallout Part 2
Amba's Downfall
Changing Dynamics
The Outing
The Return V2
The Repentance
The Repentance Part 2
Truth comes out - V2
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Part 2
Cause and Effect # 3
Rejected then married
Dhawal's Win
Annulment or Reconciliation
Married you again
Making sure she heals

Finally together ❤️

569 21 2
Oleh nina282

Dhawal had left Makwana Mansion after the showdown at the resort.
Dhawal was so angry that it scared everyone.  Everyone was scared.  Amrish had sent everyone home except Natasha and Chirag home as they had refused to go.   They went looking for him and found a dead body in the middle of the road, with a sheet covering him.   They had thought that the dead body was Dhawal as his phone and his watch were found on the dead body.  The body was unrecognizable since it was a hit and run case.

Natasha was in shock. She couldn't believe that her Dhawal was gone.  She wouldn't believe it.  She started to look around to see if Dhawal was around.  But nothing.   Finally, Amrish shook her and took her home.   

When the news went through the family, everyone felt lost.    Natasha refused to accept that he was gone.   She yelled at them, stating, "I would know it if he was gone.  My heart would stop beating if he was gone.  He is not gone.  He is missing." As she walked out of the Makwana Mansion. 

A few days after Natasha had walked out, Amrish had received a call.  It was the police. They had confirmed that the dead body was not Dhawal's.   Amrish excitedly yelled out for everyone, "Dhawal's alive!  Dhawal's alive.  That wasn't Dhawal's body.  Dhawal's alive!"  

The sense of relief that went through Makwana Mansion was amazing.  Dolly slipped quietly away and quickly called Natasha. "Natasha, Dhawal's is alive.  That was not Dhawal.  It was confirmed."  

"Thank you, Dolly Bhabi.  I knew it.  Don't worry.  I will find him."  said Natasha.

A couple of days later, early morning, Natasha was making her daily trip to the police station to find out anything when she saw him in lock up.

 When she tried to find out from the police why Dhawal was in lock up, all the police officers would say that he was in lock up.    Natasha got angry, "Let me see my husband now!"

"No," said the police officer.

"Fine.  Lock me up with him.  But I am not leaving my husband!" yelled Natasha.

Finally, the police officer agreed.  Natasha was allowed in with Dhawal. 

Natasha was led to Dhawal's cell.  The police officer yelled out, "Your wife is here to see you!"

As she went thru the door, Dhawal, "What are you doing here?"  asked Dhawal.  Natasha ran towards him and hugged him tightly.  Dhawal didn't know what to do at first, then he hugged her back.

"What are you doing here?  You need to leave.   Please leave.  You broke all your relations with me.   You were only around because Amrish blackmailed you.  I've released you from all your responsibilities and duties.  You can go back to living your life."  Dhawal said as he walked away from her. 

Natasha grabbed his arm and pulled him back.  Then, she started to hit him.  

"We thought you were dead!  The police found a  body with your watch and phone!  How could you do this to me.   Do you know how I felt when I thought you were gone.  I refused to believe it!  The family thought I was crazy!  I told them that I would feel it if you were gone.  My heart would stop beating if yours did."  she yelled at him.  Then, she hugged him again, crying slowly and going down to the floor with Dhawal.

"Sshh.  I'm okay.  It wasn't me.  After I left the resort, I met a drunk man on the street.  I gave him my phone and watch.  I was so angry that I gave away the gifts from Amrish.   I got a little drunk last night, and the police were  called.  Once I am sober, they let me go.  It's happened a couple of  times.  The first time, I asked for privacy. I didn't realize that the family thought I was dead.  I just assume that you were giving me space since I was angry, "  stated Dhawal

"If you get angry, you yell at me.  Don't you dare leave!   Yes, I was angry with you!  We broke up! You annuled our marriage.  You got engaged.  But we were still together.  Then you called me characterless.  That  broke me.  You didn't trust me. Then I broke up with you again.  Then you apologised.  Fine, I wasn't accepting the apology.  Then you almost died, and I almost died.  Heck, you did die, I would fight death for you!  You are only mine.  Yes, we weren't together, but sooner or later, we would get back together.  Because there is no Dhawal without his Natasha." cried Natasha in Dhawal's arms.

"Ssshh.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.  I didn't realize.  I thought you were happy without me.  I missed you so much!  I wanted you, but I thought you were moving on in your life!  I love you and only you,"  Dhawal cried.

"Oye, Laila Manjnu!  It's time to get out of here.   We have real criminals to lock up!" yelled the police officer.

"Thank you," Natasha and Dhawal stated as they got up.  Dhawal put his arm around her as he guided her out of the police station.

"Dhawal, I know you are angry with Amrish Bhai, but the rest of the family needs to know that you are ok.  Please, let's go  back.  If you don't want to go to Makwana Mansion.  Let's go to Pandya Niwas.  Please." 

"Ok.  But I can't stay at there either.  I don't want to stay at Makwana Mansion, nor can I stay at Pandya Niwas.  I will find something.  Don't worry, " said Dhawal

"Why can't you stay at Pandya Niwas?"  asked Natasha

"Because we aren't married.  And I won't stay there and make the rest of the family uncomfortable."  stated Dhawal

"Fine, we will get married before we go there.  Not one word out of you unless it is a yes or an ok." ordered Natasha.  "We WILL get a proper wedding afterward, but for now. This will work.  And if you still resist, I will smack you!" 

"Ok.  Fine."

Shortly after, Natasha and Dhawal got married at the temple before heading out back to Somnath.    Natasha quickly called Dolly and told her that she had found Dhawal.    They arrived at Makwana Mansion to let the family know that Dhawal was ok.

When they arrived, they were greeted with excitement.  The brothers grabbed Dhawal and didn't let go, Amrish and Ma were watching happily as Dhawal had given them a quick hug before moving towards Chirag and Bhavin.  While the Bhabi's hugged Natasha when Dolly motioned to Natasha's forehead.  Natasha's quickly motioned them to be quiet.  Hetal Bhabi said, "You guys sit. We will get tea and snacks."  

Hetal, Pranali, Dolly, and Natasha quickly moved to the kitchen.

"Spill,"  ordered Dolly

"We got married.  We will have another wedding with the family.  Dhawal is still very angry with Amrish Bhai." said Natasha, moving her hair around so the sindoor was covered, and quickly took off her mangalsutra and wrapped around her wrist.

"Where did you find him, Natasha?" asked Pranali

"In jail.  He was drunk last night.  They have been letting him sleep it off there if they find him.   But today, when I went to the police station, to see if they had any news about him, I heard him.  And I had refused to leave.  So they put me in the same cell as him."

"And the marriage?" asked Hetal Bhabi

"Well, when we left the Police Station, I was able to convince him to let the family know about finding him.   He agreed to come here, but he was not staying.  So I asked him to stay with me in Pandya Niwas, and he also denied that option, stating that he wasn't married to me, so he wasn't going to stay there.  Then I asked him to marry me.  And here we are.  But Bhabi's, please don't mention anything yet.  I am following Dhawal's lead for now.    Dhawal can not stay away from the family for too long."  said Natasha

The ladies had the tea and snacks ready for the family.   Amrish and Amba were happy to see them with the snacks.   Natasha stayed  back a little when Dhawal asked her to come sit by him.  She nervously smiled and sat beside him.  Dhawal noticed the expressions and glances that Amrish and Amba gave each other before schooling their faces.

After a little while, Natasha got up and said, "Dhawal." 

Dhawal got up and said, "Ok.  Let's go see Isha.  Do you want to grab a few of our things, we can stay at the Pandya's for a couple of days before figuring out things."  

"What do you mean?  Why?" asked Amba and Amrish

"Enough.  I wasn't going to come back,  but Natasha convinced me.  I left Makwana Mansion that day at the resort.  So now we are going to leave.  I haven't broken my relationships with everyone, but I do need space." said Dhawal, as Natasha went upstairs to their rooms to grab their stuff.

"Take all the time and space you need.  We will be here for you.   If you need anything, let me know, and it's yours."  stated Chirag.   

Not too long later, Natasha came down with the bags, which Dhawal grabbed from her.   Natasha and Dhawal said their good byes, and walked out the door.  Chirag ran after them and told them to get in his car. He would drop them off.  Dhawal agreed.  They got in Chirag's car and left.

"Chirag, we have something to tell you," said Dhawal

"Sure, tell me," said Chirag

"Natasha and I, well, we got married early in the morning."

"What!  That is the best news.  Well done, Dhawal.  I knew you could do it.  Natasha is the perfect life partner for you." said Chirag

"Bhai, the Bhabi's know, since they noticed my sindoor and mangalsutra, when we came.  But let Dhawal tell the rest of the family." asked Natasha, as she was putting her mangalsutra back on her neck.

"Dhawal, spend a couple of days with Isha and the Pandya family.  Then I will have an apartment or house arranged for you.  I know you won't stay at the farmhouse, but at least in this I can help.  You two have less than 2 months left of college.  Finish that.  Then get your jobs, be independent.   We will all help in paying back the loan."  

"But Bhai"

"Natasha, this is our family.  Amrish Bhai may not think the Pandya's as family, but we do.  Besides, it is Bhai's fault that you had to get that loan.  And if he's greedy enough to ask for the money, we as a family will work together to pay it off.  I have already spoken to Chiku and Bhavin.  We agree."  said Chirag.

Natasha smiled, "Thank you, Bhai."

Chirag said, "What thank you.  I am your brother.  You're my sister, just like Isha.  And I hope you think of me as one of my brothers." 

Natasha smiled tearfully.  "Of course, I do.  You're my big brother. And if you weren't driving, I would give you the biggest hug."

"Raincheck?" Chirag joked.

"No problem."  Then shortly they had arrived at Pandya Niwas.

Suman greeted Dhawal and Natasha with the arti thali and blessed them before welcoming them in.   Chirag followed them in.  Isha rushed towards Dhawal and hugged him tightly.  

"I thought I lost you,"  she cried.

"You won't lose me this easily.  Besides, when your bhabi is with me, nothing can happen to me." 

"You're married?"  questioned the Pandya brothers.

"Yes, you idiots.  Didn't you see the sindoor and her mangalsutra." yelled Daama

"Sorry, Daama."  they responded.

"Now congratulate your sister and brother in law, idiots!" yelled Daama

The next thing, Natasha knew she was being hugged by everyone and being congratulated.  

Chiku walked up to Dhawal, "So Saale Saab, now you are my Jiju now hun?" stated Chiku

"First, it's my right first.  You are my Saale Saab.  I get to call you Saale Saab.  I got married to your sister first.  Then you got married to my sister."  stated Dhawal

"Did you forget that your marriage got annuled in between." stated Chiku

"We may have been annuled the marriage, but since the day I married your sister, she's been my wife even though we were separate and annuled.   She was still my wife even when all that issue with Suhani and Sundip came about.   I never treated Suhani as my fiance or wife.  It was always Natasha.  Even with Sundip, I was jealous of the attention that she gave him.  In my jealousy, I have said things that I wouldn't say.  I will regret that till the day I die.  I know Natasha will never forget the words I have said, but I hope that I will do everything in my power that Natasha will  at least forgive me.  And when I found out the truth, I wanted to kill Sundip.  I regretted not speaking up.  I should have spoken up, and stopped the annulment. Otherwise, I should have married Natasha during the wedding ceremonies." stated Dhawal

"Chuki! Dhawal!"  shouted  both Isha and Natasha

"Relax, we are just joking.  We would never do anything that would hurt our wives or sister's feelings." Dhawal responded while Chiku nodded his head, smiling.

"Daama, can we stay here for a few days." asked Natasha.  Daama nodded her head, smiling.

"Kaki.  I will have something organized within a few days.   Chiku, Dhawal.  I will be in touch.  And don't worry.   Together, we will figure out everything.  I must go now, Dolly would be waiting for me. She gets cranky when I break my promises.  I had promised to eat lunch with her today."  Chirag said his goodbyes and left.

"Sheesh, Mithu, go get the sleeping arrangements organized." said Daama.

"Actually, Daama, it's quite warm. We can sleep on the  balcony.   Don't want to put anyone out of their beds." said Dhawal.  

"Dhawal, Natasha.  Don't worry about the sleeping arrangements.  Sheesh, clean up your parents' room.  Dhawal and Natasha can have that one."  said Daama

"But Daama, that room has been closed forever."  said Natasha

"Those rooms weren't closed. They were just banned to you kids.  We could have left Pandya Niwas when we lost your parents, but instead, I just closed the doors to their rooms.  I would go in there when I wanted to be near my children.  I never told you children, but I didn't want to upset you.  But now you are older, married. It's time to let go of my children.   We did Gombi and Dhara's room before Chiku's wedding.  Now we can do Dev and Rishita's room. And then you two can stay there as long as you want.  No rushing out."  said Daama

Quickly, everyone got together and cleaned the room.  Chiku went out and grabbed a bed for the room while the room was being  aired out.  So, by the time dinner was organized, the room would be ready for Natasha and Dhawal.    Dhawal noticed how everyone worked together, unlike Makwana Mansion, where everyone did everything separately.    He didn't spend any time here  before, but he was noticing things now.  He liked how everyone worked together and joked around.

 Natasha walked up to Dhawal, "Dhawal, are you ok?" she asked quietly.  He nodded.  Gave her a side hug.  "Don't worry.  it will be fine."

"Do you want to go for a walk with me?" asked Natasha

"Sure."  responded Dhawal.  "Daama, we will be  back." Natasha yelled out as she dragged Dhawal out with her.

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