Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid:...

By BlackvoirYanderevoir

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Kyle is a fusion breed of dragon factors and also the prince of both factors. His parents sent him to the hum... More

chapter one: the prince's arrival (do dragons have princes?)
Chapter two: third dragon, kanna! (we're getting more spoiled here!)
Chapter three: his friends and a new life! (which won't end well!)
chapter Four: getting kanna school supplies! (not that she needs them!)
Chapter 5: Kyles hanging out time (he needs more time with friends!)
Chapter 6: Visits(and not visits!)
Special Chapter: Halloween(time to show our dragon parts!)
Chapter 7: Sweet girlfriends and bitter rivals
Chapter 8: Dragon Tests(Two different Tests)
Chapter 9: How the Four met(Some backstory time)
Chapter 10: Christmas Festival(Us Dragons aren't getting Cold)
Chapter 11: New End, New Years(What about new Beginnings?)
Chapter 12: Impactful Meetings(When we all met)
Chapter 13: Battle for the End(First Parts Finale)
Chapter 14: New Dragons Sludge and Ilulu(Both are now Introduced)
Chapter 16: Active Activists(Just some talking)
Chapter 17: Allies in high Places(Introducing Cy the Cyclizar)
Bio's 2
Chapter 18: Unimpactful Meeting(How Rivalries Begin)
Chapter 19: When Romance goes Wrong(Happy Late Valentine's)
Chapter 20: Always Know Thy Friends(One of them is Dragon)
Chapter 21: Ancient Rage and Future Burst(Dragons from other Eras)
Chapter 22: Expactful Meetings(It's just Elma)
Chapter 23: Kanna in New York(Could be Kalos?)
Chapter 24: Unrelaxation(Meeting his Father)
Chapter 25: Constantly Changing Life(Who to Pick?)
Chapter 26: Dragon Hospitality(An Old Friend Visits)

Chapter 15: Redeeming Ilulu(Featuring Kobayashi as Him)

151 4 0
By BlackvoirYanderevoir

A/N: I did want to name the Chapter after the Episode, just for some Laughs, but you might of guessed it's based on that Episode. Just for some clarifications, Chapter may include some Sexual bits, for Kobayashi being a guy at least.

After witnessing she had one of thoses, Kobayashi was then concerned about what Ilulu had done to her. Due to that, she(Or now he) had to quickly return home, where she could ask someone to help.

Kobayashi: Maybe I could ask Tohru to fix this...

As she was returning home, she then then had second thoughts if she asked Tohru.

Tohru(Thoughts): Wha-You have one of thoses Now?! Why don't we have some fun with it?

Kobayashi: Then again...

Once she returned home, she came in, seeing Kyle was still up, just watching some Late TV. As of that, He was holding and looking at the Pokeball Sludge came in from.

Kobayashi: Can't sleep?

Kyle: Yeah. Just thinking about... stuff.

Kobayashi: Your not the only one. And Sludge?

Kyle then showed the Poke ball.

Kyle: Since Space is limited, and I didn't think of staying somewhere myself, she's decided to stay in her Pokeball.

Kobayashi didn't think that Dragon Pokémon would like to stay in their Pokeballs, as she decided to go to the Bathroom. However, after she opened the door, she then saw Tohru coming out the Shower, wrapped in a towel.

Tohru: Oh Kobayashi, welcome home.

Kobayashi didn't say anything and just closed the door.

Kobayashi: That was a mistake.

Since she's now has that, she knew that a house with more girls would be harder than she thought, even with Tohru. Kyle saw her close the door, confused.

*Insert Intro*

Once Kobayashi closed the door, after seeing Tohru, Kyle got confused.

Kyle: Is there something on your mind, Kobayashi?

Kobayashi thought, since he was trusting, and also a boy, she decided to tell him, thinking if Tohru was listening through the door.

Kobayashi: Ok, since it's just you and me, and possibly Sludge, I should tell you what's going on.

She then whispered it into Kyle's ear, which then made him laugh.

Kyle: Ilulu turned you into... And now you have one of thoses?!

He then started laughing, as She just rolled her eyes.

Kyle: I don't think it's Permanent, since it's just a little Transformation Spell. Maybe leave it for 24 Hours?

Kobayashi looked down at her crouch.

Kobayashi: 24 Hours? I have a day off tomorrow, so I have to keep this a secret from Tohru and Kanna?

Kyle: Well, Kanna won't even know, and Tohru... Yeah, you won't last an Hour!

Kobayashi thought about his words and had to come up with some strategies, since this was somekind of Test Ilulu was making her go through.

The Next day was her Day off, as she was sleeping late. Since confirming from Kyle that her Transformation would last 24 Hours, she had to make sure to stay away from, mostly Tohru.

Kobayashi: So a Few Hours away from Tohru? How hard could that be? VERY! Very Hard, Prince Boy!

As she was about to get out of bed, she felt someone else sleeping with her. She took off the covers, seeing Kanna was still napping next to her.

Kanna was sleeping very close to her, which made it a bit more difficult for the Male turned Female.

Once she got dressed, which felt a bit awkward for her, she saw both Kyle and Tohru was already awake.

Tohru: Morning, Kobayashi!

Kobayashi stayed quiet from the Dragon Maid, as she went to talk to Kyle.

Kobayashi: Are you sure what you said about this spell lasts 24 Hours?

Kyle thought, thinking about what she said.

Kyle: Maybe 24 Hours... Or Perhaps in a Week?

Kobayashi then got a bit mad at him, that was until Sludge came out of her Pokeball.

Sludge: What's going on here?

Kyle: Long Story short, Kobayashi is now a 'he', and I don't know how long the spell is!

Sludge: You have one of thoses? That's a weird time for Trans.

Kyle: It's a Spell, Slime Brain!

Sludge: I think it'll be a week? Maybe Ten days?

Kobayashi then snatched the Pokeball and sent Sludge back inside.

Kobayashi: Maybe it was another Mistake to ask another Dragon... Especally from a Factions like Sludges.

Kyle just shrugged at her, knowing she won't make it.

After a few interactions between Kobayashi and the others, which included hugging, surprise hug attacks, Kanna snuggling next to her as she sleeps and Tohru wanting to come and bathe with her, it wasn't easy for the poor woman.

After thoses interactions, some of the Spell was wearing off a little, but still had that part.

Kobayashi: Just another few days, and I'll be back to normal. Just a few days.

Since coming from Kyle and Sludge's words, she was doing surpringly well.

Until tonight!

Tohru: Kobayashi, Dinner's ready!

Tohru made some dinner just for her and Kobayashi. Surprised that she still doesn't know, she enjoyed the dinner.

Kobayashi: Even if Tohru doesn't know, I might of passed Ilulu's Test... Whatever that is.

However, she then started feeling a bit funny, as she then realised that Tohru glased the Dinner with a Love Potion, as she saw her smirking.

Tohru: You didn't think you only told Kyle and Sludge, didn't you? I know you have one of thoses!

Kobayashi was surprised how she knew.

Tohru: And Before you ask, Sludge spilled the beans. I mean literally! She just threw the tin into the Microwave.

Knowing that she was screwed, Tohru then removed her maid Dress.

Tohru: So why don't we start Mating? Let's do it in your Room!

Just then, Kyle came back, after his day out with Hydre. However, he saw Tohru nude and Kobayashi looking a bit drunk.

Kyle: I guess she knows?

Kobayashi then thought of something, as she then looked at Kyle.

Kobayashi: Tohru, before I say something to you, Kyle, can you stay in your room until we're done? We'll give you a call once we're done.

Kyle listened to the Human and went into his room. He decided to take a nap, however, it lasted for a minute after hearing Tohru yell.

Tohru(other side of wall): NOOO!!!

Kyle: Guess she didn't do it?

He then went back to sleep.

After being scaring Tohru, who didn't say anything to Kobayashi for the last few days, Kobayashi was back to normal, meaning she passed Ilulu's test.

Kyle: So what did you tell Tohru that scared her that baddly?

Kobayashi then smiled.

Kobayashi: Like I'll ever tell! For now, I passed Ilulu's test. Just a bit concerned on what her next moves will be.

After the next few days after Koabayashi was back to normal, she was just relaxing in the streets in the middle of the night. Since Tohru was getting a few ingredients for dinner, she was waiting next to a wall, drinking some Coffee. As she was waiting, she was thinking about something.

Kobayashi: I feel like at this point, Ilulu would come out, since I'm alone.

Hydre: I thought I would see you here?

Just then, she was greeted by Hydre, who just appeared and wandering the streets by herself.


Kobayashi: Just waiting for Tohru. Just getting ingredients.

Hydre: Guess that makes sense.

Just then, thinking about it, Hydre was a Chaos faction, she could help a little.

Kobayashi: Talking about it, do you know about Ilulu. I know it's a bit of a request and...

Hydre: Oh Her? She's a bit of a wild card, but in reality, she's scared!

Kobayashi was confused, until Ilulu came rushing towards them both. They both saw she was a bit beaten up a little.

Ilulu: Y-You have to help me!

Both were confused, until another voice came in.

???: Glad to see she stopped running from me!

They then saw a male, who was following her. He had Black hair and green eyes, which glowed a little in the night. He had Horns, which confirms he's a Dragon.

Clemene(Can't get and won't bother with Image)

Hydre scoffed after seeing who it was.

Hydre: Hmp! Clemene! Guess the Harmony Faction's Number One Hunter called you for a small hunt!

Clemene: Beat it, Hydregon! This is between me and that Chaos Faction! Get in the way, you'll be joining her!

Hydre: Ok, that's it! Kobayashi, get Ilulu outta here! I'll hold him off!

Kobayashi did what the Hydregon asked, as she ran away with Ilulu, which then made Clemene a bit annoyed, as he was ready to engage in battle.

Clemene: Your lucky I'm in the mood for a quick kill before I get to that one, and that Human too!

Once Kobayashi ran close to the Park with Ilulu, she was a bit tired. She saw how beaten up Ilulu was, thinking that Dragon had it out for her and anyone who was with her.

Since it was both of them alone, Kobayashi wanted to know something about Ilulu and who she was only wanting to be with her. She also wanted to know why she was scared, like Hydre explained to her.

Ilulu knows that her family wanted to treat Humans as the enemy, as they did kill her parents, but she had mixed feelings. She was given a doll made by human children that were her only friends, however, her parents distrusted it and had the doll destroyed, which upsetted her more.

Ilulu then teared up a little, as she explained she was lonely and just wanted to play with her a little, which the answer annoyed the Human, but she did get it. Since knowing that she had a few Dragons staying in the human world, it wasn't easy for her to have a normal life.

Clemene: You think a Dark Dragon Type can stop a Harmony Faction like me?!

They then saw Clemene found them. From what he was saying, he took out Hydre, which she guessed she wasn't that tough to fight him.

Clemene: And just to think I could of had a Fairy move on me!

Kobayashi didn't know what else to do, even without Kyle or Tohru, it was just her to defend Ilulu. She got infront of the injured Ilulu, trying to protect her.

Kobayashi: If you want to get to her, you got to get through me!

Clemene then gave a chuckle, seeing Kobayashi was serious.

Clemene: A Human trying to protect a Dragon? So you are siding with the Chaos Faction. Very well then...

Just then, he slapped Kobayashi out of the way as he was ready to slay Ilulu.

Clemene: And just to think I would be happy to take out Two Chaos and a Human in one night!

Kobayashi: And hitting me was a mistake. She's here!

Clemene was confused, as Tohru with an Evil Aura came from her Body, as Kyle came also, helping Hydre, seeing she was trying to wake up a little.

Tohru: Miss Kobayashi... Your Wounded... Did this Guy hurt you?!

Everyone didn't see Tohru that mad before.

Kyle: Remind me to treat Kobayashi with that much kindness from now on!

Clemene thought the Dragon Maid was bluffing, but was scared a little.

Clemene: W-Where did you come from? N-No matter! I'll just call reinforcements, L-Like Elma and...

Before he could finish, Tohru grabbed his Right Horn with her arm which turned into a dragon claw.

After breaking it off, Tohru had to wipe his memory from the event and send him back to the otherworld.

Kyle: Man, remind me never to make you that mad!

Tohru: I won't! Kobayashi!

After seeing she was ok, including Ilulu, they decided to return back to the Apartment, in that where Kobayashi and Ilulu rested a little, and Kyle gave Hydre a Revive just to help her get back on her feet.

Tohru: You have revives?

Kyle: I only got 5 when coming to Unova! And using one makes that 4 left.

Tohru healed Kobayashi, since she was knocked in the head by Clemene as Ilulu woke up a little. By that time, Kanna came in, seeing what was going on.

Kanna: Are you ok, Kobayashi?

Kobayashi saw she was back in the apartment, as she was concerned on one thing.

Kobayashi: Where's Ilulu?

Kyle: Hugging you?

Koayashi looked down, seeing he was right.

Tohru: She didn't want to let go of you, as she was concerned if you were still alive.

Kyle: Don't worry, you two are fine. If we didn't come in time, then she would of been a gotter.

Kobayashi then patted Ilulu on the head, which made Tohru pout and jealous a little, as Ilulu stayed with them.

Three Days after what happened and Ilulu decided to stay, Kyle was looking for a place for himself to stay in, and possibly get a job, Kobayashi thought about mostly Ilulu. Since like Tohru, Kanna and the rest, they had no idea about the Human world, so to speak from Kyle and his friends.

Kobayashi: Ok, so since Ilulu would be staying in the Human world for a while, I would want you two to teach her a few things in the Human world, and maybe sort out her hands and Tail... And Maybe sort out her Boobs too.

Tohru and Kyle looked at Ilulu, as they knew her Tail and Claws would be an issue.

Kyle: You can count on us. Maybe mostly me?

Tohru: I'll try my best.

Once Kobayashi and Kanna left, both Dragons decided to teach the Chaos faction Dragon about the human world.

Kyle: Did you say you made a list about human things?

Tohru: Of course I did! Just for special occations!

Kyle: When was it last used?

Tohru didn't say, as she found the papers and brought them to Ilulu, who was confused.

Ilulu: What's going on here?

Kyle: Ok, since you'll be staying here for a while, you kind of need to know about human customs in this world. Tohru made a list about what the Human world has to offer.

Tohru: But if your gonna read it, you might want to change hands.

Ilulu looked at her claws, as she then morphed them into sphere hands like from a childs drawing. This made her laugh a little.

Tohru: Is that the best you can do?!

Ilulu: Don't worry, I can still grab stuff with them, Since they have many smaller hands.

Kyle and Tohru: Gross!

Since then, Ilulu read the list about some Human Customs, which were mostly Tohru's words about what she learned from Kobayashi. The things she learned were theses;

Greetings; Humans communicate using greetings. It's easier to just repeat back whatever greeting is said to you.

Food; Humans will eat pretty much anything, but not dragon Flesh. Must find a way to change that.

Reproduction; I wanna do it.

Kyle looked at Tohru after the last one.

Kyle: You need to talk to someone about that one.

Tohru blushed a little.

Ilulu: Didn't think you know much about Humans! Also, what's with that last one?

Tohru: I'm just being honest! Doesn't anyone get a good Yuri?!

Ilulu then went back to the list.

Clothes; You'll stand out less if you wear the same kinds of clothes that humans wear.

Ilulu looked at both of them, as she looked at mostly Tohru, which she just realised.

Tohru: Why is everyone judging me?!

Ilulu thought about clothing and decided to find some to wear. But due to her chest size, the shirt ripped open.

Ilulu: Oops.

Kyle: Just transform your scales like us! By then, no one will judge you!

Tohru: Thank you!

Once Ilulu transformed her scales into some Human clothes, both Dragons wanted to know what she was going to do.

Tohru: So, what are your plans?

Ilulu: No idea, you two?

Kyle: Well, since this place if getting a bit crowded, I thought I could get a job and get my own place.

Tohru: You had enough?

Kyle: No! Just that this place has gotten smaller, and since Kobayashi needed somewhere to stay close to her work, I thought 'Why don't I find somewhere for myself and my friends?'.

They didn't know why he would want to move. Ilulu then thought of going to Elementary School like Kanna, but she was the same age as Tohru.

After a long day talking to Ilulu about what she wanted to do, Kobayashi and Kanna returned home, as she wanted to know what Ilulu wanted to do when she's here, until her answer was this.

Ilulu: I would like to Reproduce with Kobayashi!

Kobayashi and Kyle were confused, while Tohru was at the point of kicking Ilulu out of the Apartment.

Tohru: NEVER! If anyone is reproducing with Kobayashi, it's me!!!

Kyle, Kobayashi and Kanna just watched the two Chaos Factions argue about who gets to Reproduce with Kobayashi.

Kanna: Perverts!

Kyle: You got that right.

Kobayashi: This will never be normal.

Ilulu: I'll be happy to give her that thing again!

Kobayashi then decided to head into her room, deciding to go to sleep, as she moaned into her pillow.

Kobayashi: Why?!!!

*Insert Outro*

A/N: Ok, I know Kobayashi being a guy wasn't much, but I did put in what did happen. Sorry that Sludge didn't get much Chapter time.

Anyway, if your confused why the others don't have any lines in this Chapter, let's just say we all know what they're doing in the Animes.

Next Chapter is where Kyle and Ilulu find some Jobs for themselves.

And just for more laughs, here's Genderbend Tohru and Kobayashi!

No Hydregons were harmed during the Writing of this Chapter, by the way!

Next up: Active Activists(Let get Jobs)

Word Count: 2962

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