Walker Scobell One-Shots

By yelleorchids1

64.8K 805 777

title is pretty self explanatory, I'll try to upload one a week. I'm Walkers age I'm not weird trust 🎀 I'm j... More

posting schedule
• one-shots •
-1-meet cute
-2-missin' you
-4-wisdom teeth- walker
-6-1K read special- Beach Date
-8-passed out
-9-a day out on the lake- pt1
-11-skate boarding
-13-a day on the set
-14-emergency room visit
-15-silent treatment
-19-post school naps
-20-easter egg hunt
-21-April Fools!
-23- "let's not continue this"
-24- grief
-25- reading
-26- car sick
-27-last kiss
• head cannons •
ice skating
what it's like to date Walker
the perfect birthday
sport mini series
sports- dance
sports- volleyball
sports- netball
sports- softball
sports- soccer
sports(club)- muscial theatre
sports- sideline cheer
sports- competitive cheer
sports- swimming
sports- girls tackle football
ice skating
goal keepers
track and field + cross country
places for dates

-5-heart broken

2.5K 26 51
By yelleorchids1

a/n:  Y/f/f= your favorite flowers and y/f/c= your favorite chocolate

🎀 Let's get into it 🎀

    I haven't left my room in a week, only getting out of bed to go to the bathroom. it's been a week since my amazing, handsome , and perfect boyfriend broke up me with. Funny thing is I thought that we were doing great, he had taken me on a date and all seemed well.

    Until we got back to my house, as he was dropping me off and saying goodbye. He said "y/n I found a girl and she's is ten times better than you are" and once he said that my heart shatter and I just slammed the door in his face.

     I had no idea what to do, he obviously had cheated on me and worst part I didn't even get to dump the bitch. But that all didn't matter because I felt like a part of me left, I mean he was my boyfriend of over a year, yes ima be sad.

The only people that know about the breakup after it happened was my family (like mom and dad), and my one friend Miley (idk or ur good girlfriend?). Day 7 Miley decided that I need to at least shower, she said that once I did that I would feel much better. I didn't feel better though.

Your Mom's POV:

I had no idea what to do, my poor daughter had just gotten dumped by a boy that I thought was going to marry her. I just want some grand babies. So as a mother I decided to text someone that would know what to do and that person is Heather. She had been my best friend for a really long time and her son is good friends with y/n. So as a best friend to best friend I texted her.

hey heather, y/n just got dumped by y/ex/n and will not leave her room. just today was her friend able to convince her to finally shower. but she hasn't been eating or drinking. I know Leena has dealt with a few break ups. what should I do?
read 1:01 pm

That's weird she normally will respond... maybe she is just talking to Leena?

Walker's POV:

oh my fucking gods. y/n, my best friend got dumped last week and no one thought to tell me? I mean I'm sure that Miley knew about it and I thought that she would've texted me but no. I feel so bad I know how close she was with her boyfriend. She's my best friend, and my parents raised me to be a good person. I know what I have to do.

time skip to 2:10 pm the same day

I knock on the door to y/n's house, with y/f/f and y/f/c in hand. let's just say I know what my girl loves. The door opens and I'm greeted by Mrs. Y/l/n.

"hello Walker, what are you doing here?"

"yes hi Mrs. Y/l/n, so I might've seen the messages between you and my mother. I had no idea what had happened because no one told me. but because I know how close y/n and y/ex/n were I decided that I was going to cheer her up. Because the only way for her to get a better manz is to be happy. So that's what I'm here to do" I say with a smile on my face.

"You know Walker... Miley said the same thing. Come on in sweetheart, she's up stairs but I'm not sure if she's awake" she says opening the door and giving me a side hug. she's like a second mom and by hearing the tone of her voice I know for a fact that y/n is not okay. I do what I normally do when I come over, take my shoes off, and walk upstairs to y/n's room. When I get to the door I pause for a second listening to see as to whether or not she's awake. I just decide to crack the door and walk in just to set the flowers and chocolate down on her night stand. once I get closer to the bed I see her curled up in a ball with a tear stained face, and sound asleep. I've decided that she's most likely gotten enough sleep and was going to wake her up when...

Your POV:

I start to wake up after I hear my door open and feel someone stand over me. I open my eyes to see non other than my best friend, Walker.
"hey y/n/n..." he said barely above a whisper, as he sits down on my bed next to me and moves a peace of hair out of my face, "how are you holding up?" and that was it. that was the line that genuinely broke me, and I just started to bawling for what felt like the millionth time today. once my tears started to stop flowing I sat up to look at him.
"...Walker... he's gone. he said that he found a girl better than me, and that he doesn't want to be with me anyone. which means that he like cheated on me? I don't even know what to do, like I thought that we were doing okay? but I guess not..." I say my voice breaking and the tears fall like the water from a dam that's been broken.

"hey, hey, hey it's okay. he wasn't worth it alright?" he says just hugging me as if it's all he knows how to do, "I know it sucks okay, trust me Leena tells me all of the time. but if you want to get revenge then we have to stop these tears okay?" he finished with a smile on his face while wiping my tears away, "oh also I brought you flowers because who doesn't like flowers?!? and I got you chocolate because your mom said you haven't eaten and you need to eat." he said while grabbing the chocolate off of the nightstand, "and you don't have to eat these right now, but I think your mom made cookies and then we can order whatever you want?" He says trying to convince me that it'll all be okay.

"anything I want?" I ask knowing that Walker is a very picky eater, like chicken tenders everywhere, picky eater.

"yes anything you want, and let's get you up and out of bed. because it's not beneficial for you okay?" he laughs as he drags me off of the bed and catching me before I hit the floor.

"okay fine, but can we get Cane's for food?" I ask (if y'all haven't ever had Cane's it's really good, trust)

"bro like I said whatever you want"

We head downstairs and turn on a movie. I see my mom smile, I think that she's happy I'm not in my room.

"oh by the way mrs. y/n! I order Cane's for all of us and I got you some too!" he said looking back at my mom while I turn on "to all the boys I've loved before".  "DUDE! Did you really turn this movie on againnnnn" Walker complains and pretends to bawl into a pillow.

"yes Walker I did, I mean Noah Centineo is hot" I say laughing as I lay my head on Walkers shoulder. We lay there just chilling watching the movie when we get a knock on the door letting us know that our food is here.

"y/n! don't get up or pause the movie and I'll go grab the food." he says running to grab it.

"okayyyy if you say so." laughing at how he runs, (me and my friends make fun of guys running all the time, it's so fun.)

After we eat and watch the movie I start to get tired, and end up falling asleep on walker. I'm so happy to have him and he's right I just need to be happy.

Walker's POV:
y/n finally fell asleep after trying to keep her eyes open. I know that she's gone through a lot mentally so I'm glad she's asleep. I'm so happy to have her.

The End

a/n: do we like? don't forget to comment, vote, and follow! sorry this is a shorter one, I've been trying to write this for the past two days, but ive been slammed with school work! but I got an A on my speech today soooo, love u all. I also did not feel like proof reading so sorry for any mistakes ❌❌
Question of the day: what is your favorite fast food?!

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