Quirk Cultivation

By anonjack4

272K 5.2K 2.4K

Izuku discovers he has a quirk, but it was kept secret from him do to it's nature. Now it has awakened and is... More

The Awakening
First Time Float (lemon)
Afterglow and Discussions
Gadget Madness
A Smashing Duet (lemon)
Babymakers (lemon)
Rest and Regroup
Lizard Hunting (lemon)
Rest and Planning
Gone Hunting
Bunny Love (lemon)
A Different Perspective
Clash Of The Titans
The Giant Slayer (lemon)
No Rest For The Wicked
Search Interrupted
Stress Relief (lemon)
Love And Guilt
A Quick Dip (lemon)
A Nice Soak
Ascending The Tower
Claiming The Princess (lemon)
Girl Time
Panic Before The Storm
Wild Cats (lemon)
A/N - Impotant
Back In Action
Back On The Hunt
Alien Queen (Lemon)
Unforeseen Consequences
Predator and Prey
Unseen Beauty (Lemon)
Mad Dash
The Changeling (Lemon)
A Duel With The Devil
Loving The Lady (Lemon)
Washing Away Sins
Hot Foot
Burnin' Love (Lemon)
Cold Snap
Breaking the Bro Code(Lemon)
Melting Hearts
Of Bombs and Bombshells
Best Served Spicy (Lemon)

Lovely Anxiety

3.2K 84 54
By anonjack4

Nana hummed as she knelt in the shadows and watched the hallway leading to the incapacitated girls who crated the fireball that chased after Izuku.

Sweat rolled down her brow as Danger Sense gave a low but constant buzz in the back of her head, keeping her from charging ahead into whatever trap awaited.

"Ok, who am I dealing with this time?..." Nana muttered as she scanned the area with as many sensory type quirks as she could reliably handle, only to grunt in frustration as she saw nothing.

She couldn't wait forever though. The girls might be in bad shape or about to get back on their feet to ravenously hunt for Izuku with no concern for anyone in their way. She needed to at least get a good look at who they were and keep track of them.

And yet the buzzing in the back of her skull stayed her hand, as she tried to sniff out the trap.

"Come on, there can't be that many-"



Nana jerked her head to the side as Danger Sense flared louder, just before a small hole suddenly formed in the wall, right where her head had been.

"Oh shit..." Nana muttered as memories of watching Izuku obsessively analyzing heroes and quirks for hours came rushing to her and she realized who she was about to fight as she broke out in a cold sweat.


Meanwhile, Izuku was sweating bullets as he just stood there with a pregnant Toga, passed out in his arms.

"Ooooh, how am I going to explain this!? I couldn't just leave her like that but how will the others react to this!? And how will it effect the kids!? I need to help her deal with her trauma but she's also a wanted criminal! But she's notentirelytoblamebutthatcan'tjusteraseeverythingshedidsoshemightendupinprison- mutter, mutter, mutter, mutter, mutter..."

Izuku rambled on with increasing levels of panic and anxiety as he continue to just stand there and tap his foot progressively faster, in lieu of pacing with the pregnant, crazy girl still in his arms.

He was so absorbed in his own thoughts that Izuku didn't notice the weight in his arms shifting for a good thirty seconds.

It was then that Izuku's muttering halted with a gasped and he slowly turned his head to look at Toga, who was just staring blankly ahead of her. Her eyes devoid of her usual insanity or any emotion at all really. She just stared at nothing with an empty expression.

She then blinked and slowly lifted her hands to look at them, then touched her face as if re-familiarizing herself with it. Running her fingers over her fangs as she licked her lips in confusion at the familiar coppery taste she received.

Toga's eyes then shot wide with a gasp and she cupped her hands over her mouth to stifle a scream as tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

"Oh god, what have I done!? Why am I only feeling guilty now!? What is guilt!? What's happening to me!?" Toga screamed as her mind was overwhelmed by guilt, confusion and understanding all at once.

Izuku quickly hugged her head to his shoulder in as comforting a manner as he could while holding her in his arms and Toga instinctively latched onto him tightly.

It would appear Izuku did a better job then he gave himself credit for. Her brain damage was at least partially healed and now Toga had at least somewhat of an understanding of what she had done.

Unfortunately, she still didn't know how to handle being partially sane and her brain may not be completely healed yet, so she was now in turmoil as everything overwhelmed her. Her normal personality clashing with her old, innocent one.

"It's ok! I'm here. Everything's going to be alright" Izuku tried to calm her down as she panicked and hyperventilated.

Izuku winced as he suddenly felt panic flood him as well, as his connection to one of his duplicates was opened.

"Ninth! I could use some help!" Nana called to him over their link.

"I'm kinda busy at the moment" Izuku nervously called back as he rubbed Toga's head and leaned back against the teacher's desk while trying to calm her down.

"This really can't wait!" Nana replied with urgency, causing Izuku to grimace. The young hero was torn between helping the tormented girl carrying his children, in his arms and going to help Nana with whatever was giving her trouble.

Izuku's nerves we're starting to get the better of him, when Toga suddenly lifted her head with a sniffle.

"D-Deku..." she spoke weakly and Izuku was somewhat disturbed to see her so broken and teary eyed after getting used to insane yandere Toga.

She sniffled one more time as she blinked away her tears.

"Y-y-you need to g-go and help the others..." she started with a broken voice, leaving Izuku shocked. Especially since she was unaware of his mental communication. She was saying this completely of her own volition.

"I-I used another g-g-girl's quirk to make the others with me stronger for the fire and exhaust them... but the woman who snuck in with me didn't have a quirk that would contribute and she might..." Toga chocked on her words, having pushed herself a little too far just trying to say as much as she did.

Izuku shushed her and hugged her head to his shoulder again.

"Are you sure you'll be ok without me focusing on you?" he asked with worry and Toga hesitated for a moment as she choked again but ultimately nodded her head.

Izuku sighed as he made a duplicate.

"Ok" he said and Toga squeaked in surprise and anxiety as Izuku passed her to his duplicate's arms.

"I promise I'll be there to help when this is over" Izuku assured her as he wiped the tears from Toga's face. Izuku could only hope his words got through though, as everything proved to be too much for Toga's stressed brain and she passed out again.

Izuku was actually somewhat relieved that she was out cold as he and his double separated, with the real Izuku hading towards where he felt Nana. One For All sparking to life as he bounced down the corridors at blinding speeds.


Meanwhile, Nana was currently breathing heavily as a pink puddle of slime on the floor, with only her head still in the proper shape and a hole in the floor where her chest had been.

Nana quickly reformed herself and reverted back to normal, then immediately used Buzzed Bunny to escape and weave through the many projectiles tearing holes in the building and aiming for her.

"Shit, shit, shit" Nana thought with a grimace before the adrenaline high could kick in as she hopped down the hallway. She would have just stayed as slime, but she had even less control over that quirk then Izuku. The only reason he could use so many quirks immediately after getting them in the first place was because he had MADE them. Nana and the other vestiges didn't have that luxury, so their knowledge of them was rudimentary at best, unless they directly asked Izuku for advice.

And to make matters worse, Nana was quickly burning up yet another body. Though it was more justified this time.

Which is why she was quickly moving in the direction Izuku was coming from.

"Finally" Nana muttered as she saw Izuku bolt around the corner at the end of the hallway with a look of relief at seeing a friendly face.


Only to then panic as Danger Sense went off and Nana saw his eyes glow briefly with Foresight.


Another projectile broke through the re-enforced shutters over UA's windows, aimed right at Izuku's leg.


Only to ping off a green kite shield that suddenly appeared.

"YOW!" Izuku yelled in pain with a reverberating voice, as blood leaked from the dented metal and an arm suddenly morphed out of the shield and grabbed the still running Nana's arm as she passed.

Nana then watched in surprise as the shield morphed into the blade of a scythe while the human arm became the metal body of the weapon with a human hand still at the end, holding Nana as the scythe's body bent to catch on a nearby corner and send them spinning around it with Nana's momentum.

The weapon then morphed back into Izuku as he quickly turned them both invisible and ducked under several more shots.

Then silence...

All was still and quiet as the two invisible heroes tried to stay as quiet as humanly possible.

"Shiiiiiiiiiit!" Izuku hissed quietly as he rubbed his sore knee and waited for Lizard Regeneration to kick in.

"My thoughts exactly" Nana spoke telepathically to Izuku as she hugged the floor.

"Listen closely Izuku. This girl has multiple quirks" she warned and Izuku felt himself break out in a cold sweat as his eyes widened in horror at the implications.

"Are you sure?" he asked and she nodded her head before realizing he couldn't see her.

"It's the only way she could pin us down from outside like this. Support gear that would help, won't work with UA in lockdown like this, so she has to have quirks for both quick relocation and for tracking us through UA's defenses" Nana explained.

Izuku groaned lightly as he grit his teeth.

"All For One..." he thought bitterly as the pieces fell into place along with what Toga had said. Izuku couldn't think of any other way she could have infiltrated UA with them knowing how her quirk functioned. Though Toga being able to use other people's quirks was new to him. So ether she had a quirk awakening or All For One gave her a new one.

Ether way, two Villains had snuck into UA and been caught up in Izuku's quirk. Now he had to deal with a sex crazed marksman who wasn't opposed to kneecapping him if it meant he couldn't run.


"Wait... a marksman..." Izuku thought before turning to where he knew Nana was.

"Nana, who are we dealing with?" he asked and Nana was about to respond.



Only for another shot to hit the ground where she had been laying and Izuku's invisible face twisted in panic.

"Shit!" Izuku yelped before teleporting to the roof while Nana hopped away as more shots rained down on her.


Izuku leaned against the wall as he caught his breath, only to stifle a gasp as someone landed next to him. Her feet scraping against the roof as she skidded to a halt next to him.

Izuku was very glad he was still invisible as he clamped a hand over his mouth and looked up at the woman looming over him, staring down at the roof with glowing eyes before jumping away and standing on thin air, just off from the roof as her arm folded back at the elbow, allowing the log barrel of a rifle to extended out while she twirled some of her pink and purple hair on her finger before ripping it loose.

Izuku's eyes widened as he immediately recognized the former hero.

"Lady Nagant!?" Izuku thought with disbelief as he watched the crazed woman's face contorted in an odd combination of indifference and furry as she clenched her teeth and fired again.

Izuku's confusion was reaching new levels as he watched the woman work. He had no idea how she got into UA, let alone how she could have broken out of Tartarus without anyone noticing.

Unless the HPSC just decided to cover it up. And idea that worried Izuku even more. Ether way, it was bad news, especially with her apparently working with All For One.

Izuku shook his head clear. He could worry about that later. Preferably when the former hero wasn't shooting at Nana through the building anymore.

And so the gears in Izuku's brain began to turn as he analyzed Nagant's movements and quirks while looking for an opening as she grew more and more frustrated and desperate with each shot.

Before Izuku could move though, Nagant clicked her tongue in irritation as she started to mutter to herself.

"Stupid, corrupt HPSC..." were the first words Izuku could make out, causing him to stall before he could jump into action as she skipped passed him in the air.

"They use me then through me away, then HE sends me in here, just to go through this!" Nagant's voice rose in volume as her shots became louder and more powerful.

Izuku just crouched where he was as he listened intently. Nagant thought she was alone and was too horny and desperate to consider anyone overhearing her, so she had no reason to lie.

"But then that would mean..." Izuku trailed off at the implications of her words. Sure he had a general distrust of the Hero Public Safety Commission, thanks in no small part to Nezu's discreet hinting to his students, but he never believed them to be outright corrupt.

Before he could fall into pondering the disturbing revelations though, Izuku winced as Nana screamed over their mental link.

"NINTH! hurry it up! I can't keep bouncing like this forever!" she pleaded and Izuku snapped out of it in time for Danger Sense to go off.


A particularly loud shot went off as Izuku dodged just in time to only be cut on the cheek a little, as he looked up in the air at the crazed face of Nagant. Apparently having heard Izuku ether wincing in pain or making some other noise while doing it.

Ether way he was out of time and Izuku focused on the blood leaking out of him as Nagant got ready to fire again.


And suddenly Izuku became visible again. His skin showing a pale, near white with elongated fangs and pointed ears and blood red eyes. His own blood defying gravity as it moved to intercept the shot as it hardened and more blood broke through the skin on his right arm as he thrust it forwards and tendrils of blood shot forwards, dissolving Nagant's hair bullet like acid before reaching and entangling the former hero.

Now with part of him physically touching Nagant and not just the energy of Black Whip, Izuku could use Mine Probe on her, casing everything to go black.


Izuku opened his eyes, not to a broken psyche like with Toga, but to a gray and intricate maze of buildings and skyscrapers with a dense miasma clouding the streets below him like and infection as he stood atop the tallest building of the noir city.

Memories playing out in each window as he hopped off the building and swung between them with Black Whip. And as he looked around he spotted a few windows larger then the rest and glowed a sinister red as sickly fungus grew on those buildings, putting off the miasma and the memories themselves appeared in black and white.

A trend Izuku noticed as the memories became more recent, as opposed to memories of her childhood, which were still clean colorful.

"Just what happened between you and the HPSC?" Izuku muttered as he came to a stop in front of what he assumed to be the most painful memories.

Only for his eyes to widen in horror at what he saw and heard from them...

So many dead...

Hero and villain alike. Many before they had even committed a crime. And all at the orders of the HPSC.

"This... t-t-this can't be right... there must be something I'm missing!..." Izuku muttered as he swung through the building, growing more frantic as he went further back in Nagant's memories. All the way back to her brutal training under the HPSC. All the while, words of completing the mission and the ends justifying the means playing around him like a mantra.

Eventually Izuku couldn't take it anymore and swung to the top of a building where he fell to his knees and panted. Some of Nagant's own guilt and anger rubbing off on him as he worked to get his emotions under control.

"This is... how could they..." Izuku couldn't finish his sentences as he kneeled there on the ground. He couldn't just ignore this though! He had to do something!

Just as Izuku was starting to get himself under control though, his resolve instantly crumbled as five words suddenly rang out from behind him like the cold winds of hell.

"Well, this is a surprise"

Izuku froze up as his blood ran cold with fear at the deep, sickly sweet voice.

He would never forget that voice nor the immense pressure and feeling of doom that washed over and strangled him.

Even now, years later, Izuku barely had the strength of will to force his head around to look at the well dressed monster that stood behind him with black and red smoke obscuring his scared eyes and scalp but leaving his devil grin on full display as Izuku gulped out.

"All For One..."


Q/L -

—————- Momo - 9

Weapon Mister

"Can transform their body into any weapon imaginable by the user, so long as the materials aren't organic and the weapon isn't outlandishly bigger or smaller then the user. Like for example, as large as a catapult or as small as a ring are fine with practice, but any smaller or larger is impossible without risking injury. Can also preform partial transformations, as well as morph and manipulate their body after transformation. Ranged weapons are more draining and can exhaust the user as their lipids are consumed for ammunition. Can still be injured and bleed if damaged sufficiently.

7 - ?

—————- Toga - 2

Blood Mage

"The culmination of Izuku's collecting and cultivating so many quirks. Blood Mage is possibly one of the most diverse and complex created thus far. It allows the user to fully control and manipulated the blood in their body while dulling the pain response and increasing the level of blood production and healing factor, also allowing a depleted blood supply to be supplemented by ingested blood if needed, though with weaker effects. Even the blood type is a blank slate, able to become whatever type is needed. The quirk is multifaceted, allowing for the direct use of the user's blood as weapons, tools and projectiles, or in more esoteric ways, like enveloping the user in blood to mimic any other person the user has ingested the blood of and even copying their quirks for a short time. Given enough practice, there can even be more abstract ways of using this quirk that were not originally considered or intended, given the very flexible nature of this quirk. This complexity does come with drawbacks however, such as the user tending to be more pale and sensitive to sunlight and having a strong thirst for blood when drained. The quirk itself is also more difficult to master and learn the full potential of then most."

1 - ?

(123 total)


A/N - Merry Christmas everyone and sorry for the wait, but holidays had me busy. I feel like I might actually be little Rusty already but I'm back.

Now firstly, there's a lot of stuff I keep forgetting to add to these notes so I'm dumping what I remember now.

So, yes Weapon Mister is based heavily on Soul Eater. I'm only a few episodes into the anime and it's kinda been hard for me to get into it but I love the characters turning into weapons way too much. Also, Blood Mage... yah, you guys all gave me so many good ideas but she only has two so I just smushed them all together into one super quirk, which kinda fits, given how many quirks Izuku has to work with and combine now.

Thirty, to the A-hole who keeps posting that shit in the reviews, stop. Just stop. I'll just keep deleting it every time you try to advertise that sick shit, so knock it off and kindly direct yourself to the nearest mental institution.

Fourthly, and on a lighter note, if you guys want to read a version of this story with less spelling errors, then the one on AO3 is a bit more cleaned up. I might give this version the same treatment after it's finished but it's taking forever just to write this and copy everything over to AO3.

Fifthly, Whenever I write these quirk summaries, I hear it in Present Mic's voice, like when he does his character introductions in the show. And any time Izuku says the word "shit", he says it like All Might.

And finally, someone asked for a detailed brake down of Izuku's quirk and I'm sorry I didn't think to do this sooner, so here's the official summary of his quirk, or as much as I could remember and flush out at midnight. This summary mostly focuses on what Izuku's quirk would be like without One For All. I might add more details later as the story develops.



"Causes the user to produce pheromones that incapacitate individuals of the same sex and cause arousal towards the user in the opposite sex.

Is more effective on those who already have feelings for the user. Also enhances the user's sense of smell to know when partners are viable for impregnation and increases the user's own instinct to procreate.

At base power, is not capable of fully triggering ravenous, sexual hunger in all targets unless they already have strong feelings for the user.

Guarantees pregnancy and allows the user to control the quirks and traits inherited after acquiring the DND and quirk factors through the stimulated production of breast milk, both for the acquisition of the quirk factors and in preparation for the accelerated pregnancy. Also strengthens the womb and birth canal to avoid complications and causes the mother to continue producing more milk then normal to accommodate more children then would be normal.

All information on quirk factors is preserved in the user's memory indefinitely for future use with other partners as well.

Base power can't trigger instant pregnancy. The gestation period, while still accelerated, would normally take between 3-7 days depending on the complexity of the quirks developing.

Cannot produce less then twins because Cultivator stimulates both ovaries simultaneously.

Base power cannot copy quirks from acquired quirk factors or those made. Base power also can't produce more then six offspring without effort on the user's part or outside factors from the mother's side. Cultivator also increases the ability of the user to repeatedly impregnated multiple partners in rapid succession with little strain on their own body.

Cultivator also enhances any partners' pleasure response during reproduction to a limited degree to increase the chances of future conceptions with the same partners."

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