Twisted Fate

By pixie_allen

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When you complete a book series but you wish it never ended.....and you want more....This is for you.... This... More

Author's Note and Characters!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 9

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By pixie_allen

~ Camilla ~

Fuck! I always knew my curiosity about living care-free and wild would get me in trouble. I always knew drinking too much is not something a princess does, that's why I did it but I'm in trouble.

I kissed Niko, my estranged best friend who had given me a second chance. I have a boyfriend but that's not why I'm trouble, it's because I kissed him and I liked it. I want more, more of his lips and those gorgeous abs under my fingertips.

And then, I don't know how but I pissed him off. He kissed me back, that's what suprised me. I had been having dreams about him but he frickin kissed me back. But he also stopped it- my head smacks me out of my thoughts or is it the knock on my door.

"Yes?" I ask. The door opens and it's Greg telling me it's time to leave for school.

I grab a latte on the way and get to school earlier than expected. Walking throught the courtyard I stop to talk to a few of my classmates. I hear a familiar voice giggling and look to see Niko, Sofia and Jeremy. 

Sof runs to where I am and hugs me and I reply to her hello with a good morning of my own, she soon turns to the others with me while my gaze is fixed on her brother.

His eyes hold mine with an intensity that heats my cheeks and I swallow as I think of the night I kissed him. His eyes leave mine only when Jeremy calls to him, slaps his back twice and leaves with a smile on his face. Jer tips his head to greet me and I wonder if he knows what's going between me and Niko.

Niko's still looking at me as his phone rings and he picks it up. I break the gaze and turn toward the conversation going on but I can still see him in the periphery of my vision. His eyes travel down and back up and I suddenly feel a chill go through me.

I'm not paying attention when Rina asks me about something, I just nod and apologise. I try to concentrate this time but I'm intterupted by a hand on the small of my back. 

Niko's still in my periphery but I have to turn to see Anthony, he leans forward and kisses my cheek and I push a small smile to my lips. The memory of what happend comes back to me and guilt settles in my nerves. 

I still haven't decided whether to tell him or not, I know I should. I don't know how he'll react but Niko's words have haunted me- break up with your boyfriend not because of me but because he bores the fuck out of you.

Me and Anthony excuse ourselves and move a few feet away, "Hey" I say.

"Hi, Camilla. How are you?"

"Good, great." I say sounding more unsure than I would like to.

His eyebrows furrow for a moment and I ontinue, "I would like to talk to you about something, can we meet after school?"

"I'm sorry, but we'll schedule a date. I'll check my calender and.." he was saying but I cut him off with "No, today. It's important" 

He nods and tells me a few more things about his weekend before I feel the presence of someone coming toward us. I turn and suck in a sharp breath as Niko stops in-front of us. 

"Mila, do you have a minute." he doesn't ask, it's more of a statement that he said looking only at me. His face is devoid of expressions and he completely ignores Anthony.

Before I could answer him, Anthony said, "Niko right? We met the other night." and outstretched his hand toward Niko.

Niko just looks at him, then his hand and tips his head. Annoyance is clear on Niko's face as he turns back to me, "Mila.."

I glanced at Anthony and he looks pissed. He is probably taking Niko's indifference to him as an insult. Anthony tightens his hold on my arm and says, "Her name is Camilla, Princess Camilla to you."

This time Niko looks at Anthony with a smirk, "Anthony  being the perfect boyfriend you are, you should know that she hates being called Princess Camilla. She's Princess to the world, not to me. She's my Mila."

I have no idea what's going on? Did Niko just do that to piss off Anthony or to make his presence known to me? Niko just crossed the line talking to Anthony like that but he isn't wrong, I do hate being called Princess Camilla. 

I see Anthony with a frown and his eyes show a mix of confusion and irritation.

I take a breath and attempt to release the tension, "I'll see you later, Niko. I have class."

"Niko's shoulders are tense and angry but he nods, "Your wish is my command, Princess" he says with a smirk playing on his lips.

When Niko leaves, I turn to Anthony, "Sorry, I don't know what's gotten into him. I do have a class. See you after school at Benny's"

"Ok Camilla." he says and leaves.


I wait for Anthony at Benny's for 15 minutes before pulling out my phone to call him and also getting up from my chair. 

Before I can call I get a text. My heart picks up it's pace when I see who texted, 

Niko: That sorry excuse of a boyfriend of yours couldn't even show up to his own break-up date on time.

I look around to see Niko but he isn't in the small coffee shop. I look out the window, still no one. I sit down again and reply,

Camilla: I'm not breaking up with him, and how the hell do you know where I am or that he isn't here?

Niko: I told you, I know everything about you.

Camilla: What's up with this mysterious creepy thing that you have going on?

Niko: Tell me, are the croissants at the cafe good? They look delicious and I'm hungry.

I look around to see him and he's nowhere.

Camilla: Where are you? You said you wanted to talk, I'm here. Come out.

Niko: We're not playing Hide and Seek like we did when we were five Mila, I'm not there at the cafe.

Camilla: I don't care, come here now.

As I send the text, the chair in front of me is occupied by Anthony, "Camilla, sorry I'm late"

"It's okay" I say and attempt to smile.

"What did you want to tell me?" he askes getting straight to the point. I thought he'd want to sit for a while but by the way he's already glanced at his watch twice, he doesn't want to stay.

"Do you have somewhere to be?" I asked

"Well, yes. My friends invited me to this party and I was going to ask you but I forgot"

"Oh. And do I know these friends?"

"Uh..I think so. You met them at that dinner a month ago"

"Oh, the one where you left me alone all night and I felt so out of place that I left early" I said cooly but irritation is evident in my tone.

Anger is bubbling inside me, firstly because Niko's been acting wierd since the kiss. We were going somewhat back to being friends but now, he's forgotten about that and just wants to annoy me. Secondy because he's absolutely right. Anthony bores me and he's ignorant and Niko's right I should just dump him.

Anthony's brows furrow with confusion as I made that remark and I think, fuck it and say, "Anthony, I want to break up. I'm breaking up with you." and I let out as a loud exhale as relief fills me.

I see his panicked expression, "But, what happend? I thought we were good?"

"We weren't. And if that's not enough for you then, I kissed someone else because I wanted to. I don't think you are right for me."

He just looks at me and blinks, I try to console him, "I'm sorry but this is good bye."

I get up to leave and he catches my wrist, "Wait, we can work it out."

I pull my wrist from his hold and say, "I don't want to" before walking out.


I finish the rest of the things on my to-do list and go home to take a much needed hot bath. Dumping Anthony has made me feel light, relaxed even. 

I'm letting the water drown all of my thoughts as I dip my head until I'm under water. I come up for air and rest my neck against the edge. 

Niko seemed like he was jelous when he came to me in the morning. I saw the way he tensed up when Anthony held my arm. And the way he always calls me 'my Mila' It's one of his nicknames for me and probably my favorite. Everyone shortens Camilla as Cami but only he calls me Mila. 

The thought of Niko has made goosebumps rise on the back of my neck. The way his lips were ravaging mine, his tongue was in my mouth. 

Almost instantly my nipples harden my thighs clench. I shouldn't feel this intensely when I think about him, just a few weeks ago I didn't but now I do.

I can't stop my hands from going to my breasts and touching my hardened peaks. I close my eyes and imagine his messy hair and his tattoed arms. A dull ache settles between my legs and keeping one hand on my boob I move the other to rub circles on my clit.

I imagine the way his hands were on my waist and then in my hair as kissed me. His magnificent body that would leave any girl weak in her knees. Those abs and muscled arms and handsome face. His brown eyes that always pins me and take my breath away.

A moan leaves my throat as I press harder on my clit and tease my boobs at the same time. I push two fingers into my self and work them in and out of me until every nerve ending is close to getting release.

I remember his voice call me his Mila and I dive off the edge and cum on my fingers with him tattooed on my brain.

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