My First Kiss

By pookey

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My First Kiss
Chapter 1: Suprise
Chapter 2: Concert of my life time
Chapter 3: Okay
Chapter 4: Crap
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: Disasters and Suprises
Chapter 7: Pool time
Chapter 8: The date
Chapter 9: Harry and Jenny
Chapter 10: Twins and hospital?
Chapter 11: Well crap!
Chapter 12: a bit of love HATE
Chapter 13: All Hate
Chapter 14: Last night of the boys
Chapter 14: True couples emerge
Chapter 15: Bye-bye girls, we love you still
Chapter 16: Is this a dream???
Chapter 17: Wishes come true, promises kept
Chapter 19: Lex's Wedding
Chapter 20:Epilogue

Chapter 18:Jenny's Wedding

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By pookey

Jennys wedding

Two days before the wedding Jenny’s POV

I woke up to my stomach hurting, all the food in my stomach from the night before was turning in it. I felt like I was going to be sick. I jumped up from the bed and ran to the bathroom, my mouth being covered by my hand.  Getting to the toilet just in time I throw up in the toilet, emptying the contents in  my stomach. I felt someone rub my back and pull my hair into  a messy bun.  Liams sweet voice says next to me “Babe, you  have been getting sick a lot lately.” I haven't told him that I haven't had my period since Prom. I thought it was because I was stressed about the wedding and planning it perfectly.  Once I was done I flushed the toilet  and said “I haven't had my period since prom. I didn't really think about it cause I thought it was just because I was stressed about the wedding.”  Liam's face shows worry yet love. “Babe, take a shower and get ready for the day. I will be back.” Before I could say anything he got up and walked out of the bathroom and downstairs.

About 30 minutes or an hour later I was done with my shower and I just got finished getting dressed Liam walks in the bathroom. He had a bag from the pharmacy store down the street. “Babe, I got you all the ones they had, there are three different types of tests.” He put the bag on the sink and left.  I peed on the sticks and washed my hands. Once I was finished I waked out in the room to find Liam sitting on the floor with his back on the side of the bed, facing the bathroom.  I walk over and sit on the bed with my legs on either side of his body.  I run my fingers through his hair. He looks up smiling. “Five minutes” is all I say. “What?” He asked bewildered. “We have to wait five minutes to see if I'm pregnant.”  He turned around and kissed me. I  was scared that if I was he would call off the wedding and leave me. Five minutes later we stood up and headed towards the bathroom. ONce we reach the room I stop. What if I was? Would he leave me? Would he be upset if I wasn't? Would he be upset if I was? Liam turned and said “Babae, it doesn't matter, I will love you no matter what.” Kissing the side of my head. These words gave me the confidence to walk the rest of the way into the bathroom. I scanned the counter and looked at the tests and they were all positive. “Babe, I think I'm pregnant.” Liam walks over to me and kneels down and pulls my shirt up to show my little tummy, kissing it all over, it was ticklish, making me giggle.

There is a knock on the door, Liam stands up and heads toward the hotel door. Catching his arm before he answers I say “Can we tell everyone at the wedding please?” Nodding his head, kissing my cheek he opens the door, Niall is standing there in jeans and a sweatshirt.” “We are having breakfast in 20 minutes.” “I bet you want it now.” I say making fun of him.  Grumbling he heads back to his and Lex's room. After changing quickly I take Liam's hand as we walk down the hall the Harry and Hanna's room to eat since he was cooking.  I am still scared that Liam will come to his daddy direction senses and leave me. I can feel the tear well up inside my eyes but I make sure to take deep breathes before knocking out Harry’s room. Once we knock and enter we sit at the table and start to talk. “We are kidnapping Jenny tomorrow since the groom and bride aren't suppose to see each other the day of their wedding.” Lex says. “But the wedding is in two days. Its not tomorrow!” I almost scream. If the girls see me sick they will start to ask questions. “Yeah but we thought that maybe it would be easier and less tempting for Liam and you.” Katrina says. “And the night of your wedding it will be like you haven't seen each other in forever.” Rachel says. “It will so romantic!” Hanna finishes. “Babe its fine If you need me you can text and call me.” Liam says as we finish up the food. Maybe the longer they don't see each other the longer they will be up on the honeymoon!!” Harry says. I throw a fork at him but it hits Lou. “Oww” “Sorry lou i was aiming for harry.”  Harry smiles and winks at Liam. “Leave them alone, Harry” Hanna says defending me. “Thanks Hanna!” “Your welcome I think its sweet how you don't wanna be away from your future husband. I can tell you really love him. I can't wait to see what your kids look like... if you have any.” I swear my face went from bright red to pale in less than 2 seconds. I felt like I was going to get sick. “Are you ok? You look really pale!!” Lex says grabbing my hand. “Babe?” I couldn't talk. I felt so sick. I was afraid if I opened my mouth i would get sick. I run out of the room and into Liam and mine’s and headed straight to the bathroom. I throw up into the toilet and prayed no one followed me. I felt so stupid for letting the having children comment get to me. Would they approve of me being pregnant? Am I ready to be a mom? “Jenny are you in here??” Liam calls out. I stand up and walk over to where the voice was comign from. “Do you think i'm going to be a good mother?” I ask with tears streaming down my face. “Oh babe, I think you will be the best mother ever.” “I don't want our child to grow up like me. I don't want them to be like me.” Liam walks over and brushes the tears from my face. “Babe, go lay down. You need to sleep its been a long few weeks. Nothing important is going on today so you can sleep.” I went to the bed and laid down and five minutes later I was asleep.

Wedding Day

liam's pov

This is actually happening. I am marrying the girl of my dreams. Calming myself down by walking back and forth backward and forth. This was the day that changes my life. Harry is almost on the verge of drunk, nialls just now shut up, Louis is in the corner eating carrots, and zayn is playing on his phone. Thinking to myself, "thanks for the help guys!"

Trevor burst in the room his eyes scanning around the room at us. " Get the fuck ready. You will have to be at the altar in 5 minutes. And boys I am about to kill you why aren't your ties on?" He screams. They all look at him they were going to lose their nuts. " um we never really learn how to tie a tie.” Going over to everyone he helps tie the ties tapping nialls face to shake him back to reality. When it comes to Harry he tugs the tie super tight while saying " If you hurt my baby girl or ruin this day for her. I will personally cut your balls off and cook them till they have burnt marks before shoving them down your tiny little boy throat!" With that he slaps Harry upside the head before leaving the room. Once the door shuts zayn and niall burst out laughing and rolling on the floor. Louis was cracking jokes about how Harry was in trouble. Then I blew a gasket. "Will everyone shut up  and calm down I need a moment of peace." Everyone is silent until the door burst open and Trevor shoves us out the door telling us it is time.Walking down the aisle... and now to wait for my beautiful Jenny to walk down the aisle.

jenny’s p.o.v.

This was the day. Oh god i'm so nervous. What if I trip or fall or rip my dress? What if someone stops us from getting married? Is Liam actually going to marry me? Is this a dream? i pinch myself to make sure that i'm awake. Trevor is in the room so I walk over to him and start to fix his tie. “Im so happy for you baby girl.” He says as he puts a piece of my hair behind my ear. “Thanks, trev. I'm so nervous. What if....?” I start to say but he stops me. “Jenny I won't let anything bad happen to your special day. I promise. We have a few minutes before the groomsmen and the groom walk down the aisle. I'm going to go and check on them.” With that he kissed my forehead and left the room. Lex and Rachel were finishing their makeup. I was all dressed and ready to go see my husband. “I miss Liam!!!” I scream out because I really do. “Shh you will see him soon. I promise, Jenny.” Katrina says to while rubbing my back a bit. I smile thinking of how I will be able to see him for the rest of my life. Hanna walks in with the different bouquets. “Here you guys go.” She hands each one to the girls and then Lex hands me mine. Trevor walks back in and he looks a bit stressed. “Are you ok, Trev?” Rachel asks. He just nods his head and then looks at his watch. “Shit I have to make sure they boys know to start to walk.” He runs out of the room and we all start to laugh at how he still calls them boys. “He is never going to call them guys or men is he?” Katrina asks me. “He might one day when they all prove to him that they are men and not boys. Lets hope they didn't do anything stupid while he was in there. I hope everything is fine.” I reply. “Lou says that Trev said something to Harry when he was fixing his tie. I wonder why?” Rachel says smiling. Lex and Katrina burst out laughing. Hanna says, “I bet he was telling him not to mess it up and not to get drunk tonight.” I wanted everything to be quiet so I yelled, “Please leave if you guys are going to laugh. I'm super stressed and I want everything to go perfectly.” They all looked at me like I was crazy but before any of us could say anything Trev walked in and said, “Ok girls start to walk down the aisle just like practice.” They all looked at me and then smiled and started to walk. Once they left I went over to Trev, “Do you think Liam really wants to marry me?” I was on the verge of tears and Trev could tell. “Oh baby girl Liam is ready to marry you. He is waiting for his beautiful bride to walk down the aisle with her hot, sexy cousin.” I smiled and wiped the tears off my face. I fixed his tie and kissed his cheek. “Thank you Trev for walking me down the aisle. I don't know who would if you weren't here.” He smiles and kisses my forehead. We lock arms and I start to walk out of the room and to the big doors. Not even two seconds after we get there they open to show everyone waiting for me to start to walk. Trev starts to freeze and I know he doesn't want to lose his baby cousin. “Come on sexy cousin I wanna get married today!!” I whisper in his ear. He smiles and we walk down the aisle. The closer we get to Liam the faster my pace gets. All I want right now is to kiss him. Trev hands me over to Liam and Trev says something to Liam. Liam smiles and hugs him. Liam’s smile is huge. I can't help but smile even more. As the service goes on I barely hear the preacher as he starts to talk. When it comes to the vows I listen carefully.

Liam’s POV

It’s time for the vows. I take Jenny’s hands in mine and squeeze them a bit tighter, “Jenny, when I first saw you I knew I was going to fall for you. And I did. Yes we had a few issues and we learned a lot about each other that I knew you weren't so sure about telling me. We have had ups and downs and I will always be there to help you through everything. I will always be there for you no matter what. I have loved you from the moment i saw you. You are my true love. I love you.” I take a deep breath and wipe away the tears that were on her cheek. Its her time to say her vows. “Liam, the first time we met i liked you but another guy got my heart. He couldn't hold on to me like you do. He lost me to you. I will love you forever and always. You love Toy Story and BatMan just as much as I do. We both have something weird or wrong about us. You and your fear of spoons and me and my past. I was afraid to tell you about my past but when I did I knew you would protect me and make sure that never happens again. For that I love you even more. You love my best friends as if they were yours and my cousin is yours now. I love the fact that you asked Trevor for my hand in marriage and asked him to walk me down the aisle. That means so much to me. I can't wait to be your forever. I love you with my whole heart and then some.” God i hope i wasn't crying. The preacher says a few other things then asks, “Do you Liam James Payne take Jenny Elizabeth Mey to be your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live? ” “I do!!!” I say with so much happiness. “DO you Jenny Elizabeth Mey take Liam James Payne to be your  your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honour, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?” “I DO!” Jenny almost yells. Jenny is so happy. “I now pronounce you husband and wife, You may kiss the bride.” I pulled Jenny close and kissed her with all of my love. She smiled into the kiss and kissed me back. Everyone was clapping and cheering. Jenny and I pulled back at the same time. We turned and walked down the aisle. Jenny is now my wife.

A few Hours Later

Liam’s POV cont.

Jenny and the girls changed out of the fancy dresses into something more comfortable. Trevor and Jenny are dancing on the dance floor. He really loves her. I bet he didn't want to give her up but I will keep her safe. A man and woman came up to me. “Hello.” the man says to me. I shake his hand thinking maybe is a guest. “Hello. Thank you for coming. I don't want to sound rude but do I know you?” I say. “OH no you don't know us but we know the bride. We are her parents.” I can't believe that her parents came to our wedding. They kicked her out of her house when she needed them the most. “Why are you here?” I ask through gritted teeth. “Well, I have a right to come to my youngest daughter’s wedding do I not?” the woman said as she stared at my wife dancing around with Trevor. “You kicked her out of the house. Does she know you’re here?” “No but she will.” The woman walks over to Jenny and Trevor. Jenny has her back to the woman but Trevor sees her. I walk over to make sure Jenny is going to be ok. “Jenny!” the woman almost yells. “Mom??” Jenny says turning around. The woman smiles. “Wh--why are you here? I didn't invite you! DID YOU INVITE THEM??!!??” Jenny says then turns her attention to me. “Wh-what no! I just met them.” I explain. “I see you still like to get into fights. You are always yelling at people.” the man says to Jenny. “I think you guys should leave.” Trevor finally says. “No! I want to see my baby girl with her new husband.” “Leave!!! I never want to see you again!! I told you that when you kicked me out!! You said that I was a disappointment!! Why are you here! You know what don't answer that!! Just leave!!” Jenny starts to scream. Everyone is looking at us. “Babe, calm down.” I sooth her the best I can. Trevor grabs the man and the woman and start to drag them away from jenny. Jenny is in tears. I pull her close and give Zayn who is the DJ the signal to play a slow song so we can have our first dance. He plays a slow song and we sway to the music. Jenny is crying on my shoulder. “Im sorry I yelled at you. I hate them. They abandoned me and think they can just come back into my life out of the blue.” “Babe i would never invite them over. I understand you hate them. They left you when you needed them the most. I was upset when they introduced themselves to me. Calm down baby and dance with me.” We start to ballroom dance and the rest of the couples join in.

Its time to announce Jenny’s pregnancy to everyone. Jenny grabs a glass to make a toast, “Excuse me! Can I have everyone’s attention. Liam and I have some important news to tell all of you. As you know I had my senior Prom in February and the guys surprised the girls by showing up. As some of you probably guessed Liam and I did have sex that night. Well...” Jenny stopped so everyone could quiet down after laughing. “Jenny is pregnant!!!” I scream as soon as everyone is quiet. I pull Jenny even closer as I can. Everyone starts to clap and then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Trevor standing behind me. oh god we didn't tell him. I hope he isn't mad. He pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear, “I thought she might be since she was getting sick so much. I'm not mad I actually happy for you two.” He lets me go and Jenny hugs him and says, “I’m sorry that I didn't tell you earlier we wanted to surprise everyone.” Trevor laughs and hugs her. “I’m glad that you married this man instead of another boy.” wait did he just call me a man and not a boy like he always does. “You called him a man!!!!!!!” Jenny screams while jumping up and down. He stops her and says, “Yes he is finally a man. He married the mother of his future child. And I know he is going to never leave you to raise this child on your own.”

As we walk to the honeymoon suite Jenny says, “I loved our wedding yes we had a problem with my parent showing up but my life has always had problems in it. But i got to marry the father of my child and the man of my dreams.” She kissed my cheek and walked into the room. “Woah!!!” I say as I look at the huge suite that has a huge kitchen, a living room. We walk to the bedroom and see a huge King size bed. Jenny runs and jumps on the bed. She stands up and starts to jump on the bed then she falls backwards onto the bed. She is laughing the whole time. “Can I move in with you in London?” She asks. “Baby the girls and guys and Trev have already moved your stuff into my flat.” “Wow you called Trevor Trev. You guys are getting close now aren't you?” I nod my head and start to undress myself. Jenny is asleep when I get over to the bed. I kiss her forehead and then her stomach. “If we have a boy can we call him Andy? and if we have a girl we can call her Jessy.” I say but she doesn't answer. I knew she won't mind naming them after Toy Story characters. I fall asleep with my beautiful wife and mother of my child next to me.

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