Must Hate The Bad Boy

By jjtheunicorn

7.1K 376 50

∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽ hate hāt/ verb 1. feel intense or passionate dislike for someone. "that girl hates hi... More

Chp. 1- Must Hate The Ex
Chp. 2- Must Hate The Partner
Chp.3- Must Hate The Punches
Chp. 4- Must Hate The Grief
Chp.5 - Must Hate The Suspicion
Chp.6- Must Hate The Hangover
Chp.7- Must Hate The Truth
Chp.8- Must Hate The Embarrassment
Chp.9- Must Hate The Anger
Chp.10- Must Hate The Regret
Chp. 11- Must Hate The Kidnapper
Chp. 12- Must Hate The News
Chp.13- Must Hate The Nervousness
Chp.14- Must Hate The Dirty Blouse
Chp.15- Must Hate The Assignment
Chp.16- Must Hate The Sadness
Chp.17- Must Hate The Pain (PART I)
Chp.18- Must Hate The Pain (PART II)
Chp.20- Must Hate The Curiousity
Chp.21- Must Hate The Fist Fight
Chp.22- Must Hate The Rumors
Must Hate The Spiral Staircase
Chp.24- Must Hate The Argument
Chp.25- Must Hate The Shyness
Chp.26- Must Hate The Bowling Bowl (PART I)
Chp. 27- Must Hate The Bowling Ball (PART II)
Chp.28- Must Hate The Feelings
Chp.29- Must Hate The Disillusionment
Chp.30- Must Hate The Return
Chp.31- Must Hate The Text
Chp.32- Must Hate The Broken Rib

Chp.19- Must Hate The Surprisingly Easy Project

143 7 0
By jjtheunicorn

** pic of benjamin above ** (alexander nifong)


P.S, if your against Christianity then skip the church part.... I respect if you don't believe in God, but I would appreciate if you don't say anything about it because that will only make me mad. Thanks.

don't forget to COMMENT VOTE , & SHARE!

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"I will fear no alarm.
And escape this unharmed.
Because I stand here knowing I'm never alone.
I just believe that I'll have what I say.
So I speak to my life and call forth a new day!

I shall live!
I shall live and not die.
I shall live and not die.
I shall live and not die.
I shall live live and not die.
I shall live."

The audience erupts into a standing ovation.

"Amen." Chase muttered next to Natalia as they clapped their hands.

"Let's close in a word of a prayer, bow your heads," Everyone bows their heads, closed their eyes, and intertwines their fingers together. "Lord Heavenly Father, thank you for another wonderful today of your prescence. We thank you for all you have done for us. We pray that you keep every family safe that are in this building and that you watch over us. Our Father, who are in Heaven, hallow be thy name, thy kingdom come, that will be done. On Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us of our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory. Forever and ever, in Jesus name; amen," As Pastor Aaron finished off the prayer, everybody began clapping. "Oh, and bless the food that has been prepared for us and bless the hands that have prepared it." Natalia and Chase stand up and make their way towards the cafeteria.

"Today was a good service, am I right?" Chase asked his daughter as he picked up a plate and a fork.

"Yeah. That woman sang beautifully, and Pastor Aaron gave a good message today." Natalia agreed as she also grabbed a plate.

After they got their food, they sat down at a table and said a quick prayer before eating.

"I still can't get over the food here," Natalia licked her lips and grinned. "It's so delicious! Like, their food should be famous."

Chase chuckled and nodded his head. They've been attending *ENTER FAMOUS CHURCH THAT'S IN NEW YORK HERE** for about 9 months, and so far they liked it. All the other church's been to weren't like the one they go to now.

Natalia's phone buzzed and she wiped her mouth before picking it out of her purse.

Hailee: 'YO DUDE! we need to work on our project today.... can i come over or nah?"

Natalia chuckled quietly at her bestfriend. She was so weird.

Natalia: Yeah, come to my apartment tho. After i drop dad off to his house im going back to my apartment. ill text you when i get there.. or do you want me to pick you up?

Hailee: ill drive to your house. its no problem. see you in like an hour. bye ugly!

Natalia: Bye -.- We're leaving church in about 10 minutes

Hailee: K

Natalia rolled her eyes and stood up with her plate in hand... then she bumped into somebody. Gosh darn it! She must be cursed.

"Sorr... Caden? I didn't know you went to this church! Let alone, I didn't even know you went to church at all." Natalia bent down to pick up her plate but he stopped her and picked up both his and hers.

"Sorry," His cheeks lit up in embarrassment and he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand; what practically every teenage boy does when they're embarrassed or nervous. He quickly threw the plates away then he walked back towards Natalia. "And I didn't know you went here either." He responded shyly.

"Are you..embarrassed?" Natalia burst out laughing. "That's cute. But I kind of have to go, Hailee's probably at my house already. I'll see you at school tomorrow." Natalia left without hearing Caden's response. He probably thought she was bi-polar.

Chase approached Natalia with his hands in his pockets. "Ready to take me home, sweetheart?" She nodded her head and they walked towards her car.


"How 'bout this one?" Hailee groaned in frustration. She was so anxious to get out of the store.

"No. It would be too hard to make a strand of DNA using fuzzy balls," Hailee looked at her with amusement and Natalia just smacked her arm. "Stop thinking dirty! We need to hurry up and start on this project before we end up procrastinating. I cannot afford a bad grade on this, this is like the easiest project we've had to do all year." Hailee poked her lips out folded her arms like a pouting child.

"Fine. How about this foamy-circle thing and this sticks? I have no idea what its called. Like different colors can represent Adenine, Guanine Thymine, & Cytosine. Maybe blue could represent Adenine, yellow could represent Guanine, green could represent Thymine and red could represent Cytosine. And you know, we just pair A and T together along with C and G. You get my point right?" Hailee asked. Natalia stood there in the the middle of the aisle with the most confused expression plastered on her facd. She was utterly speechless! Who knew Hailee could be so so smart?

"Dude... Who are you and what did you do with the Hailee Kate Davis?!" Hailee teased happily. Maybe the project wouldn't be so hard after all.

Hailee just chuckled in response. "C'mon girl, lets go buy these items and get started." Hailee said ecstatically. Natalia nodded her head and picked up the packet of fuzzy string (WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THOSE THINGS CALLED??!!?!! They are sold in Dollar Tree's and they're just fuzzy sticks that you can bend & twist, etc and they have a lot of colors...), a white poster board, and the foam circles.

After purchasing the items, the two drove home, eager to start on the easy project.

When Natalia unlocked the front door to her apartment, she immediately set the bags down on the counter and ran to the bathroom. She felt so relieved when she released her bladder. (LOL THAT SOUNDS SO WEIRD TO SAY)

She turned on the faucet after flushing the toilet and washed her hands with soap.

After washing and drying her hands, she walked into her bedroom and threw on some grey joggers along with a yellow Spongebob T-shirt. She lazily tied her hair into a ponytail then twisted it into a messy bun.

When she walked out of her room, Hailee was already starting on the project. There were markers strewn over the floor, a white poster board laying face-down, and the little fizzy sticks. The TV was playing the show Twisted, starring Avan Jogia. Natalia absolutely LOVED Avan Jogia; she was practically obsessed with him.

Hailee opened the cap of a black marker and wrote, "DNA REPLICA" across the top of the poster board.

"That looks boring. Let me add some color to it." Natalia sat down with her best friend and picked up a purple, red and pink. She added some designs on and around the words. After she felt satisfied with the way it looked, she smiled at herself and screwed the cap back on the marker.

"Okay," Natalia said, leaning back on her elbows. "Does that look good?" She asked Hailee.

"Yes. But we should probably start on the actual DNA thing first before working on the poster. How do you think we'll get it to stand up on it's own?" Hailee asked Natalia.

"Hmm," She picked up a foam circle and observed it. As if a light bulb appeared over her head, she grinned and stood up, disappearing into the kitchen. Hailee was completely cluless as to what she was doing in the kitchen... she was probably just getting some food. Food seems to make her think easier, but no, she didn't walk out with food; instead she walked out with a pair of white scissors.

"Please don't kill me. I'm too young." Hailee threw her hands up in surrender and Natalia laughed loudly then shook her head.

"Of course I won't kill you; we're just going to punch some holes onto the circle," Hailee was still confused. Natalia rolled her eyes at her as she sat down. She picked up the foam circle and dug the scissors into it. After finishing, there were two circles punched in the foam circle. Grabbing the packet of fuzzy sticks, she ripped it open and grabbed out two blacks. "Okay, so the black is going to just going to hold the two circles together," Natalia paused and pointed at the other foam circle. "Hand me the other circle." Hailee nodded and did as she was told, by handing her the other foam circle. "Now. The white stick will represent the Sugar and Phosphate. Those are the bases and they will practically hold the double helix. What I want you to do is cut 1/3 of every blue, yellow, red, & green stick. When you're done, hand them to me and we'll start building the ladder."

15 minutes of cutting and groaning later, Hailee was finished with the cutting. She pushed the sticks towards Natalia. While Hailee was cutting, Natalia was writing on the poster and making it look pretty. It read, 'Here below is a diagram of a double helix. The white represents Sugar and Phosphate.' Right below that sentence listed what the colors represented. She even drew a strand of DNA on the board even though they were making a 3D one.

"Okay, now that they're cut, we can start building the ladder." Hailee directed Natalia. The two built the ladder with no trouble. It was actually pretty easy. All they had to do was to tie blue and green together, and yellow and red together. After pairing the colors, all they did was tie them to the white-- AKA the Sugar and Phosphate.

20 minutes later, the two were finished with everything. They felt extremely satisfied.

"Oh Lord," Hailee exclaimed tiredly. "My hands hurt so bad. Can we go out and have fun now??" She whined playfully.

"Yes. Wanna invite someone?" Natalia responded eagerly. She got up and got a cold water from out of the fridge. After they finished, they cleaned up the living room and went in Natalia's bedroom.

"Sure. How about Benji? Maybe introduce him to that guy you were talking about. By the way, what's his name again?" She stole Natalia's water and gulped it down, causing her to scowl back at her.

"I'll call him. And his name is Eli." She picked up her phone and dialed Benjamin's number, and almost instantly he picked up. "Hey B!" Natalia greeted as he picked up.

"Hey Tal, what's up?" He asked politely. Natalia swung her feet over the bed and snatched her water back from Hailee.

"Nothin' much; just hangin' with Hailee. You wanna go to the fair with us? I heard its only $4 dollars for each person... They must've had a discount today or something." Natalia thought.

"Sure," Natalia was 95% sure that he was grinning at the moment. "Let me get ready!" Natalia smiled at his eagerness to go. He sounded adorable.

"Okay. We'll pick you up in 10 minutes." He said a quick goodbye then hung up.

"Now I gotta call Eli," She sighed and dialed her friend's number. "Hey Eli." She greeted.

"Hi." he sounded adorable as well because he was the shy type. Natalia and Eli met at her mother's wedding; which was like 15 years ago. She was only three when she met him. It's funny how they kept in contact after all those years, though.

"Hey. Wanna come to the fair with me? I have two people I'd like you to meet." Natalia grinned suspiciously at herself, eager that her plan was working.

He instantly agreed. After Natalia told Hailee that they both agreed to come, they got dressed.

"I look good in your clothes." Hailee admitted to herself. Natalia laughed and nodded her head at her best friend's comment. She was wearing a black tank top along with a red plaid flannel and black shorts, while Natalia was wearing the opposite; a white tank top and a blue plaid flannel with light blue shorts. Both were wearing black vans and both of their hair were pulled up into a perfect bun.

"I look good in my clothes, too." Natalia grinned at herself and pulled out her phone to take some pictures with her.

After they took silly pictures, they grabbed their purses and walked out of the apartment.

"My car or yours?" Natalia asked as she adjusted the strap of her purse that was draped across her shoulders.

"Yours. I dont feel like driving." Hailee grinned and Natalia rolled her eyes at her laziness. The two settled inside of the car and Natalia put her keys inside the ignition and the car roared to life.

After five minutes of driving, Natalia pulled up Benjamin's driveway. He was sitting on his porch looking at his phone and listening to something with his earbuds. Natalia assumed it was music because he was nodding his head up and down to the beat. He looked hot, they had to admit. He was wearing tight light blue jeans with holes and rips on them along with a white V-neck. His jeans were hanging dangerously low on his hips. (Almost showing his v-line; which almost every girl went crazy about.) His hair was the same though, brown and curly as usual.

His head jerked up to the sound of the horn on Natalia's steering wheel. He smiled sheepishly at the two when he walked towards the car.

"Hey guys!" He greeted as he stepped into the car and sat down. "You girls look beautiful today." He smiled, his dimples showing on his cheeks. Hailee turned around and gave him a side-hug. Natalia just waved since she couldn't hug him; she was obviously driving.

A few minutes later, they were at the fair. She parked the car and the trio stepped out. They all looked very stylish, Benjamin even pulled out some shades. Natalia felt that she was in a movie, because every eye were staring at them. Some boys even whistled at Natalia and Hailee. She felt bad for the girls who were ogling Benjamin; although he was bi, he actually preferred guys more.

Eventually, the stares stop and everyone went back to their lives. Natalia spotted Eli sitting on a stool near the food bar. The waitress was ogling him and he looked very uncomfortable; but Natalia came to the rescue. When he noticed her, his face lit up into a huge grin and he jumped off the stool and ran towards her.

"Eli!!" Natalia squealed happily. He practically jumped in her arms, nearly knocking her to the ground.

"Hi!" He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. "I haven't seen you in so long, dude! Who are these lovely looking people?" He smirked at Natalia as he pointed towards Hailee and Benjamin, who were just standjng there awkwardly. "These are the people I wanted you to meet... This is my best friend, Hailee. Hailee, meet Eli." Hailee smiled and awkwardly gave him a hug. "And this is..."

"Benjamin. But you can just call me B or Ben." Benjamin finished for her. Natalia was cheesing so hard right now; she felt so accomplished.

"Hi, Ben, I'm Eli." Eli shyly stepped forward and gave him a hug while Benjamin returned it.

"Have fun." Hailee excitedly whispered in Benjamin's ear before walking off with Natalia. As soon as they were out of sight, they squealed and jumped up and down redundantly.

"They were totally into each other!" Natalia proclaimed enthusiastically.

"Totally." Hailee agreed. Natalia grabbed her arm and pointed at a large Ferris Wheel that was spinning.

"Let's go on that!" She yelled eagerly.

"Oh boy." Hailee sighed.

HII GUYS! I hope you all really enjoyed this chapter . i feel like it was pretty good.

YAY! finally, Eli & Benjamin met.

who else was confused at all the science-y stuff? remember, im only in middle school lol. i dont know what college students have to for projects but i do know that their projects are SUPER HARD, nothing like building a strand of DNA.

so yeah, here are the questions for the chapter:

1. who likes science?

2. who thinks Eli & Benjamin will be a cute couple?

3. who else loves Alexander Nifong's hair? OHEMGEE. its beautiful!
(p.s. Alexander Nifong plays Benjamin ;))

dont forget to...



vomment ;D

love you all :)

~ jada ~

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