Ashley's kanto adventure

By Tykiyahcovington487

3.3K 25 0

Ashley Ketchum starts her journey at age ten, she embarks on a wonderful journey filled with love and excitem... More

The beginning
Tales of a feather
New Friends and new challenges
First victory
New recruiter
Welcome to the team
Bugged out
First gym badge
A rare Pokémon?
Second victory
A new challenger
School is in session
Who's that Pokémon?
Fire with a desire
Squad goals
Information: part two
A famous researcher
Electric Boogaloo
All aboard
Who you gonna call?
So psyched
Garden of Erika
Too hot to handle
Breaking new grounds
Grass is always greener
Final round
So close and yet so far
Tough love
For the win
Cold as ice
Grand finale
So long, farewell

The way of a ninja

48 0 0
By Tykiyahcovington487

Ashley and her Pokémon find themselves lost in a forest en route to the Fuchsia Gym and decide to take a break by a waterfall. Ashley brushes Growlithe and comments on his beautiful fur, while Bulbasaur takes a sip of water.

As they head off for the Gym, a Venonat watches them from the trees. The group ends up at an odd-looking mansion where they stop to ask directions, though it appears to be deserted.

Ashley leans against a wall and falls through it. Machop knocks on the wall and it is revealed to be a secret door, in which they quickly locate Ashley. Suddenly, the same Venonat that was spying on them before appears. It hops away, so they decide to follow it.

Suddenly, a girl, who identifies herself as a ninja warrior Aya, jumps from the ceiling. Ashley and her Pokémon criticizes Aya's dangerous traps.

Aya claims that she will not let the group go until she and Ashley have a battle; she accepts the one-on-one match. Aya sends out Venonat and Ashley chooses Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur uses Tackle, but Venonat jumps on its head and launches a Stun Spore attack, which Bulbasaur blows away.

It then replies with its Vine Whip, though Venonat evades it and scores a direct hit with its Psybeam. Bulbasaur then finishes it off with Leech Seed before its vines quickly entangle the Insect Pokémon and drain it of its energy.

Aya recalls her Venonat, just as a Voltorb appears and uses Self-Destruct, filling the room with smoke.

Koga appears, explains that they are at the Fuchsia Gym, reveals that he is the Gym Leader, introduces Aya as his younger sister, and announces that he will battle Ashley and will not let the group go until she does.

Ashley states her intentions of wanting to find the Gym and challenge Koga, and Koga shows her a Soul Badge that she can earn by defeating him. Ashley sends in Pidgeot, and Koga responds by sending out his own Venonat, which promptly evolves into Venomoth.

Koga orders Venomoth to use Stun Spore, and Ashley orders Pidgeot to use Whirlwind. This time, however, the Stun Spore paralyzes Pidgeot. Venomoth then follows up with Sleep Powder, prompting Ashley to recall Pidgeot and send out Charmander.

Venomoth uses Stun Spore again, but Charmander blocks it with a Flamethrower. "Charmander, use Fire Spin!" Ashley said as her Fire-type releases a spiraling stream of fire from his mouth at the Poison Moth Pokémon, trapping and burning it in a fiery tornado.

Koga recalls his scorched Bug/Poison-type back into its Poké Ball. Koga's Golbat makes the first move, swooping on Ashley's Charmander with a Wing Attack. Charmander keeps Golbat away with his Ember attack, though Koga responds with Screech.

Despite the high frequency, Charmander launches a series of Flamethrower attacks, burning Golbat's wing in the process. Charmander then wins the battle with a Fire Blast. Koga promptly gives Ashley a Soul Badge in recognition of Charmander's battle skill alongside Pidgeot's efforts for challenging his Venomoth.

Ashley and her Pokémon go on their way. Ashley is holding the Soul Badge in her hand with a smile on her face. Then, Ashley's Pokédex chimes in, identifying Bulbasaur's second and third attacks as Solar Beam and Take Down, respectively.

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