Nawal - One Shots

By nina282

64.6K 2.4K 369

One shots More

Truth Unveils - Part 1
The Past Unfolds
Destroyed Emotions
Redemption (Part 2 of Breakdown)
Redemption - Version 2
Battling the Storm
Amrish Shocked and Hetal Rocked
Battling the Storm - Version 2
Starting Over Again
Giving Up
The Aftermath
the aftermath - version 2
Fighting for her - Aftermath 2 V2
Switcheroo 2
Giving Up - Version 2
Coming Home
Convincing Natasha
Love Overcomes
A new beginning
Winning a war
Her wedded life
Her wedded life 2
Overcoming the defeat
Wedding Affair
New Beginnings
Leaving to Heal
Overcoming Obstacles
Helpless Part 2
Family's encounter
Love and War
Fighting for her loves
Overcoming the hurdles (part 2)
The Downfall
Standing Up for Her
Giving Hope
love in the air
His Runaway Wife
Runaway Wife part 2
Hide and Seek Bride
Finally together ❤️
Hide and Seek Bride Part 2
Painful truths
The Arranged Marriage
A New Start
His wife
Pageant (Version 1)
Pageant (Version 2)
Broken Truths
Love Wins ❤️
Jealousy: Action and Reaction
Aftermath of Deception
Winning her over
Reunion - part 2
Some home truths drilled in
The Chase
The Return
A New Life
Fragile truth
The Apologies
Dhawal's fight for his love
Supporting Natasha
Arrange or Love
Holi Explosions
Aftermath of Holi
Aftermath of Holi part 2
Finally the truth comes out
Broken Relationships
Broken Relationships V2
Broken Relationships V2 part 2
The Fallout
Fallout Part 2
Amba's Downfall
Changing Dynamics
The Outing
The Return V2
The Repentance
The Repentance Part 2
Truth comes out - V2
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect Part 2
Cause and Effect # 3
Rejected then married
Dhawal's Win
Annulment or Reconciliation
Married you again
Making sure she heals
Breaking Free V1
Not Giving Up
The move
Bringing her home
Fighting for Her
Hot and Cold
Love at first Sight
Makwana vs Makwana
Family Reunited
Standing by her
The marriage arrangement


551 15 2
By nina282

Sundeep had kidnapped Natasha and had started film his attack on her.  He had taken her off her jewlry when she woke up.  She screamed!   When the door crashed.   Chirag, Dolly, and his Bhabi's crashed into the bedroom.  They saw that Sundeep was trying to subdue Natasha.  When the door crashed, Sundeep panicked and tried to escape.   Chirag was able to knock out Sundeep and asked Dolly to call the police.   Natasha was struggling in trying to stay awake.

 She kept on evading them.  "Don't touch me.   Dhawal, help me!  Someone help, "  she kept on yelling.    The three sisters in laws were in tears at Natasha's condition.   Chirag saw Sundeep's phone and saw the video.   And realized that Natasha has been drugged.   Chirag called Dhawal and asked him to come to the room.    When Dhawal arrived and  found out what had happened, he went to a tied up Sundeep and started to kick him.

Chirag stopped Dhawal, "Dhawal, you need to make sure that Natasha is ok.    Try to get her to drink water,  maybe it will get the drugs out of her system faster.   Pranali Bhabi has checked her, but she thinks we are trying to attack her.  She has been calling you for help. "  

Dhawal came back to Natasha and tried to get her to drink water.    She slowly started to focus on Dhawal.    The police had also arrived at the room and took in the situation.  

They took statements from Natasha, who wasn't making sense, but they understood that she wasn't in her senses.  When Pranali had looked in her eyes, she noticed that her eyes dilated.   She told the police that Natasha was drugged.

The police arrested Sundeep.  Chirag gave them Sundeep's phone and said, "You should look in his gallery.  This was not the first time he had attacked a girl."

Chirag looks towards Dhawal.  "You better leave before Amrish Bhai comes looking for you."  

"Bhai, take care of Natasha."  and he left.

Soon  Dhawal got married, and when everything was done, they left the Mandap, and Isha and Yash got married.    Both couples got blessings from Amrish, Amba, and then both couples went to Suman to get her blessing.    Suman gave her blessing for Yash and Isha but was confused about it and stalled her hand.  When Dhawal pulled back Natasha's veil, shocking everyone.   

Both Amrish and Amba started to yell.  "Where's Suhani?"  asked Amrish

"Where she should be?  With her family, "  said Dhawal

"Why?  Dhawal, why?  Natasha!  You married Natasha again!"  cried Amba

"Yes.  I married Natasha.  She is my wife.  She is always going to be my wife.  I had enough of your manipulations.   Get married to Natasha.  I got married to Natasha.  And when I was happy, you said to divorce Natasha.  I got divorced.  Now get married to Suhani.  I am not a toy!    And it was a great touch, showing false debts, so I had no choice but to divorce Natasha.  But there was nothing in our agreement that said that I couldn't remarry Natasha, which I did."  Dhawal was explaining when Natasha sat down by Daama and put her head in her lap.

"What's wrong with Natasha?"

"Sundeep drugged with wrong intentions.  We saved her in time, "  replied Chirag


"Yes.  He thought that she was a rejected woman, that she shouldn't object to his attention." replied Chirag.  "She wasn't the first that he's done this to.  His phone had multiple recordings."  said an angry Dhawal.

"The police have arrested him."  replied Hetal

Chiku was so angry that he punched the beam by him.  

"You mean she's tainted," exclaimed Amba

"NO!"  yelled Dhawal.  While Natasha slowly stood up with tears in her eyes.  "Natasha is MY WIFE!  In which world are you living?  She is not tainted.  She was attacked.  And we saved her.  She is the same as she was yesterday and the day I married her the first time, "  replied Dhawal angrily.

Everyone was so engrossed in the conversation that they didn't realize that Natasha had left the hall and started to walk home.    A few minutes later, Dolly noticed that Natasha wasn't there.  "Chirag, where's Natasha?" panicking everyone.  Everyone left the hall, trying to find Natasha.

"This bird always makes me go after her.  She always finds ways to fly away." he muttered as he rushed out to find her.  It wasn't going to be hard because since she is staggering.  He noticed her up ahead, and he ran to grab her.   

"Natasha!  Stop!" as he grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"What do you think you are doing?  You are not completely in your senses, and you decided to take a walk on a busy street, where you could have had an accident." he shook her.  Then, he pulled towards him and gave her a hug.  She started to cry, and Dhawal felt the force of her tears.  He felt his heart break at her misery,  he pulled back a little, and put his hand on her cheek.

"Why are you crying?  You're safe.  He's never going to hurt you, "  vowed Dhawal.

"What if they didn't come in time?" cried Natasha

"We will always be there.  I was looking for you when Chirag called.  I had a feeling you needed me, "  promised Dhawal.  "Let's get back.   Everyone is worried."   When they turned back, they saw that their family was behind them.  She smiled weakly, fainted in exhaustation.   Sheesh came towards them and grabbed Natasha out his arms. 

Sheesh looked tearfully at his sister in his arms and said, "I can take care of my sister."    

"Sheesh, she's my wife. She's not a toy to be handed around."  said Dhawal

"That's correct."  cried Daama."That's my daughter.  She's gone through enough.  We don't recognize this wedding.  She wasn't in her senses.  We are taking her home."  

"Daama.  It's not Dhawal's fault.  This whole situation is Amrish's fault."  Hetal stated surprising Amrish and Amba.  Bhavin was starting to get the idea. 

"How?"  asked Yash."Why isn't Dhawal's fault?"  

"Amrish blackmailed Dhawal.  He had refused to come home unless Natasha left his life.   Natasha, who he loves.  So Dhawal put the condition of her going, Amrish had to give back Pandya Store, which he destroyed on purpose.  He lied, saying that it was the managers mistake."

Shocking the Pandya's.  

Pranali started from where Hetal left off.  "If Amrish Bhai didn't destroy Pandya Store, that creep Sundeep wouldn't have come into her life pretending to be such a good guy.     And then to bring Arvind and his family into the mix.  That was also Amrish Bhai's trick.  He wanted Dhawal married so Natasha would never come back into his life.   He knew Dhawal and Natasha loved each other, but he didn't care if he destroyed his brother's life.  Actually, Ma was also involved in this  since she always threw Suhani at Dhawal.  They don't care except for what they want."  

Amrish and Amba looked indigant.  They couldn't believe that Hetal and Pranali were going against them.

"Daama, do you know that Amrish Bhai brought false allegations against Natash  so the family would go against her.   Ma loved it.    She was so happy that everyone hated her.  But we don't hate Natasha.  We love her, she is our sister."  cried Dolly  "She fights for us.   Daama,  do you know what it is to live in Amrish Bhai's and Ma's house.  It's like a jail.   We can't think for ourselves, we have to follow their rules, and if we don't we become pariah's."   shocking the Pandya's.

"Ma, I can't believe you!  How can you stand there so proud when you are destroying your sons lives with your outdated views .   Look at your children, Amrish Bhai is an abusive man. He thinks women should only stay in the kitchen, that they have no place.   He thinks smacking his wife around is ok.    Bhavin Bhai is also heading that way, Chirag Bhai is trying to find ways to work around the rules, and you've destroyed Dhawal.  Do you know I haven't seen him smile, laugh, or do anything spontaneously unless Natasha was around him.   The Haldi where he chased Natasha was the first time I saw him smile.  The relief on his face when I saw him putting Haldi on her, I felt happy to see that smile on my brother's face.  But you two never saw that because you don't care who you destroy in your path, whether it's your wife, brother, or son."  yelled Isha as she was so frustrated with her brother and mother.

"Fine, we can talk later.  We need to get Natasha home.   Chiku, after the Bidaai, come home, we will be ready for you.  Let's go, Sheesh.  Mithu, you stay with Chiku"  as she started to wheel herself away.

"Daama, don't take her.  She's my wife, " cried Dhawal, going down to his knees.  "Please.  I just got her back. "   

Daama didn't listen and left with Sheesh and Natasha.

Chiku looked at the Makwana family and shook his head.   He walked towards his sister in laws, and smiled.  "Thank you for looking after my sister."  

"Our sister.  She's our sister."  interjected Dolly.

"Yes, our sister."  He smiled.  "Do you know that I missed a lot of time with her.   I always was craving for a sister.  And now I have 4.  You see, I was adopted by Papa and Dhara Ma, soon after Chukti was born.   Our family was so happy, but Shweta Ma couldn't handle that, so she had kidnapped Chutki.  We didn't see her for 7 years.    She came back after 7 years, and by then, our family was broken.    Chutki, at 2 months, became my family's world, and when she disappeared, so did our family's happiness.   Our family broke, Papa, Dhara Ma, and I stayed here in Somnath with Daama.  While Dev Chachu and Rishita Chachi moved away and had Sheesh and Shiv Chachu and Raavi moved elsewhere and had Mithu.   And lastly, Krish Chachu moved to Canada.   Everyone came back after 7 years, when Daama got sick.  Then Natasha came back.  Do you know she was named Saanchi Dev Pandya when she was born, but Shweta Ma named her Natasha.    She was so confused when she found out she was a Pandya, she refused to believe it.  And when it was confirmed, it was the happiest day for us Pandya's.     Even Shweta Ma admitted to her mistakes, and she was forgiven.    We only had a few months of happiness when the earthquake happened.  I was visiting Shweta Ma and lost contact during the earthquake.   But we had found out that we lost our whole world that day.   We lost our parents.  Eight members of our family lost in minutes.  So we know the value of family.   And we are grateful for any added member to our family.   So I am glad to accept the Makwana sisters as my sisters, if you would like an angry young man as a brother?"  Yash raised his hand in question.

Hetal, Pranali, and Dolly joined their hands with Yash and said "Agreed"  Isha smiled at the new relationships forming.   

Dhawal got up from where he was listening to Yash's explanation.  "I am sorry, Chiku.  I promised myself that Pandya Store would be back in Natasha's hands.  I didn't know that I would have to give her up.   I can't give her up.   I am going to win her back.  And we will be happy again." 

"Fine.   All the best to you, " Yash pulled out his hand to shake with Dhawal. "As long as my sisters are happy.  I am happy. " 

Dhawal smiled.  He was going to win back his wifey, he thought.

"Isha, are you ready to leave?  Daama must be waiting for us?"  Yash asked

"Yes."  Isha said her good byes to everyone except Amrish and Amba, who were sitting on the ground, not realizing how much they lost in the last little while.  Their family was split.

Yash looked over at the sister in laws "My sisters are most welcome to help welcome my bride to our home." 

The ladies smiled and looked at each other and nodded.  Then Dolly looked over at Chirag, and he smiled and nodded.  They got up and left with Yash, Isha, and Mithu.

Dhawal looked over towards Chirag and said, "Let's go.  I'm going to see my wife." 

Dhawal and Chirag also left the Hall, leaving  behind Bhavin, Amrish, and Amba.   Bhavin looked towards his mother and brother, shook his head, and went back to his room, intending to rest up before checking out and heading home.

"What's your plan?" asked Chirag while Dhawal was driving

"I need to see if Natasha is ok.   We will figure out how when we get there."  said Dhawal.

As they were driving, Chirag got a call from the police station.   Chirag spoke on the phone.

"Dhawal, that Sundeep admitted to everything.    He didn't last long in police custody before spilling his guts out.   We got there in time.  But this wasn't the first time he tried on his dirty intentions towards Natasha.  She had slapped him when he forcibly hugged her.   He tried last night, but she surprised him.  She beat the fake goons he had hired, then he pretended to have car trouble, and she was able to catch a ride with some religious group.   Then, this morning, he tried again, and she beat him with her waist chain.  So he thought to get his revenge by drugging her and recording her assault.  He thought that he would be able to blackmail her into becoming his mistress.   As he has done to his other victims.   He chose vulnerable ones, the ones that were left by their husbands.  His words."  stated Chirag

Dhawal listening to Chirag's words, tightening his hands around the steering wheel, wishing that creep was in front of him so he could kill him.   "I made it so easy for him to get to Natasha.  If I didn't listen to Amrish Bhai condition, we wouldn't be here.  Why couldn't Bhai leave us alone.  Damn it!  I was happy with Natasha.  We were starting our lives together after all the issues." He smacks the steering wheel.   "Now I am back at zero.  I have to regain her trust.  I will win her back.  I will do anything."  

"Good.  You sneak into the house and try to talk to Natasha.  And make sure you don't get caught by the brothers. Otherwise, they will kick you out before you can talk to her.  And I will go thru the front door and talk to Daama.  After all the functions are done, we need to tell the family the police have on Sundeep."  said Chirag

Dhawal nodded. He parked, and they got out.   He looked around, and Chirag motioned him to figure out a way in, and he was going to go thru the front door.   Chirag gave him two thumbs up and said, "Best of luck!"

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