One day I'll have it all...

By inkedlover

276K 7.2K 563

"You know, you're a pain in my ass, Williamson." "You love me, Villanueva." More

From LAX to LHR
London Colney
Blueberries and new beginnings
The Clash- London Calling
Second training
Car shopping
Phone call home
Welcome party
Arsenal V Reading
Hyde Park
Gym session
Boot room meeting
Liverpool V Arsenal
Harmony midst chaos
Family problems
Intimate haven
Toast and fascism
Porch light
Date prep
Black heart
Coming clean
Kisses and tears
Morning serenity
Completely myself
Whole foods
West Ham V Arsenal
Leah's bedroom
Milton Keynes
While you sleep
No more Villanueva
I'm sorry
New phone
Airport kiss
Back home
Boyle Heights
England V Austria
Is It Normal?
Just us
Here with me
Family drama
Headers and showers
Interview and jerseys
Boat ride
Arsenal V Man U
Back at Heathrow
Karaoke night
Birthday girl pt1
Birthday girl pt2
Birthday girl pt3
Cold again
Arsenal V Chelsea
Bad news and good cuddles
The first day of the rest of my life
Fight and flight
Barcelona pt.1
Barcelona pt.2
Barcelona interlude
Team dinner

Welcome to Arsenal

6.4K 127 6
By inkedlover

I let out a groan and swore under my breath when my keys fell on the floor. I was exhausted, and all I wanted was to sleep. The jet lag was making my head spin.

Bending down to retrieve my keys, the exhaustion from the long journey weighed heavily on my shoulders. The jet lag seemed to play tricks on my senses, distorting the world around me. I fumbled with the keys, frustration bubbling up as I struggled to find the energy to unlock the door.

Finally gaining access to my new London apartment, I stumbled inside, grateful for the solitude.

I looked around. The apartment was mostly white. It was a three-room 'flat'. I couldn't complain. I dragged my bags and suitcase inside, letting them fall on the floor before I let myself fall head first on the black couch of my new living room.
I wanted to sleep so bad. But I knew I couldn't. I had too much to do. I still stayed like that for maybe twenty minutes, before ungraciously peeling myself off the couch and walking to my suitcase. I unpacked quickly. I didn't take much from home except clothes. I wasn't a material person.

Then, carefully, I unpacked my new Arsenal gear, a smile on my lips as I watched every item coming out of the bag to my closet.

That finished, exhaustion tugged at me again, but I kept going. I placed a few pictures of me and Charlotte on my bedroom walls, then walked to the kitchen, and opened the fridge.

Of course, it was empty. My mother wasn't here to do the groceries for me anymore. I groaned and contemplated going to the store before shaking my head and ordering some Chinese off Uber Eats.

After placing the order, I took a moment to lean against the kitchen counter, my mind racing with thoughts. The realization of being in a new city, in a new country, hit me like a tidal wave. The weight of responsibility mixed with excitement for the journey ahead.

The food arrived sooner than expected, and I devoured it as if I hadn't eaten in days.

I then took a shower and brushed my teeth, setting an alarm for 8 a.m., before finally laying in my bed, and falling asleep within minutes.

And it also felt like it had been minutes when my alarm went off in the morning. I let out a groan, considering crying myself back to sleep and waking up five hours later.

Then, I remembered what my day was going to look like. And it was like my tiredness had disappeared.

Dragging myself out of bed, I shook off the lingering fatigue. The weight of anticipation for the day ahead replaced the grogginess. With a determined mindset, I went through my morning routine, donning the Arsenal kit with a mix of excitement and nerves.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I grinned. I flexed my tiny biceps, laughing in my head. Then, I made my bag, ready to go back to London Colney. I had to call an Uber, as I still didn't have a car.

He arrived after ten minutes. I said hi to the driver, and asked him if there was any place that served good coffee around.

The Uber driver, a middle-aged man with a friendly demeanor, gave me a few suggestions for local coffee spots. I opted for the one with the quirky name he recommended and hoped it lived up to his endorsement.

As the car maneuvered out of London, my eyes absorbed the green landscapes. England was less grey than I had imagined, but still so less colorful than Los Angeles.

Arriving at the coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed beans greeted me, instantly lifting my spirits. I ordered a strong espresso to kickstart my day, feeling the caffeine surge through my veins. The barista, a young guy with vibrant blue hair, handed me the cup with a smile.

With the warm cup in one hand and a breakfast sandwich in the other, I walked to the training center, as it was only so far from the coffee shop itself.

After ten minutes or so, I was there. It was way busier than it had been yesterday. There were people there. The parking lot was filled with cars. I recognized Viv and Beth's Tesla, from their documentary. I didn't know anyone else's cars. I took a deep breath, absorbed the atmosphere, and made my way to the entrance.

Upon entering, familiar faces from yesterday's tour greeted me. Emma, the club staff member who had shown me around, was there to guide me through the day. Her eyes lit up as she saw me.

"Good morning, Valentina! Ready for your big day?" she asked, her voice a mix of encouragement and excitement. I nodded, mustering a smile that masked the jitters within.

"Yeah, not at all nervous," I said with a small laugh and a hint of sarcasm.

"Don't worry about it, okay? Everyone is going to love you." She assured me, leading me to the locker room. It was empty, and she explained that the rest of the girls were already with the physios.

She let me change into a full Arsenal kit, with my number and name at the back of my brand New Jersey: VILLANUEVA, 8.

"You look good. Like you belong." Emma said, and it touched my heart. I smiled at her shyly, nodding, rearranging my black ponytail.

Then, she led me to the conference room. Cameras were waiting for me, as well as my new coach, Jonas Eidevall.

When he saw me enter, the blond man immediately stood up, a smile gracing his lips.

Coach Jonas extended his hand, a gesture that radiated warmth and welcome. "Valentina, welcome to Arsenal. We're thrilled to have you on board."

I shook his hand happily. I didn't know him at all yet, but he had always seemed like a good man and a great coach, from what I caught of him on TV.

"Thank you, Coach. I'm honored to be here," I replied, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions within.

He gestured for me to take a seat, and as I sat down, I couldn't help but notice the Arsenal emblem emblazoned on the wall behind him. Soon enough, I was signing my contract, smiling for the cameras as much as for myself.

With the ink on the contract barely dry, Coach Jonas shared a few words of encouragement and expectation. His vision for the team aligned with my aspirations, and the prospect of contributing to Arsenal's success fueled my determination.

Then, he said words that made me want to throw up, but also filled me with excitement: "Let's meet the rest of the girls."

He let me change into my training gear and then proceeded to guide me to the training ground. As soon as we passed the door, laughter could be heard from one of the fields. We followed the girls' banter and found them all scattered around the grass, talking animatedly, passing balls at each other, playfully running around, or stretching expertly. A few pairs of eyes fell on me as we approached.

I spotted one more than the others. One that pierced through my brain. One that transported me. Leah Williamson's.

her gaze locking onto mine, sent a strange flutter through my chest. She was one of the familiar faces, the ones I had seen on TV countless times. A pivotal figure in the Arsenal defense, the captain of the English national team. And here she was, looking right at me.

Coach Jonas introduced me to the team, and I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. I tried my best not to let my eyes drift to Leah too often. The players welcomed me warmly, though didn't really take the time to do it individually, as Jonas was already pressing us to start training.

Then, the coach said we had to get into pairs. And I hated nothing more than having to ask girls to get into pairs with me.

I took a deep breath, pushing aside my discomfort. Stepping forward, I looked around, assessing the pairs forming on the field. The girls knew each other so well, they were almost all in pairs already. Viv with Leah, Katie with Lotte, Manu with Kim, the list went on and on.

Beth had caught my discomforted expression, I figured, as she offered me a sad smile and raised her hand towards me, inviting me to join her.

And when Bethany Mead calls you, you answer. I immediately smiled back and jogged over to her.

And there I was, standing alongside Bethany Mead, one of the star players of Arsenal and a force to be reckoned with on the pitch. Her friendly demeanor immediately put me at ease.

"Hi," was all I managed to say, offering her a shy wave.

"So, your name's Valentina, right?" She asked, and I smiled at her very soft accent.

"Yeah. But, you can call me Vale, or Val."

Beth nodded at my answer. In a way, she seemed to be saying that she appreciated the talk, but that training came first.

Soon enough, we were passing the ball to each other silently. Beth encouraged me a few times, as if trying to show me it was okay to be nervous. That she believed in me, somehow.

Beth seemed like an amazing teammate.

Her skill on the ball was evident, but what struck me more was her ability to make you feel included, even amid a fast-paced training session.

Coach Jonas watched over us, giving instructions, and occasionally calling out individual players for corrections. The rhythm of the training session pulsed around us, and with each pass, I felt a sense of belonging. The nerves that had gripped me earlier began to fade as I focused on the game, on my teammates, and on the defender that got assigned to me for the day.

So, on Leah Williamson. The damn woman seemed to have a way of distracting me. I didn't know if it was just her talent or something completely different, but she knew how to make me lose a ball in a second. I couldn't believe she was back from a nine-month-long injury layoff.

I could feel the intensity rising as Leah and I engaged in a series of drills. She moved gracefully, effortlessly intercepting the ball, while I struggled to match her pace. It was a challenge, and though I always loved one, this particular one seemed to frustrate me more than anything else.

By the end of training, I was exhausted. I had barely managed a goal in the little cages. Everyone left the training ground little by little. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head only to catch Leah's gaze.

"Good work, new girl." She said, with a smile, and I sighed, shrugging. I clearly hadn't done any 'good work'. 

Leah seemed to notice that immediately. She didn't say anything though, and simply laid an arm around my shoulders, as we walked back to the locker rooms.

Before I could enter the building, a woman ran to me, her hand waving. Leah chuckled at the sight.

"That's our interviewer. She wanna talk to you, I imagine." She explained, pointing at the girl. I smiled at her oh-so-English accent.

"Oh, okay," I said, then offered Leah a polite thanks, before walking to the woman wearing a tight suit.

"Valentina! Hi! My name is Joanna. I'm gonna ask you questions for the Arsenal media. You're okay with that?" She asked me, as her cameraman set things up behind her.

"Yeah, sure, ask away." I smiled, and Joanna nodded, eager to start. With the camera set up, she gave me a thumbs-up, before she started talking.

"So, Valentina, congratulations on joining the team. What does it feel like to be a part of such a prestigious club?" She asked.

"Thank you, thank you. It's really... it's incredible. I've been a gooner my whole life, it's all I ever wanted to do, to play for this club. It's a dream come true. I remember growing up, all the kids were talking about was American football and basketball. I was a loner, but I knew that here in England, I'd be at my place. I'd be welcome here. And I truly feel like I am. Like I belong."

Hearing me speak, Joanna's eyes widened in surprise. I wasn't the best speaker, but I had been already media-trained by a coach as soon as I learned I was going to get signed. I turned my head around for a second and noticed Leah was waiting for me, a smirk on her lips as she listened to my answer.

"Your transfer was a bit of a surprise to everyone. For Arsenal, an international club, to sign a 19-year-old high school girl, it's safe to say no one expected it. Do you feel like you have something special that you'll be able to give to this team?"

"To be honest, I was surprised too. I have reached out hundreds of times to Arsenal because I absolutely wanted them and no one else, but never in a million years I thought this would work. I like to think Jonas sees something in me, something worth taking the risk of signing me. I'm still young and inexperienced, I've got so much to learn from all the legends I'm going to be playing with here at Arsenal, but I think I can make a mark here if I keep working and stay humble."

Joanna nodded, seemingly intrigued by my response. The cameras rolled as she continued with her questions.

"Speaking of legends, you'll be training alongside some of the best in the world; Vivianne Miedema, Leah Williamson, Beth Mead, Katie McCabe, and that's only a few. How does that feel, and what are your expectations for yourself in this esteemed company?"

I smiled, glancing over at Leah, who had a playful smirk on her face. "It's an honor, really. Viv is a goal-scoring phenomenon, and Leah's defensive prowess is unmatched. Beth's unstoppable, too, as soon as she gets a ball it turns into a goal, and don't even get me started on Katie McCabe. I'm here to learn from them and soak up as much knowledge as I can. As for expectations, well, I expect to push myself to the limit every day and contribute in any way I can to help the team succeed."

Joanna nodded approvingly, sensing the genuine enthusiasm in my responses. She continued with her questions, delving into my journey from California to Arsenal, my aspirations, and the challenges I anticipated facing in the Women's Super League. I managed to answer her question with a smile and a pretty good form.

As the interview wrapped up, I walked back to Leah, who was waiting for me, leaning against one of the walls, a teasing smile on her face and her arms crossed.

"Not bad, for a newbie." She said, popping herself up and walking to me, laying her arm around my shoulder as we walked into the building.

"Thanks, Leah," I replied, genuinely pleased with her praise. Leah chuckled. We entered the locker room, and before I knew it, she put her hand into a fist and aggressively began ruffling my hair.

"Welcome to the Arsenal!" She laughed loudly, as I tried to get away from her grip. But it was no use, as soon enough, Katie McCabe had jumped on my back, and I was receiving playful slaps on the back of my head by my new teammates, making me squirm and laugh at the same time.

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