Walker Scobell One-Shots

By yelleorchids1

56K 729 697

title is pretty self explanatory, I'll try to upload one a week. I'm Walkers age I'm not weird trust ๐ŸŽ€ I'm j... More

posting schedule
โ€ข one-shots โ€ข
-1-meet cute
-2-missin' you
-4-wisdom teeth- walker
-5-heart broken
-6-1K read special- Beach Date
-8-passed out
-9-a day out on the lake- pt1
-11-skate boarding
-13-a day on the set
-14-emergency room visit
-15-silent treatment
-19-post school naps
-20-easter egg hunt
-21-April Fools!
-23- "let's not continue this"
-24- grief
-25- reading
-26- car sick
โ€ข head cannons โ€ข
ice skating
what it's like to date Walker
the perfect birthday
sport mini series
sports- dance
sports- volleyball
sports- netball
sports- softball
sports- soccer
sports(club)- muscial theatre
sports- sideline cheer
sports- competitive cheer
sports- swimming
sports- girls tackle football
ice skating
goal keepers
track and field + cross country
places for dates


1.4K 15 7
By yelleorchids1

summary: Walker invites you to be his date at the Percy Jackson premiere....

trigger warnings: anxiety and anxiety attack (please don't read if you can not handle this type of stuff!! I will have a summary at the end and I will say when the main triggers come into play)

request: yes and by @livytheh0e hope you all enjoy

🎀 Let's get into it 🎀

Today was the day of the long awaited Percy Jackson premiere. My boyfriend, Walker, invited me to go along with them, because all of the cast gets to invite a plus one.

We've been together for about two months now, and it's been the best two months of my life. He asked me to be his girlfriend soon after he had gotten done filming.

One night he just showed up on my door step with flowers and a cute poster asking me to be his, which I of course said yes!!

I'm really nervous for tonight because no one yet knows that we are dating (besides close friends and obviously our family). So I was both worried yet excited about tonight!!

I'm wearing my f/c dress and heels. I had my mom help me curl my hair while I did my make up as well! I was so excited because I love to get ready and stuff. But also because I'm a huge PJO fan!!

Walker and his family picked me up at 6, because we had to be there at 6:30 even though the premiere didn't start till 8. We had to take photos and then the cast had to do cast things.

"hey cutie!" I say to Walker as he gets out of the car to open the door for me.

"hey you look so pretty!! are you excited!?" he returns the compliment and then asks me as he is buckling in.

"yes I'm really excited, but also a little nervous. I mean how are you feeling? It is your premiere after all!" I say looking at him.

"you know I am somewhat nervous, but it's not my first time going to one, I'm just excited for you to be tagging along this time!!" he says smiling and grabbing my hand and giving it a comforting squeeze.

After 20 minutes we pull up to the premiere and go in through the back so it was easier for us. As we walk in I immediately see famous people all around.

Holy shit, I think to myself, what did Walker get me into. I mean don't get me wrong this is great but woah.

"hey y/n/n, you're good don't worry" Walker pulls my out of my trance by pulling me to the side of the first walk in. Giving me a tight hug and then he points out some cast members, Charlie and Dior, so I can talk to them while he is talking with others.

Which I'm thankful for because I'm normally not afraid of crowds, but when it's filled with people I don't know I tend to get nervous.

"okay I'll be other there" I say about to walk away,

"oh y/n I'll come grab you before photos!" He says shooting me with his iconic smile, I'm really in love with this boy.

I walk other to see Dior and Charlie just chilling standing around a table.

"hey y/n omg you look so gorgeoussss!!" Dior says dragging out the s and giving me a hug.

"girl says you!! the dress is everything!" I say hugging her back, "hey Charlie, how's it be?"

"it be good, it be good" he says and all three of us start to laugh, "so! who is the special person your here with tonight?" he says with a smirk.

"um I don't know what you mean." I say lying to him, I want people to know that we are dating yes but not sure if Charlie is one of the people that knows we are together.

"girl be so for real, all three of us know that you are here with Walker." Dior says giving Charlie a dirty look, that could literally kill.

"oh um, you guys know about us?" I ask unsure and not wanting to say more.

"y/n we are friends with Walker, yes we know about 'us'" Charlie says laughing.

"oh sorry, yeah I just don't know who all really knows. I mean it's only friends and family, and we obviously have to be careful about who we tell." I tell them, laughing slightly because I'm nervous.

"girl you're fineee!!" Dior says laughing, "speaking of him, there he is, looks like he's walking over this way!"

"hey guys!" Walker says walking up to us and then grabs my hand.

"hey Walker" both Charlie and Dior say at the same time.

"so are you two excited for today?!" Walker says with the voice that an excited puppy would have.

"I mean yeah, I'm really excited" Charlie says

"Yeah I am too!!" Dior says agreeing with Walker

"how about you Mr. Percy" Charlie says laughing.

"Well Mr. Luke, I am very excited, especially for her to see it" he says and then points to me, "I would love to stay and talk a little longer, but we have to get pictures taken! See you both in a bit!" Walker tells them and then drags me off to get photos.

"how are you doing?" He whispers to me and squeezes my hand.

"I'm doing okay as of now, it's just a lot of people" I tell him honestly.

"okay and if that changes you come and tell me, we can leave if we need to" he says turning to look at me fully.

"I mean I should be fine, and plus I don't want you to leave the premiere that you are the main character of." I tell him, knowing that no matter what i tell him he won't listen.

"and even if we do have to leave, it's not a big deal, I promise you." He says giving me a hug, "but we will worry about that later because we need to get photos taken!" He says getting excited.

"ok walk let's go!" I say and I drop his hand.

We get to the line to take photos, the order of photos getting taken is the trio (Walker, Aryan, and Leah), then all of the pjo kids, singles, and then walker and his family.

I'm just waiting and watching from the side, not really knowing what to do because this is like my first premiere.

"y/n!" I hear Walker shout and then waves me over.

"hey walk" I say laughing,

"come on we are taking a photo, you and me" he says putting his hand slightly around my waist and then we both smile at the cameras.

"look this way" "hit around pose" and a lot more is what is getting shouted at us.

An interviewer walks up to the two of us and starts asking us questions.

"hello Walker!" The interviewer says, "and you are?" She asks me but like in a nice tone.

"I'm y/n!" I say with a smile, knowing that they have no idea who I am.

"are you guys excited for the premiere? how are you feeling Walker, I mean you worked for what three years on this? how are you feeling that it's over?" She says.

"I personally am sad that the first season is over, I mean the cast has been amazing! And I'm really excited for tonight, especially for my girlfriend, y/n to be able to see it." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me into a side hug and the gives the camera a gigantic grin.

"you two are dating!? when did this happen?" The interviewer asks shocked by not knowing.

"well we've been dating for a little over two months?" I say not sure of the exact amount of time.

"yeah two ish months, and it's been the best months of my life" Walker says

"so how did you guys like talk while Walker was away filming? How did you manage?" she says kindly but like excited.

"well while I was gone we would text all the time, and then when we could we would call or FaceTime." he starts and then signals for me to finish.

"yeah I mean we didn't start dating till he got back, but even before then we were, and still are best friends! It was difficult because I feel like without Walker I'm like half of myself." I say laughing and then Walker gives me a hug.

" well I must say that I'm so happy for the both of you!!" she says and then walks away to talk to other people.

We start to walk to the movie area where the show will be up for all of us to watch. Me and Walker sit next together and with the other actors.

Time skip to after the premiere and they are walking out of the theatre but like still in the place.


I open my phone to see a lot of messages from all of my platforms, and start to feel overwhelmed. I head to the bathroom to calm myself down, not making a big deal out of it, but before I get far I feel someone pull me into a hug.

"hey, hey, hey, where are you going?" Walker says to me and pulls out of the hug slightly, and scans over my face.

"oh uh um, I was just going to the bathroom really quickly" I say stammering, trying to get out of his grip.

"let me see your phone y/n" he says giving me a serious look.

"why would you want my phone walk?"

"we both know why I want your phone." he says

"no quite frankly I don't know why you want my phone." I snap at him

"well- I was going to make sure that no one said anything" he starts

"well Walker they already have and I was going to the bathroom to calm my self down because tonight isn't about me and it's about you. And now I feel bad," I take a breath, "and I just I don't know now I'm freaking out thinking that I ruined your night-"

I get cut off by him pulling me into a hug and he walks me to a private area of the venue.

when we get to a more private area I just start crying, and I don't even know why I do it.

"shhh, it's okay I've got you" he says rubbing my back, "it's not you, I was going to tell you to stay off of social media, but I didn't get a chance. Breathe babe it's okay you've got to breathe"

"Walker I can't though, I can't breathe, Walker" I say and start crying even more.

I hear a few voice around me and then Walker says, "okay y/n/n we are leaving, come on I've got you" and I feel him let go of the hug, but holds my hand and squeezes it as reassurance

he and another person (I'm assuming his sister or something) helps me get to the car.

Once we get into the car I sit down and he helps me buckle my seat belt because my hands are shaking so bad. I don't even know why I got like this, I mean I knew the hate might be bad, but I know it's just jealous people online. So why am I letting it affect me.


The whole ride back to my house is silent with the cars radio slightly up, and Walker is rubbing his thumb across the top of my hand and my head is on his shoulder.

"I don't know what happened back there..." I tell Walker, "I really just don't know, and I feel like the worst girlfriend ever, I mean I've gotten anxiety attacks before, but I don't know what happened..."

"hey it's ok, I get it and I shouldn't just taken your phone sooner, and maybe we just shouldn't have said anything at the premiere and waited, but I'm glad that the world knows about us." He says looking at me, "but most importantly... I'm glad that you are my girlfriend."

"thank you Mr. and Mrs. Scobell for the rides tonight and for letting me tag along, and I'm also really sorry for what happened at the end of the night..." I tell them when we pull up to the driveway of my house.

"no problem!" Mr. Scobell says

"any time sweetheart, and you don't have to apologize, I used to be like that too okay sweetie?" Mrs. Scobell tells me and gives me a sweet smile like sugar.

Walker opens the door for me and walks me to my front door.

"Thank you Walk, for everything" I tell him and put my arms around him.

"you are so welcome y/n, get some sleep, and if you need me call okay?" he says pulling out of the  and giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"night Walker"

"night y/n"

The end

Summary for those who skipped down here!!

- Walker invited you to go to the premiere of Percy Jackson

- you hang out with Dior and Charlie while you wait for Walker to tell you when photos are being taken

- while you are taking photos a nice interview asks you guys about how excited you are

- Walker and you tell them about your relationship, sorta ig?

- you guys watch the premiere

- stuff happens with social media

- you get a yk attack

- ride home is awkward but they are super nice and chill about the whole situation (the Scobell family)

- Walker walks you to the front door, kisses your forehead, you both say goodnight

- the end

a/n: thank you so much for 6k reads!! I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a few days! I had a busy weekend with sports and school work. Then this week I had to do work for a sport team, had physical therapy and cheer practice.

I'm also getting sick, and I have a solo competition this weekend soooo yeah not good for me. But I will try to get more stuff put out!!

Also how would you guys feel if I made an actual story of reader or oc and Walker? Yes, no, maybe so?

Let me know what you guys think!

Love you all!!

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