Chapter 21

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~ Camilla ~

We're at the Gala, and all I can think about is the reassuring look Niko gave me when he said I can tell people we're just friends.

I want everyone to know...but being in a public relationship is complicated. I've never had a secret one before and I like having him all to myself...without people talking about it.

Earlier I it was partly because I didn't want the media to know and also because I didn't know if we would really work out. Our parents are best friends and if we broke up...I don't wanna think about that.

Now, somebody is threatening me...and I'm a fucking princess, I won't get blackmailed by a nobody.
If they tell the media, it's a scandal but if I do's just a normal relationship.

I've been drinking a little and I don't know if that gave me the courage or it's the way Niko came to me while I was talking to the principal and acted like a perfect gentlemen even though he hates it.

I'm at the bar with a martini, everything's going perfectly and I have decided that I'll do things my's mine and Niko's choice to be a couple...I won't let it be called a scandal or be fodder for a shitty magazine.
I finish my drink and head over to our table and tell Sofia and Lia, "I am about to do something...I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys"
They have a confused look on their faces but I turn to Sofia and say, "I know this is going to be weird but I hope you'll love me anyway be OK with it"
"What the fuck did they put in your drink?" Lia asks
"What the...what the fuck are you saying??" Sofia asks.
"I'm dating Niko...and I really like him" I say more like blabber.
"What the fuck?? Niko that little bitch" Lia chuckles while Sofia is in a state between processing my words and finding out how she feels about it.

I leave them to it and look around for Niko. I see Jeremy and ask him, "Where's Niko?"
"Went out for air..I think, what's up?"
"Thanks Jer, Lia will tell you the rest."

I make my way toward the exit when I spot him coming in. My face feels all hot and I'm nervous as hell about what I'm about to do.

I reach him and say, "Fuck everything.. come with me" 

I grab his hand and drag him out, I spot the reporter I spoke to earlier tonight and say, "Hey, um... this is my boyfriend Nikolai, do what you will with that"

I catch all the gasps and the cameras turning to us and then I kiss him.

It's not perfect like I see in the movies...its messy and I love it.

Niko is surprised but he kisses me back instantly. He pulls back and asks, "Are you sure about this?"

"I want to do this on my terms...our terms, not someone else. There's no going back now" I say with a chuckle.

He smiles at me, then he grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer before smashing his mouth on mine and kissing me the way in the movies. He dips me and his tongue dives into my mouth....This...this is fucking perfect.

I can hear all the paps hooting and the sound of cameras clicking and bright flashes but my eyes are shut in bliss and all I can think about and feel is him.

After a minute or so we pull back and he helps me stand. We pose for the cameras some more...his hand around my waist and our bodies so close...the photos will scream 'couple' 

Then he holds my hand and takes me to an empty hallway away from all the crowd. 

We turn a corner and then he smashes his lips on mine again. After a makeout, he burries his face in my neck and says, " I'm so happy baby, and I'm so proud of you"

I chuckle and say, "I'm happy too"

"Let's get out of here, I want to fuck you so bad"

"I'm hosting...I can't leave. Let's have dinner then we can leave"

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