Dark Wolf

By KatMC1994

541 25 5

Luna, a beauty, a beast all in one. Left to fend for herself. Born to a vampire. Considered a human. However... More

Taste of Darkness
Finding Ray
The Talk
Romance Brewing
On Lookers
Past Events
Mrs. Dean History
Appointments Clashes
Double or Trouble
Mostly Bed Rest
The Ball
Breaking Contracts
Daddy Time
Past History
Black Out
Training 2.0
Sweet Goodbyes
Dark Warrior Wolf
This is Just a Reminder for myself

Prison or Home

38 2 0
By KatMC1994

        Confusion keeps running through my brain..am I free? Am I not?

        Charlie's handed Zane the handcuffs and keys. "in case she runs, I would at least hand cuff her to the cars handles so she doesn't run. At least not to till you get to your place," he said.

     I inserted an eye-roll because this bastard just used me. Then fricken sold me. Who does that. What is wrong with these people. And who in the hell is Zane?

    Part of me was glad to be leaving this hell hole. The other part was unsure how this would turn out. 

    Was Zane a good guy? Was he a bad guy? I had no clue. Part of me felt safe however around him. The other part was unsure about his intentions.

   As we headed out Zane did use the cuffs. However, I wasn't going to argue about it. After all I know these individuals would be able to make my life a living hell.

Anyone who had that much money had so much power. Some people allow power to go to their heads. Others not so much. I didn't know enough about this person to determine if he had allowed power to go to his head yet.

      I had to follow by there rules. I couldn't just fight. At least not yet. However, a life like this is not one worth living. Well at least back in the dungeon place.

     The weather was awful chilly and rainy. I always hated the loud bang of thunder. Being inside all those years and not knowing what was happening. It made everything so strange.

       Zane stopped walking at a jacked up red dodge truck. The kind that had four doors on it.

      He gentle picked me up after opening the door. He placed me carefully inside and chained my wrist to the handle above my head.

     Part of me was hoping this would be a short ride. No telling really.

     "Look, when we get back to our place you should know a few things," Zane started after getting in the front seat.

    I was still processing the fact that I was out of one hell hole. However, possibly going to another.

      Zane begun to snap his fingers to get me out of my trans.

    "Anyways, what you need to know, we have rules. Curfews. Food schedules. It's strict in our home. It's strict for a reason," he says.

      "Why?" My curiosity had picked interested. It seemed like I might be able to roam around if his allowing me to know so much about the rules.

     "We have a rule no feeding on humans, at least not on nor near our home. If people want blood they ask for blood bags or go hunting for animals near our grounds." He stated.

     That part actually seemed beneficial for me. Considering it sounds like I'm going to another vampire hell place.

I did not want to be back on the food menu. I had spent years being vampire meals. I was tired of it. I felt as though I should be terrified of this individual and yet comfort flowed in the air.

      "No fighting, we can't have anyone shifting out of control and then hurt someone who doesn't have their abilities yet," he stated interrupting my thoughts.

     That statement was a bit more confusing for me however. If we are only dealing with vampires. Why would it matter. Well besides the obvious. Even some monsters can't came back from the dead.

       " Those are my main rules. And I expect them to be followed at all time. If they are not followed punishments will be given. Are we clear?" He asked with his eye brow raised.

      "What type of punishments are we talking?" I asked.

       "Let's hope you don't have to find out," he says as he speeds off. I wondered what he meant? After all I had had enough punishments to last me a lifetime. As I slowly begin to dose off.


     No! No! Baby? Baby? I wished I could care. I wished momma was better. But, I'm not. It's crazy I sent you away to protect you.

Mom! Mom! I try to yell into the pitch black abyss.

Over here we found a trace of her! Someone yells out.

You can't have a hybrid child. We refuse! My brother is no longer in charge! I am! I will have you slaughtered before you have that demon child! The man says with so much hatred.

I can't move. I can't talk. I'm just laying in the grass a good distance away. While they beat her till she was unconscious. Till they thought she was dead.

No! No! No!
I try screaming tossing and turning. 

What was that? It felt real. I watched as he dragged her out of the forest. Snot running down her face. Blood dripping from her face. She tried fighting them off. But she just couldn't.

Another scene played out in front of me. Another hand grabbing a hold of me. I could tell by her arms it was a female. She felt harmless to a degree. But I could feel the negative energy as well spread out across her.

"Your so young. Yet your supposed to be so powerful," she states. Rocking me back and forth in her arms.

Her eyes where red. It was clear she was a vampire. But why was she with the wolves?

"Your mother was my friend you know? That was until he wanted her more than me!" The lady said with tears in her eyes.

Why was she so upset about my mother? Why betray over another person?


"Hey are you okay?" Zane ask.

I look at my wrist and see I broken the handle off his truck. Then I look at his face. His filled with general concerned.

What did that dream mean? I don't believe I should tell a soul. Who knows what would happen.

I was relieved however to not be surrounded by those monsters from the dungeon.

"I'm fine...I managed to mutter" knowing damn well its a lie.

    "Well we are here," he states.

I look around. It's huge. A property that looks like it has its on mansion on one side. A school on the other. Some type of training for workout on the opposite side and looks like a garden in the center.

    Clearly this guy was rich when he decided to blow his money. But damn. I didn't realize he was this damn rich.

      "Hey handsome," says some lady with red hair and red lipstick. The way she talked and walked yelled seductive.

      "Zane. Just call me Zane." He said with tip lips as if he was getting aggravated about something.

     "That's not what you where saying the other night when you where in my bed now was it?" The red had said while putting her hands on his shoulders and trying to slide her hands down to his back.

       Zane yanked her hand away however. And I'm just standing awkwardly there. A part of me felt hurt. I didn't know why. I had no business feeling hurt.

     Yet, I walked away. (Well towards the building specifically the mansion). I managed to find an empty room and well since I didn't have any belongs I just decided to crawl up in bed and fall asleep. After all I was exhausted from the trips.
The nightmare and being drained of blood all those years.

Now I am free at least semi free. 

But why did I allow that woman to get under my skin? Why did it bother me so bad that the red headed woman was clearly in Zane's bed.

I was never a jealous or envious person. So why now? What has changed? I didn't understand.

I honestly felt a bit broken. Maybe it had something to do with the change of the place. Or maybe I was just going crazy.

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