Nawal - One Shots

By nina282

64.6K 2.4K 369

One shots More

Truth Unveils - Part 1
The Past Unfolds
Destroyed Emotions
Redemption (Part 2 of Breakdown)
Redemption - Version 2
Battling the Storm
Amrish Shocked and Hetal Rocked
Battling the Storm - Version 2
Starting Over Again
Giving Up
The Aftermath
the aftermath - version 2
Fighting for her - Aftermath 2 V2
Switcheroo 2
Giving Up - Version 2
Coming Home
Convincing Natasha
Love Overcomes
A new beginning
Winning a war
Her wedded life
Her wedded life 2
Overcoming the defeat
Wedding Affair
New Beginnings
Leaving to Heal
Overcoming Obstacles
Helpless Part 2
Family's encounter
Love and War
Fighting for her loves
Overcoming the hurdles (part 2)
Standing Up for Her
Giving Hope
love in the air
His Runaway Wife
Runaway Wife part 2
Hide and Seek Bride
Finally together ❤️
Hide and Seek Bride Part 2
Painful truths
The Arranged Marriage
A New Start
His wife
Pageant (Version 1)
Pageant (Version 2)
Broken Truths
Love Wins ❤️
Jealousy: Action and Reaction
Aftermath of Deception
Winning her over
Reunion - part 2
Some home truths drilled in
The Chase
The Return
A New Life
Fragile truth
The Apologies
Dhawal's fight for his love
Supporting Natasha
Arrange or Love
Holi Explosions
Aftermath of Holi
Aftermath of Holi part 2
Finally the truth comes out
Broken Relationships
Broken Relationships V2
Broken Relationships V2 part 2
The Fallout
Fallout Part 2
Amba's Downfall
Changing Dynamics
The Outing
The Return V2
The Repentance
The Repentance Part 2
Truth comes out - V2
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Part 2
Cause and Effect # 3
Rejected then married
Dhawal's Win
Annulment or Reconciliation
Married you again
Making sure she heals
Breaking Free V1
Not Giving Up
The move
Bringing her home
Fighting for Her
Hot and Cold
Love at first Sight
Makwana vs Makwana
Family Reunited
Standing by her
The marriage arrangement

The Downfall

361 20 0
By nina282

Following the Dhawal's release from the hospital, Natasha was blackmailed by Amrish to stay at the Makwana Mansion, which Natasha hated, but she did want Dhawal to get better.

A week later, Dhawal had left the Makwana Mansion after finding out how manupulative Amrish was.    The showdown between Dhawal and Amrish was horrible, but in the end, Dhawal left the house.   Amba had blamed Natasha,and Natasha had promised herself that she would bring back Dhawal  to the Makwana family.

Natasha finally got a plan to bring him back with Amrish's blessing to open a clinic for Pranali.  Everything was working well until one of the patients got worse after receiving treatment from Pranali.   Amrish was blamed for supplying fake drugs, and Amrish and Dhawal's relationship got worse instead of getting better.  Natasha couldn't figure out what happened until she overheard a conversation between Amba and Bhavin.  She couldn't believe they would stoop so low.

Natasha called Dhawal crying, "Dhawal, can we meet right now?"

"Natasha, what's wrong?  Why are you crying?  What happened?"  panicked Dhawal

"I need to see you right now.  Please.  I will explain, "  cried Natasha.

"Ok.  Stay there.  I will pick you up.   It's late.  It won't be safe."  said Dhawal.  "I will be there in  minutes."  

Fifteen minutes later, Dhawal rode in on a motorbike.   As soon as Dhawal stopped the bike, Natasha rushed to him, wanting comfort from Dhawal.   It scared Dhawal, as Natasha was very strong.   Something must be very wrong for Natasha to feel like this.

"Sssh.  Natasha.   I'm here.  Let's go.  And then tell me everything." 

"Let's go to Daama's, please.  Between all of us, maybe we can figure out a solution.  Please." asked Natasha.

"Okay. Put the helmet on and get on." said Dhawal

Natasha put on the helmet and went on behind Dhawal.   Dhawal rode off towards the Pandya Niwas.

Once they arrived, Natasha quickly grabbed Dhawal's hand and dragged him into Pandya Niwas.  Everyone was in the sitting room, and Natasha yelled.  "We'll be back in 5 minutes.  Don't leave.  And don't tell anyone we are here!"  as she dragged Dhawal to her old room.

"Natasha, what is going on?  You are seriously scaring me!"

"Dhawal, I don't know if you will believe me.  But I found something so vile, I can't believe they could do this." cried Natasha.

"Natasha, calm down.  I won't be able to understand you if you keep on crying.  Now start from the beginning."

Natasha took a deep breath.  "I had promised myself to bring you  back to Makwana family because it was my fault that you had left. I mean, it was Amrish's doing, but I was the reason.   My family always believed that whatever you do, don't let the family break.  So, I was trying to fix things.  I thought if we opened Pranali's clinic, it was a step in the right direction.  You would be  proud of Pranali as we were.  But I was wrong.   Pranali's clinic was supplied fake drugs, and you blamed Amrish, but it wasn't his plan.  It was Ma and Bhavin's plan, so Pranali's license would be canceled.  How could they do that?  Why would they do that?"  she cried in Dhawal's arms. 

Dhawal tightened his arms around Natasha.

"Sssh.  We will get to the bottom of this."  said Dhawal, trying not to show anger towards his brother and mother.

"I'm sorry.  I'm sorry, "  she cried over and over.

"Sssh.  Now dry your eyes.  Let's sit down and talk.  I believe Daama and the rest of them are confused.  Let's figure out something.   We won't let Pranali Bhabi's clinic close."  stated Dhawal as he grabbed her hand and pulled out of their room and took downstairs to the sitting room where everyone was waiting patiently.

"Let's call Chirag and the Bhabi's." said Dhawal

"  We can't call Bhabi's.  Pranali Bhabi would be very hurt to find out about Ma and Bhavin Bhai."  said Natasha.

"Okay.  Let me call Chirag only then."  said Dhawal

Ten minutes later, Chirag made his way to Pandya Niwas.  He was so happy to see Dhawal.  The first thing he did was give him a hug.  He was so happy to see Dhawal.

"Chirag Bhai, what I am going to say will hurt, and you may not believe me, but I heard it straight from their mouths.   As you know that Pranali's license is in danger of being cancelled, and Amrish Bhai was blamed for getting the tainted supply.  Well I found out earlier today that it was actually Bhavin and Ma's plan so that Pranali's license would be cancelled, and she would have to stay as a housewife, and her family under the Makwana family influence.  As Bhavin always throws that Pranali's family lives on what Amrish provides."

"How could they? How could they be so deceitful with their own family members?" stated a shocked Chirag.  

"Okay.  We need to figure out how to save Pranali Bhabi's license and get proof."  said Natasha

"I will help with getting the proofs," said Esha

"So will we,"  said the Pandya Brothers.  Chirag and Dhawal smiled at the brothers gratefully.

"Children, we will help as much as we can.  But have you thought of the aftermath of all this.   Before you start this, you will need to figure out the possible outcomes and what you are willing to accept."  said Daama

"Listen, I lived a long time.  I have experienced a lot.  Alot of pain and happiness.  You see, when Natasha was 2 months old, she was kidnapped by Chiku's birth mum.  We didn't see her for 7 years.  And after her kidnapping, my family broke.  Everyone left except Gombi and Dhara.  They also came back after 7 years after Dhara fake a small illness into a big one.   Then my sons were under one roof, but there was tension between them.  But then Natasha came back, and slowly, my children's tension was lessening.  We had a few months of happiness.   But then the earthquake happened.  My children were in the bank and tried to save lives, but in the end, I lost them all.  My grandchilden all became orphans, losing their parents.  So we have experience in broken relationships.   We always try to salvage them.  So I ask again think about the outcome.  Sometimes, things need to be  broken so they can be fixed."  said Daama.

Dhawal started to think that was the case in their situation.  

"Chirag, find out from Pranali Bhabi, what the name of the supplier is.  We can fake a raid and get some information.  Once we get all the information, we can confront Bhavin and Ma.

As things were being iron out, and everyone was giving out suggestions, a proper plan was being planned out.    The girls were excited about the plan as they were planning to dress up as police officers.  Chiku stated that "I will be there to protect Esha and Natasha."

"I will be there to protect Natasha.  She's my wife, " stated Dhawal

"She was your wife.  Not anymore." stated Chiku

"She's my wife.  A piece of paper doesn't not decide that!" smacking the pilar injuring his hand.  Dhawal glanced at his hand and then at Natasha.  He nodded his head towards her, and she smiled.   The next thing everyone knew was that Dhawal filled Natasha's forehead partition with his blood.

"Now we are married.  We will have the proper wedding after we save Pranali's clinic.  But nobody is going to take Natasha away from me.  She's my wife now, and for every lifetime til the end of time."  said Dhawal

"Dhawal!  How could you?"  yelled, everyone

"Guys, don't.   I feel the same way.  Dhawal is my husband.  I only rejected him after the wedding because I was angry at his words, and then it was because I wasn't sure if he just felt guilty.  I wanted him to love me.  Stand by me.  And these last few weeks,  he has.   I didn't want him to leave his family.  I thought if I stayed with the family, I could help repair some relationships.  But I didn't know what lenghts they would go to get their way.   So I called Dhawal and then we came here.  Even now, he made sure I was ok before filling my partition." Surprising, everyone.

"Ok, ok.  Fine.   Natasha and Dhawal are married. We will have all the proper functions after you all help Pranali in saving her clinic.   Chirag, Natasha.  If Pranali needs a place to stay, for any reason, tell her to come here."   said Daama

"Dhawal, Chirag Bhai.  How do we save Pranali Bhabi and Bhavin Bhai's relationship.  She will be so broken when she finds out what Bhai and Ma did."

"We will do everything to save them.   We first need to change Bhavin's thinking.   With Ma and Amrish Bhai thinking women's place is in the kitchen only.  Bhavin has also had this thought.  We need to change this thought while trying to get the proofs."  said Dhawal

"We also need to speak to Pranali.  Make her strong,  explain to her that Bhavin, under the influence of Ma, has done something hurtful, but that we will fix it and that she needs to be patient." said Chirag

"Finally.  It's been a long time coming.  Natasha, Hetal Bhabi was right.  She had said one time that this family needed change and Natasha was the one to bring it."  said Esha.

"Ok.  Now it's late.  Let's start working on the plan tomorrow.  Until then, why don't you go home or to your rooms."  stated Daama

"Natasha, come I will take you home," said Chirag.

"Chirag, I will drop off Natasha. Just make sure that the family is busy.  Give us about 20 minutes.   Gonna take Natasha for a quick drive before dropping her off."  said Dhawal.

"Ok." said Chirag, leaving

"Dhawal, what are you planning?"  asked Natasha

"I wanted to spend some time with my wife.   My life is back with me again.  My love.  My life."  said Dhawal

Natasha smiled before getting on the bike.   Dhawal drove off and stopped at a dhaba.   Dhawal and Natasha ordered a tea,  before just talking.   Natasha let it slip that she was missing him in the Makwana Mansion.  That she would sneak into his room to feel closer to him.

Dhawal smiled and gave her a side hug.  "Let's get this issue fixed then. We can figure out the rest." 

A couple of weeks later, Natasha confronted Bhavin and Amba.   She walked into the house, yelling for everyone.  Amba was disgusted at her display. "Didn't your family teach you any manners?"
Amba yelled.

"Manners, Ma.  Are you saying this?" stated Natasha.

Bhavin yelled, "Natasha, you are insulting our mother,"  while Chirag and Amrish didn't say a word.   Esha, Chiku, and Dhawal were outside listening in.

"Mother.  A mother does not manipulate her children.  And that's what she has  been doing all these years.  There was a reason you didn't want me as your daughter in law.   I would have seen through you.    You think women are weak!  That they deserve to be in the kitchen  only.  Then fine.  Then you should also keep to the kitchen only.  YOU shouldn't have interfered with my relationship with Dhawal.  You have been doing that since day one, correct?  You were the one that brought the alcohol into the party for the sole purpose of getting me drunk so Dhawal would break our engagement." 

Amba was shocked.  She couldn't believe that the truth was coming out.  When Amba didn't protest, Natasha carried on.

"Also, the fake Chiku was your doing?  Don't try to deny it, I found the proofs.  You know it sad, a woman, most likely a jealous woman, will destroy another woman's life.   And when I brought back Esha, you were grateful, but as a gift, you and Amrish Bhai made sure that Dhawal and I got divorced.  Well, Ma, guess what.  Esha is married into my family.   And Chiku agrees with me, Esha will never associate with the Makwana family.  You see, I see how you treat your daughter in laws family.  There are people that you walk all over,  you want to lord over them. Correct.  Well, now it's our turn. We will be treating you the same way.   Guess what I found out in the last few days." asked Natasha

The Bhabis were quiet, trying to figure out  what's was going on.   Chirag was calm, while Amrish was quiet, but Bhavin, he was seething.

"Ma, Arvind Makwana.  He was your husband, correct?  Would he be happy the way you have raised your children?  The way you treat your daughter in laws?"  asked Natasha

"Natasha, you are stepping over your limits!" yelled Bhavin

"Limits!  I haven't even begun!  Fine!  Let's start.  Fifteen years ago, you all lost a husband/father, correct? " asked Natasha

"Correct," answered Amrish

"Well, I believe your father got stuck at the bank, Somnath Bank, during the earthquake.  He was taken out of the bank by strangers.  They were able to help him but lost their lives.  Your father succumbed to his injuries in the hospital, but that family didn't even make out of the bank."

"That is correct.  How do you know that? "  asked Amrish

"You see, that was my family.  My family.  I lost 8 members of my family.   We grieved for our loved ones.   We followed in our family's footsteps.   Trustworthy, family, and love are the valves that were ingrained with.    But it seems that this family only knows deceitfulness.  If I follow Amrish Bhai's values, which is money.   What is my family's lives worth?  My family lost their lives trying to save your father." shocking everyone.   No one said a word..

"Now to the issue on hand, Ma, you may have been weak.  So you have trained your sons well.  They think their wives are weak.  But you are not weak. You are manipulative.  You think that a woman can't have a job and take care of the family.   In which year are you living?  You were what 35 when you lost your husband.  My Daama was also approximately 35 when she lost her husband.  She raised her four boys alone.  Then they got married and had children.   She was 60 years old when she started over.  Raising Mithu, Sheesh, and I.    She was 60 years old, and she had lost her whole world.   Her children.  Her eldest grandchild was lost.  But she stayed strong.  What did you do?  Cry and repeated women are weak."  stated Natasha

"Women are weak," stated Amba

"No, Ma.  Women are not weak.   We fight every day!  For our rights!  For our family!  For our husband!  And for our children!"

Natasha looked around.  "Ma, did you know that the police is close to arresting Amrish Bhai?" 

"What? Why would they do that!"  cried Amba

"Well, the fake drugs that were peddled through Pranali Bhabi's clinic were ordered by Amrish."  said Natasha

"No.  They weren't ordered by Amrish, but Bhavin." stated Amba

"Why they be ordered by Bhavin"

"Cause I told him to.  I want Pranali's clinic closed and her license cancelled, so she would never take this step again."

"Why would you even think of that!" Natasha responded

"Why should she be working?  Bhavin provides for her.  He keeps her in line through her family.  She should be taking care of Bhavin and her kitchen."  shocking the ladies. 

"Well, in your rush to make sure that Pranali stays home, Amrish Bhai is the one going to jail since the paperwork is under his name." stated Natasha

Amba looked towards Bhavin. "Do something!"

"You know, Ma, you should have stayed in the kitchen instead of playing with your children's lives and destroying it.   You see, together, we would have worked together.  We could have adjusted.  Some days Pranali Bhabi worked late, we would have made dinner.  Some days, I would have, and they could make it.  When we are a family, we work together and get things done.  And we would have adjusted where everyone was happy.  But no, you couldn't have that.  You even admitted that you couldn't have me in the family because I would join everyone together.  Why didn't you want your daughter in laws to be together.   Because this show of family unity is disgusting.  Amrish Bhai held this family together through fear and manipulation.   And you know what,  i am done trying to get Dhawal to come back home.  I've finally given up on the so-called Makwana family. You can do that yourselves.   I'm done."  stated Natasha

"Actually, Ma, I am glad that I am not a Makwana anymore."  stated Esha as they walked in.

"Dhawal," Amba yelled as she tried to hug him.

Dhawal raised his hands and said, "No.  I can't believe you.  I knew Amrish Bhai was manipulative.  But my mother and Bhavin.   Did you not have any shame?  What if someone died?  What would you have done then?  I can't believe how far you would go to hurt your own family members."  yelled Dhawal

"No.  We wouldn't."said Amba

"You did.   Family fights for each other, not against each other.  You may not wanted to work. That was your choice.  But why did you take Bhabi's choices.  All because you could.   You wanted someone to follow you blindly.  And you got us doing it with Amrish Bhai.   We have no identity except for being Amrish Makwana's bhai.   We can't do anything except follow Bhai's words.  We can't go on a trip with our wife if we want.  We can't even go out to dinner.   We can't live our lives unless it thru Amrish Bhai.  And I will not be living as Amrish Bhai's brother.  I want to be known as Dhawal Makwana.   I just came to grab my wife, as she will be leaving today.  And if anyone wants to join us, you are more than welcome.    You see, we will be living our lives without any interference."  stated Dhawal

"Wife," asked Amrish

"Oh, I must have forgotten.  I am getting married to Natasha."  said Dhawal

"And Ma, we are done too.  I won't risk my marriage." stated Esha.

"Actually, we will be leaving also along with Pranali Bhabi,"  stated Chirag.  "Until Bhavin realizes his mistakes and stops taking Pranali Bhabi for granted, she will be living with us.  And she will be working at her clinic."  stated Chirag.

"But her clinic is closed," said Bhavin

"Actually, the police have the culprits in jail.  Amrish Bhai is not going to jail since they confessed.  Pranali Bhabi's license is safe."  stated Natasha.

"Natasha, go grab your things.  We need to leave."  said Dhawal

"Pranali Bhabi, Dolly, go grab your things.   We will wait here.  Then, we will leave."  stated Chirag, surprising everyone as he was the most easygoing of the brothers.

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