Hybrids Will Rule

By catmania

6.6K 383 67

Book 1(Slowly editing,ok, not at all) Lydia Morgan is a girl with a far from normal life. Lets face the facts... More

Hybrids Will Rule
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chaper 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 12

279 16 3
By catmania

Chapter 12

Lydia's POV

"Lydia, you can't be using magic in school. It's too dangerous. What if you got caught?" Elizabet was scolding me. I was sitting on the couch, and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Just don't use magic in school, that goes for all of you here," Elizabet stood and left, passing the rest of the pack that stood at the edge of the living room, listening intently at what the wise woman of the pack had to say.

I left my spot on the couch and went outside. It was a cooler day, summer was drawing to a close. Some of the trees were already changing colors, readying to shed their leaves for winter. Large, puffy clouds raced through the blue sky, being pushed along by forceful winds. I wiped my hand over my face, taking the concealer off to reveal my tattoos that covered the majority of my face. I shifted to the black panther that now reached seven feet tall. I never noticed before, but now with time to think, I grew larger because of the power I've gained from becoming an Alpha. I bounded into the forest, and the house disappeared from view. I was fast, but made faster with the wind at my back, pushing me farther ever so slightly. I slowed to a stop in the middle of the territory. I picked out a tall tree that must have been growing for centuries and was still growing. It was a red oak. Strong. Durable. I climbed up the tree, jumping from branch to branch. I stopped at a branch that bent down slightly and laid down to rest, and think.

I awoke to a crisp night, the crescent moon climbing into the cold night sky. I must have slipped into sleep. I rose from the branch, stretching my aching limbs. I jumped from my perch, landing lightly on my padded feet. I walked home, but decided against it. I changed to the direction of where I used to call home, but now just a pile of rubble. I moved swiftly, reaching my destination. I walked out to the charred remains of the place I once called home. I walked over the ashes, letting it cling to my pads of my paws. I sat, shifted to human form, and let my feathery, black wings grow to a length that now reached sixteen feet long. The wings nestled close to me, as if afraid that I would lose myself to the cold, lifeless ashes that remained of the house that once proudly sat upon the ground, surrounded by trees, but now the sides of the trees are coated with black soot. I stood to my feet, now I myself am covered mostly with the dark ashes. I kicked the ashes out of a fury that now spread like wildfire through my veins, my nerve endings now electrified. Why them? Marlow and Darlene were the nicest people that could never harm a soul. Their only mistake was taking them into their home and hearts. It's my fault that they were burned to a crisp. Crashing to my knees, I sob into my hands, the tears a torrent of anger, frustration, guilt, all flowing to the ashes beneath me. I wiped the tears to my red eyes, my scarlet cheeks were moist with salty tears.

"Tears won't solve anything. Only the actions that I take will," I tell myself.

Over the next week, school was uneventful. There were a few run ins with Britany and her henchmen, but they avoided my pack and I as much as possible. Now, it was the weekend. I was holed up in my room with rest of the pack that was in the same grade as myself. The map was laid out over a desk, lit only by a dim lamp, the very blueprint of the raid that was about to take place. Fox himself drew it out, beings that he knows the area better than the rest of us combined. He went over the places that were guarded, and where the weak points were. He knew all the codes for the security system. He would be the one leading the raid, but I would be the one to do the most important part. Getting my revenge.

"At midnight, tonight, we'll be going. Getting in will be easy. Getting out, that's going to be the tricky part. Another thing, everyone going that plans on shifting from multiple different forms will need a special suit, made especially for shifting. The only form will it be apparent is the human form," Fox was saying, reviewing some of what was already planned.

We split for now, everyone retiring to their own rooms, until it was time to leave. Hera stayed behind and plopped herself down on my cushioned bed.

"You sure you want to go through with this?" she asked, staring directly at me.

I avoided her gaze, instead, looked over by the map drawn by Fox, "Yes, I have to. To make him pay for the pain that he has caused. Even if he is my mate or not."

She stood from her spot and made her way to the door, she paused, her back to me, "You know that you can only do so much before it's beyond justifying."

I didn't reply as my Beta and only blood family left through the door to her own room. I looked over the map again in the dim light, before I finally rolled it up and put it away. I peered out the window, and saw that the sun was setting, casting its glow over the earth, making the sky alight with different hues of oranges, purples, pinks, and blues. It was an amazing sight to see, but most people don't take the time to take in its beauty, being that it happens every evening. Nonetheless, it was beautiful sight.

The moon reached the top of the sky, signaling it was time to leave. I was in the skintight, black suit that could last through shifting and showed off my body that was beginning to develop. I exited my room quietly, and made my way down the stairs by floating. My feet touched the floor at the bottom of my stairs, and I slipped out of the house. Fox was already sitting at the porch, and soon enough, Hera, Thorn, and Shadow arrived. We took off, all of us having shifted into our forms, a black panther, a white panther, a fox colored wolf, and two black wolves with red eyes. To any spectator, they would think they are hallucinating. All of were fast, and that being in a pack means if one is powerful, the rest of the pack can become powerful, too. All of us were faster than normal supernaturals, stronger than normal, but I was the fastest, the strongest. I led my pack through the trees that twisted and turned, weaving and leaping through. Fox was at my side, being that he was the one to direct where to go within the enemy pack's terrotory. We finally arrived, slowing down for some of us to catch their breath. Once fully abled, we snuck to the back of the tall house like mansion, where there was least protection from intruders. The four of us that had vampire blood running through our veins shifted into mist and went through underneath the door. Shifting to smaller forms like bats, the rest waited while I shifted to human and let Fox in. He shifted to human, while I shifted to a bat. The four of us fluttered around, and came to a rest by sitting upon Fox's broad, powerful shoulders, two bats to a shoulder. he walked through the dark hall that was bright to us, and came upon a staircase. He went up the flights of steps without encountering another werewolf, so far so good. He paused at the top flight, listening through the door. Soft voices could be heard speaking in the hallway, just beyond the thick door. I shifted to mist and went under the door. I remained in mist form, drifting to where the two wolves were. They both were tall and broad, like a tree, and one had tattoos all over his face. Soon, they were out like a light because I used a sleeping spell, but it didn't work until I went in their faces as mist. I returned to the door, and shifted to human and opened the door, Fox slipped in with three bats on his shoulder. He silently stalked through the dark hall, and stopped at one door. He tapped it once, and I opened it, revealing a dark room with a queen sized bed against the wall. In the middle of the bed was a sleeping figure, blankets crinkled around the edges of the figure. I looked to Fox, and walked into the room. I floated to where he slept peacefully, snoring softly. He looked like an innocent person, but I knew differently. Berfore I did anything, I dropped a note. I cast the sleeping spell, and lifted him up. He was heavier than I expected, but it didn't matter. I floated out of the room, and nodded to Fox to go back down the stairs. I would go out the window. It opened easily, and was fairly easy to fit through. I floated to the ground and landed softly. I waited for the others to show up at the door, and when they did get out, we left.

"What do we do now?" Shadow asked. We were in the basement of our own home, and in the corner was Kyle, bound by duct tape with his hands behind his back. He was silenced by a sock stuffed in his mouth and duct tape went all the way around his head three times to make sure it stayed like that. He was blindfolded, and the rest of his senses were blocked by magic. He couldn't shift because Hera found a spell, and so far it was working like a charm.

"We have to set up a video system so that we can contact the Alpha of the Forest pack," Fox said while inspecting the hostage with hate filled eyes. Fox continued to work at the system, making sure it was working properly. As of late, Fox has figured out he has a thing for electronics, which right now, we needed him to work the system.

Shadow nodded, her eyes having a faraway look, then she asked me, "What is it like, to have a mate that you hate so much?"

I shrugged,"It's like hating anyone else. It's just that our bond broke when I learned what he did," I lied. It actually hurt like a bitch to hate him. There will always be a little part of me that loves him, no matter what he has done, or if I reject him. I'm just lucky that I have two mates instead of one. I have yet to find the Hybrid mate, until then, I will still love Kyle, no matter how much I hate him.

"Ok, it's ready to go. They'll be on any minute now," Fox said as he turned on the camcorder.

"Alright, get your gear on, we'll be contacting them in a couple of minutes," everyone pulled on black clothing and ski masks.

The screen flashed green a couple times, and then there was an image. It was the Alpha of the Forest pack and his mate. The Alpha had no expression, but his mate, the Luna, she looked scared to death, and she gasped in horror when she saw her son gagged and bound. I made sure my voice changer was on before speaking.

"What have you done to my son?" the Alpha asked, his facade holding up well.

"We have kidnapped him, and in order to get him back, you have to give up your position as Alpha to me," I spoke with a deep male voice. So the voice changer does work, nice.

"Never!" he shouted angrily, lividly. He seemed ready to shift, but held on by a thread.

"Very well. X, grab the taser," Shadow ripped the gag off of Kyle and tasered him. Kyle screamed in agony as the electric shock coursed through his system. As Kyle screamed in pain, his mother screamed in horror. I cringed as the electricity went through my own veins. I can avoid being brought down by my strength, but seems Kyle wasn't so lucky.

"If you do not give up your position, we will torture your son and eventually kill him," I spoke, letting the Alpha soak in every word.

"Please, please just say you'll do it," the Luna begged him, sobbing and hiccuping as she begged. She could not take watching her son in pain, she was in hysteria.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" she sobbed. I almost felt sorry for her, almost.

"Your son must pay for what he has done to the people that were the closest thing I had to parents," I stated simply.

Her face paled, and she hiccuped in the midst of sobbing. The Alpha tried to console her by brushing back her while she buried her face into his shoulder. She tried to convince her mate to give up his position to save their son. I could tell that he was having trouble making the decision. Was he really that thick that he cared more about power than his own son? Pathetic.

"It  appears that your time has run out. Make your desicion now, and seal your fate," I told them.

"I will keep my position as an Alpha," he said icily. His mate was horrified, and I could tell things will be ending badly for them.

"So be it, your son will die," I said.

The connection was cut off, everyone took their masks off. I slipped the voice changer off and turned to face the pack.

Hera looked at me, and asked, "Do you really intend to kill him?"

"No. I will erase his memory of his family, and he will never be able to shift again," I circled around him, " when he dreams, he will dream of his family, he will dream of what he did to Darlene and Marlow. This will be his curse and he will be relocated to a place far away."

"So, where are you going to put him?"

"Europe.  I already made arrangements with a guy in Italy," I told everyone.

"So, looks like a road trip to Italy," Fox said.

And for me to claim my position as Alpha of Alphas and show the whole supernatural world what Lydia is made of.

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