Dabi x shoto oneshots

By KingMiddleSchool6

18.6K 372 560

hii this is one of my favorite ships! so I decided to make oneshots since I like making a lot of stories of i... More

story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Story 6
story 7
story 8
story 9
story 10
story 11
Story 12
Story 13
Story 14
Story 15
Story 16 *requested*
story 17
Story 18
Story 19
story 4
Story 20
Story 21 requested
Story 22
Story 23
Story 24
Story 25
Halloween Special 🎃
Story 26 mid school friend
Story 27
story 28
Story 29
story 30
Story 31 *requested*
Story 32 *Requested*
Story 33
Story 34
Story 5 *requested*
story 35
Story 36
story 37
Story 38
story 39 *requested*
Story 40 *Requested*
The Winter Dance
Story 41
Story 43 *requested*
Story 44
New years kiss
Dabi and shoto famart
Dabi + shoto famart #2
Dabi + Shoto Fanart #3
Dabi + Shoto Fanart #4
Dabi + Shoto stuff #5
Story 45
Dabi + Shoto Fanart #6
Dabi + Shoto Famart #7
Dabi + Shoto Fanart #8
Dabi + Shoto Fanart #9
Dabi + Shoto Fanart #10
Story 46 *Requested*
Story 47
Story 48
Story 49
Story 50 *Requested*
sequel of story 50
Class partners
*requested* Toga's a little devel
Who's the villain now~?
Years after the war *Requested*
You're mine, shoto~
This song reminds me of this ship

"hey, princess~"

233 4 15
By KingMiddleSchool6

Just saying...this is a VERY long oneshots. 5733 words

Read when you have time lol

Genderbread au.

(Shoto does not know dabi is touya)

Shoto was in a fight with the villain Dabi. She was running out of breath and she was concerned in an alley. The worst part was that it was dark out and past curfew so it was dark enough to where the two girls wouldn't be seen fighting if their fire didn't give them away. Shoto's heart raced as her long hair stuck to her due to her sweating. Dabi just smirked and put a hand on her hip. "What's wrong, princess~?" Dabi teased raising an eyebrow as his smirk just grew, "Daddy's girl too weak to defeat me?" Dabi teased about how he was her father's 'masterpiece'

(I just realized I did shoto's flames side wrong 🥲, just roll with it 😂😭)

(I got bored so I made Fanart to represent it)
(I can't draw hands btw lol, nor do I draw girls often so don't mind it)

Shoto just glared at the older girl as dabi smirked as she raised an eyebrow seeing what she'd do. Shoto put a hand against the brick wall behind her as she tried to support her balance. Her glare stayed as neither of them were moving closer nor farther. "Don't move any closer" shoto aked in a shaky breath as she was out of air and was exhausted from the fight. Her flames were dyed down and she looked back to dabi who had a big ass smirk. "Feeling tired there, princess?" Dabi asked as she continued to smirk. Shoto just gritted her teeth as she ignited her flames and was about to send her flames at dabi when she saw dabi ignite her flames in one hand.

"Y'know my flames are much stronger and hotter than yours. Did you know that, princess?" Dabi said raising an eyebrow as shoto let her flames dye down as she knew she couldn't do any attacks or dodge with the state she was in. As well as dabi blocking the only exit. Dabi noticed shoto glancing at the exit to the alley behind her and glanced there then back at shoto. "I'll cut you a deal, princess" dabi began with a smirk still on her face. Shoto glanced over at dabi and let herself rest against the wall. "what's the deal?" Shoto said shooting a glare back at dabi making sure she didn't try anything.

Dabi smirked and she let her hand fall from her hip and she started to walk towards shoto. Shoto out her hand up as in a warning and dabi put her hands up halfway showing she wasn't planning on doing anything. "Just say what the deal is from over there" shoto growled out, "fine, I'll say it from here" dabi said as her smirk came back, "I'll let you go free and I won't hurt you.." dabi began as shoto waited for the but or if, "but only if you let me take you back to my place and treat your wounds" dabi said as shoto's eyed widened in surprise then she glared clearly expecting this 'deal' to be a trap.

"Why should I trust you on that?" Shoto said her glare still standing, locked onto Dabi's eyes. Dabi just smirked and shurgged innocently, "fine, don't trust me. I don't promise that you'll make it out unharmed though" dabi said with a smirk as she gestured to her hand as blue flames if ignited. Shoto panicked and in the moment pushed herself off the wall and said, "W-wait!" Dabi glanced back at the panicked girl who was clearly in no state to be fighting or dodging. Dabi raised an eyebrow and let her flames disappear, "yes? What is it, princess?" Dabi asked as her smirk came back.

Shoto hesitated as she bit her lip slightly. She stared at the ground and mumbled, "i-i'd like to take your deal.." dabi raised an eyebrow with her smirk, "what was that, princess? I didn't quite hear you?" Dabi teased, clearly having heard shoto the first time. "I said I'd take your deal" shoto said glancing up at dabi who still had that stupid ass smirk on her face. "Quit smirking would you?" Shoto growled out as dabi just ignored her and grabbed her hand bringing her closer. Shoto was surprised by it but was still keeping her guard up. Shoto yanked her hand away, "don't touch me" she snapped out as dabi just smirked again and shurgged it off.

"C'mon then, let's go, princess" dabi said as she walked down a nearby alley in the alleyway. Shoto hesitated before she followed. She was in her thoughts and didn't realize she was starting to trail behind. She was brought out of her thoughts when a hand connected in her's, "you're clearly not going to escape if that's what you're planning" dabi said simply as shoto just let her hand be held. Dabi still walked in front as shoto followed behind her. She was exhausted but dabi made sure she kept up the pace. "You can sleep once we get there. Just not on the way" dabi teased, a chuckle coming from the older girl in front.

Shoto suddenly shot down to reality upon hearing the villain laugh her laugh is so cute shoto thought. Dabi has stopped her little chuckle but it still played over and shoto's mind. For some reason she loved the sound. She wanted to hear it more.. she felt her face grow hot upon realizing the was finding a villain cute. She brushed it off and let her face fade back to normal. Soon while they walked through the alleyways they came upon a little apartment complex that seemed abandoned. "alright, we're climbing up this" dabi said guesturing to the stairway on the side of the building.

(This is it 👆)

Shoto looked up at it then back at dabi who had gestured for her to go first. "I promise it's safe, princess. I'll be right behind you if you fall." Dabi said simply as shoto wasn't worried about that but nodded. She held onto the railing as she started up the steps. "I'll tell you when we get to that floor" dabi said as shoto knew she was behind her. "Alright.." was all shoto mumbled as she continued up. After a few flights of stairs dabi said they were there, "alright we're here" shoto nodded as she stepped to the side as dabi climbed up. She pulled out a pair of keys, it was a keychain with a few different keys on it.

Minus the keys the keychain had two snowflakes, one dark grey one fully white, and a little flame that was red. Of course it also had custom made keychains that had blue flames but still.

(Aka the others represent his siblings)

Shoto looked at the keychains in interest as dabi opened the door and said, "we're here" shoto glanced up as shoto just nodded. Dabi then guestured for her to go in first, "princesses first~" dabi said as he held the door open. Shoto just rolled her eyes as she walked in to a nice apartment. Shoto glanced around from where she was standing as dabi came up behind her. "You still tired?" Dabi asked as she crossed her arms raising an eyebrow. Shoto shrugged as dabi said, "ill just heal your wounds before you fall asleep" shoto just nodded standing there in the doorway as dabi went to fetch the medical stuff.

Shoto wondered why she didn't just leave right now.. the door was right there and she could use her ice to glide down. She had enough energy by now to where she wasn't about to pass out.

Though she didn't leave...

Dabi came back and noticed shoto still standing where she left her. She chuckled and walked up to the younger girl, "c'mon, don't be so shy, princess" dabi said in a calmer tone than that cold one from earlier. It surprised shoto but she didn't say anything as dabi brought the two of them over to the couch. "Sit down, princess" dabi said as she sat herself down then guestured for shoto to sit in front of her on the couch. Shoto just nodded and sat in front with he back facing her like asked. Dabi got up for a moment and grabbed a scrunchie. She came back and sat back where she was.

Shoto just sat in her thoughts as dabi pulled her hair up into a bun then worked on the burns on her shoulder and arms, along with some wounds from some past fights she noticed. Shoto wasn't really paying attention to dabi. Though she did pay attention to how gentle dabi was when cleaning and helping the wounds. It seemed as if she was trying to make her feel as little pain as possible. Shoto enjoyed this...for some odd reason. She knew where she was. She knew she was easily able to be taken down by a villain right now. She knew all of that stuff. Yet..she didn't try to fight back, she didn't try to escape, and she didn't try to be snappy and cold at dabi.

"You want to go shower?" Dabi asked bringing shoto out of her thoughts. She glanced back at dabi who was getting up to put the cleaning stuff away. "Huh?" She said in confused as she wasn't paying attention. "You're all sweaty from the fight before. I asked if you wanted to go shower" dabi repeated guesturing to a bathroom down the hall. "Oh uhm- yeah, that'd be nice" shoto said as dabi nodded and said, "my bedroom is the door at the end of the hall. The bathroom is on the left. Go take some of my clothes for afterwards" shoto nodded as dabi went to put the medical stuff away into what seems to be a laundry room.

Shoto stood up from the couch and walked down the hall to the room dabi said was her bedroom. She opened the door to a clean-ish room with a tall dresser against the right wall. Shoto walked up and opened a random drawer and found shirts. She took a random one and opened the one underneath assuming for it to be jeans or sweatpants. She was indeed right and grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants. She then grabbed the random other under garments and closed the drawers she open. She then walked out of dabi's room closing the door behind her as she walked into the bathroom.

It was a decent size, not too small or cramped, and not too large and oversized. Shoto closed the door behind her as she knew dabi had an extra bathroom as she saw one that was just a shower in dabi's bedroom. (The door was open) She made sure to lock the door as she looked at herself in the mirror for a moment. She pushed her hair back and sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror.


Shoto was now in the shower and grabbed a random bottle and saw what it was. She saw it was a random brand or something then labeled shampoo. Shoto just let her mind wander randomly again as she squeezed some into her hands and such, then began to massage it into her hair. She hummed a smoothing melody as she took her quick shower not wanting to waste the water.

After she finished and such she got out and dried off as she dressed into the clothes. As if in the person timing dabi walked by the door and called into it, "Hairdryer is in the cabinet below the sink!" Shoto glanced over at the door surprised on dabi's timing and called back, "okay, thank you!" She glanced back at the mirror as she heard, "your welcome!" Being called back. Though her eyes widened in surprise upon seeing..she was smiling. She blinked twice to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She then shrugged it off and knelt down to open the bottom cabinet to find the hairdryer.

As she looked in she couldn't help but spot a bottle of black hair dye. Though she decided to ask dabi about that later, she grabbed the blow dryer and stood up, closing the cabinet in the process. She then found an outlet and such then began to dry her hair

(Hi, it's me, never used a hair dryer in my  so I'ma just skip it 😂)


Shoto unlocked the door after putting the hair dryer back and noticed dabi was in her room. She had some Bluetooth headphones on and was bopping her head to the beat or the music. She was walking around her room and seeming to tidy up the random mess around. Shoto had her clothes she had just been wearing in her hand as she wasn't sure where to put it or do with it. Shoto, seeing dabi didn't notice she was done, walked over and into dabi's room to grasp her attention. Dabi noticed shoto walked in and smiled as she pulled her headphones off. "Hey, princess. Done?" Dabi asked as shoto nodded.

(I forgot about the scar but I already put all my sketchbook stuff away 🤦‍♀️)

As if dabi was reading her mind she said, "I've got your clothes, I'll go throw them in the washer. Also," dabi added as she took the clothes from shoto's hand. "You look even more gorgeous in my clothes~" dabi said with a smirk as she walked out of the room. Shoto took a moment to process it as she wasn't used to complements. She felt her face heat up again as she realized dabi was rather flirting with her or was just being herself. Shoto blinked for a moment as she took a moment to figure out her thoughts that were swirling around. She eventually just took the compliment and let her face fade back as dabi walked back in.

"You hungry?" Dabi asked throwing an arm around my shoulder which She let. "I suppose" shoto said in her regular tone as dabi nodded, "well c'mon then, princess." Dabi said as she let her arm fall. Dabi had noticed from the way shoto acted or was at the moment made dabi take note that the shower woke her up. Yet it was only 9 so it makes sense. Shoto had skipped dinner and had a late lunch so she was hungry at this hour. Yet as dabi let shoto sit at a stool that was up at the island she realized her phone was broken so she was practically screwed if anything happened.

(The island?
whatever it's called in a kitchen. That extra counter thing 🤷‍♀️)

Dabi glanced around the kitchen and leaned over the counter across from shoto, "so watcha wanna eat, princess?" Dabi asked raising an eyebrow as she shrugged. Dabi glanced at the side and asked, "want some soba?" She knew that would make shoto perk up in excitement, and yes it did. Shoto nodded a smile forming on her lips. Dabi chuckled as he went to make it. Dabi threw on some music in the background yet shoto couldn't tell what it was really as it was rock music. "Have you ever even listened to rock music?" Dabi asked glancing at shoto who raised an eyebrow, "rock...music?" She asked, genuinely confused as dabi chuckled, "it's not actually rock music. It's just a genre of music" dabi explained as shoto gave an 'oh' as she understood.

Dabi nodded as she continued on and finished the soba. "Soba is done~" dabi said in a singing-like way. Shoto nodded as dabi handed shoto a bowl and one for herself. Dabi also handed silverware/or chopsticks (I think 🤔) and began to eat as shoto cheerfully ate it. Dabi chuckled, "woah, slow down, princess. Don't wanna choke on your food" dabi teased as shoto rolled her eyes playfully and slower down her eating pace so she wasn't eating fast. Dabi chuckled as she continued eating. Shoto couldn't help but adore dabi's laugh.. "princess? Princess~" Dabi said snapping shoto out of her thoughts.

"Huh?" Shoto said in surprise as dabi chuckled, "you got lost in your head huh?" Dabi asked with a slight smile as shoto chuckled slightly and shrugged. "I suppose I did" she said as she finished up. Dabi then took both the empty bowls and washed and dried them. "Alright it's time for bed for you, my princess~" Dabi said walking around the counter and glancing at shoto. She just yawned and nodded as she hopped down from the stool. "Hm, I think my princess needs to be escorted to bed" dabi said with a smirk as she suddenly picked up shoto bridal style surprising the hell out of her. In the moment she gripped her hand onto dabi's shoulder as the older girl laughed about shoto's reaction.

Shoto turned her head away in embarrassment as she calmed her embarrassment down and dabi stopped laughing. Though she was still flustered by the way dabi was carrying her. "So since my bed is big enough we can just share it. Is that alright with you, princess?" Dabi asked looking down at the girl in her arms. She just nodded as dabi smirked upon noticing she was flustered from being carried like this. Dabi then just walked then to her bedroom and placed shoto down on her bed. "Comfy ain't it?" Dabi asked raising an eyebrow as shoto felt the comfy blankets.

Dabi then realized something and face palmed, "we didn't brush our teeth"


"Now that thanks over with" dabi said laying back on the bed while shoto laid on the opposite side. Dabi put her arms behind her head as she stared at the ceiling for a moment. She glanced at shoto who was laying on her side. "Goodnight, princess~" dabi said with a wink making shoto's heart flutter. "N-night, dabi" shoto said as she closed her eyes attempting to fall asleep. Dabi closed her eyes as well and let sleep take her over..

Soon enough it's been who knows how long and shoto is still awake. She can't sleep and can't seem to understand why. She opened her eyes and realized that she normally hugged a pillow for comfort. She glanced at the side and sighed. She hesitated before moving herself and hugged dabi's torso while resting her head in her shoulder. With the sudden touch dabi's hands moved down in her sleep and rested around shoto's neck. Shoto gave a slight smile as she was able to fall asleep. Though she knew it was wrong to be resting in a villain's arms, she didn't really care right now..


Dabi's eyes woke up to the sun seeping through the blinds. Dabi frowned at seeing this but just turned his head to glance to shoto. But to her surprise she saw shoto's head laying in her neck. She then took a moment to realize what the position was and that shoto's soft breathing was in her neck. Dabi glanced over at the position and saw that shoto's arms were wrapped around her upper torso and their legs were fumbled together. She then glanced over to the sleeping girl's face. She looked so peaceful sleeping and it made her heart flutter. Dabi moved her hand up and slowly placed it on shoto's hair.

She saw how soft it was and began to use that one hand to play with shoto's hair. As she did that she realized her face was obviously red due to how close they were. Dabi tried to be as quiet as possible as she didn't want to awake shoto as she seemed so peaceful. As dabi let her head lay back and shoto's soft breathing rest in her neck, she reached out to the nightstand to try and grab her phone. She succeeded and pushed the charger off with three fingers and pulled her phone to herself. She used one hand and turned it on to see what time and day it was.

She saw it was..wow 8am already? She thought as she glanced to shoto still sleeping. She glanced at the date and noticed it was Sunday. Makes sense dabi thought as she let her hand that wasn't occupied by a phone play with shoto's red and white hair. She decided to just turn her phone off and she placed it back to where the nightstand was. She gave a smile to the peaceful sleeping girl. Soon enough though shoto's sleepy eyes opened. Once she fully opened her eyes and was awake enough to think she moved her hand up to find who or what was messing with her hair.

Shoto's hand ends up grabbing dabi's wrist as dabi whispers, "that's my hand, princess" shoto glanced up at dabi and pulled her hand down that was still holding dabi's by the wrist. Dabi just gave a silent chuckle as a smile still stayed on her face. Shoto just looked at the older girl's hand and back at dabi. She let go of dabi hand and looked back at dabi, "what's the time?" She asked simply as dabi said, "around 8" shoto nodded then asked, "it's Sunday correct?" Dabi just gave a humming response as shoto nodded. "Also sorry about uhm-... hugging you in my sleep" shoto said glancing to the side as dabi chuckled, "it's fine, princess" she said as shoto let her other hand move from dabi's torso and she sat up.

She rubbed her eye sleepily as dabi also sat up, "want some breakfast?" Dabi asked staring to get off the bed. Shoto just nodded, "okay, that'd sound nice" shoto said as, like the night before, dabi suddenly picked her up in bridal style. As shoto was surprised she gripped onto dabi again causing a chuckle from the older girl. "Don't worry, princess. I'm not gonna let you fall" dabi teased as shoto let herself be carried out to the kitchen. Dabi chuckled as she put the girl where she could stand on the floor. Dabi then walked around the counter to the kitchen as shoto sat down on a counter stool.

"Want some scrambled eggs?" Dabi asked as shoto just nodded, "alright" she simply said as dabi went and got the stuff and such out.


Shoto wasn't really paying attention to dabi cooking. Though she was paying attention to her. She looked so beautiful, at times as she was mixing the batter
(or whatever you call eggs batter)
Her hair would fall in her face and she'd tuck it behind her ear. The way her eyes shined when the light was reflecting on them made her look gorgeous. Shoto was just watching her as she soon came back to reality realizing something...

She was falling in love with a villain

She just glanced away for a moment as she looked back at dabi. She didn't really care if she was a villain or not, she was beautiful and shoto loved that she was hanging out with her. Dabi was now cooking the eggs on the pan as she glanced at shoto who was staring, "you like what you see, princess?" Dabi teased with a smirk as shoto's face turned red as she snapped back to reality and looked away. Dabi gave a laugh as shoto hid her face in embarrassment. Shoto looked back at dabi and shoto's eyes locked. The eye contact was broken through due to dabi having to go back to cooking the eggs.

Shoto's cheeks were still pink as she glanced away into her own thoughts. As dabi finished making scrambled eggs she put them onto plates and noticed shoto was in her own thoughts. Dabi smirked and decided to mess with her. Knowing she wasn't really paying attention dabi walked back around the counter and rested her head by shoto's ear. "How you doing, princess?" Dabi whispered in a low tone into shoto's ear. She jumped back to reality and was startled by dabi's sudden appearance. Dabi laughed aloud as shoto calmed down from being startled. "Sorry, princess. Just wanted to mess with you" dabi said with a wink as she walked back and grabbed the plates handing one to shoto.

As they began eating shoto remembered how she wanted to ask about the black hair dye. "I saw some hair dye in that cabinet when I was getting the hairdryer.. do you dye your hair?" Shoto asked as dabi glanced up. She nodded and said, "yep, I dye my hair black" shoto nodded and began to wonder as she continued eating. "Could I ask...what color is your natural hair?" She asked as she glanced back at dabi. She hesitated but said, "it's white" shoto nodded not seeming phased by it till she took a moment to realize

Now hold on a damn minute

Her mind took a minute to realize as she stared blankly at the counter. SHE'S TOUYA?! shoto's eyes widened as it all made sense. White hair, blue flames, teal eyes (or whatever color the eyes are) shoto decided not to say anything as she didn't want to ruin any bond she's made with dabi. She let that thought stay in the side of her mind as she resumed eating. Dabi seemed to be in her own thoughts as she hoped shoto wouldn't put two and two together and figure she was her older sister. She loved shoto, she truly did. Yet it wasn't sibling love she felt.

Dabi glanced at shoto who seemed to be eating and not thinking about what she said. Though shoto didn't really care if dabi was touya. She had ended up gaining feelings somehow and she was gonna keep it as if she didn't know anything. Soon they finished eating and dabi put cleaned and put the plates away. "So what do you want to do now, princess~?" Dabi asked raising an eyebrow with a small smirk. Shoto shrugged and said, "I don't know, anything you want I guess" dabi nodded and thought for a moment.

"Want to watch TV? Or play some card games?" Dabi suggested clearly not knowing what to do. Shoto nodded and said, "that'd be fine" dabi smiled and walked back around the counter to go fetch the card games in case they wanted to play that. As she left the room shoto wanted to get back at dabi for surprising her like that.  She decided to just scare her or surprise her back as she didn't know what else to do. Dabi walked back into the room and placed the games on the table. She glanced over to the bar stool where shoto was and saw she wasn't there anymore.

"BOO!" shoto exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around dabi's neck from the back startling the hell out of her. "Oh gosh, princess. You scared me" dabi said with a laugh as shoto giggled letting her arms fall from dabi's neck. Dabi turned around and used two fingers to hold shoto's chin up, "seems we've both scared each other eh?" Dabi teased as shoto nodded with a small smile. She was cheerful and let her guard fall completely. Dabi chuckled and said, "so you wanna play some card games?" Shoto just nodded as dabi let her fingers fall from shoto's chin.


Sooner or later now they were just watching TV. As said before, shoto has let her walls fall down and she's just a giggly and happy teen. She found someone to open up to. Even if it's her older sister.

Despite that shoto still seemed to fall in love with her sister, Yet she didn't tell her she knew her identity of course.

Now they are sitting on the couch watching a random movie. Neither of them was really paying attention to the movie and they were just chatting. Dabi had an arm around shoto's waist and she had red over her cheeks. She didn't mind it though, she enjoyed being close to dabi.

Though at some point an interesting part of the movie came on (they've both seen the movie before but wanted to watch it again) it was like a battle scene or something so they found it interesting. (Idk 😐😅)

Shoto rested her head on dabi's shoulder as dabi looked over surprised. "Princess?" Dabi asked as shoto looked up at her. "Hm?" She hummed as dabi glanced away pink dusting her face, "nevermind" she said as shoto just went back to watching.

Dabi faced away as she used her other hand to hide her face. 'damnit! Why must she be so cute!' dabi thought, as her face turned red. She looked back at the TV then at shoto. Honestly she found her adorable. Her smile, her flaws, everything. Dabi loved her

Shoto was getting slightly sleepy so she let her eyes fall as she fell asleep. After a while Dabi glanced over at shoto to see her softly breathing and her mouth slowly open as she slept peacefully. Dabi's cheek just turned red again as she turned the movie off as she wasn't that interested in it and moved them to where they were laying on the couch.

Shoto's head lay on dabi's chest as her arms rest up my dabi's neck. Dabi pulled a random couch pillow and laid her head on it as she watched as their legs managed to get tangled together. Dabi chuckled as she looked at the sleeping girl in her arms. Dabi moved her arms to behind her head/neck, and let herself fall asleep.


Shoto woke up eventually. Shoto opened her eyes to her head laying on dabi's chest. She looked up at dabi as she felt a smile coming onto her face. She just looked at her as she couldn't stop. She was just so beautiful and peaceful..

(I'm jealous of these loving and cute story moments that I make 🥲😭)

Shoto moved her hand up and slowly touched the burnt skin.
(Idk how to explain how it feels since I'm not dabi. 😂)

She slowly moved her fingers over her face and was so interested. As she did her mind went to I wonder what I feels like to kiss her lip- ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH THINKING! Shoto thought as her face turned red. She buried her face in dabi's neck and tried to get her mind off her. Though it was quite hard since she was the only thing on shoto's mind right now.

She just sighed and closed her eyes and listened to dabi's soft breathing. They just laid in silence, one being awake the other being fast asleep. The only sounds to be heard was the wall clock ticking as it read 2:43pm, and the sound of the wind blowing the leaves outside. And of course dabi and shoto breathing.

Though soon enough they both woke up. Dabi was the first to open her eyes as she noticed shoto's head was now in her neck, while her hand rested on dabi's cheek. Dabi gave a soft chuckle as the other female slowly started to awaken. She opened her eyes and noticed dabi was up now. "*yawn* good morning" shoto mumbled as Dabi said, "oh, princess. It's the afternoon" shoto fully awoke and sat up, "it is?" She asked as she looked up to where the clock was and saw the time at around 3:30. "Wow" she just mumbled as she stretched her arms slightly and climbed off the couch.

Dabi followed and asked, "want something for lunch? I mean you'll probably have dinner in a few hours but we missed lunch" dabi suggested as shoto did remember she had to go back to school since the next day was Monday. Though she found it funny to being helped, then hanging with dabi. 

Shoto nodded and sat down at the stool as dabi walked into the kitchen and made a sandwich. She just watched dabi move around the kitchen as her eyes were locked onto her. So I'm really in love huh? Shoto thought as she yawned again for a moment due to just waking up. Dabi made sandwiches and gave a plate to shoto and one to herself. "y'know, if you wanted to, you could always stay over again tonight then go to Ua in the morning" dabi said, not wanting shoto to have to leave so soon. Shoto liked the idea and nodded a smile coming back onto her face again.

Dabi smiled and they ate lunch with the occasional chatting.


Soon enough though it came time for shoto to head back to Ua. Her stuff was already there so she could just run to her dorm and change quickly since she was good at that. She already showed the night before at dabi's anyway.

So now dabi and shoto were walking through the alleyways towards Ua. They made it and stopped walking. It was a bit away but still. Neither wanted to be the one to leave first. "So uhm-..time for me to go back huh?" Shoto mumbled as Dabi nodded. She then hugged shoto as shoto hugged back. Neither wanted to pull from the hug but dabi held shoto's chin making shoto look at her. "Well then. See you around, princess" dabi said giving shoto a kiss on the lips. Shoto's cheek turned red as dabi pulled back.

Though shoto cupped dabi's face and kissed her as dabi kissed her back. The two pulled back and shoto said, "so..uhm-..are we technically dating or something?" Dabi chuckled and said, "yeah, guess we are, princess" shoto smiled and dabi let her hand fall from her chin.

"Here" dabi said handing shoto a paper with her number on it. "You should visit sometime" dabi said as shoto nodded. She then kissed dabi on the cheek surprising her and called back, she then pulled back and started  to rush off to Ua so she could quickly get ready.



Dabi froze in surprise as shoto faced towards Ua as she got there. Dabi just gave a playful smirk and placed a hand on her hip. So she knew eh? Dabi thought as she chuckled and walked back into the alleyways back to her apartment.

5733 words

The end

Wow. 😶😅

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Daphne Bridgerton might have been the 1813 debutant diamond, but she wasn't the only miss to stand out that season. Behind her was a close second, he...
98.6K 2.9K 31
"she does not remind me of anything, everything reminds me of her." lando norris x femoc! social media x real life 2023 racing season
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♮Idol au ♮"I don't think I can do it." "Of course you can, I believe in you. Don't worry, okay? I'll be right here backstage fo...