The Hellhound, Lincoln Loud (...

By Ant1z0Ne

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This is a Loud House x Helluva Boss fanfiction Lincoln wakes up in Hell after an incident. Now, he must learn... More

Author Notes
Chapter 2: Party & Aftermath
Chapter 3: Explanation
Author Notes
Chapter 4: True Form
Chapter 5: Reveal
Chapter 6: Client
Chapter 7: Radio Demon
Chapter 8: New Power
Chapter 9: Confession
Chapter 10: Primordial Demon
Chapter 11: Revenge
Chapter 12: Annihilation
Chapter 13: Honest Feeling
Chapter 14: Turf War
Chapter 15: Princess of Hell
Chapter 16: Commitment
Chapter 17: New Employee
Chapter 18: Bodyguard
Chapter 19: Feeling
Chapter 20: Visit
Chapter 21: Gift [Part 1]
Chapter 22: Gift [Part 2]
Chapter 23: Stellar Magic
Chapter 24: Idol
Chapter 25: Challenge
Chapter 26: Plan
Chapter 27: I.M.P vs Succubus
Extra: Lincoln's Status
Chapter 28: Demon vs Angel
Chapter 29: Victory

Chapter 1: Introduction

1K 24 2
By Ant1z0Ne

Hello everyone. This is Ant1z0Ne in the zone. As you probably know, I'm re-writing this story in this account so some of them will have a new storyline while some of them will be the same like the previous one in my story so good luck and enjoy the story. Peace out.

No One POV


???: *scratch left ear* What is that loud noise? I thought this area doesn't have any kind of festival today.

??? slowly open ??? eyes to see what cause the sudden loud noise until ??? finally realizes where that loud sound coming from in the first place. ??? stand up in shock as ??? looks around the area and notices the sky is red instead the usual blue and the moon's color is red with some sort of pentagram on it which is very weird in the first place. ??? could tell this place is some sort of a city but this city looks horrible as fuck in ??? opinion. The buildings were mostly run down or destroyed with some of them look perfect, the streets were run down as well with trash lying everywhere but the one thing ??? very sure is there are many weird looking creatures walking around the street instead of a normal human.

???: Where am I? What is this place? Why is this place painted red color for some reason? Am I hallucinating or something? Did I got drugged by someone?

??? about to pinch ??? cheek before ??? notices something furry on ??? skin for some reason until ??? look down and surprised at ??? new appearance. It turns out the furry feeling from before turns out to be real. ??? looks like some sort of a werewolf instead a human. 

???: What the... What happened to me? Why do I have a fur all over my body? Did someone does an experiment on me? Wait... did I got kidnapped in my sleep?


??? is surprised by the sudden loud sound from the sky so ??? looks up to see what cause the sudden noise only to see fireworks going off for some reason.


??? hear another sound after the firework going off on ??? right side and see a building that resembles a giant clock tower with a large timer saying "Next Cleanse: 365 Days". The moment ??? notices the word "cleanse" on the clock tower, ???'s brain finally solve the mystery about ??? current whereabouts.

???: It all makes sense now. The city of red... a weird looking demon wandering around the city... the clock tower saying the word cleanse... I'm in Hell. I can't believe I'm in Hell right now. Lincoln Albert Loud, you finally got what you deserved after all this time.

[For those who guess it correctly, congrats. The one who's been talking is Lincoln Loud himself but for those who doesn't, no worries. Just enjoy the story.]

Since Lincoln knows where he is now, he begin to think how to blend in with the other demon. Lincoln also realizes he still doesn't know how he looks like so he look around the area to see any mirror or some sort until he found an old building with a bit of mirror still stuck on the wall and see himself on the mirror to look at his new appearance. His entire structure is not human but rather some sort of a werewolf that he sees in the movies or comic.

Lincoln: I still can't believe my entire body transform into a werewolf. This is new to me. 

Lincoln's new appearance is totally different from his previous human body. He has grow taller as his previous human body is 150 cm or 5 feet tall while his new body is around 220 cm or 7 feet 2 inches tall based on his calculation. He has a normal muscular body for some reason unlike his previous body with snowy white fur like his human hair, his head looks like a wolf's head with a wide forehead, a very sharp jawline and a long sharp muzzle. Lincoln open his mouth to inspect his teeth and notices his teeth also changes into a wolf's teeth with a very sharp fangs around 3 or 3.3 inches long. He also notices his eye's color change as well from white sclera with brown irises to light dark sclera with a mix of red and orange irises and a long white with a bit of black patches on the tip of his tail. The only thing that's not change is his outfit which is an orange jacket with white shirt underneath, dark blue jeans and a black sport shoes.

Lincoln: If I remember correctly, based on the book that I've have read before, I look like a hellhound which means I'm at the bottom among the Hell's hierarchy system which is good for me to blend in but also bad at the same time since I'm powerless and doesn't know anything about this place which they can easily take advantage of me.

Lincoln walk out from the alley into the streets and notices the city of Hell looks the same like the city on Earth.

Lincoln: If I play my card right, I can do something to grab some money or even get a job if I'm lucky enough. Let's just hope if someone wants to look for any intern in here. I mean... this is Hell. Anything can happen in here. 

Lincoln begin to walk on the street to wander the city looking for a job. He stares at the building around and the demons around him as well. He only see three type of demon which is imp, hellhound and succubus. Lincoln suddenly stop and look at the giant sign in front of him. The sign has a black rimmed sign with an eye symbol and the words "Welcome to: IMP CITY", with "SECOND CIRCLE" underneath. The sign has a red half pentagram at the bottom and a pair of imp-like horns at the top.

Lincoln: No wonder I can only see these type of demons which kinda make sense since their species is in the lowest class among all demons. Let's just hope I can find something to do.

As if luck on Lincoln's side [not exactly but yeah], an unknown paper suddenly appear out of nowhere and stuck to his face. Lincoln take off the unknown paper away from his face to look at the content and see it's a flyer for a job offer.

Lincoln: Is it me or the flyer written in crayon? *scratch his eyes* Nope, it is in crayon.

The flyer is actually written with crayon and very poorly writing as well in it as if a child written it. The content of the letter is literally saying:

I.M.P Headquarters
Contact 666 - 1313
Help Oneted!

Lincoln: I.M.P Headquarters. What an unique name for a company since we are literally in Imp City or maybe I.M.P is a short for something. Let's see what kind of place is it and hoping to see if they have an empty slot left.

Lincoln continue to read the flyer and found the address of the company in a different hand writing suggesting someone else wrote it. He begin to walk around the city searching for the address. 

Few Minutes Later

Lincoln finally arrives at the address and stares at the company's building. The building is a large black and dark gray building with black and white horns built onto it as well as having some black window panes and antennas attacked on it.

Lincoln: I don't know either to be impressed by their bold infrastructure or they just randomly build it like that. Let just hope this is the correct building.

Lincoln walk towards the building and enter it before he see an elevator in front of him and enter the elevator. He look at the button and search for the I.M.P floor which he found and press it and let the elevator do the job. The elevator stop moving suggesting he has arrives at his floor and walk out from the elevator.

Lincoln: *inhale and exhale* You got this, Lincoln! Do not be afraid.

Lincoln walk around the floor looking at the state of the building until he see a single door writing IMP HEADQUARTERS on it in a some sort of black marker with a small paper underneath it saying MEETINS IN PROGRESS with a drawing of small blue smiling face at the end.

Lincoln: Luck is on my side. I found the place but why the hell does his hand writing look likes a child? Since they're having a meeting, maybe I should wait for them... *think about it* Nah, who cares?

Lincoln knock the door and enter the room only to find the room is completely empty suggesting the meeting is on another room. Lincoln look around the room and realizes this is the waiting room where the receptionist makes an appointment with the client and deliver it to the boss for approval.

Lincoln: Since they're in a meeting, maybe I should do somehing to kill some time rather than sitting here doing nothing. Maybe I should test my new body on what extent can it do.

Lincoln then put the flyer on the sofa and take off his orange jacket and his white shirt as well since his entire body is covered in fur so he doesn't care if he showing any skin or not. Lincoln begin to stretch his body before he do a basic exercise routine like push-ups and sit-ups.

Few Hours Later

Lincoln finish with his exercise routine which he manages to do 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups easily in his new body. Lincoln wipe away the sweat from his fur from the exercise and stretch his body for a bit.

Lincoln: This new body feels amazing. No wonder I don't feel any tiredness from all that walk. My physique and body structure is totally different from a human body and I can easily do a lot of things with this body. I should see how much more can I do with this new body.

Meanwhile, in the meeting room

We can see Blitzo talking nonsense about how to save their business with his employee as usual, Moxxie trying to argue with his boss's nonsense, Millie trying to calm her husband down and Loona casually playing with her phone ignoring whatever happen to her surrounding.

Loona: *annoyed* When will these moron shut up? I can't even play my phone in-

Suddenly, Loona's nose twitching making her stand up and put her phone down as her nose smell something or someone outside of the room which cause the rest of them staring at her because of her sudden action.

Blitzo: What's wrong, Loonie? Is there something you want to say?

Loona: I smell someone in here. We're not the only demon in here.

This cause the entire I.M.P employee turn from annoyed to serious and ready to take out the intruder. Blitzo pull out a flintlock pistol from his coat, Moxxie pull out a shotgun from his coat like Blitzo while Millie pull out a harpoon from her back. They slowly walk out from the meeting room and point out their weapon towards the intruder trying to intimidate the intruder.

Blitzo: Alright, you bitch ass. Get ready for us to kick... your...

Moxxie, Millie and Loona look at Blitzo in confusion wondering why he's not finishing his sentences until they look at the intruder's action. The intruder is none other than Lincoln Loud himself but he's right now sitting on the floor in a meditation position with his eyes closed.

Blitzo: *look at his employee* Who the fuck is this fucker?

Loona: Don't ask me. I just smell someone in this room.

Moxxie, who is thinking about the situation, notices a paper on the table and take it which turns out to be a flyer that Blitzo made before.

Moxxie: *show the flyer* I think this guy wants to work with us, sir.

Millie: *surprised* Really? I never thought someone actually notices the flyer especially read it in the first place.

Moxxie: *agree* You can say that again.

Blitzo: I don't care about who the fuck he is. He trespass into our office which means I can shoot him.

Blitzo draw his gun and take aim towards Lincoln, who is still in his position before he fires it towards Lincoln. The bullet slowly make its way towards Lincoln in slow motion until Lincoln sense an unknown object flying towards him before he unconsciously raise his right hand to catch the flying object without even batting an eye in a literal sense.

Lincoln release his fist and a squashed bullet fall to the floor shocking every demon except Lincoln inside the room. The I.M.P members are totally in shock and awe as an unknown demon came out of nowhere inside their office and caught a bullet with ease while his eyes still closed.

Lincoln: That almost got my head. Well, it is my fault on trespassing in the first place so I think I deserve that.

The I.M.P members are even more shocked as they never seen a demon who manage to catch a bullet in mid-air shows a normal expression and ignore what just happened.

Blitzo: Who the fuck is this prick? How in the actual fuck did he manage to catch a fucking bullet with his bare hand?

Moxxie: That is so cool.

Millie: You can say that again, honey.

Lincoln: Greeting, everyone. I'm here looking for a job. Is there any empty slot left?

Moxxie: Umm... sure, we have an empty slot left. 

Lincoln: *smile* Wonderful. *walk towards Moxxie* You must be the boss of this company. *shake Moxxie's hand* Pleasure to meet you.

Every I.M.P member has a different reaction. Millie snicker at Lincoln's statement, Loona just staring at Lincoln and lastly, Blitzo is having a mental breakdown inside his brain.

Blitzo: Who the fuck says he's the boss? I'm the boss of this establishment!

Lincoln: *shocked* Really? I thought this demon is in charge based on his clothing unlike yours...

Moxxie: *happy* That's very kind of you but I'm not the boss. *points at Blitzo* He is actually the boss.

Lincoln: No way! He's the boss? How come someone like you have a boss like him?

Moxxie: Trust me. I've been saying that statement for a long time.

Millie: Damn... you are very big. How tall are you?

Lincoln: Umm... around 220 cm or 7 feet 2 inches. Why?

Millie: *whistle* I've never seen any hellhound as tall like yours. You're the first one.

Lincoln: Thanks for the compliment, Miss...

Millie: Millie. You can call me Miss Millie. *points at Moxxie* That handsome imp over there is my husband, Moxxie. *points at Blitzo* You already know our boss, Blitzo. *points at Loona* That is Blitzo's daughter and our receptionist, Loona.

Lincoln: Nice to meet all of you. My name is Lincoln. You can call me Lincoln or Linc if you want.

Moxxie: I think you will be a great addition in this company.

Blitzo: I don't think so. He's not getting my approval. Get the fuck outta here.

Lincoln: *sad sigh* Looks like your boss doesn't approve of me. I'm gonna continue searching for a job. Goodbye.

Lincoln turn around and grab his jacket from the sofa before he bow his head and make his way to the door to leave the office until someone grab his hand stopping him from leaving. Lincoln turn his head around to see who's the one grab his hand and found out it's Loona the one who grab his hand.

Lincoln: *confused* Is there something I can help you with, Miss Loona?

Loona: How did you do that?

Lincoln: *raise eyebrow* Do what?

Loona: The bullet. How did you manage to caught the bullet with your bare hand while your eyes closed?

Lincoln: *realizes* Oh... that!

Moxxie: I also wonder about that. How did you actually caught it in the first place?

Lincoln: I don't know how to explain to you guys but since I'm a hellhound, my sense of hearing  are more heighten than any other demon. By focusing the sound around me, I predict the speed and the trajectory of the bullet aiming towards me and caught it at the perfect moment.

Moxxie: That's very impressive. Even I didn't know that could work in the first place.

Lincoln: That's because it's a 50/50 chance. If I miss, the bullet will penetrate my head and destroy my brain killing me but if I caught it, the worst thing that could happen is losing a finger but luckily, I didn't lost one.

Moxxie: You're a smart demon. I like that.

Lincoln: They didn't call me "The Man with the Plan" for no reason.

Moxxie: *look at Blitzo* Come on, sir. We're short of manpower and we need any help we can get right now. This company is a mess as it is.

Blitzo: *turn his head in anger* I will not change my decision. 

Moxxie: Are you fucking kidding with me, sir? 

Lincoln: By the way... what does your company do actually?

Moxxie: Our company offers the unique service of eliminating living targets still on Earth as a form of settling the unfinished business of Hell's residents.

Lincoln: *blink* Wow... that's something... and here I thought this company would be a boring one based on condition. Then... how about a bet?

Blitzo: *interested* Bet? What kind of bet?

Lincoln: Like Sir Moxxie said, your job is to eliminate targets on Earth and receive payments for them, right?

Blitzo: That would be correct, yes.

Lincoln: Then how about this? Instead of completely hiring me, I will become an intern of this company and I will not receive salary during the bet's duration. The bet is I will do the killing all by myself and return with the target's body within 30 minutes. No less and no more. If I win, you will accept me as your full-time employee and receive a salary but if I lose, I will work with you as an intern for the rest of my life and will not receive any kind of salary. How about it? Is it a deal?

Blitzo: *smile* Now you talking. I accept the bet. Deal!

Both Lincoln and Blitzo shake their hands together in agreement as they agree with the bet on both side.

Lincoln: Before we start, I'm gonna need to talk with Sir Moxxie about the bet since he's the only demon who can keep up with me.

Moxxie: As a member of I.M.P, I give you my welcome, Lincoln.

Lincoln: The pleasure is all mine, Sir Moxxie.

Both Lincoln and Moxxie shake their hands as Lincoln about to begins with his new life in Hell and his first job as well. What kind of fate will happen to our white hellhound? Stay tuned for more! This is Ant1z0Ne. Peace out.

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