We are all in this together

By Lalya12367

425 10 2

What happens when you put two damage families together a family therapy session come along with Miguel and Mi... More

Chapter 1 : Where are we
Chapter 2 : Abre los ojos y introducción la familia Madrigal
Chapter 3 : The trobuled ceremony
Chapter 4 : Shes waiting on her miracle
Chapter 5 : Secrets spilled and pressure cracks
Chapter 6 : Your future awaits
Chapter 7 : The Misunderstood man
Break 1 : Time will tell.
Chapter 8 : The jinxed dinner
Chapter 9 : Our fate
Chapter 10: A new perspective
Chapter 11: Cut the roses
Chapter 12 : Revealing the truth
Break 2 : Scars heal all wounds
Chapter 13 : The deadly past
Chapter 14 : A new future
Chapter 15: Start Anew
chapter 17: Family dinner
Chapter 18 : Game night
Chapter 19 : A lovers tango
Chapter 20 : stunning surprises
Chapter 21 : Cooking classes
Chapter 22: The changing tree
Chapter 23: Swimming
Chapter 24: Party time
Chapter 25 : A lovely night
Chapter 26: The last day
Chapter 27: New adventures
Chapter 29 : A sole begining
Chapter 30: What we have
Chapter 31: Old admiration
Chapter 32: Family over fun
Chapter 33 : The melody of a heart
Chapter 34: Family arguments
Chapter 35 : Cursed
Chapter 36 : My way or no way
Chapter 37 : on the run
Chapter 38: Sad souls
Break 3 : tricks you play
Chapter 39 : Save your life
Chapter 40 : getting in
Chapter 41 : like a trophy
Chapter 42 : murdering suspicions
Break 4 : Dance of pain
Chapter 43 : The missing piece
Chapter 44: haunting revenge
Chapter 45 : Run for your loved one
Chapter 46: finally at peace
Break 5 : Lucky
Chapter 50: (Deleted scene) - Another way in

chapter 16: Loved ones

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By Lalya12367

It had been two days since the whole adventure to the theatre to revisit their pasts both the Rivera's and the Madrigals were more then happy to see the rest of their families from the land of the dead , Although I was a big adjustment period they loved every second of it.

In the Encanto things were running very smoothly the whole town kept thanking Pedro for his sacrifice and all that he did to keep his people safe and he was grateful for every single bit of thanks he got, not only that but spending time with his family was everything he dreamed it would be. He spent time in the kitchen talking and cracking jokes with Julieta laughing over memories with Pepa and Bruno as well as watching  telenovelas  and even developing the plot in some of them.

With the kids it was just as fun he would read to Antonio and talk with animals He went over acting and dramatic readings with Camilo and he loved every moment. With his granddaughters he would spend hours discussing plants with Isabela going over mythology with Luisa poem writing and music with Dolores But Mirabel Well...

"I don't know what to do Mija I've tried everything trying to talk but she's been so preoccupied with the kids in town or sewing or just I don't know avoiding me altogether ". Pedro exclaimed

"Just give her some Time Papá  she is still not used to the idea yet especially with her new found... part of herself you can't force her ". Julieta replies

"I know it's just.."  He stopped

"It'll be okay". Julieta smiled

Meanwhile Mirabel was in her room reading a book when she heard a knock she put down her book as Casita opens the door.

"Come In". Mirabel called

"Hola Mariposa it's Abuelo can I come in". Pedro asked

Mirabel wanted to hide under her blankets anything to avoid him, she didn't want to face her Abuelo no yet.

"Really Casita?" She asked the house

The tile flipped as she creaked as if to say ' You have to talk to him at some point Mirabel '.

"I don't know how can I when  I have been lied to about my true form I mean I love Mi Abuelo but I am just not ready to face it yet".

She flipped another tile  as she replies 'Maybe you just need to talk to him I am sure he'll have an explanation as to why he loves you'.

"Your right". Mirabel nodded

"You can come in Abuelo". She called

He entered and nervously smiled as she sat unsure as she cleared a spot for him to sit.

"So". He started clearly nervous

"So... Lo siento for avoiding you I just needed time that's all". Mirabel replies

"No it's perfectly understandable Mija". Pedro smiled

Her head perks up at the 'mija '. Pedro suddenly jerked his head as he avoided her eyes as she looked at the window.

"So I think I need to explain some things Huh?" Pedro coaxed

"That would be good". She chuckled nervously

"Well you see... I knew if your Abuela found out  her old self would well you know." He started

"Si,I know she would". Mirabel replies

"And I didn't mean to make you go through all that pain I hurt to see you like this and I just couldn't it hurt me not telling you but I had to keep you safe". Pedro exclaimed

Mirabel nodded as she got a sense of déjà vu  remembering her Tio said a similar thing.

"I wanted to tell you so badly but I had to keep it safe and I am so sorry if it wasn't for me you wouldn't go through that pain and I promise it will never  happen agian". Pedro cried

"So that's why.." she stopped

Pedro slowly nodded.

"So it was you". Mirabel looked towards Pedro

"Si, You can be mad at me scream at me anything ". Pedro pleads

She was infuriated she stormed out of the room and down the stairs and into La sala as the family looked scared and confused at what was going on.


"Mirabel I –" Pedro choked

Alma, Pepa , Bruno, Augustin, Felix looked On with sadness as Isabela hugged her sister tight she melted into the hug as Antonio joined in.

"Mira-" Camilo sighed

"I just need some time". She sniffed

"Bien Mija we understand ". Augustin starts

"We'll be here when you get back". Alma finished

Pedro walked away and Alma followed along with the rest of the family . Meanwhile Mirabel went through the door that led to Santa Cecilia she just needed a break just like Miss Imelda and Miss Elena said.

When she reached the gate to the zapatería, she knocked and was cold and eyes puffy from crying and Luisa opened the door.

"Oh Mira sweetheart-" she stopped as she noticed the girls eyes were puffy

"Lo siento ". Mirabel choked

"Darling your shivering come come I have got you let's get you inside ". Luisa slowly guided inside

The Rivera's were doing thier regular chores and some even cooking in the kitchen putting the last orders of the day and the rest playing games.

When Luisa enters with Mirabel some of the family turns their heads and looked sad and when Imelda came out of the shop she saw Mirabel and wrapped her in a tight hug as they had grown close as with the rest of the family.

Poor Mirabel sunk to the floor and hugged her tightly Imelda's motherly instincts immediately kick in.

"Abel Go and get a blanket please she's freezing ". Imelda nodded

"Si Mamá Imelda ". He replies

"Sssh Mija i have got you Estas bien I promise ". Imelda shushed

Mirabel's hair frizzed out and her glasses slipped down a little bit so Imelda pushed them up and brushed a curl behind her ear.

"Mija... What happened?" Héctor asked slowly

"I... Well Abuelo wanted to talk to me and it was going well but then I realised something That I didn't get a gift and explains why he hid this part from me and that I understood and I realised I didn't get a gift because of him and I lost it I didn't mean to I mean he saved us he loves all of us but I just exploded ". Mirabel explains

"Oh Carina". Coco sighed

"I don't know ... I just feel bad". Mirabel replies

Abel brought the blanket and Imelda wrapped around her and hugged her tightly.

"No no Mija it's perfectly okay to feel this way even towards someone you love  he should have told you but he also did the right thing to protect you Okay". Carmen smiled

"Si, hermana nobody is perfect ". Socorro smiled

"She's right". Rosa laughed

"I guess your right". Mirabel chuckled

"It's okay to feel these things Amor you realise that right". Miguel nodded

"I know". Mirabel smiled

"Ah we got the smile back there she is". Enrique said

Dante put his head on his lap to comfort the girl and she scratched him behind one of ears. Imelda smirked and chuckled gently and then hugged Mirabel tightly.

"Well I have to finish dinner but you're welcome to stay ". Imelda asked

"Are you sure?" Mirabel questioned

"Si Mija Mira you are always welcome here plus i don't want you going out in the pouring rain ". Imelda smiled

Héctor smiles and whispers as leans over to her.

"She won't let any of her family go in the pouring rain according to her it's devils work". Héctor whispered

"Really?" She giggles

"Si, And Mija you Are part of the family like we said if you need a break your always welcome". Héctor winked

"Abuelo you better not be putting ideas in Mirabel's head". Elena scolded

"Of course not Mija ". Héctor smiled

Héctor winked and walked away.

Miguel came and sat by her to  keep her company and she gladly appreciated it.

"Sorry about that". Miguel smiled

"No no Estas bien it actually helps ". Mirabel replies

"Are you Okay?" He asked

"Si, more than I have been a while". Mirabel nodded

"Oh how so?" He coaxed

"Well it's just taking longer to adjust and it's been hard I mean for everyone not so much but me". Mirabel stated

"I get it". Miguel smiled

"It took us a while too but we love seeing them it just takes time". Miguel smiled

"And I am not gonna lie It kind of felt good to get it out Well part of me thought so". She laughed

"I could imagine I'm just  glad I wasn't there ". Miguel shook his head

Mirabel looked in Miguel 's direction.

"I mean you have a fiery spirit and when you get mad". Miguel made a high whistle

She lightly slapped his arm.

"Watch it". Mirabel replies

"Ha See right there". Miguel laughs

They laughed as she leaned her head against his shoulder  and she sighed.

"You know I'm always here if you need". Miguel whispered

"I know ". She sighed

"I trust you". She added

Meanwhile Elena, Victoria, Abel, Rosita, Imelda and Héctor looked at the sight and couldn't help but smile and chuckle.

"Aww would you look at that". Rosita cooed

"I know". Héctor smiled

"Looks like he has found the love of his life ". Abel stated

"No doubt No question". Elena chuckled

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