How To Hook A Star

By CharryLatte

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[Lloyd Garmadon x Reader] She was adored, he was ignored, Her life bloomed like a rose, his, thorned and torn... More

Some Stuff (Important)


701 30 1
By CharryLatte


I like to believe that I'm generally easygoing and don't easily lose my temper. People often describe me as a calm individual, as smooth as a river.

However, being observed like some exhibit in a zoo can be quite vexing.

Lloyd stood off to the side, scrutinizing my every move. It felt akin to being observed by a cat preparing to pounce. Concentrating became increasingly difficult, but I didn't let it affect my work ethic.

However, others weren't the same.

Once, Lloyd and I entered the elevator to head up to one of the auditoriums for rehearsals. Suddenly, everyone around us abandoned their tasks and gathered around the Green Ninja.

As if that wasn't enough, when we actually began our work, the dancers were noticeably distracted by Lloyd. Accidental missteps, collisions between dancers, and other awkward moments unfolded, which was particularly embarrassing given that we were all seasoned professionals.

At one point, two male dancers had to lift me off the ground, and a female dancer slipped, causing a chain reaction that led us to tumbling down onto the wooden floor.

By this point, the dance choreographer had had enough. "Everyone, get a grip! Ugh, just take a break," he exclaimed, shaking his head as he walked away in frustration.

With a groan, I made my way to the edge of the stage and casually sat down, grabbing a cold water bottle from the cooler. I couldn't help but acknowledge our luck in having Lloyd around.

Had it been any other day without him, we would undoubtedly have been on the receiving end of some stern reprimands. I'm surprised that no one kicked him out of the room.

"Is being an idol hard?" I turned to my side, only to discover Lloyd. I met Lloyd's gaze, contemplating his question. The studio's hustle and bustle was definitely different from the grueling training that a Ninja does.

"Well," I started, carefully selecting my words, "being an idol comes with its own set of challenges. The continuous scrutiny and pressure can get quite overwhelming."

I glanced around as some dancers engaged in playful banter, and with a slight smile, I added, "Everyone in this room has dedicated themselves to refining their skills to reach this level."

"Though the settings may differ, there's a similarity to the training of Ninjas." Lloyd nodded in understanding."I don't think I'd be able to survive," he chuckled, releasing a breath.

I couldn't agree more. Lloyd was never a skilled dancer. He had a tendency to trip over his own feet, especially during our celebrations after significant victories.

I vividly recall the time he challenged Cole to Dance Revolution at the arcade and ended up losing quite spectacularly.

"Alright, let's start from the top!" The dance choreographer signaled for everyone to get into position. I rose from the floor and headed to the center, while Lloyd returned to his seat to watch.

Just as we were about to commence, chaos ensued as a stage light came crashing down. In an instant, I found myself in the path of danger.

Before panic could fully set in, Lloyd, quick on his feet, lunged forward and pushd me out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the falling light. We landed on the floor, and he held me securely in his arms.

The auditorium fell into a stunned silence. Gratitude flooded me for Lloyd's swift reaction, and as we assessed our surroundings, we noticed the shattered stage light a few feet away.

The dance choreographer quickly addressed the situation. "Alright, everyone, let's take a moment to ensure everything is safe. Check the equipment, and make sure there are no further issues-"

Lloyd, however, interrupted with a raised index finger. "Wait," he signaled for everyone to halt. The room fell into a hush as he silenced the bustling atmosphere. Initially, I questioned whether he was overreacting, but an unsettling feeling suggested otherwise.

Something was... off.

A tense stillness enveloped the room, with everyone frozen in their positions, awaiting Lloyd's signal. The tension heightened as footsteps echoed from backstage, signaling a hasty escape.

Swiftly, Lloyd got up from our position on the floor and rushed backstage, tailing the person responsible for this chaotic situation.


Lloyd sprinted backstage in pursuit of the culprit. He scanned the area, listening intently before discerning the sound of footsteps growing more distant.

The backstage was dark, it had a lot of crates stored around arbitrarily. Lloyd knew he was getting close to the culprit, as he raced forward, the silhouette of a person came into view just ahead of him.

Lloyd's pursuit intensified through the intricate pathways backstage. The rhythmic thud of footsteps and the occasional clatter of crates echoed in the darkness.

Despite Lloyd's speed, the elusive individual demonstrated a remarkable ability to evade capture, slipping through the shadows like a phantom.

As they darted around corners and weaved through the cluttered maze, Lloyd found himself in a suspenseful cat-and-mouse game. The person skillfully avoided capture, keeping just beyond Lloyd's grasp.

The adrenaline coursing through Lloyd's veins. In the dim light, Lloyd strained to catch more than fleeting glimpses of the perpetrator.

Yet, all he could discern was the person's arm, adorned with a tattoo of a purple snake. The serpent slithered in vivid hues, adding an ominous touch to the mysterious figure's identity.

It brought to mind a particular 7''0 ft. Anacondrai that he had set free during his younger years.

The backstage area seemed to stretch endlessly, each twist and turn offering the elusive individual an advantage. Frustration lingered as the gap between them remained constant.

Suddenly, the figure took a sharp turn, disappearing into a narrow passage. Lloyd quickened his pace, navigating through the confined space.

The shadows played tricks on his perception, but the tattooed arm remained a distinctive marker in the darkness. As Lloyd emerged from the narrow passage, he found himself in an open area where the figure had seemingly vanished.

Lloyd, catching his breath, surveyed the surroundings. The mysterious individual had eluded capture for now, leaving Lloyd with more questions than answers.

The only lingering clue—the tattoo of the purple snake—etched in Lloyd's memory.

Returning to the stage, he pushed through the curtains without anything in his hands. All eyes turned towards him, seeking answers. "Did you catch the guy?" someone inquired.

Lloyd shook his head and directed his attention to [Name]. "Get your things." Her eyes widened. She knew from the look in Lloyd's eyes that this was severe.

Quickly, [Name] gathered her belongings, a palpable sense of urgency hanging in the air. The unspoken tension left everyone on edge, and Lloyd's solemn demeanor only added to the mystery surrounding the elusive intruder.

As she collected her items, the dance choreographer approached Lloyd with a furrowed brow. "What happened back there? Who was it?"

Lloyd's gaze remained unwavering, his thoughts dwelling on the tattooed arm of the mysterious figure. "I couldn't catch him, but it's clear they're specifically targeting [Name]."

A murmur of concern swept through the room as the weight of the revelation sank in. The realization that [Name] was being singled out added another layer of unease to an already tense situation.

With [Name] ready to leave, Lloyd addressed the group. "We need to stay vigilant. Keep an eye out for anything unusual. This might be more than just a random incident." The weight of uncertainty hung in the air as the group processed the potential threat.

Lloyd guided [Name] to the elevator, his eyes scanning the surroundings to ensure the coast was clear. The elevator emitted a soft ring as its doors opened for the two.

Stepping inside, Lloyd inquired, "Which leads to the rooftop?"

"This one," [Name] replied, pressing the button for the top floor. The elevator began its ascent, "Why are we going to the roof?" questioned [Name].

Lloyd observed the changing floor numbers as the elevator ascended. "It's too risky to go through the front," he commented, a clear concern in his voice.

He recalled the crowd swarming them earlier and didn't want to risk losing [Name] in a crowd, or worse, expose them to potential harm.

"Hope you're not afraid of heights," he added, attempting to lighten the mood.

[Name] responded with a confident smile, "Not at all. I actually find it quite thrilling." she had her fair share of patrolling the city and parkouring through buildings in her previous life.

The elevator doors slid open. "We have to go up a few stairs to reach the rooftop," [Name] informed Lloyd. Taking the lead, she guided him to the fire escape room and up a flight of stairs that led to the CEO's helicopter pad.

They arrived at the building's rooftop, and a brisk gust of wind swept over them. [Name's] hair, a vibrant hue of H/c, tousled around in the chill. Sensing the cold, Lloyd inquired, "Do you have a jacket with a hood?"

[Name] retrieved her hoodie and pulled it on, covering her face with the hood. Lloyd nodded in approval and crouched down, preparing to lift [Name]. However, she stepped away, her expression a mix of surprise and slight embarrassment.

"H-hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" she reprimanded him, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. Lloyd quickly tried to explain, "I'm gonna get us down from here." he motioned down to the other buildings.

"If you know parkour, then you're welcome to go down by yourself," Lloyd said, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender.

[Name] huffed and placed a hand on her hip. "As a matter of fact, I do, so there won't be any need for any of that," she retorted with a touch of sass.

Lloyd raised a brow, highly doubting that someone like her could make such a huge jump. "Look, there's no time to be stubbo—" he stopped himself as [Name] ran past him and leaped off the building.

He followed after her, attempting to catch up. "[Name]!" he called out, extending his arms to grab her as they descended. Despite his efforts, he couldn't reach her.

Much to his surprise, she landed safely on the rooftop of another building, and he landed right after her. Lloyd was in shock. How could someone without any formal training move on par with a Ninja?

[Name], on the other hand, was feeling a sense of nostalgia. Despite her resolution to live a peaceful life this time, she couldn't help but miss the feeling of the wind as she patrolled.

Upon landing on the roof of the building, she let out a chuckle, running her fingers through her H/c locks. Unbeknownst to her, the hood had slipped back down, and the sunlight bathed her frame perfectly.

From where Lloyd stood, she looked ethereal, and something in his chest clenched, though he couldn't quite pinpoint what. She was undeniably very pretty.

Lloyd pushed away his thoughts and focused on the task at hand. "The neighborhood we met," he began. "Is that where you live?" he asked.

[Name] nodded. "Yeah, I live close to the park," she replied, referring to the same park where he had witnessed her being bothered by a group of men, an incident that had left him knocked unconscious.

"Then, let's get going." As they leaped from one building to another, the rhythmic sound of their footfalls echoed through the urban landscape.

The city sprawled beneath them, a labyrinth of structures and lights that blurred as they swiftly moved toward the southern part of Ninjago City.

The wind rushed past them, carrying with it a mix of city sounds and the exhilaration of their rooftop journey. Lloyd couldn't help but marvel at [Name]'s agility and the seamless way she navigated the heights, reminiscent of the others he trained alongside.


We reached the front of my house, and Lloyd looked around, his gaze lingering on the spot where I had left him.

Fishing for my keys in my pocket, I quipped, "Really? So this really was your house," he grumbled in a not-so-enthusiastic tone.

I glanced back at him, saying, "Hey, I had half a mind to leave you on the sidewalk unconscious. If it weren't for my overtly stubborn dog, you'd probably have woken up in a basement with a crazed fangirl holding you hostage." I retorted with a smirk.

Even with his mask on, I could tell Lloyd's face was scrunched due to the crease of his eyebrows. "Stay here," I instructed him. Lloyd tilted his head, questioning, "Why?"

"Because my housekeeper is here, and it'd be a real pain having to explain to her why I'm back early and the Green Ninja is with me." I unlocked the door.

As I entered, the joyful barks of my dog, D/N, filled the air. Yep, he could definitely smell Lloyd on me...

Miss Krista, the housekeeper, appeared at the door and greeted me, "Welcome back. Why are you back so early?" she inquired.

Taking off my shoes and placing them on the rack, I replied, "An emergency happened back at work, and they sent me home," trying to keep it vague.

Miss Krista hummed in response and gathered her things. "Well alright then, I should take my leave..." She retrieved her shoes from the rack and put them on.

I opened the door and waited for her departure. Just as she stepped out, she paused and turned to me, "Please stay safe, [Name]," she said, caressing my cheek.

Biting the inside of my lip, I assured her, "I will." With that, she left. I waited for a few minutes before concluding, "Okay, coast is clear." Lloyd descended from his hiding spot in a nearby tree, a smart move considering the color of his gi.

I motioned for Lloyd to follow me inside. "Alright, come in, but stay quiet," I whispered, not wanting to catch the attention of my neighbors.

Lloyd surveyed the living room, asking, "Are your parents at work?"

"No, I live by myself," I replied.

He furrowed his brows, expressing concern. "Alone? By yourself? That's dangerous."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I moved for work,"

A beeping sound emanated from his gi, likely his communications device. "One second, I need to take this," Lloyd excused himself and pressed the small button tucked in his Ninja Mask.

"Samurai, come in," he spoke into the device, addressing Nya. 'Samurai' used to be her code name before she became the Water Ninja.

I sank onto my couch, and D/N joined me. I absentmindedly scratched the back of his ear, contemplating, "What the hell am I doing, D/N?" I dreaded the answer.

I had made so many promises that this time would be different, that I wouldn't involve myself with Lloyd or whatever Hajime had planned.

My gaze shifted to the paper bag Mystake had gifted me from her tea shop. 'Only use it when you think you are ready,' she had said. The real question lingered in my mind—was I ready?

Perhaps it's hopeless to avoid destiny?

What was the purpose for me travelling back in time?

If I tread the same path as before, will it end the same?

These thoughts plagued me, casting a shadow over the choices I had to make. The inexorable pull of fate loomed over me, a force that I couldn't escape, whether I welcomed it or not.

I felt a mix of stupidity, hopefulness, and cowardice for not facing it head-on. If I truly wanted to enact change, if I genuinely aimed to make a difference, I had to carve my own path this time.

No more running.

No more hiding.

A star shouldn't have to be overshadowed.

As Lloyd returned to the living room, "My colleague is coming to check out th-" I interrupted him with determination, "Take me to Master Wu."

Lloyd's eyes widened in surprise. "W-what?" I locked eyes with him, staring directly into those ruby orbs that I had once loved in my first life but had come to reject.

"Take me to Master Wu,"


Lloyd sped through the streets of the city, [Name] seated beside him as they entered the outskirts, heading for the Sea of Sand. The vehicle they were using was one of Nya's inventions, designed for Lloyd to reach the city swiftly in times of danger.

Observing [Name] through the rear-view mirror, Lloyd couldn't help but ask, "So, how do you know Master Wu?" An inkling suspicion about [Name]'s connection to his uncle lingered. Could she have been trained by Master Wu?

If that were the case, the puzzle deepened. How had he and the others never known about her?

[Name] sighed, shifting in her seat. "He came to the building three days ago and offered to train me," she explained, averting her E/c eyes to her hands.

"I initially declined him, but with a target now on my back, I would like to know how to defend myself," she added, though her answer only fueled more questions in Lloyd's mind.

They arrived at the location of the Samurai X Cave, where Lloyd, his family, and Nya had been residing since the departure of the others. The sand unveiled the entrance, and Lloyd drove the car inside.

The entrance closed behind them, concealing the cave from sight. Underground lights illuminated the space as Lloyd parked the car. [Name] couldn't help but sigh with nostalgia; it felt like reliving the past.

She vividly recalled the day Lloyd first brought her here. As Lloyd opened the car door for [Name], the two walked over to the large computer. Nya, sitting at the main chair, turned around, ready to address the emergency. However, her expression froze when she saw [Name], her eyes widening like saucers. "[Name]?!" she exclaimed, clearly caught off guard.

[Name] responded with a wry smile, "Surprise," punctuating it with little jazz hands. It dawned on Nya that she had just inadvertently exposed Lloyd's identity to [Name]. "Oh, shit."

Lloyd sighed and took off his mask, revealing his floppy golden locks. Despite the revelation, [Name] showed no signs of shock since she already knew his identity. To her, the entire experience felt the same yet somewhat different.

"Lloyd Garmadon, nice to finally introduce myself to you," he said, shaking [Name]'s hand.

[Name] responded with a nonchalant hum, "Charmed."

Nya, still processing the situation, asked Lloyd, "Was this the emergency you were talking about?" Lloyd gave a so-so motion. "Kind of, but [Name] was the one who wanted to come here. Is Master Wu here?"

Just then a door opened to reveal Master Wu, Garmadon, and Misako. [Name] sucked in a breathe, she missed Misako and Garmadon. To her they were like a second pair of parents.

The three elders stopped in their tracks witnessing [Name's] presence. Master Wu, not so much, in fact he looked as if he had been waiting for this to happen.

[Name] couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence in the presence of the wise teacher. Memories of her past life flooded back, and she offered a respectful bow. "Master Wu."

Master Wu nodded in acknowledgment. "Greetings, [Name]. It seems fate has brought you here."

Lloyd interjected, explaining, "She wanted to come here, Master. There's something she needs to discuss."

"I see," Master Wu and Garmadon exchanged a knowing look. "By coming here, [Name], am I to understand that you accept my offer?" Master Wu inquired.

[Name] bit her lip and nodded, "Yes, I've given it careful thought, and it would be an honor to train by you." she accepted.

Misako stepped forward with genuine warmth, her smile inviting. "We're truly delighted to have you on board, [Name]." She extended her arms in a welcoming gesture. "I am Misako, and this is my husband, Garmadon," she motioned gracefully to Lloyd's father.

Garmadon mirrored the warm welcome, "Welcome, [Name]. It seems you're well acquainted with my son and Nya."

Nya and Lloyd exchanged puzzled glances. "Wait, wait, wait," Nya interjected. "Can someone please tell us, what's going on here?" They were clearly lagging behind on the latest developments.

Master Wu gave a knowing smile, "Yes, of course. A proper introduction is due." [Name] turned to face Lloyd and Nya.

"Allow me to introduce [Name] [Surname], Master of Stars."

With that new piece of information, Nya and Lloyd physically broke. "What?!" they both exclaimed. "I would like to make a request, though," [Name] spoke up.

All eyes turned towards her. "I would like to be taught by Master Garmadon."


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