Nawal - One Shots

By nina282

64.6K 2.4K 369

One shots More

Truth Unveils - Part 1
The Past Unfolds
Destroyed Emotions
Redemption (Part 2 of Breakdown)
Redemption - Version 2
Battling the Storm
Amrish Shocked and Hetal Rocked
Battling the Storm - Version 2
Starting Over Again
Giving Up
The Aftermath
the aftermath - version 2
Fighting for her - Aftermath 2 V2
Switcheroo 2
Giving Up - Version 2
Coming Home
Convincing Natasha
Love Overcomes
A new beginning
Winning a war
Her wedded life
Her wedded life 2
Overcoming the defeat
Wedding Affair
New Beginnings
Leaving to Heal
Overcoming Obstacles
Helpless Part 2
Family's encounter
Love and War
Fighting for her loves
The Downfall
Standing Up for Her
Giving Hope
love in the air
His Runaway Wife
Runaway Wife part 2
Hide and Seek Bride
Finally together ❤️
Hide and Seek Bride Part 2
Painful truths
The Arranged Marriage
A New Start
His wife
Pageant (Version 1)
Pageant (Version 2)
Broken Truths
Love Wins ❤️
Jealousy: Action and Reaction
Aftermath of Deception
Winning her over
Reunion - part 2
Some home truths drilled in
The Chase
The Return
A New Life
Fragile truth
The Apologies
Dhawal's fight for his love
Supporting Natasha
Arrange or Love
Holi Explosions
Aftermath of Holi
Aftermath of Holi part 2
Finally the truth comes out
Broken Relationships
Broken Relationships V2
Broken Relationships V2 part 2
The Fallout
Fallout Part 2
Amba's Downfall
Changing Dynamics
The Outing
The Return V2
The Repentance
The Repentance Part 2
Truth comes out - V2
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Part 2
Cause and Effect # 3
Rejected then married
Dhawal's Win
Annulment or Reconciliation
Married you again
Making sure she heals
Breaking Free V1
Not Giving Up
The move
Bringing her home
Fighting for Her
Hot and Cold
Love at first Sight
Makwana vs Makwana
Family Reunited
Standing by her
The marriage arrangement

Overcoming the hurdles (part 2)

455 20 3
By nina282

It had been a couple of days since Abhira and Armaan had taken over the case, and Dhawal had woken up in the hospital.   She spent a lot of time with Dhawal and only interacting with Chirag and her sisters while ignoring Amrish, Amba, and Bhavin.    

She was getting ready to meet up with Abhira and Armaan before they had to meet up with Sundeep and his lawyer.    She had mentioned to Chirag that she had to leave when Amba asked her, "Why are you leaving?"

"Because I have responsibilities.  I am not Dhawal's wife anymore, thanks to you and your son.  So I shouldn't even be here, but I still love him.  I still worry about him, and I want him to be better.  But that doesn't mean I shrink from my responsibilities.  Once I am done, I will be back, "  stated Natasha.

"Does this have anything to do with the legal notice that Sundeep sent?"  asked Amrish

Natasha looked up in surprised, "What?  How?" 

"I was suspicious, so I asked around.  Sundeep's lawyer talks.   I had sent a man after Sundeep after the other day.  Even though you weren't Dhawal's wife, you were a part of his life, and someone attacked you under our noses, so I had sent someone to keep an eye on him.   And when Sundeep's lawyer had met him in jail, he wasn't able to get him released right away, so Sundeep was very angry at him.   And his lawyer got mad and left.  My man followed him, where the lawyer got drunk and said a few incriminating things which were recorded by my man.   If you need it, I can get it sent to you." said Amrish, surprising Natasha.

She nodded.  "Chirag, you go with Natasha.  Make sure she is safe from that Sundeep.   Dhawal would want to be there himself, but he can't, so you go."  Amrish had ordered, surprising everyone in the room.

Natasha looked towards Chirag, and he nodded.   They quickly left, whereas Chiku was meeting them shortly.

They quickly met up with Abhira and Armaan to discuss the case.   Armaan asked Natasha about the day of the wedding.     She started explaining first assault, where she ended up beating him with her waist chain.  She told Armaan that he had mentioned that she should be grateful that he was paying attention to her since she was a rejected woman.   He offered money, house, and jewleries if she would  be his mistress.   She had rejected him.  He got angry, so she had beat him with her waist chain.   When he left her room, he was limping.   He later drugged her, and when she became semi-concious, she broke glass on his head.  He quickly grabbed his phone and left.

"Armaan, we need a warrant on for his phone right away.   Right now, he thinks he has the upper hand.   We need a warrant before we meet up with him.  Once he realizes that Natasha has legal counsel, he can delete any incriminating evidence off his phone."

Armaan got up, made a few phone calls, and was able to get the warrant.  

"Natasha, what about the day that Dhawal beat him? If we can prove that he did not give the loan in good faith, that should be able to break the contract without any repercussions, correct?  We should be getting the recording from Amrish Bhai's man, too?"  asked Chirag

"Recording?"  asked Abhira

"Yes, Amrish Bhai had sent one of his men to watch over Sundeep.   Supposedly, he didn't get bail, and he pissed off his lawyer.  The lawyer went to a bar and got drunk and spilled his gut.  The man recorded his ramblings."

"That is good news.  I may not be able to use it, but I can listen to it and then proceed." said Abhira

"Why can't you use it?"  asked Chiku

"It might be considered entrapment and I wouldn't be able to use it in court, but in regards to the contract, we may be able to settle out of court, if we can prove his guilt that he didn't give the loan in good faith.   And then we can start on the other case."  stated Abhira

"And Natasha, I will be fighting that case.   His lawyer might just back off when he sees who he will be battling against.  But I have already started to collect the evidence.   I do need to see everyone and get their statements, especially Dhawal and your Pranali Bhabi." stated Armaan

"Do you think you will win?" asked Chiku

"I have only ever lost one case.  I was glad about that one.  I didn't know that the person I was defending was guilty, so I lost it..  It was also to Abhira that I lost.   That was my first and only one." said Armaan.

That had impressed Chiku.    Chirag had just gotten a message. It was the recording that Amrish had sent him.   Chirag played the recording. It had a lot of incriminating information.   Abhira was so happy that she hugged Chirag.  Armaan pulled her away, "No hugging." he gave her a look.  Abhira blushed and looked away, muttering "Sorry"

Natasha smiled.  Armaan quickly changed the subject and said, "Let's go.   My father pulled some strings and got the judge to sign off on the warrant.  My friend, ACP Yash Chauhan, is doing me a favor and getting the warrant from the judge, and he will meet us at the Sundeep's lawyer's place."  

A little while later, ACP Yash had met up with the Podders, Makwana, and the Pandya's in front of Sundeep's lawyer's office.   As they entered the office, the secretary showed them into the boardroom.  And when the lawyer and Sundeep saw everyone, they paled.  

Once the meeting started, they got paler and paler.   The lawyer realized that they couldn't win this case, especially when they showed the warrant for Sundeep's phone.  He didn't want to give it up, but with ACP Yash there, he slowly passed it over.   When Sundeep heard his lawyer's ramblings, he lost it.  He started beating his lawyer, not even caring that the ACP was there and witnessing everything.   Chirag started recording Sundeep when he started to lose it.   He unwittenly confessed to a lot of things.  Which was going to make their case stronger.   Finally, ACP Yash had enough, and arrested Sundeep, while calling in some backup so they could take Sundeep's lawyer to the hospital to get checked out before bringing him to the station, so he could give his statement.

"Chirag Bhai, Chiku, we should go too.  Dhawal should be awake now.  Abhira, Jiju, please come with us."

Everyone went to the hospital to check on Dhawal.  When they arrived at the hospital, they were greeted by everyone.   Amrish was surprised to see Natasha's friends but didn't say anything. Dhawal was awake, but asking for Natasha.  Natasha rushed into Dhawal's room, and when he saw her, his relief was obvious to everyone.   He was worried about her when he found out that she was going to see that creep Sundeep.   Even though Chirag was there, he needed to be there for her, and he was cursing himself that he couldn't help her.  He couldn't be her support.   She quickly made her way to his side, and he quickly grabbed and hugged her.  He held her head in his hands while touching her forehead with his.   And he asked her if she was ok?    She nodded her head, with tears in her eyes.  

"Are you ok?  Are you in pain?" asked Natasha.

"I'm fine.  I was worried about you, "  said Dhawal.  

"I'm fine.  Here, I have someone that I would like you to meet.  Dhawal, meet my friends, Abhira Sharma Podder, and her husband, Armaan Podder.  Guys, this is my friend, Dhawal Makwana."

"Not friend, her husband," stated Dhawal. "No matter what, you're my wife.  The annulment was a mistake.  And I learned from my mistakes.   We will be getting married." 


"What Dhawal.  If you didn't love me, you wouldn't be here.  You wouldn't care.  You wouldn't be praying for me to be okay.  Plus, you had admitted it earlier to the family, " said Dhawal

"Fine, I love you.  Happy, " said Natasha.

"And I love you" with a forehead kiss.  Dhawal looked at the Podders' and said, 'Hello.  I'm Dhawal. "

"Abhira and my husband, Armaan.  I am friends with Natasha.  We are working on Natasha's case.  And don't worry.  We will win, and Sundeep will be put away for a long time.  We will talk soon.  Take care, Natasha, please rest up."  Abhira and Armaan left.  Leaving Natasha and Chiku alone with the Makwana family.

"What happened, Natasha?"  asked Isha

"Well, the legal notice that Sundeep had sent will be void and null.   Abhira has to file the motion and submit her evidence, but Sundeep admitted that his contract was in ill faith.   He was looking for his next mistress, and when I rejected him multiple times, he got angry.  And then Armaan Jiju will  be fighting the criminal case against him.   Jiju is one of the top lawyers in this state.  So now, Dhawal, you get better."

Dhawal smiled and hugged her tighter.

Chiku looked at his watch and decided to leave.  "Chutki, Isha, l'm going to go.  Let me know when you two want to come home, Sheesh and I will come to pick you up."  he nodded towards Dhawal and walked out.  

Everyone was talking about everything, trying to keep Dhawal entertained.    When Dolly realized that Natasha had fallen asleep against Dhawal as he had her in his arms. 

"Bhabi, can you make help me.   Just lie her down beside me."   said Dhawal

Dolly nodded and laid Natasha along Dhawal.  Luckily, since she was already on the bed with Dhawal, all Dolly did was stretch her legs and put the blanket on her properly.   Dhawal had her head on his chest while stroking her hair.

Slowly, everyone, at one point or another, came in and out of Dhawal's room, with Natasha being oblivious in her sleep.   She finally was having a proper sleep since their date.    Isha came back in after a while.   She was planning to wake Natasha up so they could go home.  And she was surprised that Natasha slept this long.

"What do you mean you're surprised that she slept this long?"  asked Dhawal

"Daama had mentioned that she doesn't sleep anymore.   I believe since your date, Natasha hasn't slept more than a few hours each day.  And since her attack, she has nightmares, where she is screaming or flaying her arms around, like she is beating someone in her sleep.  She's never this calm."  said Isha

"Ishu, let her sleep.   As you said, she hasn't slept in a while.  She needs it.   Call Yash and let him know that she is finally sleeping peacefully after such a long time.  Chirag will drop you off, or you can you home with us." said Amba, surprising her daughter in laws.

"Ishu, maybe Natasha feels safe with Dhawal. That is why she is finally sleeping." Chirag responded.  "I'll call Yash.  And explain that Natasha has finally gotten some sleep.  And we are letting her sleep.  And I will bring you home."  

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